I Don’t Think That Went The Way The Democrats Wanted It To

On Wednesday (updated Thursday), The Epoch Times posted an article about the confirmation hearing for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The article lists five things the Democrats brought up thinking that they could get a gotcha moment. 1. They used quotes taken out of context to claim that he was anti-vaccine. 2. They claimed that he had changed his position on vaccines and abortion in order to gain political power. 3. They criticized him for saying he would support the Trump administration’s position on abortion. Since he will be part of the administration, it makes sense that he should support their views publicly even if he differs privately. 4. After being accused that he would be a ‘rubber stamp for the Trump administration,’ Kennedy explained that his goal was to improve the health of Americans. 5. Kennedy also pledged to change the lack of transparency that was part of the Department of Health and Human Services Department during the Biden administration.

The article concludes:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) requested that 11 letters of support, signed by thousands of physicians, be entered into the record. He also noted that he had written more than 70 oversight letters to federal health agencies under the Biden administration.

He said he has received redacted materials and has “issued a subpoena now to cover the information“ that he ”requested in 70 oversight letters.”

Johnson asked Kennedy if he would honor these requests from Congress and make HHS transparent.

“My approach for HHS, as I said before, senator, is radical transparency,” Kennedy said. “Democrats and Republicans ought to be able to come in and get information that was generated at taxpayer expense that is owned by the American taxpayer. It shouldn’t get redacted documents.

“Public health agencies should be transparent. If we want Americans to restore trust in the public health agencies, we need transparency.”

The Senators opposing this nomination have generally been the ones who have taken large campaign contributions from Big Pharma. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is most definitely a threat to Big Pharma. If America becomes healthy again without pills, how will the drug companies make money?

About Those Nominees

On Thursday, Victor Davis Hanson posted an article at American Greatness about President Trump’s cabinet nominees. He took a stroll down Memory Lane in case some of us have forgotten some of the actions taken by President Biden’s Cabinet members.

In writing about Kash Patel as FBI Director, Victor Davis Hanson reminds us:

But what will Patel not do as the new director?

He will not serially lie under oath to federal investigators as did interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe, a current Patel critic.

He will not forge an FBI court affidavit, as did convicted felon and agency lawyer Kevin Clinesmith.

He will not claim amnesia 245 times under congressional oath to evade embarrassing admissions as did former Director James Comey.

He will not partner with a foreign national to collect dirt and subvert a presidential campaign as the FBI did with Christopher Steele in 2016.

He will not use the FBI to draft social media to suppress news unfavorable to a presidential candidate on the eve of an election.

He would not have suppressed FBI knowledge that Hunter Biden’s laptop was genuine—to allow the lie to spread that it was “Russian disinformation” on the eve of the 2020 election.

He will not raid the home of an ex-president with SWAT teams, surveil Catholics, monitor parents at school board meetings, or go after pro-life peaceful protestors.

Then Victor Davis Hanson talks about Pete Hegseth:

What will Hegseth likely not do?

Go AWOL without notifying the president of a serious medical procedure as did current Secretary Lloyd Austin?

Install race and gender criteria for promotion and mandate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training?

Insinuate falsely that cabals of white supremacists had infiltrated the military—only to alienate that entire demographic and thus ensure the Pentagon came up 40,000 recruits short?

Oversee the scramble from Kabul that saw $50 billion in U.S. military equipment abandoned to Taliban terrorists?

Watch passively as a Chinese spy balloon traversed the continental United States for a week?

Allow the chairman of the Joint Chiefs to promise his Chinese communist counterpart that the People’s Liberation Army would first be informed if the President of the United States was felt to issue a dangerous order?

Rotate into the Pentagon from a defense contractor boardship and then leave office to rotate back there to leverage procurement decisions?

Oversee the Pentagon’s serial flunking of fiscal audits?

Next, Robert Kennedy, Jr.:

But what will RFK also not do as HHS secretary?

