The following story was posted at DaTechGuyBlog on October 14th:
This is exactly what happened:
Yesterday afternoon in sunny and hot Miami my friend answered the doorbell. I kept an eye from the window.
An average-sized man in his thirties, wearing a pink polo shirt and khakis, holding a clipboard, immediately said hello in Spanish, and asked her if she was [her name], registered at that address. She said yes.
At that point I moved closer to the entrance but he could not see me. I could hear the conversation very clearly. The entire conversation was in Spanish. He spoke very clear, native-speaker quality Spanish.
The man did not identify himself nor did he declare any affiliation with any political party or committee, polling organization, or business of any kind.
He handed her a cell phone with questions that he claimed were “on the issues affecting our community”, but the list of five questions in English were all negative statements about Donald Trump, “I do not like how he treats women,” “I do not like his stance of immigration,” among them. The statements were in large enough bold print she could read them without her reading glasses. He asked her to check the ones she agreed with.
Her reply was that she does not answer political questions, and gave him back the phone. She had to repeat this a couple of times, until the guy finally realized he was getting nowhere.
He then asked her if she would prefer that no further polls be conducted at her house. She said yes.
The man, still speaking Spanish, pulled a sheet of paper from his clipboard and asked her to fill in a form, telling her that, if she signed that form, she would not be approached again with any polls.
My friend was not wearing her reading glasses so she took the form indoors. I went to the door (this is the first time he saw me), excused myself and locked the door.
I did not stop long enough to see whether the man carried or wore any ID tags or anything showing any affiliation. None were apparent at first glance. I just wasn’t going to leave an unlocked door unattended.
I looked at the paper my friend was holding. It had three copies on one page of a form saying, in English,
followed by some more text in English, and three lines for the respondent to fill in their name and address.
Again, I repeat, the entire conversation was in Spanish.
But the form was in English. Only in English, with no Spanish translation anywhere.
I read it to her aloud, returned it to her and she opened the door, gave back the form to the man, and told him she did not appreciate being mislead. He asked her what she meant, and she told him that the form was a pledge to Hillary, not a do-not-call request.
He had the nerve to ask her why wouldn’t she pledge to Hillary, to which she curtly replied that she would not pledge for any political candidate since her vote is private. “Even for the best candidate?” he asked. She again said, “my vote is private.”
At this point, the guy thanked her, said good-bye and left.
I don’t know – and certainly I’m not about to ask – who she’s voting for, but Hillary did not make any friends there yesterday.
Parting questions: If there’s no intention to deceive, why no translation on the form? Why no disclosure of who he works for? Who is behind that survey?
To be very honest, this entire event would have gone entirely over my head, but DaTechGuy is considerably more savvy about these things than I am. His closing comment:
UPDATE DTG: I just read this piece and I don’t think Fausta gets what’s going on here. The reason for the form is obvious and that reason is fraud.
- Step 1: Go door to door in the spanish community for the purpose of getting signatures on a form pledging the non english reading voters for Hillary Clinton with the name and address and an authentic signature
- Step 2: Submit absentee ballots in the name of the above person for Hillary Clinton.
If the voter doesn’t show at the polls, perfect, they’re absentee ballot is counted for Hillary no questions asked.
If they show up the vote and attempt to vote causing said ballot to be questioned for any reason the signature sheet is produced.
This is actual fraud straight up and every person in that neighborhood is being targeted, and you can bet if it’s done at your friends house it’s being done everywhere else.
Fausta your friend needs to call the Florida AG and the local media STAT.