The Difference Between Leftists And Liberals

On September 12, 2017, Dennis Prager wrote a column explaining the difference between Leftists and Liberals. Although the column is no longer accessible on line, here are my thoughts on the subject.

It is an interesting and revealing column. Prager, you remember, is the California conservative (there actually are conservatives in the People’s Republic of Kommiefornia once you leave the big cities) who was castigated for an unbelievably heinous act, one that threatened to disrupt both the state and the society sufficiently to cleave the coastal section along the San Andreas fault and heave it into the Pacific (which resulted in conservatives everywhere grabbing bowls of popcorn and beverages in anticipation.) That inconceivable dastardly act was to conduct a symphony orchestra – The Los Angeles Philharmonic – in the WALT DISNEY CONCERT HALL! OH, the humanity! As if someone’s political philosophy would cause miscarriages and disruption by waving a small stick in front of a few musicians.

Thus is the mental and emotional frailty of leftist coasters. I must confess that I too conflated the acts of the Leftists with those of liberals. I have long been aware of the difference between classical liberals and the more modern variety, but relegated the difference to the evolution (mutation?) of liberals. It does, however, make more sense to regard the difference as a deliberate confiscation of the concept of “liberalism” by anarchists/communists who will appropriate any vehicle to further the destruction of the USA and any other developed society. By using emotional issues – usually fabricated – associating with other anti-societal groups and utilizing the Alinksy/Goebbels methods of propaganda, many liberals have become “useful idiots” for the Leftists.

Certainly, there are former liberals who actively support the Leftists and believe that they are still holding on to their liberal philosophies. They have also been subverted, as is the intent of the Leftists. Some will deny their positions by claiming that some of the Leftists’ activities have gone “too far.” Or perhaps support the violent actions, but would never think of participating in such themselves. Just like “moderate” Muslims who will donate to their mosque that funds terrorists, but would never strap on a bomb vest themselves. The critical issue is that they never bothered to learn actual history. Too much history is “learned” from inaccurate sources. Even history texts used by both grade and college teachers are frequently twisted to support a political viewpoint.
Trump was condemned for daring to state that there were “good people” on both sides at Charlottesville. The fact that among the original marchers were members of a group that simply wanted to protest the destruction of the statue AND NOTHING ELSE, and that there were some peaceful marchers being lead and deceived by AntiFa in order to violently attack the other side was both ignored and denied. Again, Alinksy/Goebbels tactics, both by the AntiFa and their apologists in the media.

The Leftists deliberately try to conflate conservatives with white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the KKK. Granted the neo-Nazis contributed to this themselves. They were too stupid to realize that Nazis were National Socialists. They are also ignorant of history, not knowing that Lincoln was a Republican, that the first black members of congress were Republican, and that all of the relevant civil rights legislation had greater Republican support than Democrat. It’s that “failure to learn from history” gotcha. Apparently, the Leftists are using the liberal’s lack of historical knowledge to purport an association of conservatives with the KKK. As someone who grew up in the South during the 1950’s and ’60’s, I saw for myself the Democrat Party’s reliance on the KKK to subdue both black and Republican efforts to wrest political control from the Donkey Party.

Don’t believe it? Read this: This is far from an isolated event.

And apparently a “white supremacist” is to them, anyone who thinks “equality for all people” means what it says. And certainly white lives (especially white male lives) don’t matter.

The intentions of the Leftists are as simple as they are clear: divide society through demagoguery, destroy as much as possible, and enjoy the carnage.

Liberals should be educated.

Leftists should be annihilated.


the Snark

The Iron Law Of Bureaucracy

Author: The Snark

The late, VERY great Jerry Pounelle deduced the Iron Law of Bureaucracy. It is proposed thusly:

Every organization, upon reaching a significant size will be comprised of two groups. The first group will concentrate on achieving the goals the organization was chartered or organized to perform. The second group will concentrate on increasing the size, scope, and power of the organization itself. The second group will always dominate the organization.

