The Conservative Treehouse posted an article yesterday reporting the following:
Finally, the DOJ has moved to remove one of the biggest background corrupt officials within the FBI. According to multiple media sources FBI chief legal counsel Dana Boente was forced to resign on Friday. Finally, sunlight has removed a very corrupt player.
In prior positions as U.S. Attorney for Virginia; and while leading the DOJ National Security Division; and then later shifting to the FBI as chief legal counsel under Chris Wray; Dana Boente was at the epicenter of corrupt intent and malign activity toward the Trump administration.
The article is very detailed, so I suggest that you follow the link to read the entire article. I will attempt to summarize it here:
To understand the background, specifically as it pertains to why AG Barr had to make this move now, is complex. A sequence of previous articles that CTH presented in/around the Dana Boente issue(s) have merged within this decision.
It is easiest to capture the full background content in this sequence:
♦June 2019 – Devin Nunes threatens criminal referrals for Dana Boente and Chris Wray – This background highlights Boente as a very bad actor [SEE HERE].
♦April 24, 2020 – Boente and Wray try to block release of Flynn documents. AG Bill Bar intervenes. This is the Flynn firetruck story, that ties to the release of the July 2018 letter from the DOJ-NSD and FBI to the FISA court. [SEE HERE]
♦April 26, 2020 – CTH Open Letter to Bill Barr – Outlines the corruption of Boente and Wray in the long-view and how it all comes together. [SEE HERE]
My educated hunch is the July 12, 2018, letter from the DOJ/FBI that was fraught with false information and purposeful lies to the FISA court, is really the issue that DOJ Bill Barr could not avoid. The lies within the letter are just too brutally obvious, and contrast heavily against revelations coming from the outside USAO’s that Barr has brought in to review all of the prior DOJ and FBI activity.
Why do I think that’s the final straw? Because if you take that moment in time and start working backward what you find is demonstrable and provable evidence that Dana Boente was one of the original Trump-era officials who participated in protecting “spygate” and using his support of the Mueller investigation as an internal weapon. Remember, all the corrupt FBI players on Mueller’s team reported to Boente, including David Archey.
The article concludes:
At the heart of the matter, in the real activity that took place, there was a multi-branch seditious effort to remove President Donald J Trump. Within that effort was a necessary group of embeds specifically assigned to conceal the activity. Dana Boente was one of those embeds.
Dana Boente has now been removed.
Last point – this would not be happening right now if Durham was not coming toward the end of his investigation. Generally speaking, DC provides identified corruptocrats with an opportunity for a graceful exit before the evidence against them surfaces publicly.
I have no doubt we are going to see more high-level resignations in the immediate future.