A New Level Of Insanity

On Tuesday, The Federal News Network reported the following:

Federal employees have filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s Office of Personnel Management, after the agency created and began testing an email system meant to deliver mass communications directly to federal employees’ inboxes.

The lawsuit from two anonymous federal employees in the executive branch alleges OPM violated the 2002 E-Government Act by not releasing details of how the communication system will manage federal employees’ personal information stored in the system.

Kel McClanahan, executive director of the National Security Counselors law firm, filed the pro bono lawsuit on behalf of the plaintiffs, alleging that the email system poses security risks for federal employees’ personal information.

“A one-stop shop for information about every government employee in the federal executive branch is just a treasure trove for hackers, or even just curiosity seekers,” McClanahan said in an interview.

An article at Hot Air posted on Wednesday notes:

What personal information is at risk?

Their email address is hardly a state secret. It’s not like the president will be asking for their social security number and putting it in a database.

You can see the real reason that these people are suing–aided by a left-leaning group doing the work pro-bono–in the highlighted portion. They don’t want to get bad news and want to throw sand into the works.

The article at Hot Air includes the following chart:

No private company would put up with this. Why should the federal government?

This is really about the email the employees received offering them a buyout. The lawsuit is just to delay the inevitable.