It Would Be Nice If Someone Were Held Accountable

President Biden’s preemptive pardons may have spared his family members jail time, but the information that has come out about the family business should make every member of the Biden family ashamed. Part of me wants to simply leave all of their dishonesty behind and move on, but how will that deter future political types from the same criminal activities? If you believe that all politicians are corrupt, shouldn’t all of us be working to change that?

On Sunday, Zero Hedge posted an article about some documents about the Biden family’s financial transactions that have recently come to light.

The article reports:

Recently pardoned Hunter Biden has once again found himself at the center of controversy, as newly surfaced bank records and corporate documents indicate that a shared bank account linked to the future first son was used in a fraudulent bond transaction tied to Burnham Asset Management. The firm was involved in a million-dollar securities fraud that saw two of Biden’s business partners arrested and convicted – while Hunter escaped accountability, Just the News reports.

Huntr’s former business partners, Devon Archer and Jason Galanis, were convicted for their roles in a scheme that defrauded an Oglala Sioux Native American tribal entity of tens of millions of dollars. Federal authorities found that instead of investing the funds as promised, Archer, Galanis, and their associates misappropriated the bond proceeds.

While Archer and Galanis faced prosecution, Hunter quickly faded into the bushes, telling lawmakers in his impeachment inquiry deposition that his proposed role in the company “never came to fruition.” However, bank records and a signature analysis reveal that Biden was more entangled with the firm than he has publicly acknowledged.

The article concludes:

House Republicans are now weighing their next steps considering Hunter’s massive pardon in December, the investigation remains far from over. With documented financial transactions, corporate records, and sworn testimony painting an increasingly complicated picture, the Biden family’s business dealings continue to fuel questions about influence peddling and financial transparency.

As Just the News notes further, one Senator believes it may be possible to bring Hunter Biden back for more questioning. Now that he is protected by his father’s expansive pardon, Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wis., says Hunter Biden cannot exercise his fifth amendment right to avoid incriminating himself. 

“But what is interesting is, with Hunter Biden’s pardon, he has no Fifth Amendment right not to testify and tell the truth, and so he could be, we could prosecute him for lying to Congress,” Sen. Johnson told the John Solomon Reports podcast earlier this month. “He’s going to have to answer truthfully. So that’s a real possibility.” 

I am not sure Congress should waste its time on this garbage. They might be better served by looking at current political figures to make sure it doesn’t happen again. If someone becomes a millionaire after one term in Congress when their net worth upon entering was a few hundred thousand, their financial dealings might be worth some scrutiny, but what is past is past.

The Department Of Justice Is Hoping No One Is Paying Attention

On Wednesday, The Federalist posted an article about Hunter Biden’s laptop. It seems that the Department of Justice has finally admitted that the laptop belongs to Hunter Biden and the information on it is valid.

The article reports:

Nearly four years after the damning evidence of Biden family corruption on Hunter Biden’s laptop was disclosed in 2020, President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice admitted in a court filing on Tuesday that the Mac and its contents are real.

If you’ve been following this story since it broke in October 2020, you know there was never any true reason to doubt The New York Post’s reporting or the word of the Delaware computer repair shop owner that the abandoned Mac belonged to Hunter. Yet truth was no defense. The Post was quickly banned from social media for spreading “disinformation” — a decision based on actual disinformation — and dozens of U.S. intelligence officials rushed to back the censorship. So did Joe Biden.

The DOJ’s confirmation the laptop’s contents came from Hunter arrives years after complicit media outlets quietly admitted the truth about the computer in 2022, and even longer after conservative media verified the laptop’s authenticity ahead of 2020 election day.

Does anyone actually believe that this was an honest mistake by the DOJ and that they were not trying to influence an election?

The article concludes:

To this day, Biden claims the hundreds of emailstexts, voicemailsbank recordsreceiptsWhite House visitor logsphotos, and sworn witness testimonies from Biden business associates proving his involvement in the family corruption business are a “bunch of lies.” He and everyone else who knew the laptop and its contents were legit faced zero consequences for their lying and treachery.

Election Day 2024 is fast approaching, and not one of the Americans who was lied to during the 2020 election will ever receive an apology from the FBI, corporate media, Big Tech, or the Bidens, because those institutions and people are not sorry. Getting away with dodging, deflecting, and burying what should have been the biggest corruption scandal story of the century was the plan all along.

Can you imagine how the scenario would have been different if the laptop had belonged to Donald Trump, Jr.?

