The Real Debate Is At The Kitchen Table

On Friday, The American Thinker posted an article about the real debate in this presidential election cycle–it wasn’t on television–it is at the kitchen table.

The article reports:

ABC staged a debate this week.  A presidential debate.  Ostensibly between former president Donald J. Trump and former senator Kamala Harris, but in actuality between Trump and the partnership of Harris and ABC.

There is always media bias.  To some extent, unconscious media bias is unavoidable.  But we don’t expect it to be blatant; the viewer doesn’t expect antics like we saw this week, when the ABC moderators repeatedly declared Mr. Trump’s statements lies, and never called out Ms. Harris’s blatant lies. 

We call it “fact-checking” today, a term coined in social media for when our high-tech overlords punish a writer for stating something with which the gurus disagree.  But it’s not really fact-checking, is it?  It’s an invasion of a conversation, a denial of free speech, a thumb on the scale.  In the case of a presidential debate, it’s electioneering.

And it virtually invalidates the value of our constitutionally protected free press in this process.  ABC’s refusal even to try to act as an impartial host rendered this debate useless.

So let’s look instead at the other debates — millions of them — going on in America, both that day and every day in 2024.

Across the country, there are millions of families shopping in their local grocery store.  More of them must choose the discount grocery compared to five years ago; more must use coupons, or activate their store’s discount app on their cell phones today.

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. When we vote on election day, we need to remember the impact the change of administration in 2020 has had on almost all Americans. Some of the ‘celebrities’ who are supporting Kamala Harris have not been impacted by the economic policies of the past three years–so until everything collapses, the economy is not a concern of theirs. However, the rest of us will be living with the results of the coming election.

The article concludes:

There are many more such debates taking place across America, in the family car, over the kitchen table, or in the bedroom after the kids are asleep, as hardworking everyday American couples try to compromise on some way to get through these hellish years of Bidenflation.

It’s not one mistake, one policy choice, one single culprit. It’s the entire Biden-Harris regime — their executive orders, their agency regulations, their foreign policy, and their general incredibly thoughtless wastefulness, in everything they touch and everything they do.

Every American knows that the election of Kamala Harris would mean four more years of all this.

These are the debates that matter to the American public this week.

These personal, private, tragic debates — as the cost of living has gone up by three, four, five times as much as salaries have — are the debates on the minds of American working families, and small business owners, and retirees, and young adults desperately trying to look ahead to a future that can’t possibly seem promising.

Forget the debate that ABC ruined on Tuesday.

These other conversations, these other tough choices and compromises — these are the debates to which we should be paying attention.

The Same Thing Happened At The Debate

Do you remember what happened at the debate when Kamala Harris was asked how she would make life more affordable for Americans? She told us about her middle-class upbringing. I have a problem with that concept–her father was a college professor and her mother was a biomedical scientist. That doesn’t sound very middle-class to me. I don’t begrudge anyone wealth, but it appears that Kamala is not being entirely truthful with that statement.

On Friday, The Daily Caller posted an article about an interview with Kamala Harris with the same question and a similar non-answer.

The article reports:

Vice President Kamala Harris was asked in a Friday interview with 6ABC Philadelphia’s Action News how she plans to make life more affordable but quickly diverted into a rambling discourse about her middle-class upbringing and lawns.

During the interview, anchor Brian Taff questioned Harris on her strategies to enhance affordability for Americans, but her response diverged into a recollection of her middle-class roots without offering specific policy details. Harris proceeded to recount her childhood, emphasizing the hard work of her mother and the aspirations of her community, focusing particularly on the symbolic importance of well-kept lawns.

“I’ll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard, she was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager. I grew up in a community of hardworking people, you know, construction workers and nurses and teachers,” Harris told Taff.

…Eventually, Harris mentioned in the interview the concept of an “opportunity economy” aimed at facilitating small business startups, but without delving into the mechanisms or strategies to achieve this goal.

Kamala Harris has worked in government her whole life. She has never run a business and as an adult has only worked in government jobs at various levels. She is not delving into the mechanisms or the strategies because she does not know what they will be. It’s time to throw the politicians out and elect a few businessmen to clean up the mess in Washington!

Waking Up

On Friday, The New York Post posted an opinion piece by California Democrat Gloria Romero who has walked away from the Democrat party.

The opinion piece states:

I walked away from the Democratic Party and joined the Republicans.

I will vote for Donald Trump for president.

I’ve been a true-blue Democrat, a former California state senator who chaired its Senate Democratic Caucus and served as Senate Majority Leader.

I was a Democratic National Convention delegate for Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama, and state co-chair for President Obama’s re-election.

But I’ve said goodbye, adios, I’ve had enough.  

This is not the Democratic Party I once championed. I don’t recognize it anymore.

The so-called “party of democracy” eradicated 14 million votes, including mine, to install Vice President Kamala Harris as its nominee.  

