I Don’t Think That Went The Way The Democrats Wanted It To

On Wednesday (updated Thursday), The Epoch Times posted an article about the confirmation hearing for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The article lists five things the Democrats brought up thinking that they could get a gotcha moment. 1. They used quotes taken out of context to claim that he was anti-vaccine. 2. They claimed that he had changed his position on vaccines and abortion in order to gain political power. 3. They criticized him for saying he would support the Trump administration’s position on abortion. Since he will be part of the administration, it makes sense that he should support their views publicly even if he differs privately. 4. After being accused that he would be a ‘rubber stamp for the Trump administration,’ Kennedy explained that his goal was to improve the health of Americans. 5. Kennedy also pledged to change the lack of transparency that was part of the Department of Health and Human Services Department during the Biden administration.

The article concludes:

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) requested that 11 letters of support, signed by thousands of physicians, be entered into the record. He also noted that he had written more than 70 oversight letters to federal health agencies under the Biden administration.

He said he has received redacted materials and has “issued a subpoena now to cover the information“ that he ”requested in 70 oversight letters.”

Johnson asked Kennedy if he would honor these requests from Congress and make HHS transparent.

“My approach for HHS, as I said before, senator, is radical transparency,” Kennedy said. “Democrats and Republicans ought to be able to come in and get information that was generated at taxpayer expense that is owned by the American taxpayer. It shouldn’t get redacted documents.

“Public health agencies should be transparent. If we want Americans to restore trust in the public health agencies, we need transparency.”

The Senators opposing this nomination have generally been the ones who have taken large campaign contributions from Big Pharma. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is most definitely a threat to Big Pharma. If America becomes healthy again without pills, how will the drug companies make money?

About That Farm Bill

On Friday, Breitbart posted an article about the ‘Farm Bill.’ Evidently the Farm Bill is not about farms–it’s about food stamps.

The article reports:

The bulk of the Farm Bill is funding for food stamps, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said Thursday during an interview on Breitbart News Daily.

Sen. Johnson walked through some of the issues with the original 1,537-page continuing resolution (CR) negotiated by Speaker Johnson, which is full of pork. One of the stumbling blocks for some is the inclusion of the Farm Bill in the spending deal, but the senator said it is not what it seems.

“It’s a food stamp bill,” Johnson revealed. “80 percent of the Farm Bill is funding for food stamps, and Obama dramatically increased eligibility.”

The article notes:

“It used to be in prosperous times, maybe 6 percent of the population was on food stamps. Then [the] recessions, go up to 12 [percent] 13 [percent], pretty well stuck at that higher limit nowadays, because we pay people not to work,” Johnson said.

“Let’s be honest, we pay people not to work,” he said, noting that the U.S. welfare program is very generous.

“People don’t pay taxes on them [welfare benefits]. We have a huge transfer of wealth from working Americans to people who don’t work. And we’re a compassionate society. We want to help people who can’t help themselves. We want to help people help themselves, but we created a far too large dependent class. That’s got to end,” he said. “We need to get people off the couch. They’ve got to enter the workforce and grow our economy.”

Let’s put work requirements back in order to receive any kind of public assistance. We can exclude the elderly and those with young children, but let’s put people back to work.

Disturbing Information About The Assassination Attempt On President Trump

On Monday morning, Red State posted an article about the preliminary report on the assassination attempt on President Trump. The report is from Senator Ron Johnson.

The article notes:

We reported on Sunday about the disturbing news that the Secret Service admitted they hadn’t provided resources when asked for the Trump detail, when they had previously denied that. Also, according to information from Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) reported by Real Clear Politics’ Susan Crabtree, they delegated 12 post-standers for Jill Biden’s event in Pittsburgh versus three for Trump’s event with many more people in Butler. That, despite a known threat from the Iranians against Trump.

We had already covered the report that resources had been moved to Jill Biden from the Trump detail and that the Trump detail didn’t have a lot of their regular people on it, that there were “temps” on the detail.