As we go into this election season, don’t trust the mainstream media–do your own research.

The Truth Eventually Comes Out

I have no idea what should be done about the Biden family corruption. It is becoming more obvious every day that there was an awful lot of money flowing to the Biden family from foreign countries with no apparent product in sight. The whistleblowers that the FBI and the DOJ claimed were lying are having their stories verified by other witnesses. What a mess.

On Wednesday, Just the News posted an article about some recent developments in the Hunter Biden scandal.

The article reports:

Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss has told Congress he sought special authority from the Justice Department in 2022 to file tax charges against Hunter Biden in other jurisdictions but was never granted it, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan disclosed Tuesday.

Jordan told reporters after a closed-door interview with Weiss that the prosecutor’s acknowledgement to lawmakers  that he sought “special attorney” powers in the Biden case amounted to a new change in the DOJ’s story and corroborated allegations made earlier this year by IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler.

“He said Weiss maintains: I would have always been able to get it if I had to ask for it. But then his answer was: I asked for it and wasn’t given it,” Jordan said at an impromptu news conference in the House O’Neill building after finishing the interview with Weiss.

The whistleblowers told Congress earlier this year that Weiss told them at an October 2022 meeting with prosecutors that he sought “special counsel” authority to charge Hunter Biden with tax evasion charges in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles and was turned down.

The article concludes:

In an interview Tuesday night with the Just the News, No. Noise television show, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said the information from Weiss fits of pattern of consistency from the whistleblowers and changing stories from the Biden administration during his impeachment inquiry.

“Well, I’m not surprised, There have been so many lies by President Biden, by his administration, by the deep state actors who were supposed to be the ones to prevent this type of Vegas influence-peddling operation by our leaders at the highest level,” Comer said.

“The whistleblowers continue to be spot on in everything they said. … Not only do you have a massive crime by the Biden family, you also have a massive coverup. And you know, I think the deposition today was valuable information as we move forward,” he added.

President Biden will not be removed from office–even if he is impeached in the House of Representatives, the Senate will not vote to remove him from office. I honestly don’t know if he will ever be held accountable for his crimes.

Let’s Not Lose Sight Of Where We Are

I realize that sounds like something Kamala Harris would say, but it is exactly what I mean. My husband used to have a sign on his desk at work, “When you are up to your neck in alligators, it’s hard to remember that your objective is to drain the swamp.” We are definitely up to our neck in alligators, but let’s not forget the job we need to do at home.

On Tuesday, Breitbart reported the following:

The National Archives (NARA) revealed that more than 29,000 emails exist between Biden family business members and then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office, a Joint Status Report obtained by Breitbart News from America First Legal (AFL) revealed Tuesday.

NARA disclosed the record of the emails after ALF filed a FOIA request on August 9, 2022. The extent to which then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office communicated with Joe Biden’s family about its ventures was unknown before the lawsuit.

Breitbart News previously reported communications between then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office and Biden associates, despite Joe Biden’s assurance that an “absolute wall” existed between his family’s foreign business ventures and government business.

The Joint Status Report specifically revealed then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office had 19,335 emails with Rosemont Seneca, 4,243 emails with Hunter Biden, 1,751 emails with Jim Biden, and 3,738 emails with James Biden’s Lion Hall Group.

The contents of the emails remain unknown.

Do you think they were discussing the weather?

The article concludes:

It is not ALF’s first time to compel NARA to cooperate with requests. In August, NARA divulged 861 records encompassing communications between January 2011 and December 2013 with the name of Hunter Biden’s company, “Rosemont Seneca.” NARA did not release about 200 related records, citing executive privilege.

On a separate occasion, emails released by AFL show Hunter Biden in 2011 involved himself in planning a state dinner for Chinese officials at the White House, just months before he traveled to China to begin forming the relationships to launch BHR Partners.

Through the “Super Chairman,” Hunter Biden formed the joint venture, BHR Partners, in which Hunter Biden’s company, Skaneateles LLC, held a ten percent equity stake. BHR Partners is co-owned by the state-controlled Bank of China and still boasts billions of allocated capital around the globe. Kevin Morris controls Hunter Biden’s stake in BHR Partners, Breitbart News exclusively reported in April. In 2017, Devon Archer conveyed his stake in BHR Partners to his wife.

Let’s not forget this in all the chaos that is currently on the front page.