Oversee his agencies circumventing U.S. law by transferring money to communist China to help it produce lethal gain-of-function viruses of the COVID-19 sort—in the manner of Dr. Fauci?

Organize scientists to go after critics of mandatory masking and defame them?

Give pharmaceutical companies near-lifetime exemptions from legal jeopardy for rushing into production mRNA vaccines not traditionally vetted and tested?

Leave office to monetize his HHS expertise and thus make millions from the pharmaceutical companies?

Please follow the link to the article–there is more!

The article concludes:

We are going to hear some outrageous things in the upcoming congressional confirmation hearings.

But one thing we will not hear about are the crimes, deceptions, and utter incompetence of prior and current government grandees.

The current crew, not their proposed Trump replacements, prompted the sick and tired American people to demand different people.

Voters want novel approaches to reform a government that they not only no longer trust but also now deeply fear.



A New Level Of Pettiness

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has suspended his campaign for President. He has not technically withdrawn from the race and is still on the ballot in several states. However, he has asked his supporters to vote for President Trump. The Biden administration has decided to end his Secret Service Protection.

On Tuesday, Breitbart reported:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who sought Secret Service protection for months and finally had it granted after the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump, had his protection pulled because he suspended his presidential campaign, law enforcement sources told the New York Post.

Kennedy confirmed in an interview with Tucker Carlson this week that his Secret Service protection was pulled following his suspension announcement and endorsement of former President Donald Trump. 

“I’m technically still running for president. I’m running for president in 40 states. I did not terminate my campaign,” the Democrat-turned-independent told Carlson when asked about Secret Service pulling protection. 

Secret Service typically protects presidents, vice presidents, their immediate family members, former presidents, former first ladies, children of former presidents, visiting heads of state, and top presidential candidates. If a candidate drops out of a race, the agency usually scales back its protection, but can also terminate it altogether, the New York Post noted.

Considering the Kennedy family history and the recent assassination attempt on President Trump, this is foolish and petty. The decision on Secret Service protection is made by the Department of Homeland Security; however, I seriously doubt the Presient was unaware of or in disagreement with the decision. It is typical of the behavior of the petty, angry man we currently have as President and his administration.

The article notes:

President Joe Biden notably ordered Secret Service protection for Kennedy following the assassination attempt on Trump. Biden’s decision came hours after Trump demanded Secret Service protection for Kennedy in a post to Truth Social.

Before the attempted assassination of Trump, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had allegedly previously denied Kennedy’s request for Secret Service protection six times, causing his campaign to spend millions on private security, a Kennedy staffer told the National Review. Kennedy had, again, requested protection in early June, on the anniversary of his father’s assassination, Axios reported.

Both Kennedy’s father and uncle were assassinated. Kennedy’s father, Robert Kennedy, was shot on June 5, 1968, after winning the Democrat primary in California, and died the next day. Kennedy’s uncle, former President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

After Trump was shot through the ear while speaking at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, Secret Service has faced heavy backlash. The agency’s response to the shooting has been seen as the biggest Secret Service failure in four decades.

The hyper-political atmosphere of Washington needs to end.

Are We Looking At The Beginning Of A Third Political Party?

Political parties were not part of the Founding Fathers plans for America. They didn’t like them–they felt that if political parties existed, a man’s allegiance to his political party might be more important to him than his allegiance to his country. We see their wisdom when we look at our current political situation.

On Monday, Tulsi Gabbard announced that she would be supporting President Trump during his 2024 election bid. Recently, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., joined the campaign team. President Trump, Tulsi Gabbard, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., are all former Democrats. All of them have been treated badly by the current Democrat party. All of them have values much more in tune with the Democrat party of the 1960’s than they are in tune with the values of the Democrat party today.

On Tuesday, The Washington Examiner reported:

Former President Donald Trump plans to add Tulsi Gabbard to his presidential transition team just one day after the former House Democrat endorsed his White House bid, according to Trump’s campaign.

