Drastic Changes At The Southern Border

On Tuesday, Twitchy posted an article about the changes at our southern border since President Trump took office.

The article reports:

Bill Melugin of Fox News is reporting border crossing numbers are plummeting like he’s never seen before. It’s a pretty safe bet President Donald Trump’s immigration law enforcement is making would-be illegal aliens have second thoughts.

The article quotes Bill Melugin:

Per sources, Border Patrol recorded just 582 illegal crossings at the southern border yesterday, with not a single one of the nine sectors hitting 200.I’ve never seen anything this low in all of my border coverage.

The numbers were already flat/low in Biden’s final week, bouncing between 1,200-1,400 illegal crossings daily, but the numbers have been falling off a cliff since Trump took office.

Last three days January 24 – 665January 25 – 731January 26 – 582To put this into perspective, at the height of the border crisis in December 2023, Border Patrol hit a record high 11,000+ illegal crossings across the border in a single day, with the Del Rio sector alone getting 4,000+

I’m told there were 582 illegal crossings across the southern border yesterday, with only 60 happening in the Del Rio sector.

And there are no longer 1,500+ migrants being released at ports of entry via the CBP One cell phone app every single day, as Trump immediately terminated the program.

It’s still very early – we’ll see if these incredibly low numbers hold, especially heading into spring.

The bottom line of this is very simple.

The article concludes:

Putting a literal army at the border will do that.

The apparent ease with which Trump has activated the full might and resources of the Unites States government to combat illegal immigration has many commenters drawing the same conclusion.

Yes, Biden had the capability to practically stop border crossings at his wrinkly fingertips his entire term, but he chose not to use it. The only conclusion one can draw from that is he wanted our country to be overrun with illegal aliens. It’s a sure bet Kamala Harris would have followed suit if she succeeded him.

Help That Is Neither Needed Or Appreciated

On Friday, Ed Morrissey posted an article at Hot Air about the Senate Democrats’ offer of bipartisanship on the border. They wrote a letter to Senate Majority Leader John Thune that they would be glad to provide input on any border security bill under consideration by the Republicans. Really?!!? I would love to know what the Democrats’ definition of border security is. The last bill the Democrats proposed for border security allowed for 2500 illegal entries per day in exchange for a gauzy promise to maybe build the wall at some point in the future. Somehow I don’t think they are serious about border security.

The article reports:

The push came in a Jan. 22 letter to Senate Majority Leader John Thune, R-S.D., which was led by Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., and signed by 12 other Democrats, mostly from politically competitive states.

“We understand that Senate Republicans have discussed using the budget reconciliation process to advance border security budget measures without any Democratic input. While that’s your right, in working together on a bipartisan basis, we can achieve the best outcome for the American people,” the Democrats wrote. “We remain ready to work with you in good faith to craft legislation that can achieve bipartisan support and 60 votes in the Senate.”

…Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., laughed out loud when asked about the letter and whether Republicans might accept their overture.

…Republicans have gotten burned on this issue repeatedly. Democrats spent years playing them as racists for wanting the border secured and illegals deported, but Joe Biden’s disastrous term in office made it clear that Donald Trump and the GOP are the mainstream point of view on illegal immigration, and that voters consider Democrats incompetent or worse on the issue. That’s why several Democrats rejected their leadership to vote for the Laken Riley Act, after having attempted to hijack it last year to push for relaxing asylum rules and enshrining stampede-levels of illegal border crossings as thresholds for “emergency” treatment. 

NBC also notes why Democrats have suddenly found an interest in getting on the right side of immigration enforcement:

Democrats in battleground states and districts are breaking with the bulk of their party on immigration, as they believe that the positions of progressives and leaders of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus are out of touch with their voters. The rightward shift comes after Democrats got clobbered on the issue of immigration in the 2024 election, and lost Latino men to Trump.

Asking the Democrats for help with the border would be like asking a fox to help design the hen house.

This Could Have Been Done Four Years Ago

On Friday, Steven Hayward at Power Line Blog posted two charts illustrating the changes at America’s southern border in the past few days.

Here are the charts:

The illegal immigration at America’s southern border could have been totally avoided or totally stopped at any time during the last four years. During that time people on the terrorist watch list came freely into our country along with criminals let out of jail by other countries. During the past four years, the drug cartels have not only controlled our southern border, they have made more money than ever before doing it. Again, this was totally unnecessary.

As the border remains closed and the criminals are deported, the safety of Americans will improve. The senseless murders, the drunk driving, and driving without a license incidents should decrease significantly.

It is time to bring our nation back to a nation of law and order where people can safely go out for a walk or go to stores where the merchandise is not locked up for fear of looting.

A Preview Of Things To Come?

On December 2nd, The Federalist posted an article about a terrorist attack in Chicago by someone who entered America illegally and was freed by the Border Patrol.

The article reports:

Surprisingly little news coverage followed America’s first terror attack by an illegal border-crossing immigrant on U.S. soil. On Saturday, 22-year-old Mauritanian Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi was found dead of an apparent hanging suicide in his Cook County, Illinois jail cell. America must learn from this to prevent the next attacks on U.S. soil by border-infiltrating jihadists.

Abdallahi illegally jumped the border from Tijuana to San Diego in March 2023 and was freed by U.S. Border Patrol. Under orders from the Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security, Border Patrol has released millions of illegal entrants into the United States in the last four years.