The Cover-Up Continues

On Friday, The New York Post posted an article about FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. It seems that the Justice Department is working very hard to control what Congress finds out regarding their shielding the Biden family from any consequences regarding the incredible amount of money they received from overseas sources.

The article reports:

A transcript of FBI Special Agent Thomas Sobocinski’s closed-door testimony before the House Judiciary Committee last week, reviewed by The Post, reveals that the Justice Department detailed what Sobocinski could and couldn’t talk about with lawmakers a day before his Sept. 7 interview.

“Specifically, the Department has authorized [Sobocinski] to discuss U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss’ authority, as well as the October 7th, 2022, meeting, subject to some constraints around the ongoing investigation issue,” Sara Zdeb, a deputy assistant attorney general, informed congressional investigators before questioning began, referencing a letter to Sobocinski signed by Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, who supervised the Hunter Biden tax fraud investigation for more than three years, claimed in bombshell congressional testimony earlier this year that during the Oct. 7, 2022, meeting between senior-level managers from the IRS, the FBI and the Delaware US Attorney’s Office, Weiss declared that he was not the “deciding official on whether charges are filed” against Hunter and revealed that US Attorney Matthew Graves would not allow him to charge Hunter for tax fraud in DC and said he asked for and was denied special counsel authority from the DOJ. 

The article concludes:

House Judiciary Committee spokesman Russell Dye told The Post that Shapley and fellow IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler “have been wholly consistent throughout their disclosures to Congress, and the only people who haven’t are people like David Weiss, Merrick Garland, and their liberal cronies.”

Attorneys for Shapley said Sobocinski’s testimony was less credible than Shapley’s own contemporaneously documented notes.

“The ‘minutia’ of tax law and the impending expiration of the 2014/2015 charges are the reason the October 7, 2022 meeting was scheduled to begin with, so sounds like SAC Sobociski wasn’t paying attention—while SSA Shapley was taking notes,” tweeted Tristan Leavitt, president of Empower Oversight, which represents Shapley.

Jason Foster, chairman of the pro-whistleblowing group, wrote, “The only question is how close to perjury others are willing to dance to tow the Garland/Weiss company line—while DOJ-minders watch them testify. ‘Don’t recall’ feels safe when folks are trying to keep their jobs.”

Shapley’s testimony about other aspects of an alleged cover-up in the case has been partially corroborated by Ziegler and by recently retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joe Gordon.

Until the swamp in Washington is drained, influence peddling, money laundering, and insider trading will continue.

News From The Oversight Committee

The House of Representatives Oversight Committee released a blog post detailing some of the evidence they have regarding President Biden’s involvement in his family’s financial schemes.

Here are just a few examples:

1) In July 2023, former Biden business associate Devon Archer described how Joe Biden was “The Brand” and was used to send “signals” of power, access, and influence to enrich the Biden family from foreign sources.

2) Devon Archer alone was aware of at least 20 times in which then-Vice President Biden spoke on speakerphone with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates. Democrats would have Americans believe that these phone calls with then-Vice President Biden were simply to discuss the weather.

3) In February 2014, then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with oligarchs from Russia and Kazakhstan who funneled millions of dollars to Hunter Biden and his business associates.

4) In April 2015, then-Vice President Biden dined with Hunter Biden’s foreign business associates, including Ukrainian Burisma executive Vadym Pozharsky. Burisma was then being investigated by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin for corruption.

5) Then-Vice President Biden had coffee with Hunter Biden’s Chinese business associate, Jonathan Li of BHR, in Beijing and wrote a college letter of recommendation for his daughter.

6) In 2015, then-Vice President Biden hosted Hunter Biden and Devon Archer and other business associates at the official residence of the Vice President. The topic of discussion was filling the top seat at the United Nations. The Kazakhstani government official who wanted the U.N. position attended both dinners at Café Milano with then-Vice President Biden.

7) Using the pseudonym “Robert L. Peters,” Vice President Biden was informed by his staff of a call in 2016 with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko. Copied on that official email? Hunter Biden, who was sitting on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma.

Please follow the link above to the article to see the entire list.

The thing that should be mentioned is that these actions took place while Joe Biden was Vice-President. I am not sure how that will impact his impeachment. However, to me, the real crime of President Biden is his refusal to secure the southern border. That is a violation of his Oath of Office and is impeachable. Whether or not that will become part of the procedure remains to be seen.

