Laying Another Land Mine For The Trump Administration

I wasn’t aware that the peaceful transition of power included laying land mines for the incoming administration, but apparently in the mind of President Biden, it does.

On Friday, Red State reported the following:

The press for years tried to sell you on the narrative that Joe Biden is a decent, genial, value-driven guy, but so many of his actions have proven otherwise. Since Donald Trump officially became the president-elect in November, the lame-duck commander-in-chief has been waxing poetic about a smooth transition, but almost every official act he takes is designed to kneecap Trump’s stated agenda—you know, the one the American people overwhelming chose over the Biden-Harris failed vision.

His latest move: extending temporary humanitarian protections for about 230,000 Salvadorans and 600,000 Venezuelans living in this country. It’s unclear how many of them are here illegally, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to say: a lot.

…Biden is making a mockery of the transition period and doing everything in his power to thwart Trump’s –and the American people’s—hopes and desires. He was all toothy grins when he met with the president-elect in the Oval Office in November, but behind the scenes he’s been consistently stabbing him in the back. Perhaps that was what he was smiling about like a diabolical comic book villain—he knew what he had in store for the incoming commander-in-chief.

I think it is time to consider carefully a constitutional amendment moving the inauguration day for an incoming President closer to the actual election. The amount of damage President Biden continues to do in his final days in office is staggering. I suspect we are all going to be shocked when the final list of pardons comes out.

Europe Is Waking Up

Most of Europe has had open borders for a while now. It has not worked well. Even Paris is being pressured to change its world famous culinary habits by Muslim immigrants (story here). There have been drastic increases in crime in Germany and Sweden. Sweden is offering immigrants $34,000 to leave the country (story here). So what can people do? They can vote the people supporting unlimited immigration out of office.

On Sunday, Yahoo News posted an article about recent elections in Austria. The article describes the winning party of the election as ‘far right.’ If you understand the current state of the media, you realize that ‘far right’ means actually representing the common man.

The article reports:

Political parties on the European right celebrated Sunday’s parliamentary election victory by Austria’s Freedom Party (FPO) as a boost for national conservatives amid advances by the hard right fuelled by worries about immigration.

Led by Herbert Kickl, who capitalised on a misfiring economy and concerns that Austria has taken in people faster than it can integrate them, the FPO won around 29% of the vote, a record result that may give it a platform to lead the next government.

Kickl must find a partner to form a stable coalition and he is loathed by other party leaders, who have refused to serve under him and quickly began discussing the possibility of sounding out alternatives to an FPO-led government.

But there were warm words from allies in Europe, where the FPO forms part of a right-wing group inside the European Parliament led by France’s far-right National Rally (RN).

Its leader Marine Le Pen expressed delight at the victory and said it showed those parties were advancing.

“After the Italian, Dutch and French elections, this tidal wave which supports the defence of national interests, the safeguarding of identities and the resurrection of sovereignties, confirms the triumph of the people everywhere,” Le Pen wrote in a post on X.

The recent elections in Europe have not gone the way the European Union and the World Economic Forum want them to go. That is a good thing.


Who Is Coming Here?

On Friday, Breitbart posted an article about the surge of immigrants arriving in America.

The article reports:

President Joe Biden’s administration is allowing up to 650,000 criminal migrants and suspects — including at least 13,099 migrant murderers and 222,141 migrants facing criminal charges — to roam through American communities, according to a dramatic data dump by a House Republican.

“The data says that, among those not in detention, there are 425,431 convicted criminals,” reported Fox News, which got the information from Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-TX). The letter from ICE to Gonzalez says:

Your letter requests the number of noncitizens on ICE’s docket convicted or charged with a crime. As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket, which includes those detained by ICE, and on the agency’s non-detained docket. Of those, 435,719 are convicted criminals [including 13,099 murders], and 226,847 have pending criminal charges.

The data shows that there are 13,099 migrants convicted of homicide who are not detained, Fox noted.

The report says an additional 222,141 undetained migrants are facing criminal charges, including 1,845 homicide charges, even though the agency is choosing not to use all of its 41,000 detention beds.

That actually is a fairly foolproof plan to destabilize a country.

The article also notes:

The data dump is an urgent political problem for Kamala Harris, who is scheduled to give a speech early Friday evening promising a “tough” border policy.

In March 2021, Harris reportedly declined to share control of migration policy with President Joe Biden’s border chief, Alejandro Mayorkas. Since then, the Cuban-born Mayarkas has used his power over the nation’s immigration rules to sharply reduce the detention and deportation of migrants, including criminal migrants. His rollback in enforcement is intended to help the “Bidenomics” economic strategy of creating millions of lower-wage jobs for employers who prefer to hire migrants instead of better-paid Americans.

So far, Mayorkas has welcomed almost 10 million legal, illegal, and quasi-legal migrants — or roughly one migrant for every American birth.

If you love America, please vote for President Trump.

Saving Money By Enforcing The Law

On Friday, Breitbart posted an article about the impact importing the people who are here illegally would have on the federal deficit.

The article reports:

A study by the Manhattan Institute’s Daniel Di Martino finds that mass deportation of the millions of unskilled, uneducated migrants who have flooded this country thanks to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s disastrous border policies would greatly improve the national deficit.

