The Figure Behind The Curtain

Is anyone surprised that Tim Walz had dinner with Alex Soros recently? Alex Soros has taken over the Soros empire from his father, George. An article posted Wednesday in The New York Post also be noted that Alex has visited the Biden White House two dozen times.

The article reports:

Far-left billionaire George Soros has invested heavily in the narrative that anyone who notes that the web of influence he’s spun does in fact exist must be a conspiracy theorist — or worse, an antisemite.

His son Alex Soros, who was handed the keys to the $25 billion kingdom last year, has gone the opposite route: He practically brags about his sphere of influence on social media, where he posts photos of all the heads of state and influential figures he’s cozied up to, including Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi — and Kamala Harris.

Surely some of them wish Alex was a bit more private; when Soros met with Harris in June of last year (and posted the evidence to his socials) the tete-a-tete was excluded from Harris’ public schedule, implying that she thought that could prevent people from noticing. 

The younger Soros has visited the Biden White House two dozen times — with visible consequences, the latest being the FCC’s race to approve a Soros takeover of over 200 radio stations ahead of the presidential election.

And the Soros influence will only increase further in a Harris-Walz presidency.

During the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Alex tweeted out photos of himself and beau Huma Abedin (she sure knows how to pick ’em) with VP nominee Tim Walz — and this week, Soros dined with Walz in his NYC home, posting a snap of the two with the Manhattan skyline as a backdrop.

For whatever reason, George Soros and his organization have been working on the destruction of America for some time. They have funded the election of many state and local Attorneys General who have been more than remiss in enforcing laws of all kinds. They have consistently funded candidates who do support America or American freedom. Unfortunately because George Soros is a naturalized citizen, he cannot be legitimately thrown out of the country.

I Guess That Didn’t Go Exactly As Planned

Evidently all is not roses and sunshine in the Democrat party right now. Although it seems that Kamala Harris is the candidate, not everyone is thrilled. I don’t know if there will be a bait and switch at the Democrat Convention next month, but I am not ruling it out. Once you ignore the votes of all the people who voted in your primary elections, I suspect that you can do pretty much anything you want to at your convention.

On Friday, The New York Post reported the following:

There’s buzz swirling within the Biden camp that the president’s swift endorsement of Kamala Harris was his revenge on prominent party leaders — including Barack Obama — who pressured him to bow out of the race against his will, sources told The Post.

Joe Biden, who said he was dropping out “in defense of democracy” during his public address Wednesday, had been told by Obama to allow delegates at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago to decide a new candidate, a source close to the Biden family claimed.

“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”

Talk among insiders is that Biden saw this as a final way to assert some control over his ouster.

It is my impression that there are three camps in the current Democrat party–the Clinton camp, the Obama camp, and the Biden camp. Keep in mind that the Clinton and Biden camps both are not fans of the Obama camp. Also remember that the Clinton camp got a little closer to George Soros and his money and influence recently when Huma Abedin announced her engagement to Alex Soros, the son of George Soros. Speculation is that President Obama’s choice for the Democrat presidential candidate was Mark Kelly of Arizona. Kelly would have been a better candidate and might have had a positive impact for Democrats on the down ballot in Arizona.

The article concludes:

According to a source close to the Biden family, prominent Democrats threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution and urge the vice president and the cabinet to remove Biden from office, the source said.

The source said that the belief within the family is that Obama wanted to get Biden out of the race — and an op-ed written by George Clooney in the New York Times, asking him to step aside, was a part of that plan.

Calls to the offices of Obama and Biden, as well as the Democratic National Committee, were not returned.

Obama persuading Biden not to run for the presidency in 2016, allowing Hillary Clinton a shot at the Oval Office, has since been a sticking point between the two men, according to reports.

“He was not encouraging,” Biden later told the New York Times, referring to Obama.

As for the race ahead, Obama has little faith in Harris, the source close to the Biden family claimed.

“Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance,” the source said.

“She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

It is possible that the Democrat Convention will be very interesting. I don’t think President Obama gives up easily.

The Maneuvering Begins

President Biden will not be the Democrat candidate for President in November. This was announced today. The obvious choice to replace him as a candidate is Kamala Harris, but so far President Obama and Nancy Pelosi have not endorsed him. On Sunday, Breitbart reported that Alex Soros, now who is now the head of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) George Soros led for so many years, has endorsed Kamala Harris as the candidate. Hillary Clinton has endorsed Kamala.

Let’s walk down memory  lane with Kamala Harris for a minute. She encouraged people to donate to post bail for the rioters arrested during the summer riots of 2020. She will probably campaign as the first African-American woman to run for President. Her mother was from India and her father was a college professor who arrived in America in 1961 from Jamaica. Her upbringing had little to do with the ‘black experience,’ but I doubt you will hear that. She was named the ‘border czar’ early in the Biden administration. She may have visited the border once or twice. People who support her will have to decide whether or not they want to listen to her cackle for four years if she wins.

My observation is that Hillary Clinton wants to be on the ticket. I would be surprised if she wanted to be Vice-President rather than President. It is common knowledge that the Obamas and the Clintons do not get along. This is going to be an interesting few weeks as the Democrats prepare for their convention in Chicago on August 19th. To add to the mix, Robert Kennedy, Jr., has stated that he wants an open convention and wants to be nominated.

All of the people who voted in the Democrat primary elections have now had their votes cancelled because the Democrats were not honest about the state of President Biden’s health.