The report includes a list of security failures by the Secret Service:

1.) Secret Service did not attend a security briefing provided to local special weapons and tactics (SWAT) and sniper teams the morning of July 13, 2024. Why not?–There was a 9 a.m. briefing on July 13, 2024, Butler County Emergency Services (Butler ESU) provided a security briefing for the local SWAT teams and snipers assigned to the rally. In addition to Butler County, local SWAT teams and snipers from Washington County and Beaver County were also tasked with security responsibilities.

2. Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with Secret Service.

3. Local law enforcement notified command about Crooks prior to the shooting and received confirmation that Secret Service was aware of the notification.

4. Following the shooting Secret Service was seen on the roof of the AGR building with local law enforcement; photos of the shooter were sent to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) for facial recognition.

5.) Secret Service was initially not going to send snipers to the rally, according to local law enforcement.

This is unacceptable. Someone needs to be held accountable for this failure.

Avoiding The Chickens That Have Come Home To Roost

On Friday, Breitbart reported that President Biden is considering a plan that would require all illegal immigrants to remain in Texas. I guess all of those Democrat cities and states that declared themselves sanctuary cities and sanctuary states didn’t really mean it.

The article reports:

President Joe Biden is reportedly considering a plan to require illegal aliens with dubious asylum claims to remain in Texas — a move that would see the Lone Star State absorb tens of thousands of illegal aliens every week.

Biden administration officials who spoke anonymously to the Los Angeles Times said the plan is being considered so that if newly arrived border crossers fail their initial asylum screenings, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents can more easily locate and deport the illegal aliens within Texas since they would be close to the United States-Mexico border.

Translated loosely, what he is saying is, “Let’s destroy Texas. It’s a red state. Maybe we can turn it blue if we do this.”

The article concludes:

Under Trump, the Remain in Mexico policy effectively helped end Catch and Release at the southern border by requiring border crossers to stay in Mexico while awaiting immigration hearings in the U.S. The overwhelming majority, more than 70 percent, in the program who had their cases adjudicated as of June 2022 were deported after filing invalid asylum claims.

A fixture of the Biden administration’s lax enforcement of federal immigration law has been to oppose policies that seek to limit the movement of border crossers and illegal aliens — opting for an expansive Catch and Release network that has released millions into American communities in the last two and a half years.

Most recently, at a Senate hearing on asylum law, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) estimated that at least five million border crossers and illegal aliens had been welcomed into the U.S. interior since Biden took office — a foreign population that exceeds the size of half of all the states.

One of the specific duties of the President as listed in the U.S, Constitution is to “…take care that the Laws by faithfully executed….” There are laws on the books that require our borders to be secured. It would be nice if President Biden would uphold those laws.

The Fix Has Always Been In

On Saturday, The New York Post posted an article about some of the connections between Hunter Biden’s lawyer and an attorney at the the Justice Department.

The article reports:

A top official at the U.S. Justice Department was a law partner with Hunter Biden’s attorney Chris Clark, raising serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest as the years-long federal probe into the president’s son has reportedly reached a critical stage.

Clark, a partner at New York-based firm Latham & Watkins, worked with Nicholas McQuaid on at least four different cases when he was also a partner at the practice, court records indicate.

The cases were high-stakes commercial litigation where the pair regularly defended clients facing multimillion-dollar lawsuits.

McQuaid was named acting head of the Justice Department’s criminal division on Jan 20, 2021 — the day President Biden was inaugurated.

Obviously that was simply an incredible coincidence.

The article continues:

McQuaid’s presence leading the Department of Justice’s criminal division raises questions about the extent of his involvement in the Hunter Biden probe — which both the White House and the DOJ have refused to answer.

“It’s yet another abject failure of accountability in a long list,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told The Post. “If Republicans retake a majority in the Senate, the department can expect additional pressure and process from me as chairman [of the Judiciary Committee ] and from my colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee. We’d be seeking information from dozens of individuals, and empowered by a committee majority — we’d no longer just be asking,”

Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson’s office said they had sent no less than five letters on “potential conflicts of interest at the Biden Justice Department. Including McQuaid.”

“Thus far DOJ refuses to provide responses to Sen. Johnson’s questions/requests,” a spokesman said.