In his study, titled “The Lifetime Fiscal Impact of Immigrants,” Di Martino found that the onslaught of Biden’s unskilled, uneducated migrants is a net loss to the U.S taxpayer, costing up to $130,000 per migrant over the migrant’s lifetime should they choose to stay in the U.S.A., he explained in an op-ed published by Fox News on Friday.

I am perfectly willing to let people come into America if they do it legally and they plan to support themselves, but we can’t support people who are here illegally while we have Americans homeless on our streets.

The article concludes:

As to Trump’s plan to initiate mass deportations of unskilled, uneducated — and often dangerous — illegals, Di Martino says it would absolutely not be the disaster Trump’s critics claim it would be.

“I looked at whether the mass deportation program promised by former President Donald Trump would be the disaster that its critics claim,” Di Martino wrote in his op-ed. “My study shows that mass deportations would actually reduce the debt over the long run by over $1 trillion. But again, selectivity is better: Were a mass deportation policy combined with legalization of college-educated Dreamers, the U.S. could potentially reduce the federal debt by $1.9 trillion — nearly doubling its savings.”

Di Martino concluded, “As the federal debt keeps rising toward unsustainable levels and the border stays wide open, America cannot afford to ignore the fiscal consequences of immigration.”

If you are not familiar with the Cloward-Piven theory, now might be a good time to look it up.

Legal Immigration Is A Good Thing–Illegal Immigration Is Not

On Wednesday, Just the News posted an article about how Americans feel about illegal immigration.

The article reported:

A majority of Americans favor the mass deportation of illegal aliens a recent survey has revealed, presenting a potential window for former President Donald Trump to make headway with one of his signature campaign pledges.

In a Scripps News/Ipsos survey released Wednesday, 54% of respondents supported mass deportations. A further 62% expressed support for allowing law enforcement to detain illegal aliens. Sixty-nine percent backed restricting the number of migrants who may claim asylum while 68% support a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens who arrived as children.

Immigration featured among the top concerns for voters, with 39% placing it among the most important issues. Only inflation ranked higher, with 57% choosing that option.

We need to fix our legal immigration system. However, we need to close the southern border quickly while we still have a country. We have no idea who is coming through that border, and we may regret that at some time in the near future. The people coming here illegally have partnered with the Mexican cartels to get here. They have not respected our laws in coming here, and may not respect our laws once them get here. Many of the people crossing our border are from cultures alien to western civilization. It will be difficult for them to assimilate. Let’s control our immigration and give newcomers a chance to assimilate and become Americans.

The Consequences Of Unlimited Immigration

On Thursday, Front Page Magazine posted an article about recent events in France.

The article reports:

Muslims have been threatening boulangeries and restaurants in France, even those owned by non-Muslims, to become strictly halal. That means all pork products must be banned. Some outlets have had to ban alcohol, while others have declared that only men should shop in their stores during the week, and women only on weekends. More on this phenomenon of “creeping sharia” can be found here: “Sharia is taking over France,” by Giulio Meotti, Arutz Sheva, August 26, 2024:

In France, sharia is taking over and the bienpensants don’t care.

After months of pressure and the latest altercation in his bakery in Vénissieux (Lyon), Alexandre Dallery announced on Friday that the boulangerie would stop selling pork products.

The article also notes:

In Bordeaux, the Afghan was enforcing the Muslim prohibition on alcohol by stabbing two people, killing one of them, for the crime of drinking alcohol, and still worse, doing so at the end of Ramadan, on Eid al-Fitr. Were the victims Muslims or non-Muslims? It hardly matters. The rules of Islam were being enforced through murderous violence.

Thirteen-year-old Samara is beaten outside the Arthur Rimbaud middle school in Montpellier. “Samara wears a little makeup – declared the girl’s mother, Hassiba Radjoul – And this little girl who attacked her has her veil. They called her kouffar (unbeliever.) My daughter dresses in European style. There were insults, kahba (bitch).”

There is a plan to bring sharia law to America. It is found in “An Explanatory Memorandum” from the archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.

We are not immune.

This Is Going To Be A Nationwide Problem

For the past three and a half years, America’s southern border has been wide open. We have no idea who is coming over the border or why. The only control of the immigration coming into America is the Cartels, and they do not have America’s best interests at heart. The open-border chickens are now coming home to roost.

On Tuesday, BizPacReview reported:

Jesse Kelly recently posted a letter regarding the ongoing madness in Aurora, Colorado, in which the author claims leaders are attempting to “minimize the issue.”

A person claiming to be a police officer in the town claimed that the situation is much worse than those talking to the media would have you believe, and the press needs to continue to keep the heat on until the problem is resolved.

This is the letter:

“I am a police officer in Aurora, Colorado and we are in the news for the recent story about the armed Venezuelan gang members taking over apartment complexes,” the letter begins. “I am happy to see the story make national news to where the Aurora Police Department command staff and City of Aurora leadership are being asked the hard question about what is occurring.”

“Unfortunately these ‘leaders’ are not being truthful nor are they acknowledging the problem as they know it to be,” the writer continues. “They are also trying to minimize the issue by implying the issue is confined to just the apartment complexes in the city. This could not be further from the truth. The Venezuelans are wreaking havoc throughout the city.”

