The Ins And Outs After The Election

On November 6th, Issues & Insights posted an article providing a list of “ins and outs” following President Trump’s election victory. The list is a beautiful illustration of biased media reporting and how quickly it can change.

Here is part of the list”

  • Out: Questioning election results is anti-Democratic!       
  • In: Trump stole the election!!
  • Out: Election fraud is not a real problem!          
  • In: Trump stole the election!!
  • Out: There’s no evidence of election fraud, saying otherwise is a lie!       
  • In: Trump stole the election!!
  • Out: Trump is an authoritarian!
  • In: Trump wants to cut the size of government!!
  • Out: Our elections are the most secure in the world!   
  • In: Trump stole the election!!
  • Out: Questioning the president’s mental health is unpatriotic!      
  • In: Trump misspoke!! Invoke the 25th Amendment!!
  • Out: Government censorship is no big deal!      
  • In: Trump will censor us!!
  • Out: “Weaponization of government” is a right-wing fantasy!      
  • In: Trump will take away Justice’s ability to target Republicans!!
  • Out: The economy is doing great!                      
  • In: Why hasn’t Trump fixed the economy yet??
  • Out: There’s no border crisis!                             
  • In: Why hasn’t Trump fixed the border crisis yet??
  • Out: Crime rates are falling!                              
  • In: Why hasn’t Trump done anything about rising crime rates yet??
  • Out: Jan. 6, 2021, was an attempted insurrection!  
  • In: Congress must refuse to certify the election results on Jan.6, 2025!!
  • Out: We must save democracy!                          
  • In: Down with democracy, it failed us!!
  • Out: Violence is never the answer!                    
  • In: Emotions are running high!!
  • Out: I’m leaving the country if Trump wins!     
  • In: I’m still planning to leave, dammit!!
  • Out: Project 2025!
  • In: Project 2025?
  • Out: Trump will take away our freedoms!         
  • In: Trump wants to repeal government mandates!!
  • Out: Trump is a fascist.
  • In: Trump can’t make the trains run on time.
  • Out: Trump is a racist, fascist, threat to democracy, and his supporters are semi-fascist garbage.
  • In: It’s up to Trump to unite the country.
  • Out: Kamala is amazing!                                    
  • In: Harris was a terrible candidate!!
  • Out: Kamala is smart to avoid taking positions on issues!
  • In: Harris should have talked more about the issues!!

Please follow the link for the rest of the list. It is awesome!

Taking Preventative Steps To Combat Election Fraud

On April 10, 2020, The Wall Street Journal reminded us:

‘Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud.” That quote isn’t from President Trump, who criticized mail-in voting this week after Wisconsin Democrats tried and failed to change an election at the last minute into an exclusively mail-in affair. It’s the conclusion of the bipartisan 2005 report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III.

That is still true, with mail-in ballots of any kind running a close second. However, there is a group that is taking pre-emptive measures to prevent voter fraud in the 2024 election.

On Monday, The Gateway Pundit reported:

This week, a group of citizens, attorneys, investigators, writers, former elected officials, tech entrepreneurs unveiled a powerful technology platform to even up the fight with Leftist NGOs stealing U.S. elections.

Their site, is an initiative of Common Sense Elections, a PAC applying quantum speed technology, innovative, successful legal strategies, top flight investigative talent – to exposing mail-ballots from nonsensical addresses BEFORE the votes get counted.

2024 will be decided by mail-in ballots, from 7 swing states, each of which is currently too close to call.

NGOs are active in each swing state, operating ballot mills registering illegal aliens and other migrants – capturing their ballots – and voting them.

The Common Sense Elections Dark Money Tracking System tracks every NGO influencing U.S. elections – dollars they spend, dollars they receive.

There is no organization in America, who can, with 3 clicks from a phone, expose every connection between the Chinese Progressive Association, Tides Advocacy, down to Leftist street-level GET-OUT-THE-VOTE organizations impacting the 2024 election.

The article explains: does not simply find an anomaly; they cross-search it with property tax records, real-time U.S. postal change of address records, and other databases to challenge a mail-in ballot before it is counted rather than litigate afterward.

The product is a ballot challenge – with full documentation – from an official government document – like a property tax entry – and a street level photo – delivered weeks or days BEFORE the ballots are counted.

Let’s say Phineas votes from 135 Elmont Street.

The voter roll reveals nothing about the address.

Common Sense Elections cross-searches property tax rolls, which informs us that the address is a vacant lot in an abandoned mall with no bedrooms.

…Should a ballot come from that address, Common Sense Elections, or affiliated groups can challenge it, consistent with Wisconsin procedure, before it is counted.

How could Phineas get a mail-in ballot where a mail-in ballot cannot be delivered?

But he did get that ballot! He cannot get it in the mail! The ballot is then cast!

Why doesn’t each state do this on their own?

Shame on this group for interfering in the voting rights of dead people and illegal aliens who don’t have the right to vote!

Taking One Step Toward An Honest Election

On Monday, Just the News posted an article about a recent rule adopted by the Georgia election board.

The article reports:

The Georgia State Election Board (SEB) on Monday adopted a rule that requires the number of ballots and voters be the same before the certification of election results.

The rule ensures that counties comply with Georgia state code. It comes after Fulton County was found to have likely scanned thousands of ballots twice in a recount of the 2020 election.

