I Am Impressed

It has become obvious that neither President Trump nor JD Vance are welcome in Springfield, Ohio. Heaven forbid we should find out exactly what is going on there. However, Vivek Ramaswamy is planning on holding a rally there. Just for the record, I have two reports from people there saying that the Haitians there that practice voodoo are continuing their practices–which include animal sacrifice.

On Wednesday, Hot Air reported:

Vivek Ramaswamy will be there tomorrow, and he is ensuring that it won’t just be a bitch session aimed at Haitian immigrants. He is inviting people from all walks of life to attend, and I expect that he will do an outstanding job representing the Republican ticket there.

I love Vivek; although I am unconvinced he is the kind of guy who would succeed in the job of being chief executive of the country. Frankly, he is too smart for the job and too intellectual in particular. He is smart, quick on his feet, makes the political and policy cases for our cause extremely well, and appeals to people like me because of it.

But what I am not certain of is whether a quick-talking intellectual is the sort of guy Americans can identify with. He is so smart that you kinda wonder whether he is “just like me” when it comes to empathizing with our day-to-day concerns.

The article notes:

And Springfield may turn out to play an outsized role for a couple of reasons: there are allegations that the mayor is making bank on the influx of migrants as he appears to have recently invested in rental housing in a big way, and despite denials from local officials that there is any truth to the rumors of pets being killed, recent footage from a town meeting shows that at the very least the city manager knew of the allegations and of reports that they were.

There are a number of people profiting from the migrant influx. Taxpayer money is given to NGO’s to bring people into the country and provide housing, medical care, etc. with American tax dollars. Landlords and hotel owners are evicting Americans because the government pays them more to house legal and illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, we have homeless Americans who are getting none of these benefits. This is not rational policy.

About Those Geese

The influx of illegal aliens through America’s open southern border has made every state a border state. It has been a serious problem for some small communities that have been overrun by illegal immigrants. One such town is Springfield, Ohio, a town of 60,000 people that has had 20,000 illegal aliens move in. On Tuesday, The Federalist posted an article about one consequence of this invasion of people who do not share the same culture as the town they have moved into.

The article reports:

A recording of a police phone call obtained by The Federalist reveals a local resident reporting a group of Haitian migrants carrying four geese in Springfield, Ohio two weeks ago.

“I’m sitting here, I’m riding on the trail, I’m going to my orientation for my job today, and I see a group of Haitian people, there was about four of ’em, they all had geese in their hand,” the caller tells the public services dispatcher in the audio recording of the call.

According to a police report reviewed by The Federalist, the call was placed on Aug. 26, before the Columbus suburb located roughly 50 miles from the state capital became nationally known this week for epitomizing the nation’s migrant crisis. The caller told the dispatcher he saw four migrants in total, two men and two women, each carrying a single goose.

There have also been stories from towns where household pets are being slaughtered and eaten. Some of these stories are questionable, but some have been documented. Is this how we want to live in America? Is it time to send some of these people home?

A Ridiculous Solution To A Serious Problem

On Saturday, PJ Media posted an article about Germany’s plan to change their policy of knife possession following a number of ‘knife incidents’ in their country.

The article reports:

After a Syrian illegal immigrant attacked and killed three people and wounded eight attending a diversity festival in the town of Solingen, Germany on August 23. Chancellor Olaf Scholz vowed to do something about it.

There were 13,844 “knife crime” incidents in Germany in 2023. So, naturally, Olaf decided the culprit was the knife. Since you can’t put a knife on trial or put a blade in jail, Scholz decided on the next best thing; knife control.

As silly as that sounds, it’s going to happen in Germany.

Current law allows an individual to carry a knife up to 7″ long. Scholz wants to change the statute to allow individuals to carry knives only 2.4 inches long. Germany still won’t be able to put knives on trial or jail knives and make them pay for their crimes. But at least Scholz is “doing something about the problem.”

In addition to knife control, Scholz is also going to limit benefits available to illegal immigrants. German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser says the suspect in the knife attack, Issa Al H., was scheduled to be deported to Bulgaria where he first arrived in the European Union.

“The entire process… must be examined, must be made more effective, so that we can deport people more quickly,” Justice Minister Buschmann said Thursday.

Limiting benefits to illegal immigrants is actually a wise move. Changing the length of the knife is not really going to make a difference. Anything can be a weapon. In 2010, I posted an article about the British Pubs introducing a new shatterproof pint glass because the previous pint glasses were consistently being broken over the bar and used as weapons. In Germany (and in America’s future), the problem is importing large numbers of people from places with totally different cultures who are not assimilating into the culture. Because they have not assimilated, these immigrants tend to be economically challenged and angry when they can’t find work. It is a recipe for disaster. Hungary seems to be one of the few European countries that has recognized the problem and dealt with it.

Cross The Border And Get A Free House

On Saturday, The National Review posted an article about a bill recently passed by the California legislature that would allow illegal immigrants to receive up to $150,000 in taxpayer-backed home loans. As of the time I am writing this, Governor Newsom has not yet signed the legislation.

The article reports:

“I didn’t know it was possible to make a border crisis and the housing crisis worse with just one vote, but Democrats found a way,” California Assembly Republican leader James Gallagher said on X on Thursday.

Republican assemblyman Bill Essayli called the bill “offensive,” writing on X that “California democrats love illegal immigration so much they offer many incentives for them to come here.”

But it’s unclear that Governor Gavin Newsom will sign the legislation, which could provide ammunition to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, a border hawk who has consistently blamed Democrats — including Vice President Kamala Harris, a California native — for the border crisis.

And even if Newsom does sign the legislation, it’s unlikely that any illegal immigrants will receive money from the program anytime soon: the program is broke, and lawmakers haven’t approved new funding.