Just for the record, the reason those 14 million votes were eradicated was that the party had been totally dishonest about the mental state of the candidate for the past three years. They didn’t eradicate the votes as much as they refused to give the voters a choice.

The piece continues:

Like a banana republic, the dedazo was used by political elites to tap the candidate they chose.  Essentially, they executed a political coup. 

As California’s attorney general, Harris was unimpressive.

She made an intentional choice to hitch herself to the powerful teachers’ union and was clearly being coddled by a power elite that was even then shaping her political future.

Her manipulated rise is in line with the Democratic Party’s giant leap toward authoritarianism and censorship.  

President Ronald Reagan warned that if fascism comes to America it will come as liberalism, and he was right: I have witnessed individual freedoms being trapped, silenced, censored. 

The piece concludes:

I watched the Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel with horror. 

The Democratic Party has forsaken our ally to placate the pro-Hamas wing and win a swing state.  

I have seen the best of America: a nation that went to the moon and beyond. 

But our American landing has become like quicksand under a Democratic Party that is sinking the hopes and lives of Americans.

So I finally walked away. I stayed for as long as I could: I tried reforms, I spoke out, I voted. 

Today, I turn toward the future — an America that still shines, despite inequities that need change; a blessed land of opportunity — and join the party of the greatest American, Abraham Lincoln. 

The challenges of rebuilding our republic will take all of us.

I join the Republican Party to make America great again.

I am free at last.

We CAN rebuild our republic, but we won’t be able to if Kamala Harris is elected.

President Biden and Vice-President Harris visited a firehouse near the site of the crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Their visit was followed by a visit from President Trump. It is very obvious who the personnel at the firehouse support. The video posted at X tells the story.

What Global Warming Is Really About

On Friday, Issues & Insights posted an article about global warming. The article includes a number of statements by people who claim to be alarmed at global warming that might cause you to question their motives.

The article reports those statements:

  • Christiana Figueres, one-time executive secretary of United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the climate activists’ agenda is not to protect the environment but to break capitalism. The task ahead, she said in 2015, is “to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
  • The late Rajenda Pachauri was the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Chairman until 2015. He openly conceded “the protection of planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems” was “more than a mission” to him. It was his “religion” and “dharma.”
  • Activist and influential author Naomi Klein once wondered if the fearmongering was “the best chance we’re ever going to get to build a better world?” The world must “change, or be changed,” she says, because an “economic system” — our free and open markets — has caused environmental “wreckage.”
  • Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said almost five years ago that Miami will not exist “in a few years” due to the effects of global warming. She of course had a plan, not to deal with the changes, but to pass Democratic Party policies. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all,” former Ocasio-Cortez chief of staff Saikat Chakrabarti said, according to the Washington Post Magazine. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti asked an aide to Washington Gov. Jay Inslee while the pair met at a Washington, D.C. coffee shop in May. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

The free market will always provide a cleaner environment than government regulation. It should also be noted that many of those complaining about the carbon footprint of our cars are flying around the world in private jets. If they truly believed climate change was an existential crisis, would they be doing that?



At Least They Admitted That They Were Wrong

There were a lot of problems with the fact-checking at the Trump/Harris debate. One problem was that all of the fact-checking was done on President Trump and there was no fact-checking on Kamala Harris. Some of the fact-checkers got it wrong. That is starting to come out.

On Thursday, Fox News reported that Time Magazine had corrected one of its fact-checks.

Fox News reports:

Time magazine was forced to correct its coverage of the ABC News Presidential Debate after implying former President Trump’s statement that Vice President Kamala Harris supported free gender-transition treatment for detained migrants was “false.”

During the debate on Tuesday night, Trump remarked on Harris’ old position as one of many left-wing issues she appeared to have walked back on since running for president.

“Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison,” Trump said.

Though Harris pledged she would support taxpayer-funded gender care for detained migrants in an ACLU candidate questionnaire during her first presidential campaign, Time first reported the statement as “false.”

The article notes:

CNN brought Harris’ position back into the spotlight Monday night after senior editor Andrew Kaczynski reported to host Erin Burnett about the recently uncovered 2019 ACLU candidate questionnaire featuring Harris’ policy position.

“It is important that transgender individuals who rely on the state for care receive the treatment they need, which includes access to treatment associated with gender transition. That’s why, as Attorney General, I pushed the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide gender transition surgery to state inmates,” Harris pledged.

Time Magazine has admitted it was wrong. Will any other mainstream media follow suit?

The Link Between Hamas And The United Nations

On Thursday, PJ Media reported the following:

The United Nations frenziedly condemned a new Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strike as one of Israel’s “dramatic violations of international humanitarian law.” The problem is that the UN workers killed were also Hamas terrorists.