“Please help keep this story in the spotlight so the City of Aurora can no longer downplay the matter. The reality is the citizens and out officers are not safe as long as the issue continues to be ignored and real solutions are not being implemented. Due to my employment status and the international information I possess on this matter, I cannot have you air my name. Thank you,” the message concludes.

Meanwhile, on Monday The Gateway Pundit reported:

Last night, a shocking 911 call was shared by Libs of Tik Tok on X, that revealed 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were attempting to overtake an apartment complex in Chicago last night.

…Winter is right around the corner. Did anyone honestly think these Venezuelan gangs who ruled the countries they came from, were going to be sleeping in tents in local parks while unarmed Chicago residents slept inside?

This Chicago resident warns the ARMED Venezuelan gangs thinking about taking over their places of residency in gun-free Chicago, “We got switches!”

Thank God for the Second Amendment. I suspect many residents in places where it has been curtailed are wishing they had guns to defend themselves and their property.

People Are Speaking Up

On Sunday, The Boston Herald reported that the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD party has won a state election. The article describes the party as far-right. They are known to be anti-immigration and skeptical toward German military aid to Ukraine.

The article reports:

A far-right party won a state election for the first time in post-World War II Germany in the country’s east on Sunday, and was set to finish at least a very close second to mainstream conservatives in a second vote.

A new party founded by a prominent leftist also made an immediate impact, while the parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s unpopular national government obtained extremely weak results.

Projections for ARD and ZDF public television based on exit polls and partial counting showed the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, winning 32-33% of the vote in Thuringia — well ahead of the center-right Christian Democratic Union, the main national opposition party, with about 24%.

In neighboring Saxony, projections put support for the CDU, which has led the state since German reunification in 1990, at 31.5-31.8% and AfD on 30.8-31.4%.

Germany’s immigration policies have been a problem for the country. German women have been assaulted by immigrants who have different rules about women’s dress and customs relating to women, crime in general has increased drastically, and the Germans are in danger of losing their culture. The fact that an anti-immigration party and anti-aid to Ukraine party did well in the recent elections is not a surprise.

The Possible Consequences Of This Are Heartbreaking

On August 19th, The Office of Inspector General U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a report about America’s inability to keep track of unaccompanied children who cross our southern border.

The report states:

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) could not monitor the location and status of all unaccompanied migrant children (UCs) or initiate removal proceedings as needed. During our ongoing audit to assess ICE’s ability to monitor the location and status of UCs who were released or transferred from the custody of the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), we learned ICE transferred more than 448,000 UCs to HHS from fiscal years 2019 to 2023. However, ICE was not able to account for the location of all UCs who were released by HHS and did not appear as scheduled in immigration court. ICE reported more than 32,000 UCs failed to appear for their immigration court hearings from FYs 2019 to 2023.

Additionally, even though HHS is responsible for the care and custody of UCs, ICE did not always inform HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) when UCs failed to appear in immigration court after release from HHS’ custody. ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers at only one of the eight field offices we visited stated they attempted to locate the UCs. ICE also did not serve a Notice to Appear (NTA) on all UCs, after release from HHS custody, who warranted placement in removal proceedings under 8 U.S. Code Section 1229(a). As of May 2024, ICE had not served NTAs on more than 291,000 UCs who therefore do not yet have an immigration court date.

These issues occurred, in part, because ICE does not have an automated process for sharing information internally between the Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) and ERO, and externally with stakeholders, such as HHS and the Department of Justice (DOJ), regarding UCs who do not appear in immigration court. Additionally, ICE ERO has not developed a formal policy or process to follow up on UCs who did not appear in court, has limited oversight for monitoring UCs, and faced resource limitations.

This is one of many reasons we need to control immigration at our southern border.

One Specific Example Of The Need For A Secure Border

On Friday, The Washington Examiner posted an article naming one of the people who came to America through our open southern border. That person was Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, the leader of a Peruvian crime gang and is thought to be personally responsible for 23 murders.

The article reports:

He (Gianfranco Torres-Navarro) is a notorious figure in Peru, where he is known as “Gianfranco 23,” clearly “a reference to the number of people he is alleged to have killed,” according to the Associated Press. He has a girlfriend who, also according to the Associated Press, “has a sizable following on the social media platform TikTok where she showed off their lavish lifestyle, including designer clothes, resort vacations and shooting targets at a gun range.” Not to put too fine a point on it, but Torres-Navarro’s gang is known as “Los Killers.”

Here’s why Americans should know who he is. On Wednesday, Torres-Navarro was arrested by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Endicott, New York, a village with a population of 13,667 about 190 miles north of New York City. Given that he is a wanted man, wanted for very serious crimes in Peru, one might ask how he made it to the United States.

The answer is: He just walked in. In May, Torres-Navarro crossed illegally into the U.S. near Roma, Texas, in the Rio Grande border sector. He was arrested by U.S. authorities who then…let him go. Like millions of other illegal crossers, he was given a “notice to appear” before an immigration judge at some point far in the future and then sent on his way.

The presence of Torres-Navarro in the U.S., free to go as he pleases, was a direct result of the border policies of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. You’ve heard about their policy of allowing millions into the U.S. unvetted. This is that policy in action. Torres-Navarro is the face of that policy. He is a one-man, walking illustration of the dangerous nature of the Biden-Harris border.

He was arrested in a small town in America. Would you be comfortable with this man living in your neighborhood? This threat to the safety of Americans has been brought to you be the Biden-Harris administration. Consider that when you vote in November.