The Senate has the responsibility of oversight of the Justice Department. It doesn’t sound as if transparency is the order of the day.

When The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up

On Saturday, Sharyl Attkisson posted an article about the number of Covid-19 cases among military veterans who have been vaccinated.

The article reports:

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) is demanding that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) prioritize Veteran care after learning of first-hand accounts from VA employees, who say Biden’s coercive vaccine mandates are causing VA workforce shortages, ultimately limiting care for veterans.

In response to these accounts, Johnson submitted a letter to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough stating the following:

On May 27, 2022, I met with a group of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employees regarding their concerns with the quality of care received by veterans. These health care professionals described the significant workforce shortages at the VA facilities in Wisconsin and Michigan and that the vaccine mandate is only exacerbating these shortages. The VA owes the public and our veterans answers about the steps the Department is taking to address the workforce issues and to provide the highest quality care to the finest among us.” 

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin)

…Senator Johnson also presented whistleblower data he recently obtained demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccines’ ability to prevent infection. 

“Based on whistleblower data from the Milwaukee VAMC facility dashboard census count between October 22, 2021 and March 8, 2022, for 31 of the 54 days I received daily reports, at least 80 percent of VA employees who tested positive for Covid-19 were vaccinated. For 8 of those 54 days, 100 percent of VA employees who tested positive for Covid-19 were vaccinated. 

The continuation of care for our veterans should be our top priority, not politically motivated policies like vaccine mandates.” 

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin)

A letter written to Denis R. McDonough, Secretary U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, by Senator Johnson included the following statement:

In addition to these testimonials, enclosed data from the Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee (Milwaukee VAMC) reveals the failure of the vaccine mandate to protect VA employees and veterans from COVID-19.  Based on whistleblower data from the Milwaukee VAMC facility dashboard census count between October 22, 2021 and March 8, 2022, for 31 of the 54 days I received daily reports, at least 80 percent of VA employees who tested positive for COVID-19 were vaccinated.[4]  For 8 of those 54 days, 100 percent of VA employees who tested positive for COVID-19 were vaccinated.[5]

I think it’s time to reevaluate the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine.

An Interesting Timeline on Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Yesterday Just the News posted an article detailing the history of Hunter Biden’s laptop and how it became public knowledge. It’s a rather lengthy article, so I suggest you follow the link to read the entire article. There were a few things that stood out to me as I read the article.

The article reports:

The family of the Delaware shop owner who says he came into possession of a laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden first tried to turn over the computer to the FBI in summer 2019 but was rebuffed, only to have agents return months later during President Trump’s impeachment proceedings, his lawyer said Thursday night.

The article notes the timeline:

  • A man claiming to be Hunter Biden dropped off three laptops on April 12, 2019 to Mac Isaac’s shop to be repaired, and returned two days later with an external hard drive. The man believed to be Hunter Biden eventually abandoned one of the laptops and the external hard drive without paying for them.
  • Mac Isaac’s father, a retired Air Force colonel, first tried to provide a copy of the laptop to an FBI office in Albuquerque, N.M., in summer 2019, but the bureau turned him away.
  • FBI agents from Albuquerque, N.M., contacted the father in October 2019, as impeachment proceedings were ongoing in Washington, to discuss the laptop and then to interview the younger Mac Isaac in Delaware. A few weeks later, FBI agents in Delaware seized the original laptop from Mac Isaac.
  • On Oct. 13 of this year, Hunter Biden’s attorney contacted Mac Isaac to discuss the hard drive and followed up with an email but no further action.

The article details some of the difficulties with getting law enforcement to pay attention to the laptop:

“Out of an abundance of caution, John Paul made a copy of the drive in case he was ever thrown under the bus as a result of what he knew. As John Paul watched the impeachment trial, he wondered why there was no reference to the information he had provided to the FBI. As a result, starting in February of 2020 and until July of 2020, John Paul reached out to several members of Congress to notify them of what he had in his possession. His requests fell on deaf ears.