Gabbard will assist the former president in implementing new policies and personnel in a possible Trump administration, although her precise role has not been made clear. The announcement comes as Gabbard has been informally assisting Trump with debate preparation over the last few months, making her support for the former president official on Monday.

“As President Trump’s broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across partisan lines, we are proud that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been added to the Trump/Vance Transition team,” Brian Hughes, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, told the Washington Examiner. “We look forward to having their powerful voices on the team as we work to restore America’s greatness.”

Kennedy announced he was also tapped to join Trump’s presidential transition team during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Monday.

There are a lot of ideas that Tulsi Gabbard and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., have that I do not agree with. However, I give them credit for taking a step toward unity in American politics.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Has Specific Issues He Wants To Target

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is an interesting addition to the Trump team. I am sure there are places where the two seriously disagree, but I suspect there are also places where they strongly agree. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has said for years that he distrusts the pharmaceutical companies who push vaccines and that is concerned about the chemicals being put into our food supply. While I don’t agree with all of his ideas on either subject, he does have some good ideas.

On Saturday, Zero Hedge posted an article about one of the good ideas.

The article reports:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spent decades as an environmental lawyer fighting polluters and supported ‘green’ organizations for environmental justice. He is now setting his crosshairs on the pharmaceutical industry and cleaning up the nation’s food supply chain of ultra-processed foods and seed oils that poison consumers. He has determined that suspending his presidential campaign to team up with former President Trump will be necessary for the strongest success rate in making Americans healthier again, not through big pharma’s Ozempic shots but instead revitalizing small farms and shaking up corrupted federal agencies.

Lifelong liberals like RFK Jr. backing Trump is one of the strongest indicators of just how extreme the ticket, unoriginal Vice President Kamala Harris and Democrats have become. Harris’ team recently announced their first proposed economic policy, which was rooted in communism and included disastrous price controls. It appears the far-left ticket is being advised and heavily influenced by Marxists. 

The article concludes:

Mega corporations, some of which are part of the ‘green’ cult, want greater and greater control over the nation’s food supply chain. Some are even pushing insect-based diets.

The big takeaway from RFK Jr.’s support of Trump is that he believes the correct path to restoring America’s health is not Ozempic shots but revitalizing the nation’s local food supply chains by making small farms great again. He wants to reset the food supply chain system and purge it of ultra-processed foods and seed oils that are killing consumers. He also proposed shaking up federal agencies in health and food that have close ties with ultra-processed food companies. 

For years, we have told readers that it’s critical to support local farmers and put the food supply chain back into the hands of the people—not corrupt mega-corps that flood store shelves with cancer-causing junk food.

Henry Kissinger famously said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

It’s time for Americans to regain control of the nation’s food supply chains by making small farms great again. Also, boycotting the processed food industry and buying local food is critical.

If Trump wins, RFK Jr. will likely provide tailwinds for small farmers. And Europe will take note as corp/gov’ts have also waged war on small farms. 

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. This would be very good for all Americans.

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows. Or Does It?

As someone who lived in Massachusetts for 35 years (and Rhode Island for 10), I would like to comment on the addition of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to the Trump team. At first glance, it’s an odd combination, but a closer look reveals that it’s a natural fit. If nothing else, both men have been mocked, maligned, and shoved aside by the media and the deep state. This may be their chance to have the last laugh.

Let me say something about the Kennedy family. There have been a few bad apples (as is the case in most families), but the majority of them have spent much of their time trying to help those less fortunate. After his bout with drugs, Patrick Kennedy started a foundation to oppose the legalization of marijuana (something he regarded as a gateway drug). One of the Kennedys started a program in Massachusetts to provide heating oil for low-income families. Some Kennedys are involved in politics, but many of the family members have been working under the radar to help people who are less fortunate. There are some womanizing issues, but in today’s political world, that’s not even noteworthy.

