I Don’t Think That Went The Way The Democrats Wanted It To

On Wednesday (updated Thursday), The Epoch Times posted an article about the confirmation hearing for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The article lists five things the Democrats brought up thinking that they could get a gotcha moment. 1. They used quotes taken out of context to claim that he was anti-vaccine. 2. They claimed that he had changed his position on vaccines and abortion in order to gain political power. 3. They criticized him for saying he would support the Trump administration’s position on abortion. Since he will be part of the administration, it makes sense that he should support their views publicly even if he differs privately. 4. After being accused that he would be a ‘rubber stamp for the Trump administration,’ Kennedy explained that his goal was to improve the health of Americans. 5. Kennedy also pledged to change the lack of transparency that was part of the Department of Health and Human Services Department during the Biden administration.

The article concludes:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) requested that 11 letters of support, signed by thousands of physicians, be entered into the record. He also noted that he had written more than 70 oversight letters to federal health agencies under the Biden administration.

He said he has received redacted materials and has “issued a subpoena now to cover the information“ that he ”requested in 70 oversight letters.”

Johnson asked Kennedy if he would honor these requests from Congress and make HHS transparent.

“My approach for HHS, as I said before, senator, is radical transparency,” Kennedy said. “Democrats and Republicans ought to be able to come in and get information that was generated at taxpayer expense that is owned by the American taxpayer. It shouldn’t get redacted documents.

“Public health agencies should be transparent. If we want Americans to restore trust in the public health agencies, we need transparency.”

The Senators opposing this nomination have generally been the ones who have taken large campaign contributions from Big Pharma. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is most definitely a threat to Big Pharma. If America becomes healthy again without pills, how will the drug companies make money?

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows. Or Does It?

As someone who lived in Massachusetts for 35 years (and Rhode Island for 10), I would like to comment on the addition of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., to the Trump team. At first glance, it’s an odd combination, but a closer look reveals that it’s a natural fit. If nothing else, both men have been mocked, maligned, and shoved aside by the media and the deep state. This may be their chance to have the last laugh.

Let me say something about the Kennedy family. There have been a few bad apples (as is the case in most families), but the majority of them have spent much of their time trying to help those less fortunate. After his bout with drugs, Patrick Kennedy started a foundation to oppose the legalization of marijuana (something he regarded as a gateway drug). One of the Kennedys started a program in Massachusetts to provide heating oil for low-income families. Some Kennedys are involved in politics, but many of the family members have been working under the radar to help people who are less fortunate. There are some womanizing issues, but in today’s political world, that’s not even noteworthy.

So what does Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., bring to the party? John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy Senior were old-school Democrats. They represented the working people. John Kennedy lowered taxes significantly. He also supported civil rights–not quotas. Robert Kennedy went after the mob and the corruption in the labor unions. Neither John or Robert Kennedy would be welcomed in today’s Democrat party. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was obviously not welcomed. There are a lot of people today who have been life-long Democrats who do not recognize today’s Democrat party. Because Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has joined President Trump, these people have a place to go. It is also an unabashed call to unify the country under our basic Constitutional principles.

The Democrats could have had a real primary election. A primary election between President Biden, Vice-President Harris, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., would have allowed to voters to choose the Democrat candidate. Instead, the party chose to hide President Biden’s infirmity from the public (with the help of the Vice-President, the Cabinet, and the news media) and at the last moment install a candidate no one voted for. No wonder Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chose to support President Trump–his own party treated him very badly.

President Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., are not in agreement about everything, but they are willing to work together on the things they do agree on. That’s an example we all should follow.


This Would Have Been Very Interesting

On Friday, PJ Media reported that the national Democrat Party has announced that it will support President Biden’s bid for re-election, but it has no plan to sponsor primary debates. As of now, President Biden’s two primary opponents are Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson. Ms. Williamson became a Democrat in 2019. Her wikipedia page describes her as an author, spiritual leader, teacher, politician, activist. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is known for his anti-vaccination activities and claims that the childhood vaccines we give our children are responsible for the increase in autism. Other theories blame the increase on better diagnostics.