Out of frustration, in the beginning of September, John Paul reached out to someone he thought would be able to provide the information directly to the President. That person was Rudy Giuliani. A day after John Paul reached out to Giuliani’s office, Robert Costello, Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, contacted John Paul to discuss the information and John Paul’s concerns.

On September 24, 2020, John Paul then submitted information about the drive to Senator Ron Johnson through the whistleblower link on Senator Johnson’s website. After that submission and while Giuliani’s office was still trying to verify the information, Senator Johnson released the Senate report on the Biden business dealings.”

The article concludes:

“… The problem is not that John Paul turned over the information to those he believed he could trust, it is that politics today seems to revel in sensation and ignores the collateral damage left in its wake. Not only are our elected officials seemingly happy to obfuscate the facts in order to attack their opponents, they are also perfectly willing to throw everyday Americans under the bus for their own political gain.”

…”Instead of reporting on the matter, news outlets are making the decision themselves as to the veracity of the claims about Hunter Biden’s laptop. If you are an avid follower of CNN or Politico, you have already been led to believe that John Paul is a part of an overall Russian disinformation campaign.

“Twitter and Facebook have taken it upon themselves to relegate this story to a level equal to that of conspiracy theories. The actions by these social media platforms further hurt John Paul’s reputation by advancing the notion that he is a part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

If you depend on the mainstream media for your news, a lot of this information is new to you. That is not good for the health of our representative republic.

Can The People With A Vested Interest In This Story Remaining Untold Keep It Quiet Until After The Election?

The Epoch Times is reporting the following today:

Senate Homeland Security Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is requesting a statement from FBI Director Christopher Wray about the veracity of details that were found on a laptop that purportedly belonged to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden after the New York Post published explosive new claims about the family’s business ties abroad.

Johnson, in a letter to Wray over the weekend, said a whistleblower contacted his committee on Sept. 24 about the laptop that was left at his business, saying he turned it over to the FBI. Johnson said that staff immediately asked if the agency can either confirm or deny details to validate the claim, but he said that the FBI wouldn’t confirm or deny the information that was found on the device.

“I have a responsibility to validate and verify the contents of any information produced to my committee,” Johnson said in his letter. “The committee must know if it receives information that could be fraudulent or not accurate.”

He mentioned that the information could be related to a foreign election interference campaign, saying that if that is the case, a defensive briefing is necessary. Johnson added that if the whistleblower provided false information, it could be a crime.

…“For these reasons, the committee must know whether the FBI has assessed the validity of materials the whistleblower has provided, and what, if any, actions the FBI has taken since obtaining this information,” Johnson said in the letter.

He also included a series of questions that the FBI should answer about the laptop, including whether the agency has material from the device, how they acquired it if they did indeed obtain the laptop, if the records on the hard drive have been altered or are genuine, whether the records were authored by Hunter Biden, or if the laptop was hacked in some way.

Unfortunately, Hunter Biden’s behavior is generally consistent with what was found on the laptop. He was discharged from the Navy for drug use, and he fathered a child with a stripper. However, we need to remember that the details of what is on the laptop matter. If Hunter was involved in selling access to his father, is his father also implicated? I don’t know. If the accusations about the money flowing to Hunter Biden from China and going to Joe Biden are true, it is an entirely different story. It will be interesting to see exactly what the FBI says about the information.

Why The Deep State Matters

The Gateway Pundit posted an article yesterday about the number of leaks coming out of Washington during the first 126 days of the Trump Administration.

The article reports:

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, examined media leaks between January 20, 2017, and May 25, 2017 — the first 126 days of President Trump’s administration.

The article includes the following chart:

The article further reports:

A couple observations not in Senator Johnson’s report are that many of the leaks are related to James Comey in one way or another and the former FBI Director has admitted leaking information to the press.  Another observation is that a significant amount of the so called leaks have been proven false at later dates.  This makes you wonder if they are just being made up by someone like John Podesta.

Regardless of who is creating them, leaking them or reporting them, the criminal leaks are damaging to the US Intelligence community and are clear attacks against President Trump.

Our government officials should not be working to undermine an elected President. There needs to be some action taken against the guilty parties.