Rewarding People Who Broke The Law

On Thursday, American Greatness posted an article about a new program of the Biden-Harris administration that is scheduled to take effect on November 1st. Fifteen states have sued to stop the implementation of the program.

The article reports:

A coalition of 15 states have filed suit against the Biden-Harris regime over its new rule that will require states to pay public benefits to illegal immigrants, including healthcare benefits.

The rule, which is set to go into effect on November 1, would force states “to expend limited resources on illegal immigrants,” said Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey in a press release Thursday.

“Not only is the Biden-Harris Administration responsible for bringing illegal aliens into Missouri, they are also giving illegal immigrants access to citizen benefits for free, encouraging them to remain here illegally on the taxpayers’ dime,” said Bailey. “The American people are already struggling to make ends meet in the current economy; their paychecks should fund their own healthcare, not the healthcare of those here illegally. I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to ensure that Missourians’ hard-earned dollars are not funding illegal immigration.”

In addition to Missouri, the attorneys general of Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee and Virginia have joined the lawsuit.

Notice that Josh Stein, North Carolina’s attorney general currently running for Governor of the state, has not joined the lawsuit. In the past, Attorney General Stein has refused to defend any law passed by the North Carolina legislature that he did not agree with. It is not a surprise that he is refusing to defend North Carolina from the financial onslaught this program will create for North Carolina taxpayers.

If you wonder what might be the idea behind the idea of all the benefits given to illegal aliens, look up the Cloward-Piven strategy.

Paving The Way For The New Democrat Voting Bloc

On Saturday, Breitbart posted an article about a program that the Biden administration is tweaking to allow more migrants to stay in America after they are released from custody at the southern border.

The article reports:

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is building what critics are calling a “ghost mode operation” so migrants can more easily stay in the United States after they are released from federal custody at the southern border.

The little-known pilot program, operated by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is meant to reduce the frequency with which migrants released into the U.S. interior from the border must report to an ICE field office, people familiar with the matter detailed to Breitbart News.

Rather than the standard of having migrants check in with an ICE agent in person, the program allows migrants to check in via a cellphone or computer. A key flaw with the program, critics say, is that ICE agents are unable to grab GPS data on migrants who check in with a computer.

Even more alarming is that the program does not yet have any consequences for migrants who fail to check in with ICE agents via cellphone or computer, critics note.

“As if releasing millions of illegal aliens into our country wasn’t bad enough, now Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are allowing those released illegals to go ‘ghost mode,’ making it almost impossible for ICE agents to locate them in the future, should they abscond,” RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News.

Even when GPS data is grabbed by ICE agents for migrants checking in through their cellphones, people familiar with the matter said that data is only stored for a week, rendering it useless afterward should agents need to locate a migrant weeks, months, or years later.

Eventually these migrants (illegal aliens) will vote–legally or illegally. The fact that many of them are coming across the border wearing Biden t-shirts tells us how they will be encouraged to vote. If Kamala Harris wins this year’s election, we will no longer be a representative republic.

This Is Total Insanity

On Thursday, The New York Post reported the following:

The two illegal Jordanian migrants who are charged with trying to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico in May posted thousands of dollars in bail and were allowed to leave federal custody, The Post can exclusively reveal.

Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 28, were released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention despite their immigration status — Hamdan had crossed into the country illegally in April and Dabous had overstayed his student visa and is subject to removal proceedings, law enforcement sources told The Post.

They were arrested on May 3 for trespassing onto the military installation and handed over to ICE officers because of their immigration statuses.

The article notes:

Hamdan and Dabous were charged with misdemeanor trespassing on military property and appeared before a judge for the first time on July 22, when they were ordered released on the conditions that they show up to court for their immigration proceedings and stay away from Quantico or other military bases, according to the court documents, which were first reported by Todd Bensman of the Center for Immigration Studies.

Federal prosecutors supported their releases on those conditions, according to the court documents.

Hamdan entered the US illegally via the southern border in San Diego in April, when he was released due to a lack of detention space, federal law enforcement sources told The Post.

Dabous was in the US illegally after overstaying his student visa, sources said.

Where did the thousands of dollars come from? If they were allowed to leave federal custody, what is the realistic expectation that they will ever be seen in America again? Do we really believe that they will show up for their immigration proceedings in court (the hearings are scheduled for September)? Does anyone involved in this situation have any common sense?

Not Surprising

Our open southern border is only part of the problem.

On Saturday, Breitbart reported the following:

Border Patrol agents in the Swanton Sector of the U.S.-Canada border have apprehended more than 15,000 migrants so far this fiscal year, more than the previous 13 years combined, according to U.S. Border Patrol reports.

Swanton Sector Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia reported this week that since October 1, 2023, his agents apprehended more than 15,000 migrants. The astounding record of migrant apprehensions this year reflects the vulnerability of our northern border with Canada.

We have no idea who is coming into our country at this point. I realize the America’s immigration system needs major repair, but we cannot have both an open border and a welfare system. One of them has to go.

The article concludes:

Garcia’s post above indicates that July apprehensions will likely exceed 3,000 migrants. If that holds true, the sector will have apprehended more than 9,000 migrants just in the last three months.

