Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D
Historically, the “spirit of compromise” has been touted as one of the elements of our Republic that has helped it survive for almost 250 years. The question arises as to whether compromise is always the best strategy. Given the circumstances, compromise may allow the country to move forward with each opposing side believe that they achieved some of their objectives but not all. Knowing when to compromise and when not to is critical. Let’s look at some examples.
Compromising makes the most sense, when both sides agree on the ultimate goal but disagree how to get there. A good example was World War II. Both the United States and Great Britain agreed that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan both had to be defeated militarily. Great Britain wanted the United States to focus almost exclusively on defeating Germany first. The United States, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, wanted to defeat Japan first, since in 1941 Japan appeared to be the most immediate threat to our country. Churchill and Roosevelt came to a compromise which allowed the majority of focus on the war in Europe and a steady war against Japan, but with less resources. Clearly the compromise worked since both Axis powers were eventually defeated.
Currently, the struggle between preserving our Republic as we have known it is incompatible with the Left’s desire to make this country Socialist. Make no mistake about it, many if not all on the left, want exactly that. Since these two forms of government are incompatible, it must be one or the other. As they just decided in Brazil, socialism does not and never has worked for the people, and they elected a conservative leader to go back to freedom and capitalism. Either the people retain the power to run their own lives, or we turn governance over to a few elected leaders and the bureaucrats. The outcome of the elections in 2024 will once and for all determine whether we preserve our Republican form of government or not.
Let’s take another example: Climate Change. Short of an all-out war, this issue has the greatest potential to completely destroy our country. We all want a clean environment, but the goal of the Left is to eliminate all fossil fuels without which no modern civilization can survive. Look what is happening in Europe–their energy costs have sky rocketed and they have had to re-open coal fired electrical plants. The Left’s unverified belief that climate change is caused by mankind and not natural forces is being used to justify their goal of zero carbon emissions while China, India and other countries are not only building more coal fired plants, but are using coal from our country to do it. Meanwhile, the United States only contributes 13% of carbon emissions worldwide. Instead of fighting against this, many of our so-called conservative elected officials compromise and go along with outlandishly expensive subsidies for the wind and solar developers and electric vehicles. Seventeen Republicans voted for Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which was a cover up for billions of dollars in support of so-called green energy programs. Compromisers!
Another area is saving our public schools from the socialist indoctrination being advanced by the Left. Instead of coming out and stopping Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and transgender indoctrination, our Boards of Education have shown a strong tendency to compromise instead of prohibiting these things.
Compromising with evil should never be allowed to happen. We need to elect candidates that have clear, strong values and beliefs, and are not afraid to stand up and fight for what is right. It is the only way to save this country.