So what does Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., bring to the party? John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Senior were old-school Democrats. They represented the working people. John Kennedy lowered taxes significantly. He also supported civil rights–not quotas. Robert Kennedy went after the mob and the corruption in the labor unions. Neither John or Robert Kennedy would be welcomed in today’s Democrat party. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was obviously not welcomed. There are a lot of people today who have been life-long Democrats who do not recognize today’s Democrat party. Because Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has joined President Trump, these people have a place to go. It is also an unabashed call to unify the country under our basic Constitutional principles.

The Democrats could have had a real primary election. A primary election between President Biden, Vice-President Harris, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., would have allowed to voters to choose the Democrat candidate. Instead, the party chose to hide President Biden’s infirmity from the public (with the help of the Vice-President, the Cabinet, and the news media) and at the last moment install a candidate no one voted for. No wonder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chose to support President Trump–his own party treated him very badly.

President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., are not in agreement about everything, but they are willing to work together on the things they do agree on. That’s an example we all should follow.


How The Internet Impacts Elections

Search engines are a useful tool. However, search engines are biased. As someone who is constantly looking for information on the internet, I can tell you that it is very unusual for me to find an article without a liberal slant on the first three pages of a search engine result. And I am using and have used search engines that are supposed to be unbiased. During the election season, biased search engines are a problem. The voters need to access both sides of a story, and that can be very difficult.

On Wednesday, Newsbusters posted an article about some of their recent experiences with search engines.

The article reports:

MRC researchers searched Google using a “clean environment” (without the influence of prior search history and tracking cookies) and found that the search giant completely eliminated Donald Trump’s website from the top 100 search results, while pushing President Joe Biden’s campaign website up to the number one spot.

Researchers conducted three separate searches for the top three candidate’s names along with the words “presidential race 2024.” While the results for Trump brought up seemingly endless 2024 election updates, including news articles, polls and commentaries, the search engine did not display the candidate’s campaign website.

Google, however, had no issues displaying Joe Biden’s campaign website as the first result in an equivalent search. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s website appeared as the fourth result in a similar search.

MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider commented on Google’s tone-deaf bias in the aftermath of an assassination attempt on Trump. “Other left-wing media outlets and platforms are taking a pause from their anti-Trump tactics, but not Google,” he said. “The search giant has doubled down on its anti-American, election interference strategies.”

Schneider continued: “People who often do political searches on their computers will likely get different results since Google tracks their search history. But this study reflects a much darker, more sinister behavior at Google. It is through this kind of data manipulation that Google swayed millions of votes in the 2020 election. It must not be allowed to corrupt our democracy.”

The importance of where a search result appears on the first page of a Google search cannot be overstated. Not only is Google the go-to search engine for most people, holding a market share of nearly 92 percent worldwide, but the higher a search result appears, the more likely a user will click on a particular result, according to Brian Dean, a search engine optimization expert.

Never be hesitant to go to page two or three of whatever you need to find information that is not totally biased. It’s unfortunate that Google does this, but the American voters are smart enough to get around it.

The Latest Debate Rules

On Saturday, Fox News reported that CNN has announced its rules for the first presidential debate on June 27.

The article reports:

The campaigns of President Biden and former President Donald Trump have agreed to the rules, CNN said on Saturday, noting that it is not “impossible” for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to join the pair on stage.

To qualify for the CNN showdown, a candidate must have received 15% support in four separate national polls, and be on the ballot in enough states to reach 270 electoral college votes. Currently, Kennedy is on the ballot in six states, totaling 89 potential electoral college votes.

The article concludes:

The network also noted that candidates’ podiums and positions will be determined by a coin flip, their mics will be muted outside of speaking time, and that candidates will be provided only with a pen and a pad of paper.

Candidates will not be allowed to bring props or prepared notes. 