Migrant apprehensions in the Swanton Sector rose exponentially during the Biden-Harris era. Garcia reported that the apprehensions during the month of April exceeded the combined annual totals of FY21 and FY22.

Since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office in January 2021, Swanton Sector agents have arrested more than 23,000 migrants.

We will not survive as a country without borders.

Too Little Too Late

On Wednesday, The Daily Caller posted an article about what is happening in Massachusetts with the influx of illegal immigrants.

The article reports:

A New England state that has long been regarded as a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants is now dramatically scaling back its emergency migrant shelter services and offering plane rides for them to leave, according to a Tuesday announcement.

Democratic Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey announced that the state will limit stays at overflow shelters to just five days for migrants beginning next month, and that it will offer to cover plane tickets and other travel expenses for migrants who wish to leave, according to Boston 25 News. The announcement comes as Massachusetts has been rocked with waves of illegal immigrants in need of housing and other services.

…The state will instead give priority shelter to Massachusetts families with a newborn baby, a veteran, or someone with a significant medical issue, Boston 25 News reported. The changes are due to become effective on August 1st.

The article concludes:

Healey deployed several top state officials to border communities in June to warn illegal immigrants not to make Massachusetts their destination of choice because the state’s emergency system is overwhelmed.

The Center for Immigration Studies identifies Massachusetts as a “sanctuary” state, citing a 2017 court decision that limits law enforcement’s ability to hold criminal illegal aliens solely based on a detainer request from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Healey has also spoken in defense of sanctuary cities. In 2017, she issued a formal statement as state attorney general condemning then-President Donald Trump’s effort to withhold federal funding from sanctuary cities.

The problem is not in Massachusetts–the problem is the open border. Close the border. Send illegals home and reform the immigration process so that people who are willing to work can come here easily in small enough numbers to assimilate into our culture.

Things To Think About Before You Vote

On Friday, Zero Hedge posted an article about some things that the Biden administration will not be talking about during the presidential campaign.

These are the facts:

1. It takes the typical U.S. household $1,069 more a month just to purchase the same goods and services that it did three years ago.

2. Two-thirds of the respondents to one recent survey indicated that they had to take action to deal with rising financial stress within the past year.  Those actions included “cutting back on spending, skipping monthly bills, or taking an additional job”.

3. Home insurance rates have risen by 38 percent since 2019.

4. Home rental prices are up 30 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House.

5. A whopping 61 percent of U.S. renters cannot afford the rent on a median-priced apartment in the United States right now.

6. Gasoline prices are up 46 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House.

7. The average rate on a 30 year fixed mortgage is up 148 percent since Joe Biden entered the White House.

8. According to Zillow, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical home in this country has almost doubled during the past four years.

9. One recent poll discovered that 44 percent of retired Americans are considering going back to work because the cost of living has become so oppressive.

10. New home sales fell 11.3 percent last month.

11. Pending home sales are dropping at the fastest rate ever recorded.

12. According to the House Budget Committee, there have been more than 8 million migrant encounters nationwide while Joe Biden has been in the White House.  We truly are in the midst of an immigration crisis that is far greater than anything that we have ever witnessed before.

13. Thanks to our unprecedented immigration crisis, the homeless population in the city of Chicago actually tripled in just one year.

14. Murder rates are up by double digit percentages in many major U.S. cities this year.

15. Continuing jobless claims just shot up to the highest level in almost three years.

16. The number of job openings in the United States has dropped to the lowest level in more than 3 years.

17. Rite Aid just announced that it will be closing 27 more stores.  That is on top of more than 500 stores that it has already decided to shut down.

18. Walgreens plans to close approximately one-fourth of its 8,600 U.S. stores.  If the economy really was “booming”, why would they be doing this?

19. Today, 20 percent of the entire population of the state of California is living in poverty.

20. According to one recent survey, 46 percent of Americans don’t even have 500 dollars saved up.

21. So far, the U.S. has spent a total of approximately 175 billion dollars on the war in Ukraine, and the Russians are still winning.

Hopefully, President Trump will mention some of this during his campaigning.

Population Bomb/Population Fizzle

Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D

In the early 1970s, a writer by the name of Paul Ehrlich wrote a doomsday book (typical of the Left) called the Population Bomb, where he essentially claimed that humankind in the near future would experience mass starvation, since we would not be able to provide sufficient food for the rapidly expanding world population. Like most leftist fear mongers, he did not give sufficient credit to man’s creativity which has actually demonstrated that through technology food production has been greatly expanded. Now, thanks to other Leftist ideas, Western Civilization is facing a crisis caused by declining population.

Statistically it takes approximately 2.1 children per woman to just maintain the population. Europe’s declining birthrate is near 1.4, and ours at 1.7 is the lowest in our country’s history. Rome, in part, declined due to low citizen birth rates and having to rely on foreigners for workers and soldiers. The Biden regime is leading us down the same path with open borders, abortion, and their war against the traditional family. According to FOX News, there have been 63 million abortions in the United States since 1973 when Roe vs Wade was decided by the Supreme Court. It has been clearly demonstrated that it is better for any country that wants to preserve its culture and heritage to birth and raise their own children than to rely on immigration. This is common sense. The question is what can America do to increase its declining birth rate?