This is not limited to government bureaucracies; any organization will succumb to this eventuality. Trade unions and labor unions are especially affected, indeed, that is the reason for most (if not all of them) anyway. Even the NRA is an example. Power corrupts. You know the rest of that.

In the executive branch there are regulatory agencies – the EPA, the FDA – and advisory agencies – the CDC, the NIH. President Trump signed an executive order in his first week of office requiring that any new regulations had to be accompanied by the removal of two prior regulations. This was a major blow to the typical DC swamp condition. It indicated that he was actually SERIOUS about draining the swamp.

This wasn’t a shot across the bow, this was a direct hit on the wheelhouse! The Deep State, already operating within the politically weaponized FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA and IRS, fell in regiment with the intelligence and enforcement agencies. The war began in earnest.

Conservatives can be differentiated from liberals in one basic comparison: Conservatives typically support smaller governments and personal responsibility. Liberals prefer large governments and social responsibility. (The conservative view tends to blur once elected to DC, however.) The liberal wants to blame society or somebody – anybody – for their condition, then use the government to extract their desired result from someone else. Conservatives usually just want to be left alone. Liberals love power (granted, so do some conservatives) and will use any method to attain it. Remember the corollary.

Now apply these two attributes to the Iron Law of Bureaucracy. Obviously the first group will tend to be conservative – do the work, get it done, go home. The second group will tend to be liberal – why waste this opportunity (or crisis) without growing the scope of the organization?

Advisory agencies can’t use regulation to grow, they must use an opportunity to be noticed and become more valuable to the chief executive. Covid provided an excellent opportunity to leverage an advisory agency to one of dominance and power.
And here’s where the Iron Law comes into play. All the agencies have become dominated by liberals. It’s like gravity but in reverse. Conservatives slowly sink into the unnoticed echelons because they aren’t fighting for a power position. Liberals rise to the top, grasping for ever more power.

Thus, President Trump unwittingly played right into the hands of not just the DC swamp, but also the Chinese Communists’ surrogate World Health Organization. He had to use the resources available to him, but they were all enemies. Not to do so would open him to even more screaming about not using “expert” advice. That advice changed direction by 180 degrees several times, but never mind. it was the President’s fault.

That is the advantage of the communist government: no pesky elections to worry about, no nosy opposition party or news media to get in the way. Like the dhimmicrats, communists consider lying, stealing and murder just another business policy.

China successfully developed a virus that could be used as weapon. It was deadly to the elderly, but the Chinese could care less. It was debilitating to those over juvenile age, exactly the age soldiers are. The very young were spared. Perhaps this was just an accident, perhaps deliberate–like a feature rather than a bug. Either way the dhimmicrats used the opportunity to continue their assault on the President. They have missed no opportunity to bludgeon President Trump, especially when creating controversy out of whole cloth. The question now is whether he can get the evidence of the treasonous activity released before it is hidden by another corrupt, rotten administration.

The vote count continues.


The Snark

The Consequences Of Liberal State Government

On Saturday, John Hinderaker at Power Line Blog posted an article about the movement of the American population from Blue States to Red States.

The article reports:

One of the most important phenomena in contemporary America is the Great Sort–we are increasingly dividing into red and blue states, in part because of domestic migration. But that migration is basically a one-way street: people are fleeing blue states and moving to red states. Many, but not all, of these migrants are conservatives seeking a more congenial home. And of course there are liberals living in red states, but very few of them are picking up stakes and volunteering for higher taxes and more sluggish economies.

This is not a new phenomenon. The billboard below is from 1971:

So what impact does this movement of people have on red and blue states? The article includes the following charts:

If the state governments are the laboratories of democracy, it is becoming very obvious which states are doing better economically and in other areas.

The article concludes:

Where does it all end? I don’t know, but one possibility is that the current balance in our national politics, where far-left and center-right forces are almost equal, may before long become obsolete. America may become definitively a center-right country, simply because that is where most people and most resources are located.

Moving illegal immigrants to red states might help restore the balance of power. Just sayin’.


