When Radical Isn’t Radical–It’s Original

I am not an economist, but I am an observer of the obvious.

In a recent speech, President Trump talked about ending the Income Tax and restructuring the Federal Reserve. Either or both of those things would be good for all Americans and for the American economy.

Before 1913, the United State had neither the Federal Reserve nor the Income Tax. Both measures were passed in 1913. On February 25, 1913, the 16th Amendment (Income Tax) was certified as part of the U.S. Constitution. On December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve.

The men who met at Jekyll Island to create the Federal Reserve represented 25 percent of the wealth of the entire world. They met in secret, and their identities were concealed for many years afterward. Their goal was to keep that 25 percent of wealth in their hands. They created the system for the purpose of keeping New York City banks as the center of America’s wealth. The federal reserve created a system where money could be created out of nothing and loaned out through a leverage system to create interest. For example, over a 30-year mortgage, a bank can earn more from the sale of a house than any contractor who worked on the house.

The Income Tax was supposed to only impact the top 1 percent of Americans. Before 1913, the government’s expenses had been handled through tariffs.

To end the Income Tax, you would have to end the Welfare State. One way to do that would be to tax welfare benefits but not wages. When it becomes more lucrative to work than to collect welfare, it is possible that the work ethic that used to be part of American culture might be revived. You would also have to slash the bloated bureaucracy. The economic boom created by ending the Income Tax would give those who lose their jobs in government a great job market in which to search for new jobs. We need to get rid of any government department that is not successful–has education improved since the Department of Education was created? What has Housing and Urban Development accomplished? How many people in the Justice Department would have to be fired to end the corruption? You no longer need the Internal Revenue Service. You see where I am going with this.

The opposition to this plan would come from federal workers (fear of losing their jobs). Opposition would also come from Washington swamp creatures who would see it as a threat to their power (in Washington controlling money is power). It would also come from welfare recipients.

The other issue would be Social Security and its related taxes. That could be worked out easily by balancing payments to people who have paid into the program for more than forty years with alternatives for younger workers. With a retirement age of 70, most Americans pay the most into Social Security from about the age of 30.

This is all possible if Americans are willing to elect a businessman who has the economic knowledge to put it all together.

Imagine a world where you get to keep all of what you earn and the government cannot intimidate you about your taxes.

Unfortunately, The Government Spying On Americans Isn’t New

On Wednesday, Just the News posted an article about our government spying on Americans. According to a whistleblower, this is not anything new.

The article reports:

The public-private efforts to restrict and suppress purported “mis-, dis- and malinformation” across tech platforms started almost immediately after the surprise election of Donald Trump in 2016, ramped up a year before the COVID-19 pandemic, and included U.S. and U.K. military contractors and plans to cut off financial services to dissenters and sue them.

That’s according to a “highly credible whistleblower” who says they were recruited to participate in the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL) “through monthly cybersecurity meetings hosted by” the Department of Homeland Security, independent journalists who reviewed the Twitter Files at new owner Elon Musk’s invitation said Tuesday.

We are at a point that if an American says that two plus two equals four and the government wants it to equal five, the American is charged with spreading misinformation or disinformation. That is not a good place to be–particularly for a representative republic.

The article concludes:

Breuer (U.S. military contractor Pablo Breuer) told a podcast the duo’s work involved getting “nontraditional partners into one room,” such as social media companies, “special forces operators” and DHS employees, “to talk in a non-attribution, open environment in an unclassified way.”

He explained how the “in-group and out-group messaging have to be often different” when trying to sell Americans on a domestic version of the “Great Firewall of China.”

While Chinese citizens believe this censorship is to “protect the citizenry,” Americans “would absolutely lose our minds” if the feds “tried to sell that narrative,” Breuer reportedly said.

The reporting trio said they would present the underlying documents from the whistleblower to congressional investigators in the coming weeks and “make public all of the documents we can while also protecting the identity of the whistleblower and other individuals who are not senior leaders or public figures.”