Since there are many other countries with the same problem, let’s see what they have tried. It is reported that currently, 28% of developed countries are trying to increase their birth rates. Several countries (e.g. Poland, Hungary) have started economic programs to increase the number of children per household. Poland’s program consists of monthly support payments for each child that continue until age 18. Hungary is focused on assisting young families with children, to afford a new home. Not only do they receive grants for each child, but parents are eligible for mortgages at 3% for 25 years. These programs appear to be increasing the birth rates, but the long-term impact is still to be seen. Hungary’s prime minister Orban, demonstrated his commitment by stating “Make families again the core of European politics”. This statement contains the essential problem. Western Civilization has lost its focus on the importance of the intact family to the functioning and success of the culture.

What can we do? President Trump’s tax cuts included a significant increase in the child tax credit deduction as a start. Assistance with childcare, support for homeschooling, and a return to religion and the family would all be helpful. Remember, Marxism is based on destroying the family and replacing it with reliance on the government. This is exactly what the Biden regime is doing with their Woke agenda. Stop this LGBT Pride Month nonsense and replace it with Family Pride Month. All benefits must accrue to all income levels, not just the low-income groups, as the Marxists would have us do. This problem can be solved, but it will take strong leadership that recognizes the problem and is not afraid to deal with it.


The Impact Of DACA

On Monday, Breitbart posted an article about one of the consequences of the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program for illegal aliens.

The article reports:

Twelve years ago, in 2012, former President Barack Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program via executive order, which has allowed close to a million illegal aliens to avoid deportation from the United States.

Standards for DACA, championed by President Joe Biden, were set so low that tens of thousands of illegal aliens with prior arrest records for crimes including murder, rape, kidnapping, and sex abuse were able to secure deferred deportation status and work permits to stay in the United States.

…As of October 2019, the federal government had granted DACA to nearly 68,000 illegal aliens with prior arrest records, while fewer than 30,000 illegal aliens with prior arrests were denied DACA or had their DACA status terminated as a result.

More than 25,000 illegal aliens were granted DACA despite having been arrested for drunk driving, along with roughly 3,300 previously arrested for assault, nearly 1,500 previously arrested for burglary, almost 600 previously arrested for hit-and-run, 259 previously arrested for sex abuse or child rape, more than 170 previously arrested for kidnapping, 62 previously arrested for rape, more than 30 previously arrested for animal cruelty, 15 previously arrested for murder, five previously arrested for manslaughter, and two previously arrested for having child pornography.

We have enough criminals in America–we don’t need to import them.

The article notes:

“There are legitimate concerns about the lack of rigor in the vetting process for DACA,” Vaughan (Center for Immigration Studies Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan) said:

The lenient eligibility criteria and ‘lite and lean’ background checks that were directed under then-USCIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas meant that many individuals with criminal histories were able to obtain DACA. According to a USCIS report, about 12 percent of DACA applicants had arrest records, includ[ing] assault, battery, rape, murder and driving under the influence, and 85 percent of those applicants were approved.
[Emphasis added]

In one case, DACA illegal alien Luis Perez of Mexico was sentenced in 2023 to five consecutive life sentences for murdering 38-year-old Steven Marler, 23-year-old Josh Hampton, and a woman accused of being an accomplice to Marler and Hampton’s murders.

In 2018, DACA illegal alien Francisco Javier Rios-Covarrubias of Mexico was sentenced to 35 years for brutally terrorizing and sexually abusing a three-year-old girl in Arizona in a case that shocked investigators.

South America and other countries are not sending us their best.

Let’s Educate Our Own Children

On Monday, Breitbart posted an article about one aspect of President Biden’s immigration policies that is often overlooked–the education of foreign students to take jobs from Americans.

The article reports:

American college graduates are losing jobs and opportunities in President Joe Biden’s high-migration economy, admits the Washington Post.

“Despite strong labor market, new college graduates struggle to find employment,” says the June 16 article, which continues:

Hiring in professional and business services — which includes jobs in tech, consulting, finance and media that are popular among new grads — has fallen 12 percent, according to federal data … Today’s recent graduates ages 22 to 27 have a higher unemployment rate — 4.7 percent, as of March — than the overall population, according to an analysis by the New York Fed.

The Post article — which was posted a few days before Biden is expected to amnesty another 1 million migrants — offers sympathetic profiles of two young American graduates who remain unemployed — and a profile of an Indian graduate who landed a U.S. job at a banking-related firm in Texas.

The winning foreign graduate is just one of the hundreds of thousands of foreigners who are being imported by Biden and his deputies to take white-collar jobs via little-known work permit programs. In this case, the Indian enrolled in a U.S. university to get up to four years of work permits via the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program:

…Since 2019, roughly 75 percent of all additional jobs have gone to Biden’s flood of roughly 10 million new migrants, including inexperienced OPT contract workers, blue-collar illegal aliens, and legal immigrants. The inflow delivers roughly one migrant for each American birth. The inflated supply of workers ensures lower salaries, less corporate investment in productivity-raising, high-tech workplaces, higher housing costs — and higher stock values on Wall Street.

Please follow the link to read the entire article. We have totally abused today’s students–we have not taught them critical thinking, we have created an attitude of entitlement in them, and we have not taught them the skills they need to achieve the American dream. If students are saying the American dream is dead, it is because our government education system has not given them what they need to access that dream. Putting America first is necessary and must include teaching our children critical thinking and other necessary skills.