Democrats, who have a supermajority in the California legislature, passed Assembly Bill 1840 on Wednesday. The aim of the legislation is to prohibit discrimination for the California Dream For All home loan program on the basis of immigration status, according to a bill analysis.

The program offers prospective first-time homebuyers loans of up to $150,000 for down payments or closing costs. At least one borrower must be a first-generation homebuyer. Eligible prospective homebuyers are selected for vouchers via a random lottery.

The obvious question is, “What kind of a house can you buy in California for $150,000? Can you even buy a garage in California for that? What about all of the veterans living on the streets in California? Is anyone going to offer them free housing?

Targeting Taxpayers

Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D

The Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association is committed to ensuring that citizens receive accurate information about policies that impact taxes. The election in November will have a major impact on federal taxes. It is important to note that 47% of earners paid no federal income tax in 2022 and the top 1% of earners paid a whopping 76% of federal taxes collected. This means that there are a substantial number of people who have no stake in how much federal taxes increase. Also, be aware that the Left’s constant refrain that the top earners do not pay their fair share is a lie.

What can we as taxpayers expect in the future? Let’s take a look. First, if a leftist Democrat, like Kamala Harris, is elected we can expect that Trump’s tax cuts from 2017 will be allowed to expire in 2025 increasing taxes substantially; particularly on middle class wage earners. Second, we can expect an increase in spending on “green new deal” programs, which are not only a hoax, but will destroy this country. Subsidies and mandates for wind, solar, and electric vehicles will increase your tax debt. The war on fossil fuels is the major cause of the increased price of energy and inflation. Third, runaway government spending has increased the federal deficit to over $35 trillion, which amounts to $104,000 for every man, woman and child in this country. This will only get worse, and ultimately must be paid by you the taxpayer. Fourth, the so-called student loan forgiveness scam (which is really a transfer of the debt to you the taxpayer) will be pursued in order to buy votes from those who actually benefited from the loans. Fifth, the open border policy is costing taxpayers billions of dollars in direct payments, housing subsidies, food stamps and free healthcare. Kamala Harris has previously advocated free healthcare and Medicare/Medicaid for all, including illegal immigrants. Since hospitals are not allowed to turn people away, you are actually paying this bill now, and it will get worse.

Of course the biggest tax of all is rampant inflation, which has increased the cost of living for the average American over 23% since Biden/Harris took office. Even though the inflation rate has diminished somewhat, prices continue to increase and will never return to their previous levels. In the meantime, mortgage rates, housing prices and rising rents are an increasing burden on the American people, especially the young. The American Dream is being shattered by excessive government spending.

By contrast, a Republican administration is likely to expand energy production, which will not only ease inflation, but provide revenue from the sale of oil and gas to other countries. Trump’s “Drill, baby, drill” plan needs to be implemented. Tax rate cuts to stimulate economic growth and productivity can be expected and are the only positive way of attacking the federal debt. Shrinking the federal government such as eliminating the federal Department of Education and cutting agency budgets are planned. President Trump’s commitment to closing the border will not only reduce taxes but ensure greater security and protect American jobs. Last, but not least is Trump’s commitment to revoke China’s most favored nation status which would help level the playing field and return manufacturing to this country, as well as provide revenue from equal tariffs as appropriate.

Regardless of other issues, and there are many, the impact on taxpayers of this coming election could not be more profound. As taxpayers this should be of the highest concern.

The Consequences Of Liberal State Government

On Saturday, John Hinderaker at Power Line Blog posted an article about the movement of the American population from Blue States to Red States.

The article reports:

One of the most important phenomena in contemporary America is the Great Sort–we are increasingly dividing into red and blue states, in part because of domestic migration. But that migration is basically a one-way street: people are fleeing blue states and moving to red states. Many, but not all, of these migrants are conservatives seeking a more congenial home. And of course there are liberals living in red states, but very few of them are picking up stakes and volunteering for higher taxes and more sluggish economies.

This is not a new phenomenon. The billboard below is from 1971:

So what impact does this movement of people have on red and blue states? The article includes the following charts:

If the state governments are the laboratories of democracy, it is becoming very obvious which states are doing better economically and in other areas.

The article concludes:

Where does it all end? I don’t know, but one possibility is that the current balance in our national politics, where far-left and center-right forces are almost equal, may before long become obsolete. America may become definitively a center-right country, simply because that is where most people and most resources are located.

Moving illegal immigrants to red states might help restore the balance of power. Just sayin’.


A Step In The Right Direction

On Wednesday, The Epoch Times reported that the House of Representatives has passed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE), which requires proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections in America.

The article notes:

The bill was approved in a mostly party-line vote of 221–198.

Five Democrats—Reps. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), Donald Davis (D-N.C.), Jared Golden (D-Maine), Vincente Gonzalez Jr. (D-Texas), and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.)—joined all Republicans in voting for the legislation. Other Democrats opposed the bill, arguing that it’s redundant with existing prohibitions on noncitizen voting.

Are these the same people who are giving instructions on how to register to vote to illegal aliens at the southern border?

The article reports some of the discussion:

It would also require states to purge their voter rolls of any current noncitizens, in part by giving states no-cost access to databases run by the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration.

In a whip notice, House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass.) advised Democrats against voting for the legislation, saying that it “irresponsibly [calls] into question the credibility of our elections.”

Democrats say that under the terms of the bill, it would become more difficult for natural-born and naturalized citizens to register to vote.

“It is already illegal under current law for noncitizens to register to vote or to vote in federal elections,” Ms. Clark’s office stated.

Republicans acknowledge that federal law technically prohibits voting by illegal immigrants, but they say there are loopholes that make it possible for an illegal immigrant to vote.

…Republicans’ concerns are primarily related to the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA), dubbed the Motor Voter law, which allows people to register to vote at the same time that they pick up a driver’s license from a Department of Motor Vehicles or other state agency.

