The claims that CO2 is a pollutant responsible for climate change may be coming to an end. On Wednesday, The American Thinker posted an article about some changes in the narrative regarding CO2. We need to remember that some farmers pump CO2 into their greenhouses in order to help the plants grow.
The article reports:
In 2007, the Supreme Court ruled that carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping emissions (methane, nitrous oxide, and some other stuff) are pollutants under the Clean Air Act and that the government has the authority to curb them.
Since then, the world has been subjected to numerous climate-related laws and treaties, along with assorted governmental, academic, and corporate pressures — all serving to hype the “existential threat” that is climate change. The number-one culprit all along has been atmospheric carbon dioxide.
There is nothing inherently wrong with qualitative versus quantitative statements, but there has been an inordinate amount of hand-waving to explain away the failure over the last 50 years of global temperatures to rise nearly as fast as predicted by the climate alarmists.
“Watts Up With That” claims to be the “world’s most viewed site on global warming and climate change,” for which Collister Johnson recently wrote a short but powerful article with an unassuming title: “The saturation effect questions the prevailing narrative on CO2.”
Over that last decade, several pedigreed scientists have performed qualitative analyses and experiments to disprove the assumption that “increases in atmospheric CO2 will cause a linear and dangerous increase in global temperatures.”
…In recent years, other prominent scientists have performed studies that confirm that this saturation effect causes minimal increases in temperature as CO2 levels rise. There is no linear relationship between rising CO2 levels and rising temperatures. This explains why the Earth “has never experienced runaway warming in the past when CO2 levels were 5–10 times more concentrated than today.” The planet was, however, more lush with vegetation than it is today.
CO2 is our friend. It will help us feed the world’s population. Maybe that’s the reason the zero population people are so against it.