This article is based on three articles. The Daily Wire posted an Article yesterday, The American Thinker posted an article yesterday, and Breitbart posted an article on Friday. All three articles refute the claim currently being made by the political left that President Trump called dead soldiers “losers” and “suckers.”
The Daily Wire reports:
Four more witnesses have gone on the record to say that The Atlantic’s anonymously-sourced report claiming President Donald Trump called dead soldiers “losers” and “suckers” is false, bringing the total to 10.
Mick Mulvaney, former acting White House Chief of Staff, shot down The Atlantic’s report, saying, “As you all can probably imagine, I have seen more than my share of outrageous (and false) attacks on the President over the last few years. But this whole injured soldiers thing really, really pushes the envelope.”
“So, just to be clear: These claims are simply outrageous. I never heard the President disparage our war dead or wounded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. I was with him at the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy. As we flew over the beaches by helicopter he was outwardly in awe of the accomplishments of the Allied Forces, and the sacrifices they paid.”
Johnny DeStefano, former counselor to the president, also disputed the report, saying: “I was on this trip. The Atlantic bit is not true. Period.”
The article in The Daily Wire concludes:
Fox News correspondent John Roberts further added: “. @AmbJohnBolton told me today that if @realDonaldTrump had said he didn’t want to visit Aisne-Marne because the interred heroes were “losers” and “suckers”, he would have written an entire chapter about it in his book #TheRoomWhereItHappened.”
The Daily Caller News Foundation also reported late this week that the owner of The Atlantic is a Biden megadonor who is in frequent contact with the person who authored the report.
The American Thinker reports:
The evidence is piling up that the easily refutable, anonymously sourced so-called story, claiming that President Trump disparaged veterans, wasn’t really an Atlantic news story at all; it was a coordinated hit job involving the press, Democratic operatives, and associated leftist groups connected to the military, executed with impeccable timing. The Atlantic is building a name for itself for its uncorrected false stories, and this one’s not at all different.
First, Jeffrey Goldberg’s Atlantic story came out Thursday, claiming that four anonymous sources had told him that Trump, on a visit to France a few years ago, didn’t want to go to a U.S. military cemetery there to honor fallen U.S. troops, because they were all “losers” and “suckers.” It was raining, see, and he didn’t want to get his hair mussed up.
This is solid crap, The official email records, exposed at the time when the media tried to make a flap about it even then, showed that it was indeed bad weather that prevented the trip.
There was a motive, though: to distract attention from Joe Biden’s actual bad record with the military. Andrea Widburg has an excellent must-read analysis here.
Breitbart reported:
In an open letter obtained exclusively by Breitbart News, about 674 veterans wrote that their support for Trump, against attacks by the establishment media, remains unwavering because of his record of supporting the United States military and ending foreign wars.
“Recent baseless media attacks against President Trump from anonymous sources are just another example of the depths to which the President’s opponents are willing to descend to divide the nation and meddle in this election,” the veterans write.
Breitbart reminds us why this story was put together:
The story came as Trump has promised to bring thousands of American troops home from Afghanistan.
Unlike Trump, who has long opposed the Iraq War and the invasion of Afghanistan, Biden has supported a long list of foreign interventions by the U.S. that have sent American troops overseas without a timeline of when they will return home.
Former President George W. Bush led the U.S. into war in Afghanistan and Iraq, with more than 4,500 Americans dying in Iraq — including more than 3,500 killed in combat — and up to 205,000 Iraqi citizens dying in the war since March 2003.
In total, Bush’s post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and intervention in Pakistan have resulted in the deaths of between 480,000 and 507,000 people — including nearly 7,000 American soldiers who had deployed to the regions.
Biden voted for the Iraq War and supported U.S. nation-building in Afghanistan. Biden also opposed the U.S. raid that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, claiming that the risks were “too high.”
I am sure this is only the first of many hit pieces that will emerge about President Trump in the coming days. I am also sure that my liberal friends on Facebook will not bother to look at the evidence that the story is false. That is where we are. Fake news is one of the major causes of division in America. It would be nice if we could get rid of anonymous sources.