Foreigners living permanently in the United States are encouraged to get a U.S. driver’s license; 19 states and the District of Columbia allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses.

The NVRA does not allow states to ask for documentary proof of citizenship, instead requiring that they take an individual’s word that they are a citizen unless the individual’s eligibility is called into question.

There are non-citizens currently voting in our elections. The penalty for voting when you are not a citizen needs to be deportation, and that rule needs to be enforced. I believe that will help solve the problem.


I’m A Little Late On This, But I Think It’s Important

On July 1st, Townhall posted an article about the presidential debate. All of us who saw the debate drew our own conclusions, but I want to talk about some things that happened after the debate. Jill Biden revved up the crowd at Waffle House by calling President Trump a liar. Generally speaking, that is the charge that Biden supporters make against President Trump. They never quite get down to specifics, but that is the talking point.

Townhall reports:

Although news articles often call Donald Trump a “liar,” I don’t think I have ever seen that term used when discussing Joe Biden. Following the first presidential debate in June, fact-checkers at the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal accused Trump of numerous falsehoods. But they couldn’t find a single Biden falsehood. 

…With respect to Trump, they can’t see the forest for the trees. With respect to Biden, they can’t see the trees.

Immigration. Let’s start with the most blatant falsehood in the entire election season. Last January, Biden claimed, “I’ve done all I can do” to secure the border. He has taken almost 300 executive actions on immigration. Nearly all of these actions made immigration easier, including revoking some of Trump’s policies on his first day in office.

The second worst falsehood is his claim that he needs Congress to act. “Just give me the power I’ve asked from the very day I got into office,” he told reporters. Yet he operates under the same congressional laws as presidents Obama and Trump.

Trump states correctly that innocent young girls have been raped and killed by illegal immigrants. He is justified in saying that those girls would probably be alive today if the Trump immigration policies were still in place.

We are not vetting the immigrants we apprehend, to say nothing of all the got-aways. We don’t really know who they are or where they are. Some are connected to terrorist organizations. FBI Director Wray has testified that there is a serious fear of another 9/11.

…In the debate, Donald Trump claimed that Democrats in general and Biden in particular believe in the legality of killing babies after they are delivered. Even though a Democratic Virginia governor once seemed to suggest that, it is probably not factually correct. But it is very, very close to being correct. For most Democratic candidates, abortion should be legal one minute before delivery, and possibly even during delivery.

…Deficit spending. Some fact-checkers claim that when Trump attacked Biden for running up debt, that was another falsehood. It is true that the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget claims that Trump accumulated twice as much debt as Biden. Yet, this claim has been refuted by the House Budget Committee. Moreover, the official scorekeeper on this question is the Congressional Budget Office, whose ten-year projection finds that Biden’s policies will add far more to the national debt than Trump’s policies.

Please follow the link to the article for further examples. Remember, when you can’t win on policy, attack your opponent personally. It’s not an honest way to run a campaign, but it often works.

Some Sanity From The Federal Bench

With all the cries from hysterical Democrats that President Trump would be a dictator if he is elected, why don’t the Democrats look in the mirror? The student loan forgiveness has continued despite being ruled unconstitutional, domestic oil production has pretty much been shut down despite the fact that Congress passed no laws shutting it down, the border has been left open despite laws that would control the flow of illegal immigrants, and liquid natural gas exports have been shut down despite the fact that Congress never passed a law shutting it down (more on that in a moment). So who is the dictator?

On Friday, Hot Air posted an article about a recent decision by Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana putting the Biden’s pause on LNG exports on hold.

The article quotes Politico:

A federal judge in Louisiana on Monday put the Energy Department’s pause on natural gas export permits on hold, dealing another legal blow to the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana, a Trump appointee, granted a request for a stay from 16 red states that had challenged the pause, arguing it will harm their economies.

The decision to stay the LNG pause upends one of Joe Biden’s major policy nods to climate-focused activists who have accused the president of not doing enough to mitigate planet-warming emissions despite Democrats passing the largest investment in climate in history via the Inflation Reduction Act.

The article also quotes The Wall Street Journal (behind the pay wall):

The Sierra Club, a vociferous and enthusiastic proponent of the January pause, is one of the more strident voices now encouraging our mush-brained hero to do an end-run around SCOTUS.


Who cares what a court says? Not the Sierra Club, which says the judge’s ruling doesn’t compel the Administration “to issue any specific decisions.” In other words, the Administration can continue to slow-walk reviews, as it has been doing.

…Democrats fret that Donald Trump will ignore court rulings, but the Biden Administration defies them left and right. A federal judge in June 2021 ordered the Administration to resume quarterly oil and gas lease sales as required under federal law. It didn’t hold its first auction until June 2022 and waited another year to hold a second.

Progressives have no credibility when they warn about an imperial Trump Presidency after encouraging a lawless Biden Administration.

Laws only apply to Republicans.

Are Non-Citizens Registered To Vote?

On July 4th, The Gateway Pundit posted an article that included a video of non-citizens stating that they were registered to vote in America.

The article reports:

In a video posted on X, Mike Howell, Executive Director of the Heritage Oversight Project, has urged Americans to “declare independence from foreigners deciding our elections.”

The video, which was produced in collaboration with Muckraker.com, presents evidence suggesting that illegal aliens are being registered to vote in the United States.

“The evidence you are about to see relates to illegal aliens being registered to vote. This is a problem national in scale. The United States of America is for Americans, and our elections only should be decided by them,” Howell added.

The video centers around an apartment complex located at 220 Branch View in Charlotte, North Carolina. According to Muckraker.com, the complex is primarily occupied by non-citizens.

In an effort to investigate potential voting irregularities, representatives from Muckraker visited the complex and asked residents two simple questions: “Are you registered to vote?” and “Are you a citizen?”

The results were shocking. Out of the 41 people surveyed, four confirmed that they were non-citizens who were registered to vote. This represents nearly 10% of those interviewed.