The article reports:

Biden has two challengers, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson. When Kennedy announced his candidacy on Wednesday, USA Today reported that RFK immediately had the “support of 14% of voters who backed President Joe Biden in 2020,” according to a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. Williamson had 5%, and another 13% were undecided. USA Today noted that “that is surprising strength for a candidate who has a famous political name but is now known mostly as the champion of a debunked conspiracy theory blaming childhood vaccines for autism.”

USA Today’s confident use of the word “debunked,” however, can’t mask a growing suspicion among an increasing number of Americans that the authorities aren’t being honest with us. The COVID vaccine debacle, with what was originally touted as a single shot that would protect you from a deadly disease becoming multiple shots and boosters that carried side effects that were often worse than COVID itself, only fueled that suspicion. So the establishment media’s confidence that voters will dismiss Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because they dislike this vaccine skepticism may be whistling in the dark.

…There is a lot of truth to that, and a Biden-Kennedy-Williamson debate could be a marvelous show, featuring the garrulous old liar rattling on about how he got arrested for trying to visit Nelson Mandela in prison or about how his son Beau was killed in Iraq, Kennedy calling out state and corporate fascism, and Williamson waxing philosophical.

That’s precisely why the debates won’t happen. The Democratic National Committee knows that Williamson is nutty, and it thinks Kennedy is nutty, too, and it’s well aware that the less the public sees the dementia patient who pretends to be president, the better. They’re going with Biden for reelection, and they know that he can only hurt his own chances by standing toe-to-toe against a man who can actually articulate a coherent sentence and defend his positions, as well as against a woman who, however loopy she may be, looks like Madame Curie next to Old Joe.

I think people would pay money to see that debate!

Skewing The Definition Of Charity

I haven’t written about the death of Hugo Chavez. My only comment is, “If this man cared so much about the poor, why was he worth millions when he died?” In contrast, how much was Mother Theresa worth when she died? Just an observation…

Today’s New York Post posted a story about how the death of Hugo Chavez will impact Citizens Energy Corp, the organization founded in 1979 by Joe Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy‘s oldest son. The organization provides assistance to Massachusetts residents who need help paying for heating oil in the winter. The charity is able to do this by buying crude oil from Venezuela at below market price, selling it at the market price and using the difference to provide oil for people who need it. It really is a good idea and works well.

People should be paid fairly for their work, even when they work for a non-profit organization, but somehow I think we have forgotten that a non-profit organization is supposed to be supporting a cause of some sort and that’s where most of it’s money should go.

The article reports:

After Joe Kennedy left Congress, he returned to run Citizens Energy. That job paid him $86,311 in 2010. But the bulk of his income comes from his for-profit companies — Citizens Enterprises Corp. and Citizens Investments Ltd. — which together paid him $807,390 in salary and benefits. Kennedy’s wife, Elizabeth, raked in $346,764 from the nonprofit, where she is marketing director, and from the for-profit companies.

I would have left Congress too! Note that Elizabeth Kennedy was making more than $300,000 from the nonprofit company. I really think that is a little much.

The article concludes:

The oil started to flow in 2005 via two related nonprofits. Citizens Programs Corp., a charitable foundation, takes in the heating oil — $59 million worth in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011. It immediately sells the supply to an undisclosed “prearranged buyer,” according to its tax returns. The proceeds are used to buy 100 gallons of heating oil for 200,000 needy households in 25 states and Washington, DC.

The distribution is done through Citizens Energy, which receives a $5 million management fee from Citizens Programs.

Citizens Programs uses some of its oil riches — $4 million in fiscal year 2011 — to pay for its ubiquitous advertising program. Running a call center and the “Joe-4-Oil” hot line costs $1.3 million.

A spokesman for the groups refused to answer questions about the operation.

Kennedy also funnels cash to his family’s own causes, including the Robert F. Kennedy Center in DC.

I think Joe Kennedy’s commitment to helping the poor stay warm in the winter is wonderful. The cost of living is high in Massachusetts, and a lot of people have been helped by Citizens Energy Corp. I just wonder about the details of how the money was spent.

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