Commentary From Someone With Experience

If you lived anywhere near New York City after 9/11, Rudy Giuliani was a hero. He handled the attack and the aftermath beautifully. He worked hard to assure everyone in and around New York City that we were going to get through the events of that day and the coming days. America’s Mayor was recently interviewed on the subject of the mounting evidence against the Biden family.

On Friday, The Gateway Pundit reported some of those comments:

Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Friday evening.

Giuliani, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1983 to 1989, is famous for taking down the Five Families of the mafia in remarkable fashion.

According to RadioTimes:

Giuliani indicted 11 organised crime figures, including the heads of New York’s so-called “Five Families”, under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act (RICO) on charges including extortion, labour racketeering, and murder for hire.

It was dubbed as “the most significant assault on the infrastructure of organised crime since the high command of the Chicago Mafia was swept away in 1943” by Times Magazine – who quoted Giuliani’s stated intention: “Our approach is to wipe out the five families.”

Gambino crime family boss Paul Castellano evaded conviction when he and his underboss, Thomas Bilotti, were murdered on the streets of Midtown Manhattan in 1985.

However, three heads of the Five Families were sentenced to 100 years in prison on January 13, 1987.

Our current Department of Justice needs Rudy Giuliani.

The article also notes:

Rudy Giuliani: This is probably the most verified information I’ve ever seen. It’s been verified by about three years of disclosures, including actual testimony that people have seen or can see that’s been tape recorded. I mean, Shokin has testified, the guy who was fired… Biden confessed to it when he was in front of the Atlantic Council. The hard drive contains at least five texts that would be used as admissions in the trial. The best one being that Hunter texts his daughter straight out saying, “I’ve had to give half my income for the last 30 years to pop.” They say, well, there’s no evidence that money went to pop. Yeah, how about his son says he gave it to him? I’ve never had better evidence than that. Steve this is like Alice in Wonderland.

The evidence is there, is the Department of Justice there?

Who Is Gal Luft?

One of the witnesses against the Biden corruption family is a man named Gal Luft. On Monday, The New York Post posted an article about him and his claims.

This is a video of Gal Luft proclaiming his innocence. I have embedded it in case YouTube takes it down. It is long, but worth watching.

The New York Post reports:

Dr. Gal Luft, a key figure in House Republicans’ investigation of the Biden family’s international influence-peddling, faces federal charges of arms trafficking, operating as an unregistered lobbyist for China, and conspiring to flout US sanctions on Iran, according to a Manhattan indictment unsealed Monday.

Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York say Luft, 57, a dual US-Israeli citizen who was arrested in Cyprus this past February and went on the run after being released on bail prior to his extradition, agreed in 2015 to let former Hong Kong official Patrick Ho send $350,000 each year to Luft’s think tank, the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security.

In return, the indictment said, Luft agreed to “recruit and ‘educate’” a former high-ranking US official to “make public statements … which were in the interest of China.”

The official is not named in the indictment, but details about his work correspond to former CIA Director James Woolsey, who briefly worked for former President Donald Trump’s transition team after the 2016 election.

Ho similarly is not named in the indictment, but details in the court document match up to incidents in Ho’s life — most notably his arrest by US officials in November 2017 on bribery and money-laundering charges.

The article also notes:

Luft is further charged with lying about both those activities during the Brussels meeting with federal investigators.

“I was asked by a bona fide arms dealer, an Israeli friend, to inquire with a company I knew if they had an item and what would be the price of an item,” Luft told The Post last week. “This is where the conspiracy ended. No follow-up, no money, no brokering activity.”

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.), who was preparing to interview Luft when he disappeared, has said the Israeli remains a “potential witness” in the panel’s investigation despite his fugitive status.

“We definitely want to hear more about his allegations and we want to see the notes from the [Brussels] meeting,” Comer told Fox News Monday night. “They sent six FBI [and DOJ officials], according to Gal Luft, to Brussels to interview him. Obviously they were concerned about something he had to say. There’s some level of credibility here.”

Because the Department of Justice has been so totally compromised in recent years, I have no idea who to believe. However, it does seem strange that an important witness to the Biden family corruption is suddenly charged with serious crimes.

Not Surprising, But Very Disappointing

On Sunday, Red State reported the following:

As RedState previously reported, Rep. James Comer and other Republicans in both the House and Senate are currently in the midst of an investigation into an alleged bribery scheme involving the Biden family. Specifically, the FBI is in possession of a 1023 form that includes supposed evidence and witness testimony to that effect.