On October 26, Abdallahi allegedly hunted down and shot in the back an identifiably Orthodox Jewish man walking to synagogue, then tried to up the body count by attacking responding police while shouting “Allahu Akbar!” Abdallahi still didn’t quit shooting even after police wounded him. Somehow he, the police, and the victim all survived.

This benchmarking story of America’s first terror attack by a border-crossing jihadist was largely ignored by national news media even though it came just before the brewing political war between pro-illegal immigrant Democrats and an incoming Trump administration promising an illegal immigration crackdown largely on national security grounds.

The article explains Abdallahi’s method:

Abdallahi had mapped out the locations of two Chicago synagogues and a Jewish community, the conservative Chicago Sun-Times reported November 21. The search history also included “Jewish Community Center” and a gun store in suburban Lyons.

Once he shot the man in the back, Abdallahi displayed a relentless desire to increase his body count and seemed tactically aware of how to take out hard human targets like police officers. For example, his gun apparently jammed after shooting the Jewish victim, prosecutors said. He reportedly had the presence of mind to retreat to cover, fix the jam, then return to finish off the victim, but then retreated to cover again as first responders approached.

Abdallahi drove a few blocks around them, then returned on foot from a new direction and opened fire on four police officers and two paramedics tending the wounded man, prosecutors alleged. He then allegedly fired on the ambulance, hitting it twice as a fifth police officer returned fire.

Antisemitism is increasingly becoming a problem in America. Some Jewish students on our college campuses are harassed or attacked just for going to classes. We have no control right now over who is coming across our borders. If we don’t deal with illegal immigration, we are going to become like some European countries where Jews are told not to wear anything that identifies them as Jewish because of the influx of Muslims who believe that Antisemitism is required by their god.

The Quiet Hero Of The 2024 Election

On November 18, Don Surber posted an article at Substack about the person who actually changed the debate about our open southern border. That person was Texas Governor Greg Abbott. When Texas began shipping the illegal aliens that were flooding into its border towns north to ‘sanctuary cities,’ he forced those cities to put their money where their mouth was. New York City Mayor Adams was one of the first to cry ‘uncle’ and was investigated by the Biden administration when he did so. When Florida Governor DeSantis sent a group of fifty illegal immigrants were sent to Martha’s Vineyard on a Wednesday, the residents of the island had them moved off of the island by Friday. (article here) I guess being a sanctuary city was great until someone actually took sanctuary there.

The article reports:

Donald Trump’s re-election had many heroes. Trump voters praise Charlie Kirk, Scott Presler, Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson, and rightly so. They earned it.

But one guy who deserves applause is Texas Governor Greg Abbott. He won’t because many Trump supporters are ticked at him. I forget why, but I am sure some readers will remind me in comments.

The governor whose state suffers the most from the federal government’s refusal to enforce immigration laws — the same government that raided President Trump’s home under the guise of no man’s above the law.

Abbott decided at first to just slow traffic at the border, but as Vanity Fair declared, “Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s Border Security Stunt Has Been A Total Shitshow.

“The Republican governor’s protest of Biden’s immigration policy has led to an eight-mile backup for commercial trucks at the border that’s mangled supply chains and hurt businesses.”

How dare he screw up the supply chain. Just who does he think he is? That’s Paternity Leave Pete Buttigieg’s job.

The article includes a few news highlights of the week:

ITEM 2: Matt Wallace tweeted with a video of players dancing, “Rumors are circulating the NFL is considering banning the Trump dance after players have started using it like crazy.”

But they are dancing to the Y.M.C.A. song. Doesn’t that make the league Homosexualophobic?

(New word.)

ITEM 3: Tim Young tweeted with a video, “Incredible moment of respect when Jon Jones handed his UFC championship belt to President Trump. The culture is changing. I love this.”

I suspect people now buy tickets to UFC matches just to catch a glimpse of Trump at ringside.

ITEM 4: CEO of Elections tweeted, “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. allegedly intends to require Coca-Cola to begin using Cane Sugar instead of High-Fructose Syrup as HHS Secretary.”

Someone said if he gets them to put cocaine back in it, he’ll be president in a landslide in 2028.

ITEM 5: Ian Jaeger tweeted, “The Pentagon has just failed its 7th audit and says it cannot account for what its $824 billion budget is spent on.”

The military fails audits like Kamala fails Bar exams.

I think the next four years is going to be fun.

States Matter Too!

On Tuesday, The Federalist posted an article about what happened in various state elections on November 5th. Unfortunately, the elections in North Carolina did not go as well for conservatives as they did in some other states. Much of of the North Carolina Council of State went Democrat. Although the Democrats won the governorship, the lieutenant governorship, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Republicans won the positions of State Auditor, Treasurer, Commissioner of Agriculture, Commissioner of Labor, and Commissioner of Insurance. They lost their veto-proof  majority in the North Carolina House of Representatives, but gained a veto-proof majority in the North Carolina Senate.

The article at The Federalist shares the results from some other states:

In Arizona, Republicans are on track to maintain their majorities in the state House and Senate, preliminary election results from the New York Times suggest. Republicans could potentially expand their majorities in both chambers as well. The outcome marks a huge defeat for leftists, who spent millions of dollars to flip or “reach ties” in state legislatures including in Arizona, as The Federalist previously reported, where a slim GOP legislative majority separates the state from a Democrat trifecta takeover.

In South Carolina, unofficial results indicate Republicans won a veto-proof supermajority in the state Senate and held onto their supermajority in the state House of Representatives. Similar trends are also reflected in Iowa’s preliminary results, which show the state GOP is already projected to expand its majority in the state House.