“The purpose of the rule is to ensure that county superintendents and boards of elections follow the required procedures and can uniformly, properly, and lawfully fulfill their duties, and reconcile the number of ballots to the number of voters so that certification of election results accurately reflects the will of the voters in every county,” the rule reads.

“The rule is built on basic, kindergarten math,” Election Integrity Network Founder Cleta Mitchell said Monday. “Count the number of voters, confirm that the number of voters match the number of ballots. Those numbers should match and should be the same as the number of votes tabulated. The duty for election officials to certify CORRECT results is required under the statute. The rule just makes sure it happens in every county.”

…Also on Monday, the SEB voted to adopt a rule that will require all polling places have signage that states only U.S. citizens can vote.

Obviously this move will not stop all election fraud, but it might stop some of it. There are people still registered on the voter rolls of many states who were born in 1850 and still vote. There are also counties where more people than the number of registered voters vote. It’s time to fix these problems.

Protecting The Lie

On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit posted an article about the arrest of Michigan attorney Stefanie Lambert Junttila in Washington, D.C.

The article reports:

Michigan attorney Stefanie Lambert Junttila was arrested in Washington, D.C., on Monday following a court hearing after she gave the alleged “evidence of numerous crimes” to law enforcement containing internal emails from Dominion Voting Systems, AP reported.

Lambert attended a court hearing in Washington, D.C., for a defamation case involving Patrick Byrne, whom she represents. Byrne, the former CEO of Overstock, is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems over his claims of election fraud.

Lambert’s arrest occurred after it was revealed that she had leaked confidential documents from to Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf, who has been actively investigating claims of voter fraud from the 2020 election, according to CNN.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier that Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf has made a bold move by sending a letter to U.S. Representative Jim Jordan, urging a congressional investigation into what he alleges is evidence of “foreign interference” in the 2020 election.

Gee. When does the person who leaked the Supreme Court abortion decision get discovered and arrested?

The article notes:

According to former Michigan candidate for Attorney General and constitutional attorney Matt DePerno, Lambert “was arrested on an open bench warrant for failing to appear at a show cause hearing because she refused to get fingerprinted.”

The U.S. Marshals Service later confirmed Lambert’s arrest, linking it to her failure to appear in court for her separate Michigan criminal case, according to CNN.

During the hearing, Lambert admitted to passing materials to Sheriff Leaf, asserting that she was reporting a crime to law enforcement. She has been vocal about her claims, suggesting that foreign nationals interfered with the election.

Dominion’s legal team has suggested that Lambert’s actions might constitute a criminal offense and has requested her removal from the case. A future hearing is set to determine whether Lambert violated a court order by leaking the documents. Additionally, the court has summoned Byrne to appear and respond to questions about the incident.

I wonder if she had leaded something claiming Donald Trump did something awful would she have been arrested?

Misconduct In A Trump Trial? Say It Isn’t So!

Newsweek (of all places) posted an article on Wednesday about Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. It seems as if this lady has no qualms about misappropriating funds, lying, and other crimes that she routinely charges others with.

The article reports:

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis paid the chief prosecutor in former President Donald Trump‘s election fraud trial out of her seized property fund for the first three months he was hired, a defense lawyer has claimed in court documents and before a Georgia Senate committee.

Ashleigh Merchant, attorney for co-defendant Michael Roman, a Trump 2020 campaign staffer, said in court documents that Nathan Wade’s first three months of work as a special prosecutor were paid from the district attorney’s seized property fund before he was paid from a general fund.

She reiterated that claim before a Georgia Senate Special Investigations Committee hearing on Wednesday and added an accusation that other special prosecutors were initially paid from the seized property fund.

A Fulton County District Attorney’s Office spokesman vehemently denied to Newsweek on Wednesday that Wade had been paid from the seized property fund.

Willis and Wade testified in February that they were previously in a relationship but insist that relationship began after Willis hired him to oversee the prosecution of Trump and his co-accused, who were indicted for allegedly trying to overthrow the Georgia result of the 2020 presidential election.

The pair denied in their testimony that they had tried to cover up their relationship until Wade was hired to prosecute the Trump case.

Her denials don’t seem to be working very well as more evidence continues to appear.

The article notes:

Newsweek emailed two attorneys in Willis’ office for comment on Tuesday. Newsweek also sent an email to Wade and an attorney for Donald Trump for comment on Tuesday.

Invoices disclosed by Willis’ office show that from November 1, 2021, to December 31st, 2023, Wade earned $653,881 in total for the case.

For his monthly invoices to Willis, Wade’s title is listed as “the Anti-Corruption Special Prosecutor.”

Wade’s monthly invoices increased to over $30,000 a month in 2022 and have mostly stayed at that level since.

Recent invoices obtained by Roman’s defense team through an open records request show that, for July 2023, Willis paid Wade $35,250 at $250 an hour.

That includes a “team meeting, drafting” that accounts for 33 hours of work, which totaled $8,250, and “team argument and prep” for 32 hours which totaled $8,000.

“Travel out of state and interview witness” lasted 18 hours for a total of $4,500.

Wade earned $35,000 in August 2023; $34,250 in September; $37,000 in October. That dropped to $16,000 in November for a July-November average of $31,500.

Remember when the A-Team used to come into a town and clear out all the bad guys? I think they need to visit Fulton County.