But while the FBI has not denied that they have the form, they have attempted to stonewall, claiming confidentiality concerns. Now, another roadblock has appeared. According to Comer, some witnesses have gone missing while others are in jail, and the FBI is refusing to assist in locating them.

That was said on Fox News on Sunday, and Jonathan Turley summarized Comer’s remarks.

Unfortunately, the FBI does not work for the American people. In recent years, they work for the Democrats whether the Democrats hold the White House or not.

The article notes:

I look at this two ways. One, I’m sure Comer is telling the truth about what’s in the 1023 form, and the fact that the FBI wants to try to jump through hoops to not release it only testifies to that further. The informant in question obviously has a name, and the fact that they’ve gone missing is extremely suspicious. I’m not so much suggesting someone pulled a Hillary Clinton here as I’m suggesting intimidation is at play, and that’s what Comer seems to be saying. He goes on to say that he knows who is intimidating these witnesses from within the White House and that he will be “dealing” with the situation.

With that said, Comer promised the world with this bribery scandal, and it’s not going to be enough to claim he can’t find the witnesses after laying everything out in such vivid detail. You’d think he’d have covered that base already.

Turley goes on to explain that if a court follows the law, the FBI should be forced to give up the 1023 in question and any other information pertinent to the investigation.

This is setting the stage for the media reporting that there is no evidence. Does the lavish lifestyle of the Biden family that cannot be traced to a legitimate business present any evidence? Does the existence of many shell companies linked to the Biden family present any evidence of an effort to hide income? I hate to be cynical (but I am good at it), but all of this information will come out when the Democrats feel that it is time to remove President Biden from office–not before.

Making Millions While Being A “Public Servant”

On Tuesday, Jonathan Turley posted an article on his website about the investigation into the Biden family business dealings.

The article reports:

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer  has revealed that there are not three but nine members of the Biden family that may have benefitted from suspected influence peddling efforts. For those of us who have long criticized the corrupt practices of the Biden family, the identity of these other family members is intriguing after the Committee secured new bank and financial records. Democratic members again insisted that there is no need to investigate such influence peddling.

The new information on the Biden family is due largely to the takeover of the House by the GOP. Previously, Democrats blocked efforts to investigate influence peddling by the Biden family for years.

After assuming control of the Committee. Comer sought suspicious activity reports sent by banks to the Treasury Department alerting of potential criminal activity in transactions involving President Biden’s family.

He stated on Monday that “We’ve identified six additional members of Joe Biden’s family who may have benefited from the Biden family’s businesses that we are investigating, bringing the total number of those involved or benefiting to nine.” Those are six names are in addition to three Biden family members and two associates previously linked to payment from China in 2017 .  Three million was wired Biden family associate Rob Walker in March 2017, who then allegedly divided and distributed the funds later.

There remains an “Unknown Biden” who received four payments in 2017 totaling $70,000.

The article concludes:

In discussing these deals, Joe Biden is referenced with code names such as “Celtic” or “the big guy.” In one, “the big guy” is discussed as possibly receiving a 10% cut on a deal with a Chinese energy firm. There are also references to Hunter paying off the bills of his father from shared accounts. From his board memberships to venture deals to legal fees to his art deals, Hunter Biden is a tour de force of alleged corrupt practices used in Washington.

Many Democrats and legal experts have objected that influence peddling is not a crime. However, it is corrupt and squarely within the oversight authority of Congress. Indeed, if it is not a matter for criminal charges, such congressional action may be the only way to force accountability for corrupt efforts to sell influence and access.

It is quite possible that President Biden and his family may never be held accountable for their influence peddling. The only value in pointing out their wrongdoing is in letting voters decide how much corruption they are willing to put up with.


On Friday, Newsbusters posted an article about the mainstream media reporting on the indictment of President Trump.

The article reports:

Shhh! Nothing to see here! The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks continue to bury the Hunter Biden probe and the growing scandals surrounding the Biden family’s corruption, including the House Oversight Committee’s revelations that Hunter, the President’s brother Jim and Hallie Biden (widow of son Beau) received payments from a Chinese energy firm — something President Joe Biden firmly denied

However, their voracious appetite for covering the various investigations (Stormy Daniels, Mara Lago documents, January 6th) surrounding former President Donald Trump remains unsatiated. 

Beginning with the House Oversight Committee’s breaking of the Hallie Biden news through the evening of Trump’s indictment, MRC analysts tracked the glaring double-standard. 