This could get interesting. I do not believe that RFK, Jr., has enough time to qualify for the debate. I am also not sure what he would add to the debate. His presence might be good for the Democrats because it would distract people for the predictable feebleness of President Biden. The inclusion of RFK, Jr., also might provide some interesting dialog between President Trump and RFK, Jr. If I were holding the debate, I would check President Biden for electronic devices. I would set up electronics to jam any wireless transmissions in the room, and I might consider drug testing for certain drugs. However, since CNN is hosting the debate, I seriously doubt any of that will be done.

The recent pictures of President Biden show an alarming decline in his awareness of where he is and what he is supposed to be doing. I can’t image what this debate will be like.

Is This Just Careless Or Mean-Spirited?

On Saturday, One America News reported that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has again been denied Secret Service protection by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

The article reports:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has threatened to take legal action against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after being denied secret service protection for the fifth time.

Department Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas concluded that Kennedy does not require Secret Service protection, in a letter to the Kennedy campaign dated March 28th. This decision was made after conferring with an advisory committee that included the Senate Sergeant at Arms and prominent members of Congress.

Kennedy’s lawyer, Aaron Siri, responded to Mayorkas’ series of denials in a letter on March 29th, which was posted to X, labeling them “capricious, an abuse of discretion, and clearly politically motivated.”

…In the letter, Mayorkas and the DHS are accused of “ignoring the real risks” to Kennedy, citing an instance at a campaign event that involved a guest carrying two loaded handguns.

The Secret Service has extended protection to presidential and vice-presidential candidates since the 1968 assassination of Kennedy’s father and then-Democratic presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy.

Kennedy Jr. is also the nephew of the late President John F. Kennedy, who was killed in office earlier that decade.

According to the Secret Service website, requirements for protection include declaring oneself in public, being the target of “general or specific threats” and, in the case of independent and third-party candidates, polling at 20% or higher in the Real Clear Politics national average for a minimum of 30 days.

Kennedy’s national average for Real Clear Polling as of Thursday was approximately 11%.

The family history alone should be reason enough for Secretary Mayorkas to provide Secret Service protection. This is simply one more in a list of things that make the Biden administration look vindictive and petty.

I Don’t Think The Biden Administration Wants To Hear This

On April 5th, Fox News posted an article about a recent statement by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. There are a lot of centrist Democrats who will agree with the premise behind his statement.

The article reports:

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Friday said he is “disturbed” by “the weaponization of government against” former President Donald Trump. 

He also vowed that if elected president, he would appoint a special counsel to investigate whether “prosecutorial discretion was abused for political ends” in cases related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. 

Kennedy on Friday issued a statement in an effort to “clarify his views on the events of January 6, 2021.”

“January 6 is one of the most polarizing topics on the political landscape. I am listening to people of diverse viewpoints on it in order to make sense of the event and what followed. I want to hear every side,” Kennedy said, adding that it is “quite clear that many of the January 6 protesters broke the law in what may have started as a protest but turned into a riot.” 

“Because it happened with the encouragement of President Trump, and in the context of his delusion that the election was stolen from him, many people see it not as a riot but as an insurrection,” he said. 

I disagree with his statement that the rioting happened with the encouragement of President Trump. The direct quote from President Trump’s speech is, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” That is not incitement to riot.

The article notes:

But Kennedy said that “reasonable people, including Trump opponents, tell me there is little evidence of a true insurrection.” 

“They observe that the protesters carried no weapons, had no plans or ability to seize the reins of government, and that Trump himself had urged them to protest ‘peacefully,’” Kennedy said. 

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. If nothing else, Kennedy recognizes the danger of an overly-powerful government using its power to silence its political opposition.

When Eyes Are Opened

The Biden administration has not been good for the average American. Food and housing prices are up. Gasoline prices have come down, but not to the pre-Biden levels. The Biden administration’s economic and energy policies are costing middle class and lower class Americans money. Some Democrats are beginning to realize that these policies are becoming very unpopular.

On December 27th, Issues & Insights reported:

The only thing more uplifting than watching several prominent liberals drift rightward is the cluelessness of those on the left as to why it’s happening.