Replacing The American Worker

On Tuesday, Breitbart posted the following headline:

Analysis: 75% of American Job Growth Has Gone to Migrants Since 2019

That’s NOT good news.

The article reports:

The majority of job growth in the United States since 2019 has gone to newly arrived migrants as working-class American men continue to fall out of the labor force, an analysis shows.

The analysis, published by Steven Camarota at the Center for Immigration Studies, shows the extent to which President Joe Biden’s agenda to grow the labor market with mass immigration — rather than enticing Americans on the sidelines back into work — has been largely executed.

Since 2019, before the Chinese coronavirus pandemic shut down the nation’s economy, about 75 percent of all U.S. job growth has gone to newly arrived migrants, both illegal aliens and legal immigrants.

During the same period, fewer than one million Americans have been added to the workforce.

“The government’s household survey shows that there were only 971,000 more U.S.-born Americans employed in May 2024 compared to May 2019 prior to the pandemic, while the number of employed immigrants has increased by 3.2 million,” Camarota writes.

The article concludes:

For years, Breitbart News has chronicled the decline in labor participation among American men while Biden grows the labor market with primarily newly arrived migrants who are awarded work permits after being released into the U.S. interior.

Since 2023, for instance, nearly 300,000 native-born Americans fell out of the workforce while about 637,000 migrants were added to the workforce.

Biden has helped drive the foreign-born population, thus, more foreign-born workers for hire, to unprecedented heights.

Today, the foreign-born population stands at 51.6 million — the largest ever recorded in American history. Put another way, about three in 19 people living in the U.S. were born in a foreign country.

The only silver lining in this is that if the immigrants are working, hopefully they are not taxing the welfare system.

Did He Really Say That?

Every now and again a politician accidentally says the quiet part out loud. One of the things people are considering right now is what happens if President Trump is re-elected in November. Will he be able to keep his pledge of deporting illegal immigrants? What impact will the threat of deportation have on those who are currently living off the American taxpayer in America?

On Saturday, PJ Media posted an article that provides some clues as to what will happen if President Trump is elected.

The article reports:

The border crisis has gotten so bad that immigration has become one of the top issues of the presidential campaign and it is hurting Joe Biden so badly that he’s pretending to finally take the border situation by, you know, only letting a couple million illegals come into the country a year. Trump, however, says that, if elected, he’ll do everything he can to deport the illegals that came in under Biden.

But, according to Barack Obama’s former ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman, Trump may not have to do that, because if Trump is reelected, illegals living high on the taxpayer’s dime in the United States will just flee to Canada.

“Brace for a possible tsunami of illegal migrants if Trump is re-elected,” reads the headline at the Canadian “National Post.”

According to columnist Tasha Kheiriddin, “there are three very real dangers posed by the election of Trump 2.0 that politicians need to pay attention to, according to former U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman, who presented them to a security conference in Ottawa earlier this week.”

The first “danger” is the mass deportation of illegal immigrants from the United States.

The article concludes:

Canada is already facing a housing crisis and tightening our own rules on student visas and temporary workers,” writes Kheiriddin. “We are in no position to accommodate a mass influx of migrants, so the question hangs in the air: what would we do?”

That’s your problem Canada. The United States clearly can’t handle them either. If Canada wants to be proactive about the problem, when Donald Trump wins, they can allocate resources to help us deport illegals and secure our southern border if they don’t want to be burdened with all the illegals.

Maybe it’s time to take an honest look at some of the South American governments that are responsible for the majority of illegal aliens. Some South American countries have recently turned from chaotic countries without the rule of law into responsible democracies (El Salvador and Argentina). We can’t fight their revolutions for the remaining countries, but we can stop supporting corrupt governments and drug lords (which our open-border policy is currently doing). We also need to question why so many military-age single Chinese men are entering our country illegally. An open border is a security problem, and I am hopeful that we can close our border before we find out how much of a security problem it is.


When Is Closing The Border Not Closing The Border?

President Biden finally signed an Executive Order that he has been saying for three years that he does not have the power to sign. According to the President, he is closing the border. Not so fast.

On Tuesday, Breitbart reported:

According to a senior-level Customs and Border Protection source, the latest executive order signed by President Biden on Tuesday will do little more than make Americans grow accustomed to more than 2 million migrant entries into the United States annually. The source, not authorized to speak to the media, says the order will do little to change the landscape of an out-of-control border even if legal challenges by pro-migrant civil rights groups fail to kill the order outright.

Tuesday’s executive order titled “A Proclamation on Securing the Border” will deny migrants the opportunity to apply for asylum when a 7-day average of migrant apprehensions at the southwest border reaches 2,500 or more per day.  The proclamation, according to the source, could allow for nearly one million migrant apprehensions per year with no limitations on asylum eligibility if cartels or the Mexican government meter crossings at less than 2,500 per day.

In addition, the source says other “lawful pathways” to entry into the United States implemented during the Biden administration have opened the border to nearly one million additional migrants at ports of entry under the cover of darkness in many cases.

That is NOT closing the border. That is simply putting a number on the chaos.

The article notes:

“Strong enforcement policies put in place under the previous administration lowered the crossings from previous years in 2020,” the source explained. “Under the Trump era Title 42 COVID-19 authority, we removed 3 million migrants that reached our borders, and most countries didn’t care who headed to the United States illegally.”

