The Difference Between Leftists And Liberals

On September 12, 2017, Dennis Prager wrote a column explaining the difference between Leftists and Liberals. Although the column is no longer accessible on line, here are my thoughts on the subject.

It is an interesting and revealing column. Prager, you remember, is the California conservative (there actually are conservatives in the People’s Republic of Kommiefornia once you leave the big cities) who was castigated for an unbelievably heinous act, one that threatened to disrupt both the state and the society sufficiently to cleave the coastal section along the San Andreas fault and heave it into the Pacific (which resulted in conservatives everywhere grabbing bowls of popcorn and beverages in anticipation.) That inconceivable dastardly act was to conduct a symphony orchestra – The Los Angeles Philharmonic – in the WALT DISNEY CONCERT HALL! OH, the humanity! As if someone’s political philosophy would cause miscarriages and disruption by waving a small stick in front of a few musicians.

Thus is the mental and emotional frailty of leftist coasters. I must confess that I too conflated the acts of the Leftists with those of liberals. I have long been aware of the difference between classical liberals and the more modern variety, but relegated the difference to the evolution (mutation?) of liberals. It does, however, make more sense to regard the difference as a deliberate confiscation of the concept of “liberalism” by anarchists/communists who will appropriate any vehicle to further the destruction of the USA and any other developed society. By using emotional issues – usually fabricated – associating with other anti-societal groups and utilizing the Alinksy/Goebbels methods of propaganda, many liberals have become “useful idiots” for the Leftists.

Certainly, there are former liberals who actively support the Leftists and believe that they are still holding on to their liberal philosophies. They have also been subverted, as is the intent of the Leftists. Some will deny their positions by claiming that some of the Leftists’ activities have gone “too far.” Or perhaps support the violent actions, but would never think of participating in such themselves. Just like “moderate” Muslims who will donate to their mosque that funds terrorists, but would never strap on a bomb vest themselves. The critical issue is that they never bothered to learn actual history. Too much history is “learned” from inaccurate sources. Even history texts used by both grade and college teachers are frequently twisted to support a political viewpoint.
Trump was condemned for daring to state that there were “good people” on both sides at Charlottesville. The fact that among the original marchers were members of a group that simply wanted to protest the destruction of the statue AND NOTHING ELSE, and that there were some peaceful marchers being lead and deceived by AntiFa in order to violently attack the other side was both ignored and denied. Again, Alinksy/Goebbels tactics, both by the AntiFa and their apologists in the media.

The Leftists deliberately try to conflate conservatives with white supremacists, neo-Nazis and the KKK. Granted the neo-Nazis contributed to this themselves. They were too stupid to realize that Nazis were National Socialists. They are also ignorant of history, not knowing that Lincoln was a Republican, that the first black members of congress were Republican, and that all of the relevant civil rights legislation had greater Republican support than Democrat. It’s that “failure to learn from history” gotcha. Apparently, the Leftists are using the liberal’s lack of historical knowledge to purport an association of conservatives with the KKK. As someone who grew up in the South during the 1950’s and ’60’s, I saw for myself the Democrat Party’s reliance on the KKK to subdue both black and Republican efforts to wrest political control from the Donkey Party.

Don’t believe it? Read this: This is far from an isolated event.

And apparently a “white supremacist” is to them, anyone who thinks “equality for all people” means what it says. And certainly white lives (especially white male lives) don’t matter.

The intentions of the Leftists are as simple as they are clear: divide society through demagoguery, destroy as much as possible, and enjoy the carnage.

Liberals should be educated.

Leftists should be annihilated.


the Snark