“If this proportion holds true nationwide,” said a representative from Muckraker, “the integrity of the 2024 election is in jeopardy.”

The article also notes:

Earlier this year, The Oversight Project reported that flyers instructing illegal immigrants to vote for Joe Biden in the forthcoming U.S. election have been reportedly distributed at a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Mexico.

The controversial flyers were discovered scattered around the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM), an establishment known for aiding migrants. Some of these were even found on the walls inside port-a-potties at the location.

The flyers read: “Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.”

Law enforcement agencies need to make it clear that any non-citizens caught voting in the presidential election will be arrested and deported. That will solve the problem.

Something To Be Aware Of In November

On Monday, BizPac Review posted an article about something that could have a major impact on our presidential election in November.

The article reports:

The so-called “conspiracy theorists” have put together an impressive winning streak and they’ve once again been proven right, this time about illegal aliens voting in the 2024 election.

Republicans are very concerned about the impact of President Joe Biden’s “newcomers” on the upcoming election, the most critical in the nation’s history, and House Republicans have introduced an “election integrity” bill to require that proof of citizenship be required to register to vote.

But despite denials and ridicule over GOP concerns that illegal aliens could vote, the truth is that nearly every state provides voter registration forms to non-citizens without proof of citizenship, according to the New York Post.

…The Biden-Harris HQ mocked Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) over the legislation but it turns out that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

“Every state but Arizona — which recently passed a law barring the practice on state but not federal forms — gives applicants for either welfare benefits, driver’s licenses, or in some cases, mail-in ballots voter registration forms without demanding proof of citizenship,” the paper reported, adding, that even though it’s illegal to falsely claim U.S. citizen ship to vote, “millions of migrants with humanitarian parole, refugee or asylum status are eligible for benefits that would bring them to the offices where voter registration takes place.”

In November 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies reported the following:

  • In October 2023, the CPS shows that 15 percent of the U.S. population is now foreign-born — higher than any U.S. government survey or census has ever recorded.
  • The 49.5 million foreign-born residents (legal and illegal) in October 2023 is also a new record high.
  • Since President Biden took office in January 2021, the foreign-born population has grown by 4.5 million — larger than the individual populations of 25 U.S. states.
  • Based on our prior estimates of illegal immigrants, more than half (2.5 million) of the 4.5 million increase in the foreign-born population since January 2021 is likely due to illegal immigration. If adjusted for those missed by the survey, the increase would be larger.
  • The 4.5 million increase overall and the 2.5 million increase in illegal immigrants are both net figures. The number of new arrivals was significantly higher, but was offset by outmigration and natural mortality among the foreign-born already here.

If even a fraction of the illegal immigrants vote, how many of them are going to vote for their own deportation?

Do Facts Really Matter?

If you are planning to watch the presidential debate on Thursday, here are a few things to keep in mind. Both men have served one term as President, so their record of accomplishments is available to anyone who is willing to look for it. There will be lies—the press will pounce on any exaggeration from President Trump and ignore any whoppers from President Biden.

These are some of the information that will be quoted during the debate if they actually deal with facts:

1.According to Investopedia:

The average yearly inflation rate under President Donald Trump was 1.9%. Inflation remained low during Trump’s presidency.

The average yearly inflation rate under President Joe Biden so far is 5.7%…. Inflation peaked at 9.1% year-over-year in June 2022, the highest increase in 40 years.33

  1. Illegal immigration has skyrocketed under President Biden through an open southern border. The open border has enabled drugs, sex trafficking, and given the cartels more money than even they can spend.
  2. Crime has skyrocketed under President Biden as the illegal immigrants coming into America broke the law to get here and have little respect for our laws and little interest in assimilation. To be fair, Americans are also quite capable of breaking laws, particularly when many crimes are not being prosecuted.

Those are just a few of the actual issues.

Now I have some advice for the candidates.

To President Biden:  Don’t talk about Beau Biden. The loss of a child is a terrible thing, but how many parents have lost a child to fentanyl or crimes committed by an illegal alien under your border policy.

To President Trump:  Don’t let President Biden goad you into an argument—be careful—if you are winning, they will cut your mike. I am reminded of the quote, “Never argue with stupid people because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

These are answers to some of the lies to expect from President Biden:

President Trump did not call neo-Nazis who rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, good people. That is simply not true and can easily be checked.

January 6th was not an insurrection—insurrections usually involve guns and shooting. The only person shot that day was an unarmed civilian named Ashli Babbitt who would still be alive if proper police protocols had been followed. The other woman who was killed that day was Rosanne Boyland, who also a victim of police who chose not to follow accepted protocols.

President Biden will claim that inflation was high when he took office. That is an easily-checked lie. It was about 2 percent.

I have created a bingo card for the debate. You can easily create your own. Mine includes such phrases as Hunter’s laptop, January 6th, deep fake videos, gas prices, inflation, convicted felon, my son Beau, crimes by illegal aliens, Ukraine, fentanyl, lawfare, fake news, China, Burisma, economy, and insurrection. If you are planning to watch the debate, a bingo card will at least make it interesting.

Clearing The Way For Deportations

On Friday, The Federalist posted an article about the Supreme Court’s decision regarding a loophole that allowed foreigners to avoid deportation proceedings by citing a paperwork technicality. The decision was 5-4. That is not surprising.

The article reports:

The case centered on three illegal immigrants: Moris Esmelis Campos-Chaves, an El Salvador native who entered the country illegally in 2005 through Texas; Varinder Singh, a man from India who illegally entered the U.S. in 2016 by “climbing over a fence” in California; and Mexico-native Raul Daniel Mendez-Colín, who illegally entered the U.S. in 2001 in Arizona.

The trio argued that their deportation notices did not meet the criteria for a proper notice as prescribed by the law.

