To anyone who might not be aware of it, this is a picture of an ale pint glass. It has recently been reinvented. According to the Houston Press, a new shatterproof pint glass is being introduced in the British Pubs.
The article states:
“According to British Home Secretary Alan Johnson, there are about 87,000 of these (glass) attacks every year, some very serious. We even read a story about a bloodbath in a London bar in which 50 pint glasses were smashed in a minute and one person’s eye popped out. Sounds more like a horror movie than a night out at the pub.”
I must admit I live in a very sheltered world–I wasn’t even aware of the problem. I am glad they have come up with a solution to ‘glass attacks’ at the pub, but it occurs to me that you could still knock a person out with a well-placed hit on the head even if the glass didn’t break. I’m not sure what the solution to that would be.
The article also points out that the new glass will keep the beer (or ale) cold longer. Since the British drink their beer at room termperature, I suspect that would be more of an American selling point. Oh well, I’m glad that some inventor has solved one of life’s problems. Let me know when someone comes up with an idea of how to prevent the fights in the first place.