This is a problem that the Biden administration created and is only pretending to fix.

Law vs the Lawless

Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D

The implications of the recent travesty of justice apparent in the so-called trial and conviction of President Trump go directly to the foundations of America. It not only shows that the Democrats will use anything they can to stay in power and destroy their opposition; but, importantly, they do not believe in the founding principles necessary for a republic.

Laws are written as statements asserting specific actions that are prohibited. For example, there is a law forbidding car theft. There are also laws about the voting process and how elections should be managed. However, and here is the importance of what is now occurring with the Biden regime, people must support the spirit of the law if a republic is to survive. People must believe that theft is wrong. People must believe that interfering in elections is wrong. The Biden regime is demonstrating that they do not believe in the principles essential to the existence of America as we have had the privilege of knowing it. They do not believe in the essential principle that the people should run the country through their right to vote. As a consequence, they feel free to do whatever they can to violate the voting process. For them it Is not “Let the people decide at the ballot box,” but rather, “We the Elite” will control and run the country as we see fit. This is a tyranny that if not stopped will destroy our Republic. They are the lawless ones, since they do not believe in the principles and ideals that are the basis of our laws. Some of the most obvious examples are Biden forgiving student loans after the Supreme Court ruled he did not have that authority, ignoring immigration laws and encouraging the massive flood of illegals, and issuing federal mandates and executive orders that are the prerogative of congress. It is like trying to control a robber who believes stealing is his right.

Abraham Lincoln once said that the danger to our country will not come from abroad but rather from within. “If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” It must be clear to any rational, clear thinking person that we are at the point that Lincoln warned us about. This is all in the Marxist playbook of how to destroy free countries and turn them into Marxist hell holes.

The question before us now is what do we do about it? The recent, dramatic increase in donations to President Trump and the Republican Party just after the unprecedented scam trial shows that people are finally realizing what is at stake in this coming election. We must not only throw the Marxist Democrats out of office, but we must take back our country and reinvigorate a love for America and its founding principles. No more half measures, no more compromising, but fighting to win and win BIG! Therein is our pathway to save America

What He Says vs. What He Does

President Biden has pledged to get tough on illegal immigration. It’s about time. However, are you going to believe what you hear or what you see?

On Sunday, The New York Post reported the following:

While the Biden administration is attempting to look like it’s getting tough on the border, behind the scenes it’s operating a program of “mass amnesty” for migrants, The Post can reveal.

Data show that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country.

This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim” — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.

The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam the US without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.

The article includes the following chart:

The Democrats keep talking about saving ‘Democracy’ (we are a Republic–not a Democracy), but have they ever considered that the number of people entering this country illegally cannot easily be assimilated? Have they ever considered the number of Americans unemployed because many of these immigrants are working ‘under the table’ for very low wages? Have they considered the impact on our social safety net of having illegals in need of housing, medical care and food? If you are not yet familiar with the Cloward-Piven theory, it is now time to look it up.

The article concludes:

Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s attempt to tighten things up at the border has included issuing a rule in May that asylum claims must be resolved within 180 days for migrants who list their final destination in the US as Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles or New York City.

The administration is also poised to issue an order to close the border once the number of migrant crossings reaches 4,000 per day, sources told The Post.

In April, US authoriites in the southwest intercepted an average of 5,990 migrants per day, according to US Customs and Border Protection. That figure didn’t even include the so-called “gotaways” who escape detection and arrest.

I am hoping we can hang on until we can change administrations in November and begin deportations in January.

The Root Causes Of The Current Inflation

On Wednesday, Breitbart posted an article about the cause of the level of inflation Americans are currently dealing with.

The article quotes Neel Kashkari, who runs the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.

The article reports:

Surging immigration is keeping inflation and interest rates high, Fed honcho Neel Kashkari said in an interview with the Telegraph.

Kashkari, who runs the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said he’s not ready to consider cutting rates until he sees “several months of real progress on inflation.” The flood of immigrants, he argued, is hindering that progress.

U.S. borrowing costs are likely to stay put for “an extended period of time,” Kashkari warned.

He’s particularly freaked out by the booming demand for housing, which just won’t cool off despite sky-high rates.

Kashkari’s immigration bombshell runs directly contrary to the claims by the Biden administration and its allies that surging immigration is keeping down inflation by depressing wages.

Kashkari said that “dramatic increase in immigration” is boosting housing demand. More people working from home and years of underbuilding aren’t helping either. It’s a perfect storm that’s keeping the housing market red-hot.

The article concludes:

He (Kashkari) also noted that services inflation had been “much stickier” in the past few months, making it even tougher to justify rate cuts.

“In the second half of last year, we saw very rapid disinflationary progress, and that was comforting for all of us because the economy was strong and inflation was falling quickly. I expected and hoped that that was going to continue in the first quarter of this year [but] inflation has more or less moved sideways,” Kashkari said.

Like other Fed officials, Kashkari said he needs solid proof that inflation is heading back to 2 percent before he’s comfortable with rate cuts.

“I want to see evidence that inflation is headed well back down towards the 2 percent target. I’m not saying that we have to get all the way back down to 2 percent before we start cutting, but I need to be convinced that that’s where we’re headed before I would be comfortable normalizing interest rates,” he said.

Rate cuts could result in people feeling better about the economy (a good thing in an election year), but they could also create even more inflation.