In New Hampshire, Republicans are on track to maintain trifecta control of state government, according to early results. The GOP is projected to win the governor’s mansion and a supermajority in the Senate and could also expand its majority in the House compared to 2022 results.

Many Americans are unhappy with the impact our open southern border is having on cities and states. Crime has skyrocketed, housing has become more expensive and harder to find, and the cost of providing food and housing to people who are not here legally has been enormous. Many of the states that have been hit the hardest by the unlimited migration of people who have not been vetted voted for change.

This Is Going To Be A Nationwide Problem

For the past three and a half years, America’s southern border has been wide open. We have no idea who is coming over the border or why. The only control of the immigration coming into America is the Cartels, and they do not have America’s best interests at heart. The open-border chickens are now coming home to roost.

On Tuesday, BizPacReview reported:

Jesse Kelly recently posted a letter regarding the ongoing madness in Aurora, Colorado, in which the author claims leaders are attempting to “minimize the issue.”

A person claiming to be a police officer in the town claimed that the situation is much worse than those talking to the media would have you believe, and the press needs to continue to keep the heat on until the problem is resolved.

This is the letter:

“I am a police officer in Aurora, Colorado and we are in the news for the recent story about the armed Venezuelan gang members taking over apartment complexes,” the letter begins. “I am happy to see the story make national news to where the Aurora Police Department command staff and City of Aurora leadership are being asked the hard question about what is occurring.”

“Unfortunately these ‘leaders’ are not being truthful nor are they acknowledging the problem as they know it to be,” the writer continues. “They are also trying to minimize the issue by implying the issue is confined to just the apartment complexes in the city. This could not be further from the truth. The Venezuelans are wreaking havoc throughout the city.”

“Please help keep this story in the spotlight so the City of Aurora can no longer downplay the matter. The reality is the citizens and out officers are not safe as long as the issue continues to be ignored and real solutions are not being implemented. Due to my employment status and the international information I possess on this matter, I cannot have you air my name. Thank you,” the message concludes.

Meanwhile, on Monday The Gateway Pundit reported:

Last night, a shocking 911 call was shared by Libs of Tik Tok on X, that revealed 32 armed Venezuelan migrants were attempting to overtake an apartment complex in Chicago last night.

…Winter is right around the corner. Did anyone honestly think these Venezuelan gangs who ruled the countries they came from, were going to be sleeping in tents in local parks while unarmed Chicago residents slept inside?

This Chicago resident warns the ARMED Venezuelan gangs thinking about taking over their places of residency in gun-free Chicago, “We got switches!”

Thank God for the Second Amendment. I suspect many residents in places where it has been curtailed are wishing they had guns to defend themselves and their property.

Policies Matter

The crisis at America’s southern border became a national issue when illegal aliens began to be bussed around the country by the State of Texas. However, the State of Texas is still dealing with the impact of the open border. Most Texans, if not all, want the border closed.

On Monday, Just the News reported the following:

Three and a half years into an unprecedented border crisis impacting Texans in border communities and the state’s largest cities, high-profile Democrats are openly endorsing a Republican candidate for Senate who they never endorsed before: U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz.

Cruz, a Houston Republican, is running for reelection for his third term. He’s being challenged by U.S. Rep. Colin Allred, a Dallas Democrat, who is trailing in the polls.

While Cruz has been characterized as polarizing or far right by those on the left, those on the right argue he’s a conservative stalwart championing their causes: pro-life, supporting traditional marriage, women’s rights, the Second Amendment, and school choice, among other issues. Differing on these views doesn’t matter. Texas Democrats supporting Cruz argue that border security and combating crime are their top concerns.

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the greatest number of illegal border crossers have entered the U.S., with the bulk illegally entering in Texas, and increasing number of violent crimes being committed against Americans, The Center Square has reported.

The article concludes:

Democrats at the border are also endorsing Cruz, including Zapata County Sheriff Raymundo Del Bosque, Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez, Brewster County Sheriff Ronny Dodson, Reeves County Sheriff Art Granado, Kenedy County Judge Charles Burns and Reeves County Judge Leo Hung. Many are from the 55 counties that declared an invasion, The Center Square exclusively reported.

“The crisis at our southern border threatens our communities and well-being every single day,” Judge Hung said. “We used to live in a state where we could walk outside without fear of getting hurt. Now, because of the policies of the National Democratic Party, we fear for our safety every time we step outside. I’ve been a Democrat all my life and will continue to be, but no one has fought harder to secure the border than Senator Ted Cruz, which is why I am endorsing him for reelection and look forward to his victory in November.”

Policies matter.

Changing The Number At The Border Crossings Without Changing The Number Of Illegal Immigrants

The number of illegal immigrants coming across America’s southern border keeps growing. That number is a problem for the Biden administration. Rather than solve the problem of a porous border, they have found a way to allow the same number of illegal immigrants to enter the country without the numbers at the border continuing to grow.

On March 5th, Townhall reported the following:

According to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the Center for Immigration Studies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection approved “secretive flights” for 320,000 inadmissible aliens last year. The individuals were pre-approved on the CBP One app and flew into 43 U.S. airports, though the government refuses to identify which ones.

…Through the CBP One app, the individuals apply for travel authorization, and once here, the parole program gives them two-year periods of legal status allowing them to work. This more direct entry, facilitated by the Biden administration, lowers the total number of illegal border crossings at ports of entry. 

…While the government won’t say which foreign airports the “inadmissible aliens” are coming from, according to Bensman (CIS’s Todd Bensman), only citizens of Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, and Ecuador are eligible for the program. 