The UN and many other organizations and governments love to emphasize that the IDF strikes schools and “aid workers.” What they are not telling you is that Hamas jihadis have long used schools and other “civilian” buildings in Gaza as terrorist bases and that the “aid workers” almost always turn out to be active terrorists. That appears to be the case once again with the IDF strike this week, where at least three UNRWA “workers” killed were Hamas jihadis.

UNRWA is absolutely infested with Hamas operatives, according to international human rights lawyer Hillel Neuer. As JihadWatch has noted, terrorists specifically place military targets in humanitarian zones so that, if IDF strikes, they can immediately condemn Israel. So whenever the UN starts wailing that the IDF causelessly killed their humanitarian workers while they were operating a school or shelter, always fact-check that claim. It will almost certainly turn out to be false.

According to the state of Israel, which is a more reliable source on these topics than is the Hamas-loving UN, so far the confirmed casualties in the precision strike are terrorists — including at least three UNRWA “workers.”

As long as Hamas is using human shields, there will be ‘civilian’ casualties. However, a lot of these ‘civilians’ support Hamas. Private homes have tunnel entrances; Hamas members work for so-called humanitarian organizations to bring ‘aid’ into Gaza. It doesn’t seem to matter to those providing the aid that the money and supplies are used to strengthen Hamas and build more tunnels.

The United Nations began with a dream of world peace. Instead of working toward that dream, they have become a hotbed of corruption and and a supporter of terrorists and terrorism. It’s time to kick the United Nations out of New York City and turn their building into luxury apartments!

The Consequences Of Unlimited Immigration

On Thursday, Front Page Magazine posted an article about recent events in France.

The article reports:

Muslims have been threatening boulangeries and restaurants in France, even those owned by non-Muslims, to become strictly halal. That means all pork products must be banned. Some outlets have had to ban alcohol, while others have declared that only men should shop in their stores during the week, and women only on weekends. More on this phenomenon of “creeping sharia” can be found here: “Sharia is taking over France,” by Giulio Meotti, Arutz Sheva, August 26, 2024:

In France, sharia is taking over and the bienpensants don’t care.

After months of pressure and the latest altercation in his bakery in Vénissieux (Lyon), Alexandre Dallery announced on Friday that the boulangerie would stop selling pork products.

The article also notes:

In Bordeaux, the Afghan was enforcing the Muslim prohibition on alcohol by stabbing two people, killing one of them, for the crime of drinking alcohol, and still worse, doing so at the end of Ramadan, on Eid al-Fitr. Were the victims Muslims or non-Muslims? It hardly matters. The rules of Islam were being enforced through murderous violence.

Thirteen-year-old Samara is beaten outside the Arthur Rimbaud middle school in Montpellier. “Samara wears a little makeup – declared the girl’s mother, Hassiba Radjoul – And this little girl who attacked her has her veil. They called her kouffar (unbeliever.) My daughter dresses in European style. There were insults, kahba (bitch).”

There is a plan to bring sharia law to America. It is found in “An Explanatory Memorandum” from the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.

We are not immune.

Pot, Meet Kettle

On Thursday, WND reported the following:

One of the biggest political election influence operations ever, determined by a survey to probably have handed Joe Biden the White House in 2020, was schemed by the Department of Justice’s FBI. The CIA helped, as did a long list of ex-intel operatives for America. And the media.

That was when the Biden family scandals were revealed during the 2020 election race in a computer Hunter Biden abandoned at a repair shop.

The FBI – falsely – told media corporations it was Russian disinformation and they should suppress it. Those intel bureaucrats said the same. And the CIA assisted.

And today, the DOJ has a long list of cases pending against President Donald Trump that have been assembled by Democrat politicians, some of whom actually campaigned for public office on the claims they would “get” Trump.

But Joe Biden’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, now has gone on the record stating DOJ employees “do not bend to politics” and they “will not break under pressure.”

The article includes the following screenshot:

I wonder if the Department of Justice is worried that President Trump might be re-elected? The prosecution of certain people in the Justice Department would not be political–it would be justified and necessary.

Something The Moderators Overlooked

During Tuesday’s Presidential debate, the moderators were very quick to fact-check President Trump and did not seem to fact-check Vice-President Harris. One area where the moderators fact-checked President Trump was in the area of late-term abortions and the babies that survived those abortion attempts.

On Tuesday, Just the News posted an article about that issue.

The article reports:

One of the ABC News debate moderators on Tuesday fact-checked former President Donald Trump on babies who survive botched abortions, saying that they aren’t killed. But Minnesota records show eight babies in recent years have in fact survived botched procedures but then died after being denied life-saving care.

Trump said that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’s “vice presidential pick says abortion in the ninth month is absolutely fine. He also says execution after birth — it’s execution, no longer abortion, because the baby is born is okay, and that’s not okay with me.”