Common Sense Versus Profit

Yesterday Fox News reported that of the film “The Hunt” about liberals hunting conservative “Deplorables” who fit the description of supporters of President Trump.

I can’t help but wonder why the movie was made in the first place. Did the producers think this was a good idea?

The article reports:

In a statement, a Universal Pictures spokesperson said “the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film … we understand that now is not the right time to release this film.”

Someone needs to sit down with the head of Universal Pictures and explain that there is never a good time to release a film about killing people whose politics you disagree with!

The article further states:

Understandably, initial reaction to the trailer centered on the horrific callousness and immorality of hunting and killing people for their ideologically conservative beliefs. It’s quite jarring to see.

The trailer seemed to be tapping into the same sort of anger and sense of disenfranchisement that many believe led to Trump’s populist rise.

Imagine the protests if the film had taken a different tack and portrayed Trump supporters hunting down supporters of one of the Democratic presidential candidates. The protests would have been justified.

The article concludes:

In the end, those of us with a religious, conservative worldview welcome a civil, respectful and spirited debate with those on the other side, believing that our principles and values will lead to a flourishing and more prosperous world.

The cancelation of the release of “The Hunt” is a step in the right direction. We must all live and work with those we disagree with and try to understand their point of view. Letting our disagreements escalate into violent attacks on one another is neither acceptable nor entertaining.

We have a problem in America with people deciding it is their right to harm people who disagree with them. It is not safe to wear a Make America Great Again hat in some parts of the country. We recently saw journalist Andy Gno severely beaten at a rally in Portland, Oregon. As I have said, I don’t understand why those in charge at Universal decided to make this movie in the first place. I am glad they finally came to their sense and chose not to release it.

Australia Gets It Right posted an article yesterday about Australia’s move to end its carbon tax.

The article reports:

Australia’s carbon tax has been in effect since 2012, when Labor Party Prime Minister Julia Gillard was in office.

But it’s come apart under Liberal Party Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Both of the country’s legislative bodies voted last week to repeal, a promise Abbott campaigned on.

Needless to say, environmental groups are very upset about the repeal. The article states that taxing carbon dioxide emissions is pointless and harmful to the economy.

The article reminds us:

A University of New England study found that under a $23 per-ton carbon tax, “Australia’s real GDP may decline by 0.68%, consumer prices may rise by 0.75% and the price of electricity may increase by about 26%.”

These costs might have value if cutting CO2 emissions actually achieved anything. But it wouldn’t.

Let’s get this straight one more time. Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring trace gas. Humans exhale it, plants breathe it.

It is not toxic, nor is it a pollutant, unless its atmospheric concentrations reach so high — 40,000 parts per million rather than the 400 parts per million now found in our air — that it crowds out the oxygen humans need to breathe.

Yes, CO2 is a greenhouse gas and, according to speculation, higher concentrations will cause a greenhouse effect that will warm the planet. But reality has not cooperated with the computer models that have predicted the heating of the planet.

Why are the environmentalists so willing to collapse the economies of free-world countries for science that is unproven?

Around The Edges Of The Supreme Court Case Regarding The Contraception Mandate

Commentary Magazine posted an article today about the latest challenge to ObamaCare that is headed to the Supreme Court. The article examines the approach that the political left and those that support ObamaCare will probably take in arguing the case.

The article states:

Indeed, while liberal activists will repeatedly try to cast this in the mold of the fictional “war on women,” their own arguments reveal just how far-reaching a definitive ruling on this would be for American religious and political practice.

…So this is much more than a fight over birth control, or even health insurance. It’s about two fundamentally different views on American constitutional freedoms. Conservatives want those freedoms to be expansive and protected, as the Founders did. Liberals want those freedoms to be curtailed lest the citizenry get greedy or the democratic process imperil the state’s coercive powers.

The Founders saw religious freedom as elemental to personal liberty in America. But they were not alone in thinking that unimpeded religious worship was a guard against an overly ambitious or arrogant national government.

If we lose our spiritual foundation as a country, we will also be in danger of losing our freedom.

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