While Everyone Was Talking About Jeffrey Epstein…

While everyone was focused on Jeffrey Epstein, President Trump released a summary report of the election fraud that took place in 2020. This is a summary of the evidence that would have been revealed in court had any court agreed to hear the evidence. Unfortunately, our American courts declined to hear any evidence of election fraud in 2020. The evidence was never refuted–it was simply never heard. Why is this important? It is important because it is going to happen again in 2024 unless someone is held accountable.

This is the link to the report:

The states mentioned in the report are Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Michigan. Certain districts in these states were carefully chosen to use mules, ballot harvesting, and simple fraud to steal the election. The report is very interesting reading.

Is Anyone Paying Attention?

The facts about voter fraud in the 2020 election are slowly being revealed. As it becomes obvious that fraud occurred, nothing will change, but hopefully the information revealed will help prevent fraud in the 2024 election. Recently, some of the testimony from postal workers who delivered ballots across state lines has surfaced.

On Monday, The Gateway Pundit reported the following;

As The Gateway Pundit reported in 2020, election fraud whistleblowers came forward in December following the controversial election, including one who witnessed the shipping of an estimated 144,000-288,000 completed ballots across three state lines on October 21.

The new information was made public at a press conference by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, a national constitutional litigation organization.

The Amistad Project said that they have sworn declarations that state over 300,000 ballots are at issue in Arizona, 548,000 in Michigan, 204,000 in Georgia, and over 121,000 in Pennsylvania.

They claim that their evidence reveals multi-state illegal efforts by USPS workers to influence the election in at least three of six swing states.

The whistleblower statements include potentially hundreds of thousands of completed absentee ballots being transported across three state lines, and a trailer filled with ballots disappearing in Pennsylvania.

Attorney Phil Kline said, “130,000 to 280,000 completed ballots for the 2020 general election were shipped from Bethpage, NY, to Lancaster, PA, where those ballots and the trailer in which they were shipped disappeared.”

Truck driver Jesse Morgan was present at the press conference and spoke for 9 minutes about his unbelievable ordeal. Morgan was tasked with delivering completed ballots to Pennsylvania from New York State.

The article also notes:

The Gateway Pundit later discovered that rather than investigate this massive alleged crime, US Attorney General Bill Barr called up investigator Tony Shaffer and KILLED the investigation!  He never lifted a finger to investigate this enormous act of election fraud!

Please follow the above link to read the entire article. The level of corruption in the 2020 election is chilling.

What Election Fraud?

On Wednesday, The Epoch Times posted an article about the research done into the Wisconsin 2020 election done by Election Watch (EW).

The article reports:

Election Watch (EW), a Wisconsin election integrity watchdog organization, has discovered that more than 150,000 votes cast in the 2020 presidential election cannot be connected with a valid address.

EW computer analyst Peter Bernegger said the group’s study of Wisconsin’s voter rolls found 45,000 such occurrences involving people who were living out of state in the Nov. 3 ballot, with another 107,000 documented instances on the part of voters who moved to another address within the state and cast a ballot in a different jurisdiction from the one in which they actually reside.

“That’s over 150,000 votes cast in the 2020 presidential election that cannot be tied to a valid address,” said Bernegger. “That’s illegal in the state of Wisconsin.

“Though there may be a reasonable explanation for most of these, the number of instances is so large that if only two out of 10 were nefariously cast votes, that was enough to tip the election to Biden.”

Former Wisconsin resident Jacob Alldredge, a 27-year-old industrial engineer living in Tennessee, is a case in point.

“I was outraged to learn that the Wisconsin state voter roll shows that I voted in person at the polls on Nov. 3, 2020, when the fact is I was living, registered to vote, and voted in Tennessee. I was not in Wisconsin that day,” he told The Epoch Times.

“The entire situation distresses me because, without election integrity, your vote doesn’t matter,” said Jacob Alldredge.

The article cites a situation where someone who did not vote in that election was credited as having voted and then later removed from the list of people who voted. Please follow the link to read the entire story.

When the Democrats did not cheat enough to put Hillary Clinton in the White House, they learned their lesson. I believe that if we checked addresses of voters in every state, we would find numbers similar to what was found in Wisconsin. I also believe that the movie “2,000 Mules” was a very accurate depiction of some of the cheating that occurred in the 2020 election.

Do The Votes Of Americans Matter?

On Wednesday, The American Thinker posted an article with the following headline, “The End of Free Elections?”

The article reports:

This week, leftists and RINOs admitted, under oath, that they changed the print settings, on election morning, so Republican votes would not be tabulated, on the one day most Republicans vote — and the Maricopa County judge said “…it wasn’t intentional.”

A Republican governor candidate who easily won by multiple points was denied her rightful election.  Several million Arizona voters were disenfranchised.

Not a word from Republican leaders!

Wake up, America. 

Leftists and RINOs have spent the last 40 years transforming election machinery to end your right to vote — and they are about to finish the job.

This week, the governor of Minnesota took the lead by planning to register, automatically, teenagers not old enough to vote.  On election day, there will be tens of thousands of names, with little history, who can be voted by election commissions when needed. 

Democrats are proposing laws making it a felony to question an election.  Of course they are!

Kari Lake is appealing her case, but I am not optimistic.

The article lists a number of problems with voter rolls in various locations:

Try the 41 voters registered in a hotel in Missouri.  How about the registered voters in the Harris County, Texas prison?  Examples are so numerous we have a website to cover them.

When most, probably all, states have a float of anomalous voters from 5% to almost 20%, an election commission can control the election outcome for any close election. Elections are mostly close today.