ABC News’ Linsey Davis pushed back on Trump’s statement, saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”

However, in Walz’s state and on his watch, five infants were “born alive” in 2021 during failed abortions, and none was provided life-saving care though two got “comfort care,” the Minnesota Department of Health reported on July 1, 2022.

The article concludes:

Minnesota was the rare state to require such born-alive abortions to be publicly reported, creating a powerful statistic for pro-life and anti-abortion forces to draw upon.

But in 2023, Walz worked with his new Democrat-controlled Legislature to eliminate both the reporting requirement and the state’s legal obligation for doctors, nurses and medical professionals to administer life-saving care to infants born alive during an abortion procedure.

That is barbaric.


About Those Geese

The influx of illegal aliens through America’s open southern border has made every state a border state. It has been a serious problem for some small communities that have been overrun by illegal immigrants. One such town is Springfield, Ohio, a town of 60,000 people that has had 20,000 illegal aliens move in. On Tuesday, The Federalist posted an article about one consequence of this invasion of people who do not share the same culture as the town they have moved into.

The article reports:

A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago.

“I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call.

According to a police report reviewed by The Federalist, the call was placed on Aug. 26, before the Columbus suburb located roughly 50 miles from the state capital became nationally known this week for epitomizing the nation’s migrant crisis. The caller told the dispatcher he saw four migrants in total, two men and two women, each carrying a single goose.

There have also been stories from towns where household pets are being slaughtered and eaten. Some of these stories are questionable, but some have been documented. Is this how we want to live in America? Is it time to send some of these people home?

Needless Deaths From Covid

When the original Covid virus came to America, experts stated that the elderly and those with preexisting conditions would be the most vulnerable. That was probably their only truthful statement during the entire epidemic. One of the things that happened in some states, New York being one of them, is that elderly people with Covid were sent back to nursing homes while they were still contagious. This defies common sense. This significantly increased the death toll in some states. One group investigating the mistakes that were made during the pandemic is the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. On Monday, The New York Post posted an article on some of the findings of that Committee.

The article reports:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo allegedly himself “edited” a state report that deflated New York’s COVID-19 death toll in nursing homes — which his top aides pressured health officials into releasing, despite knowing the issue would turn into a “great debacle,” according to the stunning results of an investigation by a US House committee.

Cuomo’s office “absolutely” signed off on the disastrous directive early in the pandemic forcing coronavirus patients back into nursing homes — leading to as many as 9,000 excess COVID deaths — the final congressional report and witness testimonies exclusively obtained by The Post show.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic conducted the probe and majority staff released the findings ahead of a public hearing with the 66-year-old ex-governor on Tuesday.

The investigators accused Cuomo in a memo Monday of making “demonstrably false” statements as part of a “cover-up,” citing conflicting testimony from his top aides.

“This is going to be the great debacle in the history books,” wrote Cuomo aide Stephanie Benton in a June 7, 2020, email about the nursing home death count. “Don’t u [sic] see how bad this is? Or do we admit error and give up?”

The article concludes:

Other language in the state report was constantly being edited by Cuomo through one of his top aides. More quotes from the White House were worked in strategically, giving the impression that Cuomo was helpless in the face of the bureaucracy and was simply “following the lead” set by Washington. These were not minor corrections. This was, as Cuomo’s own aides put it, a coverup, plain and simple. Some might readily identify it as fraud. Sadly, it’s probably too late at this point to restore any sort of justice to the families who lost their elderly loved ones in this fashion. Andrew Cuomo appears to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He’s been caught engaging in all manner of shady dealings, but he always seems to skate away at the last moment by the skin of his teeth.

There were other resources available for Governor Cuomo to place the elderly who were recovering from Covid–Samaritan’s Purse had set up a field hospital in Central Park, and there was a hospital ship docked in the city. I am not sure whether the Governor used either facility. People died because of incompetency or a lack of common sense on the part of the Governor.

Random Thoughts On September 11, 2001

We all remember where we were when we got the news of the attack on the World Trade Center. I was living in Massachusetts at the time and working an early morning job. I got home just before 9 am and turned on the television set. Shortly thereafter I saw a picture of an airplane in the side of a building. My first thought was that I was seeing a special effect from some new action movie. Then, as I listened to what was being said, reality set in. Then, as I watched, a second airplane struck the South Tower. I watched in shock until I had to leave for a doctor’s appointment. While I was in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, the towers fell. Because some of my immediate family and a lot of my extended family lived or worked in New York City at the time, the shock of what I had seen was soon replaced with concern for their safety. In my morning travels, I then heard about the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania. The next day I learned that the daughter of one of my co-workers worked in the South Tower and had not been heard from. The fate of Susan Blair, 35, was unknown until she was listed as a casualty after about two weeks.