Is anyone willing to guess how many of these illegal aliens will illegally vote in November?

We Are Not Immune

The attacks in Israel were horrific, but even more horrific is the brutality involved. The hatred for Israel (the little satan) and unfortunately America (the great satan) is such that there is no value put on a life that is not Muslim. The goal of the extreme Islamist has always been the destruction of Israel followed by the destruction of America. Unfortunately America has been complicit in both. In Israel’s case, we have provided money and weapons to be used against her. In America’s case, we have opened out borders to let terrorists, drugs, and human traffickers flow freely into our country.

On Tuesday, Townhall reported:

The crisis unfolding along the U.S.-Mexico border is nothing new at this point, but — as Katie reported earlier this week — the Hamas terrorist invasion of Israel from the Gaza Strip highlighted the national security ramifications of border security, specifically the lack of critical information the United States government has about the individuals illegally entering our country.

“Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, more than two million individuals have entered the country as ‘gotaways,'” Katie reminded. “The more than seven million illegal immigrants who have entered the country and been processed by Border Patrol have not been vetted. We know nearly 400 individuals on the terrorist watch list have been apprehended attempting to enter and the FBI is currently looking for potential members of an ISIS terrorist ring that was smuggled into the country,” her report emphasized. 

That’s not good news.

The article lists specifics:

According to Biden administration data on countries of origin confirmed by CBP, here’s how many SIAs (special interest aliens) were apprehended — and where they were from — between October 2021 and October 2023:

Syria: 538

Yemen: 139

Iran: 659

Iraq: 123

Afghanistan: 6,386

Lebanon: 164

Egypt: 3,153

Pakistan: 1,613

Mauritania: 15,594

Uzbekistan: 13,624

Turkey: 30,830

As Melugin (Fox News Channel’s Bill Melugin) emphasized, his Border Patrol sources said they have “extreme concerns about who is coming into the country because they have little to no way of vetting people from these special interest countries.” If an apprehended SIA hasn’t previously committed a crime inside the U.S. and isn’t already flagged on a terror watch list, “there’s no way to know who they are because most of their home countries don’t share data/records with the US.” That is, according to Melugin and his sources, “there is nothing to match a name to when BP agents run fingerprints.”

Does Anyone Actually Believe This?

On Saturday, Hot Air reported the latest amazing statement by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

The article reports:

The Biden administration thinks you are stupid. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Joe Biden has “done more to secure the border than anybody else.” She delivered that statement with a straight face to the press corps and no one laughed at her.

She has stated:

“Look, the president has done what he can from here, from the federal government, from the White House to put forth and manage our border in a safe and humane way to respect the dignity of every human, as he says all the time, and making sure that our communities are safe, and you have seen him do that,” Jean-Pierre said.

She later said: “The president has done more to secure the border and to deal with this issue of immigration than anybody else. He really has. June saw the single largest month-to-month drop in unlawful border crossing because of the policies this president put in place.”

The problem with the border is bi-partisan. As long as we keep electing Republicans who want cheap labor and Democrats who want future voters, we will have an open border. If the voters want change, they will have to vote in change. The conclusion of the article is very telling.

The article concludes:

Not only has Joe Biden thrown open the southern border to prove he is not Donald Trump, which we already knew anyway, but he is prosecuting Governor Abbott who has been left to fend for himself in protecting the Texas border with Mexico. Abbott began Operation Lone Star in March 2021 and the Biden DOJ has fought him ever since. Abbott is defending his buoy barrier in the Rio Grande River at Eagle Pass now. Think about that – the American president is trying to stop a governor from protecting a sovereign border. Biden’s top job is to protect the homeland, but, never mind.

The administration describes Abbott’s efforts as political stunts.

Jean-Pierre also said at the time: “We continue to see political stunts from many Republicans out there and that’s not how we’re going to fix this issue. They want to secure the border, we’ve been doing that work on our own, and we’re asking them to, ‘Hey, you know what? There’s an immigration reform plan that the president put out on the first day, they should work with us and do this in a bipartisan way.’”

You can’t make this up.

The problem with the Democrats’ “immigration reform” plan is that they demand blanket amnesty of all illegal aliens. That’s a deal-breaker for Republicans. Why would we reward law-breakers? Republicans were burned when Reagan agreed to amnesty during his administration. Democrats want the future voters. Republicans want law and order on the border. Just enforce the laws already on the books and put enough personnel on the border. That would be a solid start to bringing the situation back under control.

As long as you put a ‘poison pill’ in the bill that the Republicans cannot accept, you can continue to blame the Republicans for the lack of reform. Until the Republicans learn to (or want to) stand up to those tactics, we will have an open border.

Avoiding Protecting Our Southern Border

The stream of illegal immigrants coming into America has created numerous problems both for the immigrants and Americans in our cities and states. Our southern border is wide open while we are sending millions of dollars overseas to protect the Ukrainian border. But that’s only part of the story.

On Saturday, The New York Post reported the following:

The Biden administration is quietly auctioning off millions of dollars’ worth of unused parts from former President Trump’s border wall for peanuts – in an apparent end-run around pending legislation in Congress.

Since April, GovPlanet, an online auction house specializing in military surplus, has sold 81 lots of steel “square structural tubes” — intended for use as vertical bollards in the border barrier’s 30-foot-tall panels — hauling in about $2 million.

On Tuesday, GovPlanet netted $154,200 for 729 of the 28-foot-tall hollow beams, sold in five separate lots for an average $212 apiece.