Title 8 USC § 1229 (a) describes two types of notices. The first is a general initial notice to appear that shall include, among other specificities, a “time and place” for the proceeding. The second notice regards a “change or postponement in the time and place of such proceedings.” The Supreme Court previously ruled in 2021 that “this information must be provided in a single document in order to satisfy [the law].”

If an alien does not appear at his removal proceeding, the government has the authority to remove him. If the alien, however, can prove he did not receive the notice, he can seek to have the removal order rescinded.

The Supreme Court was technically hearing three separate cases, as one case stemmed from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that ruled in favor of the government while the other two, from the 9th Circuit, ruled in favor of the illegal immigrants.

The trio were ordered to be deported after they failed to appear at their deportation hearings. But the three illegal immigrants argued that the notices they received were improper since they initially lacked a specific date and time.

The article concludes:

Surely the burden is always on the government when dealing with the rights of citizens. But to claim that noncitizens — in this case people who knowingly broke the law and entered the country illegally — deserve the same right as an American to absolve themselves of the burden of proof is ludicrous.

Millions of illegal immigrants have flooded our border and overwhelmed not only Border Patrol, but the court system. The idea that these “noncitizens” should be allowed to stay in the country if the overwhelmed court system fails to provide a single document notifying them of their hearing is insanity.

The justices in the majority opinion were Justice Alito, Chief Justice Roberts, Justice Thomas, Justice Kavanaugh, and Justice Barrett. The justices in the minority were Justice Brown Jackson, Justice Sotomayor, Justice Gorsuch, and Justice Kagan.

Did He Really Say That?

Every now and again a politician accidentally says the quiet part out loud. One of the things people are considering right now is what happens if President Trump is re-elected in November. Will he be able to keep his pledge of deporting illegal immigrants? What impact will the threat of deportation have on those who are currently living off the American taxpayer in America?

On Saturday, PJ Media posted an article that provides some clues as to what will happen if President Trump is elected.

The article reports:

The border crisis has gotten so bad that immigration has become one of the top issues of the presidential campaign and it is hurting Joe Biden so badly that he’s pretending to finally take the border situation by, you know, only letting a couple million illegals come into the country a year. Trump, however, says that, if elected, he’ll do everything he can to deport the illegals that came in under Biden.

But, according to Barack Obama’s former ambassador to Canada, Bruce Heyman, Trump may not have to do that, because if Trump is reelected, illegals living high on the taxpayer’s dime in the United States will just flee to Canada.

“Brace for a possible tsunami of illegal migrants if Trump is re-elected,” reads the headline at the Canadian “National Post.”

According to columnist Tasha Kheiriddin, “there are three very real dangers posed by the election of Trump 2.0 that politicians need to pay attention to, according to former U.S. ambassador to Canada Bruce Heyman, who presented them to a security conference in Ottawa earlier this week.”

The first “danger” is the mass deportation of illegal immigrants from the United States.

The article concludes:

Canada is already facing a housing crisis and tightening our own rules on student visas and temporary workers,” writes Kheiriddin. “We are in no position to accommodate a mass influx of migrants, so the question hangs in the air: what would we do?”

That’s your problem Canada. The United States clearly can’t handle them either. If Canada wants to be proactive about the problem, when Donald Trump wins, they can allocate resources to help us deport illegals and secure our southern border if they don’t want to be burdened with all the illegals.

Maybe it’s time to take an honest look at some of the South American governments that are responsible for the majority of illegal aliens. Some South American countries have recently turned from chaotic countries without the rule of law into responsible democracies (El Salvador and Argentina). We can’t fight their revolutions for the remaining countries, but we can stop supporting corrupt governments and drug lords (which our open-border policy is currently doing). We also need to question why so many military-age single Chinese men are entering our country illegally. An open border is a security problem, and I am hopeful that we can close our border before we find out how much of a security problem it is.


Shouldn’t Americans Be The Ones Voting In American Elections?

On Thursday, Fox News reported that the House of Representatives voted to repeal a Washington, D.C. law that allows non-citizens to vote in local elections. The final vote was 262 to 143 to repeal the law. One hundred forty-three Democrats voted to allow non-citizens to vote. Fifty-two of the Democrats voted with the Republicans to limit  voting to American citizens. As our nation gets overrun by illegal aliens, we can expect to see more voting on whether or not elections should be limited to citizens only. Because people who are here illegally are not required to do the studying required to become a citizen (unless they choose to become citizens), many of the non-citizens voting would have no idea of how America works or what it stands for. Since many of the illegal aliens come from countries with non-western cultures, this is a recipe for disaster.

The article reports:

“What we’re doing is, we are talking about passing a law that prohibits citizens of foreign countries from voting in elections in D.C. It prohibits people that are here illegally from voting in elections. It prohibits spies from China from voting in elections. It prohibits people that are here from Russia that have wishes of ill will in the United States from voting in the elections in D.C.,” Rep. Garret Graves, R-La., said during debate for the bill.

GOP lawmakers have also accused Democrats of trying to tip the scales at the ballot box by encouraging illegal immigrants to sign up to vote – something the left has denied.

If the illegal aliens who have entered America during the Biden administration were allowed to vote, they would form a significant voting bloc that American citizens would not be able to overcome.


Is This About Money Or About Doing Good?

On Tuesday, The Washington Examiner posted an article which provided information on the charities that are profiting because of the illegal aliens entering America.

The article reports:

Communities throughout the United States are suffering while they try to find money to house, clothe, feed, educate, and provide medical care for millions of illegal immigrants caught and released into the country by President Joe Biden. However, the left-wing nonprofit organizations paid to serve migrants are profiting pleasantly.

According to an examination by the Free Press of three of the most prominent nonprofit organizations paid by the Biden administration for migrant services, their revenues have more than tripled since 2018, and each of their CEOs makes more than $500,000 a year.