We find “sleepers.” These are the silent voters who never voted before — even though they are on election rolls for a decade — but when needed they jump to life and vote. After the 2020 election, several states ran the query: show all voters, on the voter rolls four years or more, who never before voted, yet voted in 2020.

The response, delivered with Fractal technology, was in the hundreds of thousands. 

Nobody claims these were fraudulent. Neither can anyone claim they were all valid — particularly since so many lived in hotels, churches, prisons, and scores of other addresses which cannot house a valid voter. 

This happened in every swing state. The one constant: they never win elections for a Republican. Go figure.

The Fractal team and three state voter integrity teams in Nevada, Florida, and Wisconsin met late in 2022 after realizing that fake voters, found by the hundreds of thousands, in Republican and Democrat states, when challenged, were mostly kept on voter rolls.

The article concludes:

We cannot stop election commissions from changing print settings, but we can keep them mostly honest on election rolls by reconciling one government database with another and forcing the government to make them match — constantly.

We are on a journey to ingest the voter rolls and county tax rolls for 3,200 U.S. counties for 2024. 

Let’s see how many counties want to tax that Mongolian restaurant as a residence since their voter registration rolls show 20 voters live there?

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. We have to clean up our elections if we are going to remain a free country.

Actions Have Consequences

Philadelphia has never been known as the poster child for honest elections, but somehow nothing ever seems to be done about it. Well, there has been at least one move in the right direction.

On Thursday, The Epoch Times posted an article about the sentencing of former U.S. Representative Michael “Ozzie” Myers, a Pennsylvania Democrat.

The article reports:

Despite declarations of safe and secure elections, history shows that past Pennsylvania elections were host to corruption.

For example, former U.S. Rep. Michael “Ozzie” Myers, a Pennsylvania Democrat, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election, and orchestrating schemes to fraudulently stuff ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates in Pennsylvania elections held from 2014 to 2018.

Myers was sentenced Tuesday by U.S. District Judge Paul S. Diamond to 30 months in prison, three years supervised release, and ordered to pay $100,000 in fines, with $10,000 of that due immediately, according to a statement from U.S. Attorney Jacqueline C. Romero.

Directly after Tuesday’s Philadelphia hearing, Myers, 79, was taken into custody.

Myers served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1979 until 1980 when he was caught taking bribes in an FBI sting operation. That was part of an old, completed investigation.

The article notes:

In a 1980 FBI operation dubbed the ABSCAM Investigation, undercover FBI agents disguised themselves as businessmen and Arab sheiks and ultimately criminally charged seven members of Congress, alleging the politicians had accepted money from the phony sheiks, promising favors in return.

Myers was among those charged and was sentenced to three years in prison.

The FBI had videotapes showing the members accepting cash or stocks. In one, an agent handed Myers an envelope stuffed with hundred-dollar bills amounting to $50,000, saying, “Spend it well.” Myers responded, “Pleasure,” according to a report at the Library of Congress.

In response, the House ethics committee unanimously recommended expelling him.

The article concludes:

After leaving prison, he started a political consulting firm.

There is nothing I can add to that!

Does Anyone Really Expect An Honest Election In California?

Yesterday Breitbart reported that some Republicans showing up to vote in the California recall election are being told that they already voted.

The article reports:

The Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder’s office said equipment was “replaced” at the polling center and that provisional ballots are a “failsafe option” for these kinds of glitches.”

“The voters who experienced this issue were offered and provided provisional ballots – the failsafe option to ensure no one has turned away from voting,” the statement said.

“Provisional ballots are regular ballots and once the eligibility of the voter is verified, they are processed and counted. After troubleshooting the issue, the equipment at the locations was replaced and voting continued.”

The provisional ballot does nothing to alter the fact that an illegal ballot has already been cast in the voter’s name. At best you have cancelled out the illegal vote, but you have not counted the vote of the legal voter.

I refer you back to an article I posted in August where I reported the following:

Yesterday KTLA Los Angeles reported that 300 election recall ballots were found in a vehicle where a felon was found passed out with drugs, a loaded firearm and multiple driver’s licenses one week ago, authorities said Monday.  How did 300 election recall ballots wind up in the same car? Obviously 300 ballots alone will not change the outcome of the recall election, but how many other questionable ballots are floating around the state?

There is no way I believe that the California recall election will be an honest election.

If This Doesn’t Scare You, You Are Not Paying Attention!

Yesterday The New York Post reported that Rudy Giuliani’s law license has been temporarily suspended by a panel of New York judges. The judges suspended his law license because ‘he made false and misleading statements’ related to voter fraud in the 2020 election.’ I wonder what happens if the voter fraud in the 2020 election turns out to be true.

The article reports:

The ruling from the appeals court said there was “uncontroverted evidence” Giuliani made false statements while he was acting as legal counsel for former President Donald Trump.

“These false statements were made to improperly bolster respondent’s narrative that due to widespread voter fraud, victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was stolen from his client,” the ruling states.

“We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law, pending further proceedings before the Attorney Grievance Committee,” they added.

Giuliani compared the suspension to Soviet Communism.

“It’s a complete invasion of my First Amendment rights and my rights as an attorney, I’m allowed to have a client,” Giuliani told The Post.

“President Trump is not allowed to have a lawyer, of course it’s a partisan hit. I didn’t do anything wrong. There’s nothing I said that a witness didn’t tell me. We’re getting to be like East Germany,” he added.

