He Hated Trump; His Wife Was A Spy

On Thursday, The Daily Caller reported that Sue Mi Terry, wife of Max Boot, has been accused of being a spy for South Korea.

The article reports:

Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, is accused by federal prosecutors of acting as a secret agent for South Korea.

Despite these dealings, Terry never registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department. She was previously warned by the FBI in 2014 about the potential for foreign influence targeting. After being charged with failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiring to act as one, Terry was released on a $500,000 bond, according to the New York Post. Her lawyer, Lee Wolosky, defended her, stating the allegations distort her reputation and career., is accused by federal prosecutors of acting as a secret agent for South Korea.

Terry, whose husband Max Boot regularly falsely accused former President Trump of being a Russian asset, reportedly used her position and access to U.S. officials to provide sensitive information to South Korea in exchange for luxury items and other lavish benefits, according to the indictment, New York Post reported. The allegations state that from Oct. 2013, Terry engaged in activities that compromised her role as an independent foreign policy expert.

…One of the key incidents cited in the indictment involves Terry passing notes from a confidential meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken about North Korea to a South Korean intelligence contact immediately after the meeting. Additionally, she reportedly facilitated interactions between South Korean spies and congressional staffers under the guise of social gatherings, the outlet added.

Despite these dealings, Terry never registered as a foreign agent with the Justice Department. She was previously warned by the FBI in 2014 about the potential for foreign influence targeting. After being charged with failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiring to act as one, Terry was released on a $500,000 bond, according to the New York Post. Her lawyer, Lee Wolosky, defended her, stating the allegations distort her reputation and career.

At least she wasn’t spying for a Communist or Islamist country. That is the only good thing you can say about her actions. This story also calls into question the motives and influences on those who strongly oppose President Trump. Are they truly working toward America’s best future or do they have other things influencing their actions and statements?


Looking At The Big Picture

On Wednesday, Hot Air posted an article about the efforts to put President Trump behind bars.

The article is titled:

Why are so many people determined to defend Donald Trump, including me?

The author of the article, David Strom, admits that he does not like President Trump and thinks he is a bad human being, but still defends him.

The article explains a few of the reasons for this:

I ran across a reminder of why I reflexively defend Donald Trump against his critics, despite not liking the guy.

The answer is simple: the people going after him are tyrannical liars, or at the very least so blinded by their hatred that they have abandoned reason. And because they hate Trump with a white-hot passion that outshines the sun they are willing to destroy America.

Donald Trump is their Great Orange Whale, and they are determined to kill him whatever it takes. Law, truth and reason all must bend or be broken if the destruction of Trump is the end result.

The article cites an article by Max Boot titled, “Donald Trump Is Guilty, The only remaining question is what exactly he’s guilty of.” Compare that with the way the political left is reacting to the mounting evidence against President Biden.

The article notes:

Who thinks like that?

Totalitarians, like Soviet Secret Policeman Lavrentiy Beria, who famously said “Show me the man and I will show you the crime” do.

That Max Boot, a prominent neoconservative, could become so twisted that his hatred of Trump that he became a distorted version of a Soviet secret policeman should be amazing, but it is actually quite a common occurrence in the annals of Trump hatred.

Totalitarianism is a small price to pay if Donald Trump is put behind bars.

…What they all have in common is a blindness or indifference to the facts: Donald Trump is many things, but a traitor or insurrectionist he is not.

Moreover, he actually abused his power as president less than most. Perhaps this is so because he was less sophisticated in the ways of Washington than his cosmopolitan predecessor and successor, but the reality is that both Obama and Biden abused the intelligence and justice systems and turned them into their personal Stasi, while Trump did not.

Trump never sent the FBI to raid Hillary Clinton’s or Joe Biden’s house. Guess who did?

Trump SAID “Lock her up,” but left her alone. Biden is actually trying to lock up Trump and has turned the Justice Department into his family’s legal team. His Justice Department just tried to give a plenary “get out of jail free” card to his son by deceiving a judge. Imagine if Trump did such a thing.

Please follow the link above to read the entire article. It illustrates how warped our media, justice system, and political system has become in recent years.

The Opposition To President Trump

If you had any doubt that the mainstream media is doing everything it can to discredit President Trump, these two Twitter tweets should dispel that doubt:

In all honesty, I have no idea whether or not it is a good idea to bring home troops from Syria. It does seem to me that we have been fighting in the Middle East since 2001 and have accomplished little. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That is a fairly accurate description of the wars we have been fighting in the Middle East. A new approach is needed. I am not sure what that new approach will be, but obviously the last approach is not working very well.

Meanwhile, the tweet above is what blind opposition to President Trump looks like.


The Future Of The Ukraine

Max Boot posted an article at Commentary Magazine today about the recent events in the Ukraine.

The article states:

The agreement reached between President Viktor Yanukovych and Ukrainian opposition leaders is about as good as the anti-government forces can possibly hope to get.

Mr. Boot points out that the foreign ministers of Poland, France, and Germany, all of whom are in Kiev, all signed the agreement. The Russian delegate refused to sign it.

The article reminds of the risk the protestors will take if they refuse to sign the agreement:

Yet, many protesters in the streets are not prepared to accept what is largely a victory. Many of them refuse to disperse from Independence Square until Yanukovych resigns. Their position is understandable but misguided. As Polish foreign minister Radek Sikorski reportedly told demonstrators: “If you don’t support this [deal] you’ll have martial law, you’ll have the army. You will all be dead.”

Sikorski should know what he is talking about, having spent a good part of his life as a refugee from Poland, which saw the imposition of martial law in 1981.

If the people in the streets of Kiev are willing to accept the agreement, they will avoid an all-out war and the imposition of martial law. I believe that if they sign this agreement, the countries whose delegates also signed it will make sure that the current leadership of the Ukraine and the Russians abide by the agreement.

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