President Biden is expected to make a statement about his withdrawing as a candidate some time this week.

Keep the popcorn handy.


Who Is Paying For The Protests?

It is no secret that George Soros has been working to destabilize and destroy America for some time now. Unfortunately, many of our politicians are working with him. One path to destabilization is to fund continuing protests, causing people to feel unsafe. Look around.

On Monday, Front Page Magazine posted an article about how George Soros is spending some of his money.

The article reports:

The Soros clan has been accused of providing an estimated $15 million to the pro-terrorist groups storming cities in support of Hamas, and an estimated $758,000 already to Biden.

Both of those are only partial estimates of much larger spending by the family of radical billionaires which have simultaneously been funding the anti-Israel movement, trojan horse Jewish groups and the Democratic Party politicians whom they are busy pressuring.

No accounting of Sen. Schumer’s infamous speech attacking Israel can overlook the fact that Alex Soros, the son of the elderly former Nazi collaborator who has defended Hamas, has met at least nine times with Sen. Schumer and called him “his good friend”. The younger Soros has continued meeting with Senate Dem candidates on whose victory Schumer’s Senate Majority Leader role depends.

The outside game of pressure campaigns, street blockades and violent attacks in the streets may get more attention, but is subsidiary to the inside game mastered by the Soros family.

$60 million has been pumped from the Soros network into its own Democracy PAC to help Democrats win. Millions from that PAC have gone to the Democratic Party’s Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC. And so when the Soros clan speaks, top House and Senate Democrats like Sen. Schumer and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries listen closely and then take action.

Unfortunately, George Soros has been an American citizen since 1961, and it would be difficult to revoke his citizenship and kick him out of the country (although it might be worth a try). It is sad that someone who wants to destroy America can find allies in our government.

The article concludes:

On August 7th, months before the Hamas attacks, Alex Soros co-signed a letter falsely accusing the “current Israeli government” of a “campaign is so severe and so consequential that it merits a proportionate reaction by Israel’s chief ally, the United States of America” such as voting against Israel at the UN and other ways of undermining the Jewish State.

Despite the attacks of Oct 7, all 7 of the demands for actions against Israel were either enacted, moved forward or otherwise entered consideration by the Biden administration.

While the pro-Hamas mobs may condemn the Biden administration, both ‘Genocide Joe’ and the Hamas supporters share a common anti-Israel agenda and a common funding source.

The difference between the inside and the outside game, lies in the facades. What’s the real difference between Biden and Hamas supporters? Appearance. The combination of internal and external pressures, mob violence and massive checks, is a campaign of total warfare against Israel that is designed to appear as if it were coming from many diverse voices.

But behind many of the facades lies one agenda.

The Soros family needs to leave America.

Does This Bother Anyone Else? reported yesterday that Vice-Presidential candidate Senator Tim Kaine had dinner with Alex Soros on Thursday night. Who is Alex Soros? The son of George Soros. Who is George Soros? A globalist who made his millions by collapsing currencies of various countries–a great guy.

The article reports:

The fact that Alex Soros, who was inspired in his own progressivism by his controversial father, has unfettered access to Kaine—Hillary Clinton’s running mate—is unsurprising. The Clinton apparatus has long come under scrutiny for their closeness with high dollar donor class figures, some of which has prompted federal law enforcement to fight for an official criminal investigation into the “Clinton Cash” narrative—one the Department of Justice (DOJ) under Attorney General Loretta Lynch has reportedly shut down. That being said, reports have surfaced that the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara is in fact investigating—along with the FBI—the Clinton Foundation for such donor class proclivities with the Clinton apparatus.

It is good news that someone is investigating the Clinton Foundation, but under the present Justice Department, I don’t hold out much hope for the investigation actually accomplishing anything.

The article gives some insight into the things a Hillary Clinton Administration would support:

George Soros, Alexander’s father, supports the Trans Pacific Partnership on the condition that it add China into the mix—something Hillary Clinton has not ruled out, while Trump has.

“The Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic Partnerships, which are currently being negotiated, could offer an excellent opportunity for a two-pronged strategy but the current approach is all wrong,” George Soros wrote of the TPP and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). “At present China is excluded; indeed the partnerships are conceived as an anti-Chinese alliance under U.S. leadership.”

In addition to trade policy, on immigration policy, Soros supports mass amnesty for every illegal alien in America—something Hillary Clinton has promised to do within her first hundred days in office. Trump, meanwhile, opposes amnesty for illegal aliens and supports securing the U.S. border with Mexico once and for all with a wall.

Soros also backs the free flow of “refugees” from the Middle East—among other places—into the United States and Europe, despite the obvious risks and threats they pose to the local communities as evidenced by what happened to a 5-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, who was raped brutally by a group of “refugees.” The local police department there, as Breitbart News has reported, has been filled with many of these “refugees”—in fact, 10 percent or seven of the 72 officers are “refugees.”

Hillary Clinton wants to increase the number of refugees the United States is bringing in from everywhere in the world, including specifically 550 percent more from Syria—where the Islamic State is on the rise and Bashar Al-Assad’s regime is oppressing people. Donald Trump wants to stop the flow until people are actually vetted, and use the power that the U.S. Constitution and federal law grants to the president of the United States to stop the flow.

This is the choice we have in November–do we want America to remain a sovereign country with individual freedom granted by God or do we want to lose our national identity and our freedom?