Drastic Changes At The Southern Border

On Tuesday, Twitchy posted an article about the changes at our southern border since President Trump took office.

The article reports:

Bill Melugin of Fox News is reporting border crossing numbers are plummeting like he’s never seen before. It’s a pretty safe bet President Donald Trump’s immigration law enforcement is making would-be illegal aliens have second thoughts.

The article quotes Bill Melugin:

Per sources, Border Patrol recorded just 582 illegal crossings at the southern border yesterday, with not a single one of the nine sectors hitting 200.I’ve never seen anything this low in all of my border coverage.

The numbers were already flat/low in Biden’s final week, bouncing between 1,200-1,400 illegal crossings daily, but the numbers have been falling off a cliff since Trump took office.

Last three days January 24 – 665January 25 – 731January 26 – 582To put this into perspective, at the height of the border crisis in December 2023, Border Patrol hit a record high 11,000+ illegal crossings across the border in a single day, with the Del Rio sector alone getting 4,000+

I’m told there were 582 illegal crossings across the southern border yesterday, with only 60 happening in the Del Rio sector.

And there are no longer 1,500+ migrants being released at ports of entry via the CBP One cell phone app every single day, as Trump immediately terminated the program.

It’s still very early – we’ll see if these incredibly low numbers hold, especially heading into spring.

The bottom line of this is very simple.

The article concludes:

Putting a literal army at the border will do that.

The apparent ease with which Trump has activated the full might and resources of the Unites States government to combat illegal immigration has many commenters drawing the same conclusion.

Yes, Biden had the capability to practically stop border crossings at his wrinkly fingertips his entire term, but he chose not to use it. The only conclusion one can draw from that is he wanted our country to be overrun with illegal aliens. It’s a sure bet Kamala Harris would have followed suit if she succeeded him.

About That Third ‘Assassination Attempt’

On Sunday, the mainstream media reported that there had been a third assassination attempt on President Trump in California. Details were sketchy, but the incident was reported. Now it seems as if the incident was not necessarily what it appeared to be. There are still a lot of questions, but I will share the information I have. My sources are The New York Post, The U.K. Daily Mail, and Twitchy.

Twitchy quotes a Twitter post by Mindy Robinson:

The man they just arrested for supposedly ‘trying to kill’ Trump in Coachella….is my good friend and business partner for America Happens, Vem Miller.

Vem had just exposed a huge Deep State cover-up involving the Feds and the Bundy Ranch scandal. So I firmly believe this is 100% some kind of set-up in retribution for exposing it. That, or Trump’s security team is a bunch of dipshits trying to make up for how badly they failed in Pennsylvania with any kind of ‘win’ they can get, fake or not.

There isn’t a universe his intention was to kill Trump, he’s worked too hard in this movement to expose the Deep State and all the people against him. If he had guns in his car that were illegal, whooptie-f***ing do. As a pro-2A advocate, ask me if I give a s—t about a good guy with a gun in an unsafe s***hole like California. It doesn’t even make sense why his passes would be fake either when we’re both usually invited as media to these things.

And I’d love to see exactly what this ‘threat’ was he made about Trump…..because I don’t believe he said it. I just know it’s going to be the most misconstrued b——t thing ever when I finally hear, assuming they even ever tell us. 

This is the anti-Deep State documentary we did that they’re probably targeting him for, where we actually suspected they killed our whistleblower over it….it’s that damning to this illegitimate government: https://rumble.com/v5e9k6a-bundy-vs.-deep-state-an-original-america-happens-documentary.html

We were also working on a sequel to my Las Vegas shooting cover-up doc as well, which might be another reason why someone would target him for this….. https://rumble.com/v266as0-conspiracy-truths-the-route-91-documentary.html

The U.K. Daily Mail reports:

Miller was taken into custody after he was stopped at a checkpoint near the former president’s rally in Coachella, California on Saturday just before 5 p.m. local time.

He allegedly presented fake VIP credentials and was found to be illegally in possession of a shotgun, a loaded handgun and a high-capacity magazine in his vehicle.

Local law enforcement claimed the incident is ‘probably’ a third assassination attempt – after Trump was shot in the ear in Butler, Pennsylvania, in July, and an armed suspect plotted to kill him at his West Palm Beach, Florida, golf club in September.

But a source close to Trump campaign downplayed the threat and told DailyMaill.com that the gunman was apprehended before posing any danger. 

The New York Post reports:

He said he told deputies he was carrying the firearms in his trunk — as a courtesy — before he was pulled over and forced to leave the car. The car was then “ransacked” after a deputy informed him he wanted to make sure the guns were legal purchases, he claimed.

Miller, a registered Republican who ran unsuccessfully for office in Nevada in 2022, also denied he flashed a fake press pass at the checkpoint — as the sheriff alleged — but instead offered a “special entry pass,” the outlet reported.

The Las Vegas resident told the publication he was not informed why he was taken into custody, and only after he was detained for hours was he allowed to call a lawyer. He said he then recalled the incident while in front of FBI and Secret Service agents, who reportedly wanted to interview him.

Stay tuned. I suspect the alternative media will eventually expose the truth of this episode.

I’m Sure This Is Just An Incredible Coincidence

On Tuesday, Twitchy reported that during the Michael Cohen hearing (Judge Kimba Wood presiding–look her up), the lawyers that argued for the disclosure of a relationship between Michael Cohen and Sean Hannity were the attorneys for CNN and The New York Times. You don’t suppose they might have had a conflict of interest.

The article reports:

According to reports from inside the courtroom, Judge Kimba Wood was ready to allow Michael Cohen to submit the name of his 3rd client — who we now know is Sean Hannity — under seal, but an attorney for CNN and the New York Times convinced her otherwise.

Also posted in the article:

Smile, you are being manipulated by hair-on-fire reporters and partisan judges.