It has become more than obvious that the Justice Department has placed a target on President Trump and anyone who has supported him. The job of the Justice Department is not to prosecute political opponents of the party in the White House, but that is exactly what they are doing. I have no idea what the solution to this is other than to vote the bums out of office, but unless we have an honest election, I am not sure we can do that. We need some patriotic Americans in Washington to stand against this–regardless of what party they belong to. Our Founding Fathers must be spinning in their graves.

The Solution To A Fraudulent Election

On March 4th, The Epoch Times posted an article about a recent Mississippi election.

The article reports:

A Mississippi judge ordered a new runoff election for a local election in Aberdeen after more than three-quarters of absentee ballots cast in the June Democratic runoff election were found to be invalid.

Judge Jeff Weill, in a 64-page order, said that there is evidence of fraud and criminal activity in how absentee ballots were handled, how they were counted, and actions from individuals at polling places during the runoff election held in Aberdeen, Mississippi. As a result, a new runoff election for the Ward 1 alderman seat is necessary, reported WCBI.

The judge ruled that 66 of 84 absentee ballots cast in the election, or around 78 percent, should have never been counted, according to WCBI. Nicholas Holliday was declared the winner of the alderman seat by 37 votes, while challenger Robert Devaull challenged the results in court.

“The court is of the opinion there is probable cause that several individuals involved in the disturbances during election day at the polling precinct ‘willfully and corruptly violated’ one or more of the above criminal statutes,” according to the judge.

“The court will leave to the appropriate authorities to determine whether the actions of Maurice Howard, Henry Randle and S. Nicholas Holliday amounted to prosecutable crimes,” the court filings said, referring to Police Chief Henry Randle and former Mayor Maurice Howard, who Weill said were involved in intimidation and harassment at the polling police on Election Day, according to evidence.

We need to take action to insure the integrity of our elections before next year’s mid-term elections. The corruption that has found its way into our election process is inexcusable.

This Has Not Been Widely Reported

Yesterday The Epoch Times reported the following:

The claim often repeated by the mainstream media, social-media content moderators, and fact-checkers that lawsuits filed by President Donald Trump’s campaign and Republicans were universally dismissed by the courts is untrue, according to a new analysis.

The findings do not necessarily suggest that if the lawsuits had all been decided before Joe Biden was certified as the official winner of the presidential election by Congress on Jan. 7 that former President Trump would have won the hotly contested election.

Nor would they necessarily have affected many of the Electoral College votes won by Biden in the disputed battleground states. Some of the legal victories took place in states like Colorado and Iowa where the popular vote counts for the respective winners of those states –Biden in Colorado and Trump in Iowa— were not close.

Of the 22 cases that have been heard by the courts and decided on their merits, Trump and Republicans have prevailed in 15, according to citizen journalist John Droz Jr., a physicist and environmental advocate in Morehead City, N.C.

This means Trump has won two-thirds of the cases fully adjudicated by the courts.

It’s interesting that the cases the courts have refused to hear (thus refusing to review the evidence) are the cases in the states where things were done that impacted the outcome of the election.

The article concludes:

Droz noted that only three lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies.

“One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against (although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).”

“The likely explanation for so few cases in these two areas is that legally proving fraud or voting machine manipulations are very time-consuming processes, that require substantial investigative work and documentation. There simply wasn’t enough time to do this prior to key points in the process (like the Electoral College).”

“Our view is that the public needs to be much better educated regarding the election integrity issue—and having a more accurate understanding of the lawsuit component is a key part of that,” Droz wrote, explaining the purpose of his report.

Please follow the link to the article to read the details on some of the cases that have already been won. Unfortunately even if it can be proven that there was significant cheating by the Democrats in the election, I have no idea what a reasonable solution would be.

There Are A Lot Of Attempts To End Any Discussion On This Topic

Unfortunately it seems as if a lot of the Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column. Even so-called conservative news outlets are refusing to report on some of the irregularities in the 2020 presidential election. If you are wondering why reporting these irregularities might still be relevant, consider the fact that if they are not addressed properly, they will happen again. There are still some valid questions about the election. Joe Biden is our President, and we are not going to change that, but I would assume that most Americans want honest elections in our future.

The Gateway Pundit posted an article today titled, “Renowned Mathematician Edward Solomon Determines the 2020 Election Results at a Precinct Level Are “Impossible” and “Cannot Occur Naturally”.”

The article reports:

Mathematician Edward Solomon looked into the results of the 2020 election at a precinct level and determined they are  “impossible” and “cannot occur naturally.”

The results of the 2020 election are simply not possible.  When looking at the precinct level, mathematician Edward Solomon says computers must have used an algorithm to change the results.

One America News posted the following video (posted on Rumble) explaining the problem:

Again, I don’t think we can change the election at this point, but we should be able to prevent this from happening again.



Houston, We Have A Problem

The problem with election fraud is that when it is left unchecked, it continues. I am not optimistic about overturning the fraudulent presidential election, but I am concerned about what that fraudulent victory will mean for the future of America. I strongly suspect that last night’s election in Georgia had some of the same problems that the presidential election had.

A friend on Facebook posted the following picture:

I can understand how a lead might shrink because votes from the other candidate came in, but I can’t understand how 5000 votes could suddenly disappear. I think this is a problem. I also think that if we don’t deal with the fraud now, we will never again have an honest election in America. We will be ruled by the elite political class who will eventually destroy the middle class and our way of life. We are already seeing the attitude among many of our politicians that the rules do not apply to them. I fear we will only see more of that in the future by those who are willing to cheat to win.