The article continues:

One, Global Refuge, saw its revenue rise from $50 million in 2018 to more than $200 million in 2022. Documents show that Global Refuge housed more than 2,500 migrant children in 2019 at a cost of $30 million. It housed just 1,443 in 2022 at a cost of $82.5 million. In that same period, Global Refuge CEO Krish O’Mara Vignarajah saw her salary rise from $244,000 a year to $520,000. Before coming to Global Refuge, she served as former first lady Michelle Obama’s policy director.

Another nonprofit group, Endeavors, was awarded more than 1 billion dollars in 2022, of which it spent $533,000 on a music therapist, $4.6 million on “consulting services,” $1.4 million on conferences, and $700,000 on lobbyists. Despite past scandals involving self-dealing among top executives, in 2022, Southwest Key Programs was awarded almost $800 million, of which it gave more than $1 million to its CEO.

Each nonprofit organization benefits from the Department of Health and Human Services’s Unaccompanied Children Program. When children are caught illegally crossing the border without parents, Border Patrol must, by law, turn them over to HHS, whose Office of Refugee Resettlement is charged with housing, feeding, and educating them until their parents or a sponsor can be found. HHS does not provide these services. They contract with nonprofit outfits that do, hence the big payouts to Endeavors, Global Refuge, and Southwest Key Programs.

At some point the communities where illegal aliens settle are expected to provide education for the children and medical care for the families, regardless of the involvement of a nonprofit. Local communities are dealing with overcrowded schools, diseases that Americans have not seen in years, and a serious strain on their financial resources. Children are being put in the care of people who are not relatives and may be subjected to human trafficking or other forms of slavery.

The open border is bad for our country, but it is also bad for the people coming here. There is no safety in making the trip and no guarantee of a better life once they get here. Right now the cartels are in charge of our southern border, and they are making a lot of money that they can invest in destroying America with drugs and violence.

Drastic change is needed.

Fixing An Obvious Problem

On Tuesday, The Epoch Times reported that Representative Chip Roy has introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would require documentary proof of United States citizenship in order to register to vote. This is an idea whose time has come. One of the reasons for the flow of illegals into America is to create a new voter base–the old voter base is getting tired of Democrat shenanigans.

The article reports:

It lists several acceptable documents to verify the citizenship of a would-be voter, including a REAL ID compliant identification, a U.S. passport, a military ID card, or any valid state, federal or tribal identification, such as a birth certificate, hospital record, or adoption certificate, showing that the individual was born in, or is a naturalized citizen of, the United States.

The bill also provides for accommodations for mail-in voting registration or those unable to produce documentary proof of citizenship, who can undergo a separate process to have their citizenship verified.

States would also be required to “take affirmative steps on an ongoing basis to ensure that only United States citizens are registered to vote,” including clearing the voter rolls of those who are ineligible to vote due to their status as noncitizens. To that end, the bill also clarifies the conditions under which a state may seek to remove an individual from voter rolls.

Additionally, the bill would require the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to investigate noncitizens who are illegally registered to vote, up to and including the possibility of removal proceedings.

The article notes:

As so many illegal immigrants are already in the country, current law raises red flags that could potentially affect the outcome of the election, Mr. Johnson said.

“There’s so many millions of illegals in the country, that if only one out of one hundred voted, they would cast potentially hundreds of thousands of votes,” Mr. Johnson said. “That could turn an election.”

Critics of the bill have retorted that federal law already prohibits illegal immigrants from voting.

However, due to the Supreme Court’s expansion of the NVRA in 2013, existing laws include no solid mechanism for states to ensure that their voters are citizens.

When America was founded, only landowners were allowed to vote because they had a ‘stake’ in the government. Today we need to make sure that only people who are American citizens and have a ‘stake’ in the government are allowed to vote.

Our Tax Dollars At Work

On Tuesday, The American Thinker posted an article about one way the Biden administration is dealing with the large number of illegal immigrants coming across our southern border–they are bringing them in in other ways so that the numbers crossing the border are smaller!

The article reports:

By the time Joe Biden’s term ends, if it ends, no fewer than 10 million illegal aliens, many of them criminals and the insane, hundreds of thousands of terrorists and spies, even members of China’s military, will be within America’s borders. Terrorist attacks on a previously unimaginable scale are a certainty, so likely even our feckless FBI director is warning of them, surely to cover his bureaucratic posterior. Should Biden steal a second term, America will no longer resemble America. But voting with one’s feet is far from the only way illegals breach our borders with the help of Biden’s Handlers:

The article continues:

That’s 320,000 in 2023 alone to which they’ll admit. The flights, carrying numbers unknown, continue. The information was obtained only by way of FOIA because these flights, usually in unmarked aircraft,  are kept strictly secret and land only at night. The Administration does this through an app that allows illegals to apply for those flights. Unvetted, they are flown directly into America at no cost, bypassing public scrutiny and cameras depicting them freely crossing our “secure” and “closed” borders. Americans forced to evacuate hostile nations due to the foreign policy idiocy of the Biden Administration have to cough up airfare in advance, when the State Department can be roused to arrange a flight or two. Illegals, once here, are routinely flown and bussed across the country to destinations of their choice, also at taxpayer expense.

The article concludes:

What’s next? Giving illegals free room and board, cell phones, work permits, displacing veterans and the needy, taking over school facilities and lying about all of that? Oh. Right. The Administration is already doing that too.

It’s a truism to say America is a nation of immigrants, but never before have we imported them unvetted, by air, with taxpayer dollars from the brokest nation in history. Never before have we not expected them to pay their own way and to assimilate.

When that bill comes due, who will be left to pay it and what with?

This is not helpful to the future of America.

A Reasonable Solution To An Unreasonable Problem

On Monday, Townhall posted an article about how a Home Depot store in New Rochelle, New York, is dealing with problems caused by thieves and aggressive illegal aliens.