This drift is obvious enough, since it includes journalists once heralded by the left such as Matt Taibbi (who won a Young America’s Foundation award) and Glenn Greenwald, and Democratic politicians, including Tulsi Gabbard, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (whose speech at a Daily Caller award ceremony drew many loud cheers from the conservative audience), and Sen. John Fetterman (who recently declared that “I am not a progressive”).

Celebrities such as Russell Brand, David Chappelle, and Bill Maher (who “has been riding an asphalt roller over the far left,” according to Townhall) are part of the shift, as are a handful of prominent business leaders, Elon Musk for instance.

That’s to say nothing of the fact that surveys show once tried-and-true liberal constituencies – Hispanics, Asians, blacks, working class, and the young – are abandoning the Democratic party.

The article concludes:

For many in liberal cities such as San Francisco or New York or Chicago, it’s skyrocketing crime, abandoned storefronts, sidewalks full of homeless tents and human waste, and legions of illegal immigrants housed in bus stations, hotels, and abandoned schools. All of it the result of leftist policies.

For still others, it is the many forms of brutal intolerance the left shows toward anyone who doesn’t fall in line with whatever that day’s dogma happens to be, whether it’s school shutdowns, “transgender rights,” the climate “crisis,” or critical race theory. The left is constantly burning former friends at the stake for being heretics.

For many parents, it’s having the government call them domestic terrorists because they complained about lockdowns and gay pornography in their school libraries.

Now, it’s the left’s virulent antisemitism that was always there but only became glaringly apparent in the wake of Hamas’ genocidal attack on Israel.

The intolerance, bitterness and hate, the unquenchable desire for control, disdain for free speech, and fanaticism have always been features – not bugs – of the left, something we’ve been saying here for years.

The only reason leftists have been able to pretend otherwise is that they had better PR. But that, too, is failing them.

We can only hope those on the left continue to scratch their collective heads about why people are leaving their ranks, until one day they end up in the dustbin of history. Where they belong.

We have proof that leftist policies don’t work. It’s time Americans started paying attention to that proof.

This Is Simply Incredible

In July, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., asked for Secret Service Protection after his April announcement that he was running for President. As I reported on September (article here) that request was pending even after someone was arrested for carrying a gun at a place where RFK, Jr. was speaking.

On Saturday, The Epoch Times posted the following headline:

RFK Jr. Reiterates Plea to Biden Administration for Secret Service Protection

This will be his third request for Secret Service Protection. The request comes after a suspect is arrested twice in the same day for trespassing on his property.

The article reports:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has refused twice to authorize Secret Service protection, Mr. Kennedy noted Oct. 25 on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

“It’s not right for the President to provide protection to his family and political favorites while denying it to political rivals. During his first week as Attorney General, my father assembled all the DOJ’s senior prosecutors to tell them that he would not tolerate any politicization of law enforcement,” Mr. Kennedy posted on Oct. 27.

“I don’t spend time worrying about my personal safety. I do worry about the safety of my family and their sense of well-being and about the safety of bystanders if there is a more serious incident. I’m most troubled by the weaponization of federal law enforcement agencies to serve political agendas,” Mr. Kennedy wrote.

President Biden is a mean-spirited, petty little man holding on to power by a thread. He maintains that hold by weaponizing the government against anyone he sees as a challenge.

I Really Don’t Understand This

On Friday, The Daily Caller reported that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy will speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this year.

The article quotes Matt Schlapp in explaining the reasons behind the decision:

“Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a unique voice in advocating for the defunding of the weaponized bureaucracy and ensuring the constitutional right of medical freedom,” Matt Schlapp, CPAC Chairman, said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “Kennedy joining such an important event is a reflection of the splintering of the left-wing coalition that has gone full woke Marxist to the point that traditional liberals don’t feel welcome anymore.”