A Summary Of The Problems With The 2020 Presidential Election

Yesterday PJ Media posted an article titled, “5 Reasons Why You’re Not Crazy to Question the Election Results.” The article provides a summary of the things that do not make sense in the claims that Joe Biden won an overwhelming victory with more votes than President Obama received.

Here is a brief summary of the claims. Please follow the link to the article to read the full story.

1. Enthusiasm

While Joe Biden was stumbling through basement Zoom calls to the fortunate few who were selected to ask him pre-arranged questions to which he fumbled his scripted answers, Donald Trump went before enthusiastic and huge crowds, giving speeches where he’d wander off the teleprompter to offer off-the-cuff jokes, barbs, and snappy patter for more than at hour, multiple times per day, for days.

2. Riots and Law and Order

…By putting himself on the side of the politically-motivated rioters being cheered on by his party’s Left, Biden seemed to embrace the Democrats’ defund-the-police and anti-police messages even as rioters set fires, destroyed other peoples’ property, threatened others’ lives, and acted like terrorists.

Trump knew this. There was no question of where he stood. The president expanded the First Step Act and gave clemency to people who had been arguably wronged by the judicial process. He supported law and order but most of all he demanded justice and was ready to make it right where he saw a wrong.

The idea that millions more people favored the guy who was ambivalent about the literal terrorism on the streets of America was unthinkable to Trump supporters. Who would vote for a guy who would give the old ¡Olé! to people looting, burning, and threatening people? Surely, fewer than those who voted for Trump…

3. COVID Response

…Trump’s approach and his sideline Twitter sniping let people know he didn’t want a wholesale shutdown. He’d hoped to reopen the economy “by Easter” and tried to cajole Democrat governors into lifting the reigns on the people and the shutdown of the economy. Democrats like Governors Jay Inslee, Kate Brown, Gavin Newsom, and Gretchen Whitmer did the exact opposite. Citizens organized recall efforts to respond to the governors’ autocratic response.

Trump deemed the federal government’s response as “the greatest mobilization since World War II.” And he’ll never get the credit for getting a country on war-footing to fight a pandemic from the ground up.

4. Coattails …?

Stories about President Trump’s weak coattails were legion before the election. His likability was questioned and still is, but, what ho! Look what actually happened.

After the usual midterm 2018 thrashing for the president in power (George W. Bush and FDR are the only presidents who added seats during the midterms), Republicans made up some of those losses in congressional races and statehouses across the country in 2020.

Ballotpedia reports that while Democrats won 222 seats to Republicans’ 212, the GOP unexpectedly flipped 14 seats from D to R compared to three seats for the D’s.

5. Another ‘Election’

If President Trump is so divisive and unlikable and truly the worst, most contemptible person in the world, then why did he win the Gallup Poll’s “most admired” person, outstripping the Obamas and Joe?

It’s time for Americans to put on their ‘common sense’ hats and take another look at what happened in the 2020 presidential election.


Sunlight Is Needed

Yesterday Just the News reported the following:

Trump campaign senior advisor Jason Miller during an interview on Newsmax TV expressed the hope that evidence pertaining to election-related issues will be shared directly with the American people next week.

If a minimum of one member of each congressional chamber objects to the electoral vote returns of a state during a joint session of Congress presided over by the vice president on Jan. 6, each chamber will separately debate for up to two hours and then vote on the objection, according to the Congressional Research Service: “An objection to a state’s electoral vote must be approved by both houses in order for any contested votes to be excluded.”

The evidence needs to be shared with the public. However, I am not convinced that all media outlets will share the information. We have seen Facebook, Twitter and YouTube consistently block or ‘fact check’ any content that portrays Joe Biden or any member of his family in a bad light. Those of us who have learned to navigate alternative news sources have a pretty good idea of what went on with the 2020 presidential election, but I am not convinced that the American public as a whole has any idea of the level of corruption. The videos that many of us have seen both of witness testimony and surveillance videos have not been seen by a majority of Americans. Therefore many Americans may not understand what the fuss is about.

The article concludes:

Miller mentioned during the interview multiple examples of election-related concerns. “These are the specific types of evidence that we want to be able to present to the American public on the national stage and not allow local politicians to sweep it under the rug,” he said.

President Trump has not conceded to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election contest.

An election that includes rampant cheating will not move America forward. Unfortunately I fear that however this comes out, the country will be more divided than ever.



Moving Toward Resolution?

The Epoch Times reported yesterday that Georgia Senate’s Election Law Study Subcommittee has requested an audit of absentee ballots in Fulton County.

The article reports:

Georgia Senate’s Election Law Study Subcommittee unanimously passed a motion during a Dec. 30 hearing to request an audit of absentee ballots in Fulton County.

The senators are asking the state’s largest county to make the ballots “available for inspection” through a method outlined during the hearing by digital ID systems inventor Jovan Pulitzer.

Pulitzer suggested all absentee ballots in the state of Georgia be forensically examined and fraudulent ones identified in just a matter of hours. He called on state officials to allow the examination.

Officials in the Georgia Secretary of State’s office didn’t immediately respond to requests by The Epoch Times for comment on the subcommittee motion.

“Fulton County did not participate in today’s hearing,” county spokeswoman Jessica Corbitt-Dominguez said in an email to The Epoch Times. “We will continue to collaborate with the Secretary of State and General Assembly as we execute elections in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws.”