The article reports:

A Home Depot store in New York now has security guards, as well as a guard dog, to protect shoppers from thieves and aggressive illegal aliens. 

According to the New York Post, two guards wearing bulletproof vests now patrol the Home Depot location in New Rochelle with a German Shepherd. One of the guards told the Post that the security company was employed a few weeks ago to keep shoppers safe. 

“It’s not just because of [illegal immigrants], but because of a myriad of other things too, like people breaking into cars, that kind of stuff,” one of the guards who spoke to the Post said. 
The article concludes:

One illegal immigrant told the Post that he was at one of the New York locations seeking work from contractors. 

“There are a lot of people who have been coming here for a lot of years . . . asking people for jobs in construction and if they need help with projects,” he told The Post in Spanish. “We come here to find work.” 

An illegal immigrant from Senegal told the Post that he makes about $300 a day by charging customers $10 each time he helps them push their cart or haul their purchases into their vehicle. 

Home Depot told the outlet that loitering and soliciting are illegal at its stores, but would not specify what measures would be taken to stop it. 

“While we can’t go into specifics about our security measures,” the company said, “it’s not unusual for us to use third-party security at various stores across the country.”

Concepts of personal space differ in different cultures. Importing millions of people illegally does not allow them time to assimilate and learn the customs of Americans. The degrading of our security and cultural norms that has begun will only get worse until we find a way to end the flow of people who are coming here illegally.

This Isn’t Going To End Well

American ‘Sanctuary Cities’ are going out of their way to feed, house, and clothe people who are here illegally. That makes no sense at all when Americans are homeless. We need to find a way to help America’s homeless before we take in someone else’s homeless. Some cities are doing amazing financial acrobatics in order to meet the needs of the influx of homeless, jobless, needy illegal immigrants.

On Thursday, The Daily Caller reported:

The Democratic-run city of Denver, Colorado, plans to defund its police department to pay for illegal immigrants.

Denver, which is commonly referred to as a “sanctuary city,” announced on Wednesday that it will spend $89.9 million on services for incoming illegal migrants, pulling some of the funding from roughly $45 million in public programs and services. Denver’s police department will be hit with an $8.4 million reduction — about 1.9% of its total operating budget, the city confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Denver became the top destination per capita for incoming migrants in 2023, having had more than 40,000 arrive that year alone — putting the total migrant population at roughly 710,000, according to NBC News. Denver already spent over $42 million in 2023 in housing and medical services for migrants and plans to spend over $100 million on similar costs in 2024.

The fire department will also suffer a $2.5 million reduction, or about 0.8% of its total operating costs, the city told the DCNF. Half of those reductions will also come from vacant positions.

Today, we shared a new budget and a more sustainable newcomer program.

Proud of our city for welcoming those most in need. Proud of our city teams who found ways to minimize budget without major impacts.

Note the use of the word ‘newcomer’ instead of illegal immigrant.

The article concludes:

Over 15,000 migrants have flooded into Denver since May 2023 as a result of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s busing effort. The Lone Star state sits at the epicenter of the illegal immigration crisis.

More broadly, illegal immigration in cities and states across the U.S. has surged under the Biden administration. There were roughly 1.6 million migrant encounters at the northern and southern border in fiscal year 2021, compared to over 2 million in fiscal year 2023 and roughly a million in the first five months of fiscal year 2024, according to Customs and Border Protection data.

Every state is becoming a border state, and every city is becoming a sanctuary city.


Will The Courts Uphold The Law?

There was a time in America when you were arrested when you did something illegal. That was then; this is now. Just for the record, crossing into America illegally is a crime. Technically, illegal aliens should be sent back to their home countries. It has been a while since we have seen that happen.

On Wednesday, The Daily Caller reported:

Republican Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a bill Wednesday that will allow both state and local enforcement officials to arrest illegal immigrants who reentered the U.S., as well as authorizing state courts to deport them.

Bill SF 2340, which is expected to go into effect July 1, allows the state to enforce immigration laws and prevent illegal reentry into the state, according to a press release. If caught by officials within the state, illegal immigrants could potentially face up to two years in prison.  

“The Biden Administration has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, putting the protection and safety of Iowans at risk. Those who come into our country illegally have broken the law, yet Biden refuses to deport them. This bill gives Iowa law enforcement the power to do what he is unwilling to do: enforce immigration laws already on the books,” Reynolds stated.

The article concludes:

While the Iowa Legislature passed the bill last month, there appear to be questions and concerns over how officials should go about the new addition.

Des Moines Police Chief Dana Wingert told the Associated Press in March that immigration status is not a part of the department’s efforts to protect the community. Wingert told the outlet they were “not equipped, funded or staffed” to aid in the new responsibilities.

“Simply stated, not only do we not have the resources to assume this additional task, we don’t even have the ability to perform this function,” Wingert said.

President of the Iowa State Sheriffs and Deputies Association and Linn County Deputy Sheriff Shawn Ireland told AP News in March that many officials would have to seek guidance from their county attorneys on how to properly implement and enforce the new legislation.

This will undoubtedly wind up in the courts. It will be interesting to see how they rule.

Ignoring The Law Or Skirting The Law When It Is Convenient

On April 5th, Channel 15 News in Wisconsin reported that migrants (illegal immigrants) in the state are being given Covid funds.

The article reports:

Wisconsin state Senator Duey Stroebel, R-Cederberg, sounded the alarm Thursday after learning of a decision in the state’s capital to aid migrants with pandemic relief funds.

The City of Madison, State Sen. Stroebel wrote in a press release, is diverting State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) to aid asylum seekers arriving in the city. These funds were issued through the American Rescue Plan to help state and local governments through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Madison is aware asylum seekers arriving in the city can’t receive direct government assistance funds and is therefore using SLRF “as a way around the system,” the senator wrote. Taking to X, he explained these funds can be used to pay utility bills and buy gas and food for migrants.