The events of September 11 were a rude awakening for Americans. What had we done to precipitate an attack on American civilians? Why were some people in New York City neighborhoods celebrating the attack? After the attack, we heard the name Al Qaeda. We even heard the name Muslim Brotherhood. The attack of September 11 was an act of kinetic jihad by Al Qaeda. The Muslim Brotherhood was not happy about the attack–they engage in stealth jihad or cultural jihad.

America slowly stood back up after the attacks. We can never replace the people we lost that day, but we can move forward as a tribute to them.

This is a day for unity in remembering that we need to work together to survive as a country.

Let’s work hard to eliminate the forces that committed the barbaric acts of September 11, 2001.

The Real Economic Numbers

On Tuesday, Breitbart posted a cheat sheet for anyone watching the debate who might wonder about the economic information cited. The cheat sheet came in very handy, as much of what Vice-President Harris cited in terms of economic numbers was pure fiction.

Here are the numbers on the Trump economy and the Biden economy:

  • Peak Inflation for Trump: 2.85%
  • Peak Inflation for Biden-Harris: 8.98%
  • Peak annualized inflation for Trump: 6.3% in September 2017
  • Peak annualized inflation for Biden-harris: 16.05% in June 2022
  • Cumulative Trump Inflation: 5.9%
  • Cumulative Biden-Harris Inflation: 19%
  • Cumulative Trump grocery inflation: 6%
  • Cumulative Biden-Harris grocery inflation: 20.9%
  • Rent increase under Trump: 12.5%
  • Rent increase under Biden-Harris: 22.1%
  • Months of PCE inflation above two percent under Trump: 5
  • Months of PCE inflation above two percent under Biden-Harris: 40
  • Manufacturing Jobs Added under Trump: 414,500
  • Manufacturing Jobs Added under Biden-Harris: 138,000
  • Growth of Manufacturing Jobs under Trump: 3.5%
  • Growth of Manufacturing Jobs Under Biden-Harris: 1.07%
  • Trump employment growth: 6.5 million
  • Percent Trump employment growth: 4.3%
  • Biden-Harris employment growth: 2.6 million
  • Percent Biden-Harris employment growth: 1.7%
  • Trump wage gain: 6.46%
  • Biden-Harris wage gain: 5.17%
  • Trump wage gain: 6.54%
  • Biden-Harris wage gain: 0.00%
  • Foreign born population growth under Trump: 2.2%
  • Foreign born population growth under Biden-Harris: 12.6%
  • Foreign-born employment growth under Trump: 7.5%.
  • Foreign-born employment growth under Biden-Harris: 14.2%.
  • Foreign-born workers as a percentage of all U.S. workers under Trump: 17.4%
  • Foreign-born workers as a percentage of all U.S. workers under Biden-Harris: 19.6%
  • Trump average budget deficit 2018-2019: $809 billion
  • Biden-Harris average budget deficit 2022-2023: $1.5 trillion
  • Trump budget deficit as share of GDP in 2018: 3.8%
  • Trump budget deficit as share of GDP in 2019: 4.6%
  • Biden-Harris budget deficit as share of GDP in 2022: 5.3%
  • Biden-Harris budget deficit as share of GDP in 2023: 6.2%
  • Average economic growth in first three years of Trump administration: 2.7%
  • Average economic growth in first three years of Biden-Harris administration: 3.4%
  • Average economic growth under Biden-Harris excluding 2021 pandemic rebound: 2.2%
  • Average return of S&P 500 in first three years of Trump administration: 16.3%
  • Average return of S&P 500 in first three years of Biden-Harris administration: 12.3%
  • Peak 30-year mortgage interest rate under Trump: 4.94%
  • Peak 30-year mortgage interest rate under Biden-Harris: 7.76%

If Vice-President Harris truly cared for the financial well being of American families, she would tell them to vote for President Trump!

The Lies Kept On Coming

I watched the Trump/Harris debate last night. I watched Kamala Harris dismiss comments by President Trump as lies and the moderators fact-check President Trump. Somehow the moderators never fact-checked Kamala Harris. As she accused President Trump of lying, Vice-President Harris told 21 unfact-checked lies that were cited in an article at Breitbart.

This is the list:

1. “Very fine people” hoax

2. Project 2025 hoax

3. False claims on Trump trade deficit

4. Putin can “do whatever the hell he wants”

5. “Dictator on day one” hoax

6. Blaming botched Afghanistan withdrawal on Trump

7. Putin “would be sitting in Kyiv”

8. “Bloodbath” hoax

9. Abortion “monitor” hoax

10. Rental property hoax

11. Central Park Five “execution” hoax

12. “Suckers and losers” hoax

13. False fracking claims

14. False oil production claims

15. National Sales Tax

16. Distorting unemployment figures

17. “I was raised middle-class”

18. “Terminating” the Constitution

19. “Sold us out” to China

20. “Not one” troop in any war zone

21. Taking guns away

Please follow the link to the article for further details.