The article explains:

Security camera footage from election night shows that in Fulton County, what appears to be tens of thousands of ballots were counted in the absence of party or state monitors. The video seems to show that election workers scanned the same batches of ballots repeatedly. This could be a legitimate action when there’s a scanning error in the batch, such as when the ballots get jammed in the scanner.

In that scenario, the workers are supposed to discard the whole batch of scans and scan the ballots again, but the video quality makes it hard to discern if that was the case in each instance.

Pulitzer said that he and his team could detect if that was the case as well.

“We would be able to tell if they were folded, if they were counterfeit, whether they were filled out by a human hand, whether they were printed by a machine, whether they were batch-fed continually over and over, we can detect every bit of that,” he testified.

The ballot paper itself, when scanned, becomes a piece of code, he explained. Every time the paper is physically handled, such as folded or written upon, the code would change and the change can be detected.

The examination he proposed can be done expediently, he said.

“All of these problems that you’ve heard today can be corrected and detected now by the simplest of things. It takes you days or weeks to recount votes. Give me these 500,000 ballots, we’ll have them done in two hours,” he said, apparently referring to the 528,777 ballots cast in Fulton.

Unfortunately, the resolution of the 2020 presidential election is going to be very messy. No matter what the outcome, half of the country is going to believe the election was stolen. There is also the possibility that half the country will go on a destructive rampage. This is a time for praying that the truth will be exposed and any guilty parties will be held accountable.



The Georgia Senate Hearings

Posted yesterday at The Conservative Treehouse:

This is rather remarkable.  In real time, during live testimony before a Georgia Senate Committee, a witness testifies to using Wifi capbility to enter the Fulton County voting system via the internet while the hearing was ongoing.

After watching this, do you have any faith in the current election in Georgia or in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia?


Yesterday The Gateway Pundit reported the following:

After nearly two months, the state of Pennsylvania is found to have certified votes that are in error.

The Pennsylvania House has just uncovered that the certified results in Pennsylvania for President are in error by more than 200,000 votes. This is more than twice the difference between President Trump and Joe Biden.

What a mess.  Republican State Representative Russ Diamond uncovered and reported today that the results for President are way off in Pennsylvania.  More ballots were cast than people voted by more than 200,000 votes.

The article includes the following:

The group of Republican Representatives released this message:

HARRISBURG – A group of state lawmakers performing extensive analysis of election data today revealed troubling discrepancies between the numbers of total votes counted and total number of voters who voted in the 2020 General Election, and as a result are questioning how the results of the presidential election could possibly have been certified by Secretary of the Commonwealth Kathy Boockvar and Governor Tom Wolf. These findings are in addition to prior concerns regarding actions by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the Secretary, and others impacting the conduct of the election.

A comparison of official county election results to the total number of voters who voted on November 3, 2020 as recorded by the Department of State shows that 6,962,607 total ballots were reported as being cast, while DoS/SURE system records indicate that only 6,760,230 total voters actually voted. Among the 6,962,607 total ballots cast, 6,931,060 total votes were counted in the presidential race, including all three candidates on the ballot and write-in candidates.

The difference of 202,377 more votes cast than voters voting, together with the 31,547 over- and under-votes in the presidential race, adds up to an alarming discrepancy of 170,830 votes, which is more than twice the reported statewide difference between the two major candidates for President of the United States. On November 24, 2020, Boockvar certified election results, and Wolf issued a certificate of ascertainment of presidential electors, stating that Vice President Joe Biden received 80,555 more votes than President Donald Trump.

I have no idea what happens next, but it seems to me that this might be a problem in certifying the results.

Documentation Of Election Fraud

Dan Bongino posted an article today about a thirty-six page report on the 2020 election released by Peter Navarro, Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy.

The article includes the following chart:

This is the link to the full report.

Here are a few highlights:

    • Significant irregularities appear to be ubiquitous across the six battleground states. Only Arizona is free of any apparent widespread ballot mishandling while only Pennsylvania lacks significant statistical anomalies. The rest of the matrix is a sea of checkmarks and occasional stars.

Of dead and “ghost” voters, the report states:

    • In Pennsylvania, for example, a statistical analysis conducted by the Trump Campaign matching voter rolls to public obituaries found what appears to be over 8,000 confirmed dead voters successfully casting mail-in ballots. In Georgia – underscoring the critical role any given category of election irregularities might play in determining the outcome – the estimated number of alleged deceased individuals casting votes almost exactly equals the Biden victory margin.
    • On the Ghost Voter front, a “Ghost Voter” is a voter who requests and submits a ballot under the name of a voter who no longer resides at the address where that voter was registered. In Georgia for example, it is alleged that over 20,000 absentee or early voters – almost twice the Biden victory margin – cast their ballots after having moved out of state.

In the section of the report on election voting machine irregularities, the report makes note of a number of improbable vote surges all in favor of Biden:

    • At least one instance of a large and inexplicable vote switching and vote surge in favor of Joe Biden took place in Antrim County, Michigan – and it is associated with the controversial aforementioned Dominion-Smartmatic voting machine hardware-software combo. In this Republican stronghold, 6,000 votes were initially, and incorrectly, counted for Joe Biden. The resulting vote totals were contrary to voter registration and historical patterns and therefore raised eyebrows. When a check was done, it was discovered that the 6,000 votes were actually for Donald J. Trump. A subsequent forensic audit of the Antrim County vote tabulation found that the Dominion system had an astonishing error rate of 68 percent. By way of comparison, the Federal Election Committee requires that election systems must have an error rate no larger than 0.0008 percent.
    • In Georgia, there were numerous “glitches” with the Dominion machines where the results would change. The most notable of these changes was a 20,000 vote surge for Biden and 1,000 vote decrease for Trump

Houston, we have a problem. If this stands, will we ever have an honest election in America?