Thirteen more lots are set to be auctioned on Aug. 23 and Aug. 30.

But just last month, as part of its annual defense appropriations package, the Democrat-led Senate passed a Republican-sponsored bill aimed at forcing Biden to stem the worsening migrant crisis at the US-Mexico border by extending the wall.

Up to $300 million worth of taxpayer-funded wall components have been left to rust since Biden came to office, Republicans have said.

The Finish It Act will make the feds use those materials on new wall construction — or hand the remaining stock over to states like Texas for use in their own border defense projects.

Now, the Biden administration is rushing to get rid of the wall leftovers before the GOP-led House can pass a matching version of the bill and make it law, critics told The Post.

The article concludes:

US Customs and Border Protection recorded around 1.7 million migrant encounters on the southern border in fiscal year 2021 and 2.4 million in 2022, an all-time record.

Nearly 1.8 million migrant encounters have already occurred in the first nine months of the current fiscal year, according to the agency — on track to break 2022’s shocking total.

An estimated 2.6 million asylum seekers and “gotaways” have actually made it into the United States during Biden’s presidency — swamping cities like New York, where more than 10,000 migrants continue to arrive each month to demand shelter, meals and social services, shredding the municipal budget.

“President Biden has no regard for taxpayer dollars — or how his open border is bankrupting communities across the country that are footing the bill for his failures,” said Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-SI/Brooklyn), who is battling to bar migrant shelters from the city’s parks and military sites.

A lot of the blame for the mess at our southern border rests on President Biden, but we also need to realize that Congress is also guilty. Both political parties have controlled Congress at various times in recent years. Neither party has been willing to close the southern border and fix the broken immigration process.

The Potential Consequences Of An Open Border

On Wednesday, Breitbart posted an article about one of the people that has been released into the United States as a result of President Biden’s immigration policies.

The article reports:

An illegal alien, now wanted for allegedly funding terrorism, is among an estimated 1.4 million border crossers and illegal aliens who have been released into the United States through President Joe Biden’s parole pipeline.

In April 2021, the Venezuelan illegal alien crossed the United States–Mexico border near San Luis, Arizona. He was briefly detained by Border Patrol agents, deemed inadmissible, and given a Notice to Appear (NTA) in federal immigration court.

…Only a few months later, in August 2021, a criminal court in Valencia, Venezuela, issued an arrest warrant for the illegal alien for charges related to fraud, money laundering, association with organized crime, and funding terrorism.

The article concludes:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested the illegal alien on August 8 and he will remain in federal custody pending deportation proceedings.

The illegal alien is among an estimated 1.4 million border crossers and illegal aliens, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, who have been released into American communities specifically through Biden’s parole pipeline. This is a foreign population the size of the population of Hawaii.

Hundreds of thousands of others, as well as known got-aways, have entered the United States interior since Biden took office.

In February 2023, NBC News reported:

Nearly 600,000 migrants who crossed the U.S. border since March 2021 have been released into the U.S. without being charged or given a date to appear in court, according to data obtained by NBC News, and thousands have even been dropped from the program that was supposed to track them.

When immigrants are given a notice to appear in court, how long do they have to wait for their court date and what is the likelihood that they will show up? Our entire immigration system is a mess. We need to make it easy for people to come here legally if they are willing to work and more difficult for people who want to take advantage of our social safety net. People who immigrate to America should be denied any government assistance for the first five years or so that they are here. That would make it clear that coming to America means becoming part of the workforce and assimilating into the culture.

No, The Border Is Not Closed

What would a closed border look like? It might have a completed wall, border patrol sending people right back over the border, and migrant caravans being forced to remain in Mexico after being turned away at America’s southern border. Currently, I don’t see any of those things despite Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas telling migrants not to enter the United States because the border is not open. That’s like putting a bowl of chocolate in front of a two-year old and telling him not to eat it. Good luck.

On Wednesday, Fox News posted an article about the impact the open border is having on Texas ranchers.

The article reports:

Two Texas ranchers are sounding the alarm about the impact the border crisis has had on them after groups of migrants allegedly walked through and destroyed their property. 

Marcus and Stephanie Canales, who live 56 miles from the Laredo border, said they have seen the impact of President Biden’s border policies firsthand. 

“What we’re seeing on our property, we’re getting the bailouts, we’re getting the getaways, the unknowns. We’re also getting all of the foot traffic,” Marcus explained on “Fox News Tonight.” “I mean, just last night we had about three groups of ten plus that moved through anywhere from one in the morning to four. We had some during the day. It’s just non-stop traffic around here.” 

Stephanie Canales added that they’ve had groups as large as 30 migrants come through their property. “You know, when you’re out in a pasture by yourself, you may have a gun on you, which we do. But, you know, if 30 people approach you, you’re in trouble. And that’s what’s scary,” she said.

The article concludes:

McEnany asked Stephanie how it feels when she hears White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre say the White House’s border security policies have caused illegal immigration to decrease by 90%

“It’s a slap in the face to those of us that live down here because we know that’s not true because we live it every single day,” she responded. “You know, this has taken a huge financial toll on not just us, but all of our neighbors, all of us along the border. And I think a lot of people don’t realize that. And, you know, we are sympathetic to some of those that are coming over here because they say they’re being oppressed or they can’t feed their families in whatever country they’re from. But, you know, there’s a lot of American citizens that also can’t feed their families right now. And I feel like the federal government doesn’t care and they’re not doing anything to help us.” 