Notice the use of the word ‘migrants.’ I have no doubt that these are not migrants–they are illegal aliens who have invaded our country and are using up resources that should be spend on Americans in need.

The article concludes:

State Sen. Stroebel concluded by asking Rey to provide copies of the grant applications for undocumented migrants, as well as a breakdown of how the $700K is being used.

Earlier this week, Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., demanded answers from President Joe Biden over a program providing asylum seekers with $500 in monthly housing assistance.

How many homeless Americans could use $500 in monthly housing assistance?

Who Is Protecting American Cities?

On Sunday, Townhall posted an article about an Amendment to H.R. 2882 proposed by Senator Bill Hagerty (R-TN) that would have stopped the Biden Administration from chartering more than 32,000 illegal immigrants from their countries to various American communities.

The article reports:

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) called out Democrats on Friday night after they opposed legislation that would protect American tax dollars from being spent on flights for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to be flown to cities across the country. 

“Make no mistake here. President Biden has secretly been flying hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens in foreign countries into blue-city airports,” Hagerty said from the Senate floor. “Just last year alone, in 2023, it was reported that some 320,000 illegal aliens have been flown in using this method.” 

…Hagerty also warned about the implications of illegal aliens living in American communities would have on Congressional seats and electoral college votes.

“Illegal aliens are counted when determining Americans’ representation in government, and the worth of their votes. The more illegal aliens and non-citizens in your state or district, the greater your voting power in Congress and presidential elections,” Hagerty said in a statement. “This means that in a state like California—or a city like New York—millions of illegal aliens result in several more Congressional seats and Electoral College votes for that jurisdiction.”

He claimed that this explains why every single Democrat who voted on his amendment opposed it, adding that the left is “weaponizing the census.” 

Hagerty accused Democrats of being desperate to preserve their political power and making it easier for blue states to “backfill their declining populations” by delivering illegal immigrants to their towns. 

There is no guarantee how the illegal aliens will vote (without a doubt, they will be voting within five years); however, they will currently impact the census and the Electoral College. Somehow I don’t think this is what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

Asking A Really Good Question

On Thursday, The Federalist posted an article about a really good question Wyoming Senator John Barrasso asked Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.

The article reports:

Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra refused to explain Thursday why “hardworking Americans should pay” for foreign lawbreakers’ healthcare when grilled by Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso.

Barrasso detailed how cities are being overwhelmed by illegal immigrants draining their resources and putting a massive strain on health funds and infrastructure, noting Denver Health saw more than 20,000 illegally present foreigners seeking medical care in 2023. Denver Health is “at a critical, critical point” as costs pile up, CEO Donna Lynne said, according to Becker’s Hospital Review.

“Can you please explain why it is the responsibility of hard-working American taxpayers to foot the bill for all of this care for people, nine million now, from all across the world who have flooded their way into the United States?”

“What I could tell you is that we have extended the resources and authorities that we have at HHS to try to be there to help any healthcare facility when there is a way that we can go in to be supportive. I don’t know of a particular case that you might want to mention, but I know that we are prepared to be supportive of any facility where the authorities that you have given us allow us to go in and support,” Becerra responded.

“The federal government doesn’t pay for the health care of every legal U.S. citizen,” Barrasso shot back. “It seems like it’s in the position now of having to do it all for these illegal immigrants. Why should the American citizen be forced to pay for illegal migrants to receive this same care for free? Because that’s what’s happening.”

At some point our government needs to realize that money does not grow on trees. Our first responsibility should be to Americans. Unless we can afford to give all Americans free health care, we should not be giving it to people who broke the law to get here.

With Apologies To Abbott And Costello

On Monday, John Droz posted an article in substack about the latest unemployment numbers.

The article notes:

Believe it or not (as this superb article explains), there are now SIX different US unemployment rates! Here are the latest (2023) government data for all six. The popularly referred to rates are 3.6% (U-3: unemployed) and 6.9% (U-6: out of work).

However, there is another large fly in the ointment: the unemployment rates (by-and-large) do not count illegal immigrants. When that number was low, it was ignored, as it was considered to be just statistical noise. Since 2020, that is no longer the case, as the current data says some six (6) million new illegal immigrants are in the US, just from the Southern border!

The article includes a spoof of Abbott and Costello’s Who’s On First routine. Here is a portion of that spoof:

COSTELLO: I want to talk about the unemployment rate in America.
Good Subject. It’s 3.6%.

COSTELLO: That many people are out of work? 
No, that’s 6.9%.

COSTELLO: You just said 3.6%.
ABBOTT: 3.6% 
are unemployed. 

COSTELLO: Right, 3.6% out of work.
 No, that’s 6.9%. 

COSTELLO: Okay, so it’s 6.9% unemployed.
No, that’s 3.6%. 

COSTELLO: WAIT A MINUTE. Is it 3.6% or 6.9%?
ABBOTT: 3.6% 
are unemployed. 6.9% are out of work. 

COSTELLO: But if you are out of work, you are unemployed. 
No, Biden said you can’t count those “Out of Work” as the unemployed. You have to be looking for work to be unemployed.

No, you miss his point.

COSTELLO: What point?
Someone who isn’t actively looking for work can’t be counted with those who look for work. It wouldn’t be fair.

COSTELLO: It wouldn’t be fair to whom? 
The unemployed. 

COSTELLO: But they are ALL out of work. 
No, the Unemployed are actively looking for work. Those who are Out of Work gave up looking. If you give up, you are no longer in the ranks of the Unemployed.

COSTELLO: So if you’re off the Unemployment roles that would count as less Unemployment? 
Yes, unemployment would go down.

Follow the link above to read the rest of the spoof.

That is the reason the unemployment number is so low while so many people are out of work.