posted an article yesterday about the arrest of eleven Russian spies in the United States. The tendency is make light of the fact that there were Russian sleeper cells among us because we seemingly have good relations with Russia and President Obama has pressed the ‘reset’ button. Well, not so fast.
The article points out that:
“…Maintaining these sleeper networks was an act of an enemy. Had there been an incident between the U.S. and Russia, they could have been activated for more nefarious tasks than what they were caught doing.
“They’ve also picked up the tempo in the last three years “
President Obama has been in office for more than a year. Has the ‘reset’ button worked? Reuters is reporting that the number of Russian spies in Britain is ‘at Cold War levels’ and reportedly involves half of the Russian Embassy staff.
The article further points out:
“Russia is the same country that votes against the U.S. on Iran, not out of contradictory interests, but to check the U.S. global leadership. It’s the nation that brutally invaded Georgia in 2007, without consequence. It has poisoned dissidents in London and gotten away with that, too, as well as cut off gas to a freezing Western Europe. And it’s now fomenting unrest on Kyrgyzstan in a bid to undermine the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan.”
One of the major problems with the Obama Administration is that they do not seem to be able to tell the difference between our friends and our enemies. Hopefully, they will learn to tell friend from foe before it is too late for America.