It is the responsibility of government to protect its citizens and enforce its borders. Obviously, the Biden administration has chosen to ignore that responsibility.

The Exploding Number Of Migrants

On May 1, Hot Air reported that over 15,000 migrants have illegally crossed the river near Brownsville, Texas, since last week. This is a sharp increase over the 1,700 migrants Border Patrol agents encountered in the first two weeks of April.

The article reports:

Chavez (Gloria Chavez, chief of the U.S. Border Patrol Rio Grande Valley Sector) said the reason for the sudden increase isn’t clear yet but it may have to do with migrants being frustrated with the government app that allows them to seek asylum at a port of entry. The app is plagued with problems. Some migrants who crossed the border last week said cartel threats motivated them. Brownsville is across the Rio Grande River from Matamoros, Mexico, there is a huge camp of tents that house 2,000 people waiting to cross into Texas. Some of these tents were set on fire last week. Migrants blamed the cartels but government officials said the fires may have been set by frustrated migrants angry about their long wait on the border. Imagine that – migrants are so arrogant now that they expect to cross the border on their time schedule. This is what Biden’s border crisis has created.

The article notes:\

DHS Secretary Mayorkas still refuses to take accountability for the Biden border crisis. He put all the blame on Congress during an appearance on Meet the Press Sunday morning.

“We are seeing a level of migration not just at our southern border but throughout the hemisphere that is unprecedented,” Mayorkas said Sunday, adding that he believes our hemisphere is seeing the greatest level of migration since World War II.

Mayorkas said President Joe Biden “delivered a solution” to the crisis “on Day 1” of his term in the form of immigration reform legislation, and Mayorkas put the blame on Congress for being slow to act.

“Within the constraints of a broken immigration system, we are doing so much,” he said of the Biden administration.

“Our approach is to build lawful pathways, cut out the ruthless smugglers, deliver the lawful pathway so people can access humanitarian relief without having to take the dangerous journey from their home countries,” Mayorkas continued. “And at the same time, if they arrive at our southern border in between ports of entry, we will deliver consequences.”

It is very obvious that no one in the Biden administration takes any responsibility for the mess they have created.

Is Anyone Comfortable With This?

On Saturday, The Daily Wire posted an article about the video included in the Tweet below.The video shows a toddler abandoned by the smuggler who was supposed to get him into America. The smuggler did get him into America, but had the Border Patrol not acted swiftly, the child might not have been alive for very long.

The article reports:

The crisis at the southern border has only intensified since Biden has taken office and further restricted Border Patrol’s ability to expel migrants. Notably, Biden early on made changes to circumvent Title 42 — used by the Trump administration during the pandemic to expel migrants on the basis of public health.

“Beginning April 21, 2022, OFO will increase its capabilities to process noncitizens potentially amenable for an exception to Title 42,” a memo from sent to Border Patrol reportedly said. “Factors weighing in favor of an exception include the following: a physical or mental illness, disability; pregnancy; lack of access to safe housing or shelter in Mexico (under 21 years old or younger or over 70, including families); and an indication that an individual has been threatened or harmed in Mexico.”

The administration has long been seeking to lift Title 42, but that is currently working through the courts. Border experts have warned the removal of the policy will exacerbate the crisis at the southern border.

Biden has recently tried to claim that his administration and Democrats are really the ones who want border security, while Republicans are trying to block it.

The situation at our southern border is a disaster because Congress is letting it remain a disaster. If the Republicans or the Democrats wanted the border crisis solved, it would be solve. The Democrats want the future voters; the Republicans want cheap labor. Until we elect people to Congress who actually love America, this situation will continue.

Do These Regulations Look Familiar?

The mid-term elections are behind us and even though it is way too early, attention has turned to the 2024 presidential election. One of the challenges to whomever the Democrat candidate is will whether or not the crisis at our southern (and now northern) border is resolved. The Biden administration has a plan for that. Actually, it bears a striking resemblance to the Trump administration plan.

On Tuesday, The Daily Wire reported:

The Biden administration proposed a new restriction on asylum seekers that closely resembles a policy from the Trump administration.

The new rule would prevent migrants who do not use already available legal pathways to asylum and do not seek asylum in a third country from applying for asylum in the U.S. Biden Administration officials said the rule was proposed in response to the end of Title 42 immigration restrictions. It also closely resembles a Trump administration policy which similarly banned asylum seekers who did not first seek asylum in another country.

The article concludes:

After a public comment period, the new restrictions will go into effect on May 11th, the same day that the Biden administration intends to end the COVID-19 national and public health emergencies. Title 42 restrictions, which allow authorities to turn migrants away due to public health concerns, are also scheduled to end then.

The new restrictions closely resemble a similar asylum ban implemented by the Trump administration. Those restrictions, referred to as both “asylum bans” and “transit bans,” were highly controversial and bitterly fought over in the courts from the beginning of former President Trump’s term. The Trump-era bans were blocked by the courts in 2018 and 2020; the final rule was implemented on Trump’s last full day in office, but a judge struck that down as well.

Democrats and immigration advocates decried the new rules because of the similarities to Trump policies. But the Biden administration dismissed those criticisms, and noted that they have provided alternative pathways for migrants to seek asylum. In January, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas rejected the comparisons, saying that his plan was based on “a rebuttable presumption of ineligibility. And there’s a marked difference between the two,” he said, via The Hill.