The relevant question to voters is simply, “Do you really want four more years of what we have now?”


More Fiction From The Harris/Walz Campaign

On Monday, Breitbart reported that Kamala Harris has finally put up a policy page on her campaign website. The page includes a number of policy plans.

One idea is to cut taxes for the middle class. Does she not realize that as soon as the Trump tax cuts expire, taxes on the middle class will increase? She states on her policy page that she intends to roll back the Trump tax cuts in order to increase taxes on the rich.

Another idea is to make rent more affordable and home ownership more attainable. Part of this plan includes up to $25,000 for first-time home buyers. Where will that money come from? How will adding $25,000 as a down payment for first-time home owners impact the price of housing (spoiler alert: it will increase the prices a minimum of $25,000 and create a housing shortage).

The article reports:

The policies most notably feature sections that compare and contrast Kamala’s position with that of “Project 2025,” which the Democrats have been trying to pin on former President Donald Trump for weeks now. The “Ensure Safety and Justice for All” section gets particularly spicy.

“Donald Trump is a convicted criminal who only cares about himself. He’s proven that time and time again – from caving to the gun lobby and doing nothing to address gun violence to killing the bipartisan border security deal that would secure our border and keep America safe, just to help himself politically,” the section says.

Just for the record, the bipartisan border security deal was neither bipartisan nor a border security deal. It was worked out in secrecy between some rino Republicans and the Democrats and would simply have insured a new supply of Democrat voters in future elections.

The article concludes:

On Israel, the campaign says that Kamala Harris will defend the Jewish state’s right to exist and will work to end the war in Gaza.

“Vice President Harris will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and she will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. She and President Biden are working to end the war in Gaza, such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom, and self-determination,” it says.

If you believe that, there is nothing more I can say to you.


The Role Of President Trump In Revealing The Problems Within The Republican Party

On Monday, Mark Steyn posted an article about the unity in the Democrat party and the lack of unity in the Republican party. He explains that actually the lack of unity among Republicans is a good thing because it exposes the uni-party.

The article reports:

~~The Democrat convention featured a full set of the party’s presidents, save for Jimmy Carter, who turns one hundred next month. But, otherwise, there were present not only both Obamas but both Clintons, and even both Bidens, even though almost every one in that sextet loathes the other five, and certainly all six despise Kamala. But they’re Democrats first, so they suck it up.

How’s it going over on the Republican side? Well, former president George W Bush has announced he won’t be endorsing anyone in this election. On the other hand, over two hundred Bush, McCain and Romney staffers have declared they’re voting for Kamala. I’m not sure I’ve heard of any of them, but, as you know, the McCain and Romney campaigns remain bywords for hugely successful political operations, so no doubt many of those hundreds of staffers helped craft what are widely acknowledged to be two of the most impressive concession speeches in American history.

The article also notes:

So Trump has performed a great service in driving the likes of Cheney to vote Kamala. The feeble charade of TweedleDem vs TweedleRep is designed to obscure the central fact of end-stage western “democracy” – that, on anything that really matters, nothing can be permitted to change. Thus, having Dick Cheney and Ilhan Omar formally on the same team is very helpful. Trump has driven the “respectable” political class to make the Uniparty literal, and its consolidation has freed up space for an actual second party. (On his recent podcast, my former National Review colleague John Derbyshire has more on this.)

For most of this century, while the “right” shrivelled conservatism to unwon wars, globalist economics and cultural surrender, the voters kept telling the political class they would like a wider choice on Election Day. Hence, eventually, even in the frozen American system, the coming of Trumpism. Whatever happens after November, there are no takers among the GOP base for a return to Bush-Cheney “conservatism”.

The article concludes:

Be that as it may, it quickly became clear – not least through multiple lies and obfuscations in Congressional testimony – that the Secret Service and other elements in the federal government created the conditions that permitted that bullet to hit a former president in the head (and kill an American citizen). And that’s putting it at its mildest: even after the shooting was underway, it was a local copper – not the feds – who was the first to fire back and hit the alleged perp.

Consider the implications of that, especially if you’re the family of Corey Comperatore. That’s a far “greater threat to our republic” than the man those corrupted alphabet agencies failed to protect. Cheney is contemptible.

We are at a crossroads. We can align with those who desire a uni-party rule where changing presidents really doesn’t matter or we can align with a system where changing presidents can actually make a difference.


When Your Business Is Ruined By Illegal Immigrants

On Monday, Townhall posted an article updating the situation regarding the apartments taken over by the Venezuelan gang in Aurora, Colorado. It’s not a pretty picture.

The article reports:

A Colorado landlord has agreed to sell an apartment complex because it was taken over by the violent Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua. 

According to the New York Post, landlord Zev Baumgarten had been fighting with Aurora, Colorado leadership after the city accused him of allowing Aspen Grove apartments to become a “trash-ridden, gang-infested hellhole.”