The FBI declined to comment on the report to Just the News, and DHS and CISA did not respond to queries. Neither did Terp (U.K. defense researcher Sara-Jayne Terp) and Breuer.

The Washington swamp is a danger to all free Americans.

The House Of Representatives Has A Speaker

On Wednesday, The Conservative Treehouse reported that Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson has been elected Speaker of the House of Representatives. That is good news. On the same day, The Conservative Treehouse also posted an interview of Representative Matt Gaetz by Steve Bannon. During that interview, Representative Gaetz explains the backroom deals attempted by Representative Kevin McCarthy to regain the speakership.

This is the video of that interview:

I realize that this is a long video, but there is a lot of insight in it about how the  Washington swamp works.

We are about to find out if Republicans are capable of governing according to their platform and principles. They only have one branch of government, but they have the power of the purse!


Forgetting The Reasons

On November 19th, American Greatness posted an article encouraging us to remember why we voted for President Trump in 2016. I did not initially support President Trump–all I knew about him was that he was rich and owned casinos. However, I voted against Hillary in the election. Later, I was totally impressed by the decisions he made. Among other things, the peace deals in the Middle East were thought to be impossible, and he got them done.

The article notes:

Most people do not understand the kind of true sacrifice Trump made when he decided to run for office—even though he surely didn’t have to. The hatred and other persecutions, the sorts that come with such public sacrifices, have the potential of ruining not only one’s own life but that of one’s family. Most people don’t know anything about what that’s like. Nevertheless, Trump chose to make those sacrifices to expose the unabashed corruption at every level of American politics.

Before Trump pulled back the curtain we only saw shadows and projections of what was actually happening there. We got only rare glimpses of what really goes on behind the scenes. We knew things weren’t on the up and up, but little did we know how deep the swamp really was. At that time, the Republican Party was lifeless and without any sense of direction. No one should forget that Trump resuscitated a dying party. He gave it a future. He gave it hope. 

He was the people’s champion among those who felt left behind by the establishment on both sides. He put American politics under a microscope like no other president ever has.

The article concludes:

Without Trump at the helm for the last two years, the RINOs have regained much of the momentum they lost and they, like the Democrats, cannot stand the thought of another four years under Trump. Backing away from Trump now is ill considered. Make some of your own observations about these strange occurrences and remember why you liked Trump in the beginning.

Remember, the same people who were attacking him years ago are the ones still attacking him now, only today they are using a well-liked candidate (who owes a great deal to Trump) against him, causing a divide and duping everyone in the process. Consider who that really benefits. That says a lot to me. 

President Trump is the only Republican wealthy enough to fight the Washington swamp and the only Republican willing to do it. Governor DeSantis has done a great job in Florida, but he will not fight the Washington swamp. He is a party animal–not an individual thinker. Unless you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in a third-world country where energy is rationed, food is scarce, and the average person is on a downhill slope economically, you need to support President Trump.

The Swamp Is Deep

The Washington swamp is deep. I am not sure if America is capable of cleaning it out. On Tuesday, The Conservative Treehouse posted an article that illustrates how difficult it is to fight corruption in Washington.

The article reports:

Emphasis mine:

“#Durham filing reveals his team learned for first time, this month, the Office of the Inspector General had TWO cellphones for former FBI General Counsel who is central witness in Sussmann case, “the Government has been working diligently to review their contents.””

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has known about the Durham probe of Michael Sussmann for how long?  And specifically, the criminal case against Sussmann revolved around the central witness, the point of contact with former FBI General Counsel, Jim Baker.  Yet the OIG said nothing to John Durham about their possession of Baker’s phones until this month?

Think about what that tells us?

TechnoFog has more details about the latest court filing SEE HERE.  He also notes the issue of the Durham team only recently being notified by the OIG in January:

…”There is also a curious paragraph discussing the fact that Durham, in January 2022 – learned from the DOJ Inspector General that they possessed “two FBI cellphones of the former FBI General Counsel to whom the defendant made his alleged false statement, along with forensic reports analyzing those cellphones.” Durham’s team is going through those cell phones now to analyze their contents.