The South American refugees coming through Mexico are a much better fit for asylum in Mexico than in America. They share the Spanish language and culture. Mexico needs its patriots and those willing to join its patriots to stand up to the thugs that are attempting to take it over. I realize that is easier said than done, but we need both a strong border and a strong Mexican government to put an end to the refugee crisis.

Saying The Border Is Open Is Racist!

On Wednesday, Townhall reported the following:

House Democrats on the Judiciary Committee mainly had only one response to Republicans highlighting the disaster the U.S.-Mexico border has become under President Joe Biden’s leadership: Saying the southern border is open is racist.

Pay no attention to the thousands of people walking into America illegally.

The article continues:

After Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) outlined the record-breaking numbers of illegal immigrants encountered, those who were able to avoid apprehension, and the amount of drugs seized, meaning much more was able to get into the U.S., Ranking Member Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said the first hearing about the crisis is a distraction and will only expose how racist Republicans are.

Nadler added the GOP’s focus on the border “almost makes me miss the usual obsession with conspiracy theories and the FBI.”

…El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego (D), who was the Democrat’s witnessed, testified the border was not open in his county, despite recently having a massive influx of illegal immigrants in September and December.

“There is no invasion of migrants in our community. Nor are there hordes of undocumented immigrants committing crimes against citizens or causing havoc in our community,” he added.

My advice to the Democrats is simple–if you are going to lie, at least make it believable!

The Consequences Of An Open Border

On Tuesday, Issues & Insights posted an article about a consequence of our open southern border that is not widely reported.

The article reports:

In a data dump Friday, the Biden administration announced that more than a quarter million people crossed the border illegally in December – the highest ever recorded. The timing of this release was designed to bury the news, not that it mattered, since the mainstream media have ignored the growing border crisis with fierce determination. 

But that’s not the worst of it. Border deaths also reached all-time highs. That news is so bad, the “most transparent administration in history” tried to keep it hidden altogether, coughing it up only in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. When that data did come out … crickets.

This silence is particularly galling, given that the left was screaming bloody murder about border deaths during the Trump administration.

The publicly released news showed that Border Patrol agents stopped 251,487 illegal crossers in December. That’s a 7% increase from November, a 40% increase from the year before, and a 240% increase from December 2020.

But that’s only part of the story.

The article continues:

A better description is an invasion, one aided and abetted by the Biden administration, the Democratic party, and the legacy media that has covered it up.

It’s also a deadly one to the migrants themselves.

Over the last fiscal year, 880 immigrants died trying to get into the U.S. That is the highest number of deaths since data became available, according to numbers obtained by the Epoch Times through a FOIA request. 

The second-largest number of migrant deaths occurred the year before, when 566 perished.

By comparison, in fiscal 2020, there were 247 border deaths — a record low.

If the media weren’t so corrupt, they would have been all over this story.

For one thing, they’d demand to know why “the most transparent” administration decided to stop releasing the number of border deaths, which had previously been part of the CPB’s reporting.

Then, they’d want to know why all those Democrats — including Biden — who were screaching about every border death during the Trump administration have been silent now.

This is another example of the mainstream media and its biased reporting. Thank goodness for reporters and watchdogs who know how to use FOIA requests.

Solutions For America

On December 18th, Victor Davis Hanson posted an article at American Greatness titled, “10 Steps to Save America.”

The article lists his ten ideas:

Cut the Debt

Secure the Border

Tap Natural Resources

Oppose Discrimination

Disrupt and Reform Higher Education

Revive the Armed Forces

Fix Voting

Drain the Swamp

Upend the Welfare State

Restore Norms

Many of these problems are the result of well-meaning policies that were supposed to solve the problems they created. The welfare state was supposed to end poverty. Instead it created a bureaucracy that has no incentive to reduce the number of people on welfare. Draining the swamp refers to the administrative state that is currently making most of our laws–instead of the legislative branch of the government that is supposed to make them. Restoring norms like community standards, marriage as the foundation of our society, and protecting children from pornography would be a step forward.

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. These are things we can all work to implement that would definitely improve the future of our country.

The Border Disaster Is About To Get Worse

On Wednesday, Title 42 is about to end. In an article posted on Friday, The New York Post explains what that means.

The article reports:

Don’t let anyone tell you the border isn’t a disaster.

Mayor Eric Adams has asked FEMA for $1 billion to cope with the consequences of the Biden administration’s refusal to enforce the border. FEMA’s responsibilities include dealing with wildfires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and now, another kind of disaster: an open border.

And it’s about to get worse.

This Wednesday, December 21, something called Title 42 is supposed to end (though a judge may keep it going a little longer). The program was a holdover from the COVID pandemic and allows Border Patrol agents to bounce illegal border-jumpers back into Mexico without getting a hearing or making an asylum claim. It was the only Trump-era immigration-related measure the Biden people kept in place, though they’ve been using it less and less.

Even though Title 42 is no substitute for actual border enforcement, it’s the only thing standing between today’s chaos and the total disappearance of the border.

President Obama’s DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has said that 1,000 border arrests per day was more than the agency could handle. We’re now seeing close to 7,000 border-jumpers per day, overwhelming our agents and freeing the cartels to move their poison over unguarded borders.

The only good news is that according to a CNN article posted Friday:

A federal judge in Texas has put on hold for now the Biden administration’s most recent attempt to end the so-called “Remain in Mexico” program.

US District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk is pausing the termination of the program that was outlined in an October 2021 policy memo while litigation around that memo continues.

The ruling marks a setback in President Joe Biden’s effort to end the controversial Trump-era policy, which sends certain non-Mexican citizens who entered the US back to Mexico – instead of detaining them or releasing them into the US – while their immigration proceedings played out.