…Now, Baumgarten’s company has now agreed to sell, lease, or find some “similar disposition” for the complex. The complex was closed in August, reportedly displacing 300 residents. His company must pay to clean up the site (via NYP):

The article concludes:

Townhall previously reported how the gang had taken over apartment complexes in Aurora, terrorizing the residents.

Despite this, Democrat Gov. Jared Polis called the anger and fear that’s arisen from this situation “imagination.”

Polis’ press office offered the “snarky” statement in response to the New York Post’s reporting on the issue. 

“The Governor has already let the Mayor know that the State is ready to support the local police department with assistance from state troopers and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation if needed,” Shelby Wieman, a spokesperson for the Democratic governor, told The Post.

“But, according to police intelligence this purported invasion is largely a feature of Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination,” Wieman added. Jurinsky is a member of the Aurora City Council and has sounded the alarm on the illegal immigration crisis impacting the community. 

Why are we expecting people who broke the law to come into America to respect the laws of our country once they get here?

The Campaign Lies Continue

On Sunday, Breitbart reported the following:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) announced it flew banners over college football games in an attempt to tie former President Donald Trump and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) to Project 2025.

In a press release on Saturday, the DNC announced banners with messages that read, “JD Vance <3 Ohio State + Project 2025,” and “Penn St: Beat Trump, Sack Project 2025,” had been flown over football games at the University of Michigan and Pennsylvania State University.

President Trump has said repeatedly that he is not connected with Project 2025. President Trump has listed his proposed policies at his Agenda 47 Website.

This is Agenda 47:

#1. Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.

#2. Carry out the largest deportation operation in American history.

#3. End inflation and make America affordable again.

#4. Make America the worlds’ largest energy producer by far.

#5. Stop outsourcing and turn the USA into a manufacturing Superpower.

#6. Large tax cuts for workers, and no tax on tips!

#7. Defend our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to keep and bear arms.

#8. Prevent World War Three, restore peace in Europe and in the Middle East, and build a great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country—all made in America.

#9. End the weaponization of government against the American people.

#10. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish the foreign drug cartels, crush gang violence, and lock up violent offenders.

#11. Rebuild our cities, including Washington, D.C., making them safe, clean, and beautiful again.

#12. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the world.

#13. Keep the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

#14. Fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age.

#15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and cut costly and burdensome regulations.

#16. Cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, radical gender ideology, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.

#17. Keep men out of women’s sports.

#18. Deport pro-Hamas radicals and make our college campuses safe and patriotic again.

#19. Secure our elections, including same day voting, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship.

#20. Unite our country by bringing it to new and record levels of success.

It is a common sense approach to bringing sanity back into government. The use of Project 2025 by the Democrats is disingenuous–they know they are lying.

A New Venture For Big Brother

On Sunday, PJ Media reported that the California legislature has passed a bill that will require all cars built after 2030 to give a beep when the driver exceeds the speed limit by 10 MPH. Speeding would not only be considered a violation of the law–it would be considered a crime. Considering all of the things that are not crimes in California, this is an amazing law. (Shoplifting is defined under California’s penal code as “entering a commercial establishment with intent to commit larceny while that establishment is open during regular business hours, where the value of the property that is taken or intended to be taken does not exceed $950.” It is considered a misdemeanor and carries a possible penalty of up to six months in jail or a fine of up to $1,000.) And the state wants to make speeding a crime?

The article reports:

As introduced, Weiner’s bill would have made “every passenger vehicle, motortruck, and bus manufactured or sold in the state” of the 2027 model year and beyond unable to drive more than 10 miles per hour above the limit. 

Ultimately, Wiener relented and amended the bill in April. Given that modern seatbelt alarms require “repetitive, successive, or ongoing warnings each time a vehicle exceeds the speed threshold,” Californian drivers have reason to be grateful that such alarms are merely not precluded in the current bill. They also have reason to regard the bill as superfluous.

The most popular phone-based navigation apps, Google Maps, (Apple) Maps, and Waze include visual and auditory signals when drivers go over the speed limit whatsoever. Still, speed signals are optional on these apps, and not everybody is as dependent on Google Maps and CarPlay.

My car has a 6-CD player and a Garmin. I have no idea what these other things are. If this bill is passed in California, it will eventually be passed in other places. This is one more reason to ad to my list of never buying a new car!



Economic Vulnerability

Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D

A strong economy is essential to the security of any nation. Not only to provide a reasonable standard of living for its citizens, but as protection from external adversaries. This was never more evident than in World War II when American industrial might saved the world from fascist tyranny.  As the “Arsenal of Democracy,” America provided the military equipment and weapons without which Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan would have succeeded in their wars of conquest. This was made possible, in large part, by the conversion of existing factories producing consumer goods to producing military hardware. Unfortunately, the American economy does not have the dominant manufacturing capabilities that we once had.