And there will be more, with Durham stating, “the Government expects to receive additional information and documents in the coming weeks that may be relevant to the charged conduct.”

The article also notes:

The OIG is the internal watchdog, the internal police of the federal police apparatus. The guys who are supposed to be holding the justice system to account are the same guys who are keeping the justice system from accountability.

Chew on that for a few minutes while you contemplate all the previous OIG reports that resulted in exactly nothing, despite – or actually as a feature of their carefully worded content.

Yes, that would put the main office in charge of official justice obfuscation and damage control squarely in the hands of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Does that make all those OIG reports shade a slightly different, perhaps darker color grey?

Factually, the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was always a complete ruse perpetrated upon the American people, with the intended objective to stop candidate Trump, then hamstring President Trump, then cover up what they were doing to accomplish those goals, and then finally destroy the Trump presidency. Y’all know the story, I am not repeating it.

However, all of these tentacles of intrigue and rabbit hole exploration can get so intentionally complex that people lose sight of the bigger picture. The current question should be ‘why didn’t the DOJ-OIG inform Durham of the evidence they carried’?

Unfortunately, when you start asking those types of questions, you start to get too close to the heart of the issue. The entire apparatus of the U.S. Dept of Justice and the FBI are corrupt. As to the bigger question: will the Durham probe finally outline all the evidence to prove all the years of deception and fraud perpetrated by the massive aligned system of corrupt government? My short and painful answer is, NO.

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. It does not paint an encouraging picture. Elections are the way to drain the swamp, but we need well-educated voters who will share what they know about the swamp in drain the swamp.

As November Approaches…

On Sunday, The American Thinker posted an article about the upcoming primary elections. The author of the article makes a very good point–until the Republicans take the primary elections more seriously, they will not be able to elect candidates who will fight the Washington swamp.

The article reports:

What’s been even more disheartening than the Democrats’ destructive combination of viciousness and ineptitude has been that Republican congresspeople are supine.  Most of them crumble when anyone says “racist” or “January 6.”  Worse still are those Republicans who have chosen to ally with the Democrats regarding everything from January 6 to the radical LGBTQ+ agenda.  The only way to change this is through the primaries.  South Carolina is illustrative.

Too many Republicans began paying attention to South Carolina’s House of Representatives race for the 1st District in October 2020, when it was Joe Cunningham, the Democrat incumbent, versus Nancy Mace, the Republican.  Mace won, but what a disappointment she has been.

Mace is barely even a RINO, so left are her positions.  “I strongly support LGBTQ rights and equality,” she stated, and she means it.  She supports Roe v. Wade and wants to make marijuana legal, which Colorado’s experiment argues against.  Mace is a Liz Cheney–supporter.  Only reluctantly did she vote to remove Cheney as chair of the House Republican conference, but then only because Cheney was “divisive.”  And of course, Mace is on board with the Democrats’ January 6 narrative.

Had more voters paid attention during the primaries, they might have averted Mace’s candidacy and put a real conservative in Congress.

The article concludes with an example of why primary elections are important:

When it comes to her values, Centurion ( Ingrid Centurion, who is challenging Mace to be the Republican candidate for South Carolina’s 1st District)  is a true conservative.  She stands for free speech and the Second Amendment.  She opposes Critical Race Theory, COVID mandates, the extreme LGBTQ agenda, open borders, abortion, and the Democrats’ continued push to enshrine voter fraud.  I liked her and will keep an eye on her as we go into the primaries.

My point, though, isn’t to endorse Centurion.  It’s bigger than that: you must understand that, by November, it’s too late to get politically involved.  If we’re to have a Congress that will stand up to Biden, investigate corruption, and reverse creeping socialism, we must have conservatives on the ballot, rather than whatever RINOs the GOP selects.  The battle ends in November, but it begins with the primaries.

Until we elect people in the primary elections who will fight the Washington swamp, the Washington swamp will remain.