In the past, Matt Schlapp has been a supporter of President Trump, so I wonder why he is giving these two people a platform. There are major problems with both of them as presidential candidates. I am not sure if Vivek Ramaswamy has a chance at the Republican nomination, nor would I be comfortable with him as a candidate. There are some serious questions as to some of his past associations. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., certainly does not represent the conservative movement. He is anti-vaccine, but in his case he is not only against the covid vaccine, he also opposes many of the childhood vaccines. It would be a stretch even to call him a moderate based on his views on the Second Amendment and on abortion.

The article concludes:

“We are also honored to have Vivek Ramaswamy – a true patriot and rising star fighting for the values of life and liberty for every American,” Schlapp said in a statement to the Daily Caller. “Ramaswamy has made a massive impact on the political scene in a short amount of time. He comes from the world of business and is willing to courageously fight the woke agenda of corporate America.”

The October CPAC event is an investors summit and will not be open to the media.


This Might Make Things Interesting

On Friday, Just the News reported that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is expected to announce in early October that he is planning to run for President as an independent. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is currently polling at about 15 percent within the Democrat party. President Biden is currently polling at about 65 percent within the Democrat party.

The article reports:

He is expected to make the announcement on Oct. 9 at a Pennsylvania rally, Mediaite reported. An adviser to the presidential candidate said his decision stemmed from what he considered unfair practices by the Democratic National Committee to stifle his candidacy.

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” one campaign advisor told the outlet.

At present, Kennedy averages 14.9% support in the Democratic primary to Biden’s 65.0%, according to RealClearPolitics. Hollywood guru Marianne Williamson places third with 4.9%.

As far as the Democrat party election practices are concerned, many of those practices were put in place after the 1972 campaign of George McGovern. In the 1972 election, George McGovern received 17 Electoral College votes–from Massachusetts and Washington, D.C. Richard Nixon received 520 Electoral College votes. The Democrats learned that a far-left candidate would not win a national election and changed their primary process to prevent a far-left candidate from winning the nomination. That is why Bernie Sanders was locked out in 2016 and in 2020. Joe Biden ran as a moderate even though his administration has not governed that way.

I have no idea who Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., will take votes from. I do hope that he is provided with Secret Service Protection as soon as possible considering the family history. Some Republican never-Trumpers may vote for him because they think he is a moderate (he is not–read his statements of the environment and other issues); and some Democrats may vote for him because they agree with some of his liberal policies.

All things considered, 2024 is going to be an interesting election. We all need to pray for the safety of ALL the candidates.


Gun Laws Are Only For Some People

On September 21, The Epoch Times reported the following:

An armed man accused of posing as a federal marshal at an event attended by Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was charged with misdemeanors according to the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office.

Adrian Paul Aispuro, 44, was initially booked on a felony gun charge Sept. 15 and is being held on $35,000 bail, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Inmate Information Center.

According to the office of the city attorney, he is charged with carrying a loaded firearm, carrying a concealed firearm, and impersonating an officer, which all carry misdemeanors.

Are we supposed to believe that if this man had been at a Biden rally (if there is such a thing) that the charge would have been a misdemeanor? This happened in California where there are supposed to be strict gun laws. Aren’t there also strict penalties for violating those gun laws?

The article notes:

In July, Mr. Kennedy said his request for Secret Service protection as a presidential candidate was denied by the Department of Homeland Security.

“Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection,” Mr. Kennedy wrote on X. “But not me.”

According to U.S. law under ”18 USC 3056A,” the U.S. Secret Service is tasked to provide protection to “major presidential and vice presidential candidates and, within 120 days of the general Presidential election, the spouses of such candidates.”

The secretary of the Department for Homeland Security (DHS), currently Alejandro Mayorkas, is tasked with identifying “major” candidates in a presidential race in consultation with the Speaker of the House, the House minority leader, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, and one additional member selected by the other members of the committee, which as a whole isn’t answerable to the incumbent president.

DHS has yet to comment on its decision.

I really don’t like the way the Biden administration does things. Even if they don’t approve of a candidate, they should be giving him Secret Service protection–particularly considering the history of the Kennedy family.