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the chances of an illegal immigrant showing up at their immigration hearing once they have been released into the United States are almost  nonexistent. The Remain in Mexico policy at least gives those who actually may be entitled to asylum a chance to state their case and come into America legally.

The article at The New York Post concludes:

But the border disaster is not an act of God — it’s an act of Biden.

And unlike a tornado or earthquake, we can end the ongoing disaster with perfectly ordinary law enforcement and policy changes, rather than just try to keep up with the fallout. The Texas Republicans in Congress recently published a plan to do just that — complete the border wall system, restart Remain in Mexico, plug the catch-and-release loopholes, start deporting illegal immigrants again, and more.

These are all policies Biden canceled the day he was sworn in because they were the handiwork of the Bad Orange Man. The incoming administration was warned repeatedly that reversing those policies would lead to disaster, but as anti-border ideologues, they persisted.

For this man-caused disaster, FEMA is not the answer — law enforcement is.

Biden’s Destruction of America

Author: R. Alan Harrop,Ph.D

In March 2021, I wrote an article reporting on some of the actions Biden was initiating that would be harmful to America. Let’s update his actions as of November 2022 and see how things stand after almost two years of his administration. I write this on Halloween night, but it is scarier than ghosts and goblins.

The Border: We no longer have a Southern border. Well over 5 million illegals have been welcomed across the border in less than two years. Illegal drugs are coming in unchecked, including fentanyl which has killed close to 100,000 Americans in the last year. Estimates are that illegals will cost each tax payer $2,600/year.

Inflation: The prices of consumer goods are rising dramatically; especially on essential items. Inflation under President Trump was about 2 %. Now at a forty year high of 8.6% and much higher for food.

Energy: On Election Day 2020, the price of a gallon of gas was $ 1.87, it now averages $3.49 and much higher in some areas. We have gone from energy abundance/independence to energy shortages. Recent report shows that there is only sufficient diesel oil for 25 days to meet our usual consumption. Home heating oil, commonly used in the northern states, has gone from $1.45 to $5.72 per gallon. The cost of electricity has gone up 16% in the last year and is expected to go higher. Energy is costing the average family $6,200 more per year. Biden’s depleting our strategic oil reserves and selling this oil to China is treasonous.

Personal Wealth: The stock market is down about 30 % and inflation reduces the value of bank accounts by about 10% per year. People on fixed income are especially hard hit. We are getting poorer.

Cost of Housing: Mortgage rates have gone from less than 3% to 7%. A $300,000 house will cost $878 more per month, $10,536 more per year and a whopping $316,000 more over the life of a 30 year loan. Rents are going up similarly.

Unconstitutional Spending: You will be paying off the loans of college students estimated to cost over $300 billion dollars over the next ten years and will continue going higher; even though you may have paid your own way through college or not gone to college at all. Presidents have no authority to do this.

Second Amendment: The Biden administration is requiring all credit card companies to report all sales of firearms and ammunition to the Federal government thereby tracking your purchases.

IRS/FBI: These agencies are now enforcement arms of the Biden administration. Hiring 87,000 armed IRS agents is aimed directly at the middle class and small business owners.

Crime: Has been increasing dramatically, especially in urban areas, as a direct result of defunding the police and liberal prisoner release policies.

International Relations: War in Ukraine, North Korea firing missiles, conflicts with Saudi Arabia, China emboldened and threatening Taiwan, are all examples of deteriorating relations with other countries.

No doubt there are other destructive actions by Biden and the radical Democrats. No rational person can look at where America is now and say we are better off after the last two years. YOU MUST GET OUT AND VOTE, if you love this country.

Past Tapes Expose The Lie

In the age of electronics, it’s not a good idea to lie–somewhere there is a video or a recording of everything you might have said in the past. Some of our politicians have not yet learned this lesson or they think we won’t discover the recording.

On Thursday, Fox News posted an article about a claim made by El Paso Texas Mayor Oscar Leeser that he had not been pressured by the White House to avoid calling the influx of illegal aliens into his city an emergency.

The article reports:

El Paso City Council member Claudia Rodriguez called out the city’s Democratic mayor Wednesday night, saying he has been caught in a lie. 

Earlier on Fox News Wednesday, El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser denied Rodriguez’s allegation that he was pressured by the White House to avoid declaring the migrant influx an emergency in the city, insisting he made the decision himself. 

“Absolutely not,” Leeser told host Dana Perino. “One of the things we need to learn and really make sure we do is that we take the politics out of this.”

Video footage from a September city council meeting, however, appears to show otherwise.

“The chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, Chief Ortiz, he does not support declaring a state of emergency at this point,” Leeser said during the Sept. 27 meeting. “And the White House has asked at this point for us not to do that.”

The article concludes:

Rodriguez previously said on “Fox & Friends” that she had expressed her concern about the number of migrants to Leeser and asked him to reconsider declaring a state of emergency. She said he declined at that time, citing the White House’s request against it.

“I hope that in the future we will definitely put the people of El Paso first and really take the politics out of it,” Rodriguez said.

The White House and their friends in the mainstream media have done a fairly good job of hiding the crisis at our southern border from most Americans. However, through some good reporting by Fox News and the alternative media, people are becoming aware of what is  happening and the dangers involved. The drug cartels now control our southern border. It is a place where drug smuggling and human trafficking abound. We need to secure the border for our safety and the safety of those trying to illegally cross it.