Let’s look at manufacturing in America today. It is difficult to find any manufactured product nowadays that is not labeled “Made in China.” In 1980, 22% of jobs in the U.S. were in manufacturing; now that percentage is 8%. Just this past July, 24,000 manufacturing jobs were lost. In addition, many factories are owned by foreign entities. The recent approval by the Biden/Harris administration to allow the purchase of U.S. Steel by a Japanese company is a perfect example of what has been occurring. Not only has this been occurring in the manufacturing sector, but with pharmaceuticals as well. Many Americans were shocked during the COVID crisis to find out that most of our essential medications are manufacture overseas. A disruption in the supply chain signaled what could happen if a global conflict occurred.

Recently, we have begun to rely on imports of essential food products. A recent article in the Epoch Times reported that thousands of U.S. cattle raising operations have gone out of business. This appears to be due to increasing imports of beef from Mexico and South America as well as the burden of green energy demands imposed on U.S. farmers. In addition, China has been greatly expanding its commercial fishing fleet. Like many things done by China, they are violating international restrictions. China was described as the world’s “biggest perpetrator of illegal fishing.” Not only does China have over 3,000 commercial fishing vessels deployed worldwide, but they pay poor countries to allow them to fly those countries flags so they can fish in their local waters. They are putting our fishing sector out of business and destroying fish stocks.

It should concern every American that our economy can no longer support our needs. Former President Trump recently announced his intention to reverse this dependency on foreign countries. One way is to give tax incentives to American corporations to return production to this county and cancel the green new deal. So far, no comments from the Harris campaign on this critical issue.

It Really Isn’t Your Father’s Democrat Party

On Saturday, The Daily Caller reported that Alan Dershowitz has announced that he is leaving the Democrat party.

The article reports:

Prominent attorney Alan Dershowitz announced he is leaving the Democratic Party during an interview on “Talkline” with Zev Brenner Aug. 23, attributing his decision to the presence of what he describes as “anti-Jewish” lawmakers within the party and his dissatisfaction with the recent Democratic National Convention (DNC).

Dershowitz pointed to the DNC‘s decision to provide a platform for anti-Israel speakers and cited anti-Israel protesters present outside the event. “It was the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist convention I’ve experienced,” Dershowitz said, during the interview. “I was disgusted at the Democratic National Convention. Absolutely disgusted.”

The article concludes:

Dershowitz went on to name several Democratic figures he believes are anti-Israel, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Rev. Al Sharpton. He also cited anti-Israel protesters at the DNC who called for the destruction of Israel, stating, “That’s not my party.”

Alan Dershowitz is not becoming a Republican–he is registering as an independent and has stated that he has not yet decided who he will vote for in November. He stated that he wanted to see how the candidates will deal with Iran. I think that’s pretty clear already, but I suppose he has to think about it for a while.

Confirming What We Already Knew

On Saturday, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air posted an article about some recent Hamas documents captured by Israel in the war against Hamas.

The article reports.

German magazine Bild reports on a Hamas strategy document captured in Gaza that comes from the poisoned pen and mind of Yahya Sinwar himself. The document, if authentic, lays out the full hostaging strategy Hamas planned to employ in this war. It will come as no surprise to anyone at this point — outside the White House, anyway — that Sinwar has no interest in cease-fires or a two-state solution.

His real interests? Psychological torture and the annihilation of Israel, with his own survival somewhere in between. This comes from a Google translation of the original German:

Now a previously unknown document from Hamas’ military intelligence service shows how the terrorists are manipulating the international community, torturing the hostage families and seeking to rearm. And also that they are just as indifferent to a quick end to the war as they are to the suffering of Palestinian civilians.

▶︎ The document in which Hamas sets out its negotiating strategy was found on a computer that is said to belong to the terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar (61). He is said to have personally approved the content. The letter dates from spring 2024 and is available exclusively to BILD. … 

What is particularly perfidious is that Hamas is abusing the kidnapped hostages to improve its negotiating position. The document states frankly:

“Continue to exert psychological pressure on the families of the prisoners, both now and during the first phase (of the ceasefire, ed.) , so that public pressure on the enemy government increases.”

The recent protests in Israel illustrate the possible success of Sinwar’s plan. Unless the country unites behind Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is quite possible that the war will drag on unnecessarily and significantly weaken Israel. Obviously that is what Sinwar wants. Unfortunately,  America, knowingly or unknowingly, has helped Sinwar in this effort.

A change in personnel in Washington is the solution to the unrest in the Middle East. America needs to elect a President and a Congress that will support Israel in its battle against the forces of terrorism. The Biden administration’s desire to make a deal with Iran has destabilized the Middle East and undone the work of the Abraham Accords. If Americans want peace in the Middle East, they need to consider the move toward war in the Biden administration versus the move toward peace in the Trump administration.