Over 14 days (March 16-March 30) ABC, NBC, CBS filled their evening, morning and Sunday roundtable shows with over 272 minutes (4 hours, 32 minutes, 56 seconds) of Trump investigation coverage compared to ZERO seconds spent on Biden family corruption stories. On average, network audiences saw almost 20 minutes per day of Trump investigation stories. 

Please follow the link above to the article. It gives a few examples of news stories that broke recently about the Biden family corruption and how much media attention has been  paid to those stories. It is aggravating that the information on Hunter Biden’s laptop showing drug use, prostitution, and emails indicating corruption is out in the public and no one has yet been held accountable, but President Trump has had his house raided and has been indicted. If most Americans watch the mainstream media, they are not aware of any of the questions of corruption surrounding the Biden family. I wonder if we will ever return to equal justice under the law.

An Interesting Turn Of Events

The House Oversight Committee that is investigating the amazing wealth that seems to have flowed to the Biden family in recent years has been meeting strong headwinds. For whatever reason, American banks have been unwilling to allow Congress access to the Biden family information. However, the Committee is getting cooperation from an unlikely source.

On Monday, Breitbart reported the following:

A bank founded by Chinese-Americans that facilitated many Biden family transactions voluntarily provided Republican investigators with Biden family bank records, a stark difference from the current practices of U.S. banks, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) revealed Sunday.

Cathay Bank, which has offices in the U.S. and communist China, voluntarily provided Johnson’s investigation with 200 bank records from 2017 and 2018 showing how the Biden family moved money through a complicated web of entities. The specific records revealed transactions between Hunter Biden-linked business entities and Chinese energy firm CEFC, whose top company lieutenant was the “spy chief of China,” according to Hunter Biden.

In contrast, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) has not received such easy cooperation from U.S. banks that have records of the Biden family business.

During his probe, Comer has launched a number of subpoenas to obtain the Biden family’s bank records. One of those subpoenas compelled damning information to come to light that showed the Biden family members collectedly received a $1.3 million cut from a $3 million wire transfer from CEFC, according to Comer.

The article notes a possible reason for the cooperation from Chinese banks:

“That is a very interesting development right there,” Johnson told Fox News. “That bank from China [Cathay Bank]. Let’s face it, the Communist Party controls those types of institutions. They willingly gave us the documents that backed up the Treasury records [Suspicious Activity Reports].”

Johnson questioned why a bank linked to China would be more willing to provide bank documents to investigators than U.S. banks under the control of U.S. banking regulators.

“Is that the Chinese Communist Party, is that a shot across President Biden’s bow saying, listen, this is some of the information we have. If you don’t toe the line, if you don’t do things that displease us, we’re going to even provide… more information?” Johnson questioned. “So we obviously have a multiple-tier system of justice.”

Stay tuned.

Bias In Reporting Is Also Reflected In What You Don’t Report

On Monday, The American Thinker posted an article about some of the recent priorities in the reporting of the mainstream media.

The article reports:

It comes as no surprise that the propaganda arm of the Democrats called the “mainstream media” has no interest in informing the American people of the gravity of the evidence piling up that Joe Biden has been bought off by the Chinese Communist Party. Thanks to the efforts of James Comer, we already have bank records of $1 million flowing to Biden family members through a cutout named Rob Walker, shortly after Biden left office as VP.

There is no indication of any particular services performed for this treasure, nor is there any expertise among the recipients, who include the current POTUS’s son Hunter, his brother James, Hunter’s mistress-at-the time Hallie Biden (who is also his brother’s widow and Biden’s daughter-in-law) and an entity simply named “Biden.”

Rep. Comer, appearing on Maria Bartiromo’s Sunday Morning Futures program on Fox News, said that this is “only the beginning.” There are “as many as 11 other deals” that are being examined by his committee.

The article notes:

Needless to say, if Trump or any Republican officeholder were similarly found to have received major funding via family members from our principal adversary, and had a history of softness toward that adversary, an interview like Comer’s would lead every television newscast and would be on the front pages of most newspapers. The word “treason” would be a major feature of the conversations Americans would hear on cable news.

But the media silence won’t stop the flow of records, and won’t stop the depositions and testimony to come. I take Comer at his word that the Biden camp assumed the bank records would never come to light. They know what kind of money is involved, and they must realize how toxic this could become.

Whether or not the case of Alvin Bragg against Trump is an attempted distraction – a very successful one so far – doesn’t really matter. An enemy funding a president with millions of dollars is a story that can’t be contained.

Stay tuned (and find your own media source that is actually reporting this).