Some Suggested Solutions To Election Fraud

On Monday Townhall posted an article containing suggestions on how to prevent election fraud. Admittedly, the horse has already left the stable, but we need to figure out what to do to avoid future election fiascos.

The article notes:

The truth is that country-wide popular elections are a modern advent. Our country started out with mostly legislative selection of electors. In our nation’s first presidential election, six of the 10 states appointed electors by direct legislative appointment, without holding popular elections. In the second presidential election, nine of the 15 states did the same. In the third, nine of the 16 states did not hold popular elections.

Today, Americans don’t trust their state legislatures with that responsibility. We practice popular vote elections for electors. But with 150 million or so people voting, problems are bound to occur.

States were entrusted with administration of federal elections, but Congress was entrusted with oversight of the same.

The article reminds us of the responsibilities of the state and federal government as outlined in the Constitution:

The Elections Clause of the Constitution provides Congress with broad authority to regulate congressional elections: “The Times, Places, and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.” Article II, Section 1, Clause 4, adds: “The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.”

In 1879, the Supreme Court determined that Congress may make election law regulations and may alter them; and, that federal law supersede state law if there is a conflict, “for the power of Congress over the subject is paramount. It may be exercised as and when Congress sees fit to exercise it.” 

Exercising their powers, Congress has passed legislation to regulate the timing of federal elections, voter registration requirements, absentee voting requirements, accessibility provisions for the elderly and handicapped, and prohibitions against discriminatory voting practices.

But federal election laws, compared to Congressional legislation in other areas, are lacking.

The article proposes several solutions to the problem of voter fraud:

Congress must act. Half of the country believes the 2020 election was determined by impure votes. That’s a problem and one to which Congress holds the key to prevent from recurring. Congress must exercise its right, and its responsibility, to “pass laws for the free, pure and safe exercise” of the right to vote.

New laws must limit the time for casting a vote in the elections. New laws must regulate the types of equipment/voting machines that can be used and what kind of safeguards they must have to preserve the integrity of the votes. New laws must regulate “improper use of money” or dark money interjected to influence our elections — this is a power Congress “undoubtedly” possesses according to the Supreme Court. These are but some of the concerns that plagued the 2020 election. The list is extensive and Congress must address voter concerns accordingly.

As far as the four states at the heart of the 2020 election tumult, we can address our national grievances with them by demanding that Congress attach conditions to federal funds sent to, or even deny funding to, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia, until they implement acceptable changes to their election administration. Congressional spending power is a potent tool of persuasion.

Congress is responsible to every eligible American voter, certainly to the 150 million who voted in the 2020 election, to enact laws to preserve the purity of federal elections. This is their job. Their job is not to tweet about free college for all, it’s to protect federal elections. It is our job to make sure our elected representatives do their job.

Congress, do your job!

Problems In Nevada

Yesterday The Epoch Times posted an article about lawsuits filed in the State of Nevada for voting irregularities.

The article reports:

Nevada Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) records suggest that nearly 4,000 legal and illegal aliens cast votes in the 2020 general election, according to a sworn affidavit filed with a state court.

As part of legislation enacted by the state’s Democrats, the DMV automatically registers to vote every person who obtains a driver’s license. In Nevada, both legal and illegal non-citizens can obtain driver’s licenses and identification cards.

Jesse Kamzol, an expert engaged by the Republican Party as part of an election lawsuit, matched the 110,164 non-citizen records from the DMV, which were obtained through a subpoena by the state’s Republican Party, against Nevada’s voter file. He determined, with “high to mid-high confidence,” that 6,260 non-citizens were registered to vote and 3,987 non-citizens had voted.

While he noted that the number may contain false positives due to limited information, Kamzol said the matches were nonetheless significant enough to merit further investigation.

“One of our most basic checks in the electoral process, that this sacred right is limited to those with the privilege and responsibilities of citizenship, was subverted by the DMV,” the state’s Republican Party said in a statement.

“And where are our law enforcement officers? We found this evidence without the help of our Top Cop in Nevada. Attorney General [Aaron] Ford: why are you not investigating voter fraud? You’ve made your position very public saying that you will investigate and prosecute voter fraud.

The article concludes:

The plaintiff in the lawsuit filed Kamzol’s affidavit on Dec. 2 as part of a suit that has since been dismissed by the state’s District and Supreme Courts. The plaintiffs are considering appealing the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court, but have not yet made a filing.

The lawsuit alleged that more than 60,000 people voted twice or were not Nevada residents.

During oral arguments, Jesse Binnall, the attorney for the plaintiffs, described a witness who alleged that the memory disks used to store vote totals from election machines during the early vote period had the tallies inexplicably changed overnight.

“What they would do is they would log these disks in and out. Good practice. And the disks had a serial number on them. And numerous times, that disk would be logged out with one vote total on it and logged back in the next morning during the early vote period with a different number on it. Sometimes more, sometimes less,” Binnall said.

The shenanigans in the 2020 presidential election are shameful. It is a disgrace that there are people in America who care more about winning an election that conducting themselves honorable.