Protecting The Deep State

President Trump is not the only person running for President who is a threat to the deep state. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has made inroads in the Democrat primary and would not be a President who would be easily controlled. It is interesting that the Biden administration has so far denied Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Secret Service protections (article here).

On Saturday, Newsweek reported:

Police arrested an armed man falsely claiming to be part of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.‘s security team in Los Angeles on Friday night. It happened outside a venue where the Democratic 2024 presidential candidate was giving a speech and just two miles away from where his father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, was assassinated in 1968.

The incident took place by the Wilshire Ebell Theatre where Kennedy was delivering an address to mark Hispanic Heritage Month. Kennedy posted a photograph of the man who was detained while wearing an Emergency Medical Service top and dark sunglasses, on X, formerly known as Twitter. Kennedy said the man was “carrying a U.S. Marshal badge” and had stated he was part of his security.

While Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has struggled to challenge President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination, he has picked up considerable conservative support, thanks to his promotion of discredited conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines.

Keep in mind when reading this article that it was posted in Newsweek. The comment about discredited conspiracy theories is unnecessary and inaccurate.

Considering the Kennedy family history, Robert F. Kennedy should have been provided Secret Service protection immediately when he announced that he was running for President.

This Seems Illogical To Me

On Saturday, Townhall reported that he Biden administration has refused to give Secret Service protection to presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. This is ironic at best because the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., was the event that triggered providing Secret Service protection to presidential candidates. Meanwhile, there were a number of government vehicles and security agents that accompanied Hunter Biden to court last week.

The article reports:

“Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me,” RJK Jr. wrote on Twitter.

He added that the “typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14 days. After 88 days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.”

…In response from the Biden Administration, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time.”

Biden’s challenger said his request included a 67-page report from the “world’s leading protection firm, detailing unique and well-established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats.”

RFK Jr’s father was assassinated in 1968 at a Los Angeles hotel. Five years earlier, his uncle, President John Kennedy, in 1963 was also assassinated.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has been a bit of a thorn in the side of the Biden administration. He has previously testified before Congress regarding the censorship that the Biden administration routinely practices.

Definitely A “Get Out The Popcorn” Moment

On Friday, The Patriot Journal reported that next month Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., will appear before Congress to discuss his experiences with censorship and free speech. C-SPAN just got very interesting. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s presidential campaign represents a serious challenge to the Democrat establishment. He can be hard to listen to because of a genetic speech defect, but he is definitely one of the more sane candidates in the Democrat party.

The article reports:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will testify before House Republicans’ Weaponization of the Federal Government Select Subcommittee. He will be discussing how social networks, in league with Democrats, removed his posts that were critical of the COVID vaccines.

Kennedy has long been critical of government-mandated vaccines. Even before COVID, he challenged men like Fauci for evidence that the many vaccines pushed onto children by the government are safe.

RFK has been repeatedly censored by Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Even as recently as last weekend, YouTube took down an interview of RFK from Jordan Peterson’s channel.

Clearly, the left is terrified of what Kennedy has to say. He comes from a well-known and beloved American family. He is offering an alternative to the fearmongering and hysteria of the liberal narrative on vaccines and politics.

I have very mixed emotions about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as a candidate. There were many good things his father and uncle did for America. However, during the presidency of John Kennedy, there were things going on that would be totally unacceptable now. John Kennedy’s various affairs, which the media kept secret at the time, would be a problem today. The illegal surveillance carried out by J. Edgar Hoover that was an open secret would not be acceptable today. I also have questions about the role Robert F. Kennedy, Sr., played in the death of Marilyn Monroe. The Kennedy family is not known for being one of America’s most law-abiding families. I lived in Massachusetts for 35 years; I am familiar with the family. However, the candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., may actually partially clean up the Democrat party. My impression of RFK is that he sincerely wants to make a positive difference to America. It will be interesting to watch his appearance before Congress.