Your Tax Dollars At Work

I have written a number of articles on the Pigford Settlement. (type ‘pigford’ in the search space above to read details). When Andrew Breitbart broke the story in 2010, he was attacked by pretty much everyone. Well, Andrew has been vindicated–by the New York Times of all people. reported on Friday that the New York Times reported that U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has likely enabled massive fraud in the Pigford series of legal settlements, in which black, Hispanic, female and Native American farmers have claimed to be victims of past discrimination.

The cost of the settlements could exceed $4.4 billion, with lawyers expected to gain more than $130 million in fees,

The article at Breitbart reports:

As president, Obama continued to support payouts for new groups of claimants while abandoning a review process that had been used to fight fraud. The aim was “buying the support” of minorities, according to the Times, while middlemen created a “cottage industry” in defrauding the government.

That’s our tax money that is being paid out in order to buy support for someone we may not necessarily support. Great.

The article further reports:

Much of the fraud was enabled by the Clinton and Obama administrations, and by members of Congress seeking to reward special interests. Then-Sen. Obama sponsored new Pigford legislation in 2007, while Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) threatened in 2009 to lead protests against the administration if it did not bend to the wishes of Hispanic claimants. 

Meanwhile, whole families, including young children, filed claims for past discrimination to reap $50,000 each in cash payouts. As yet, Congress has failed to investigate Pigford.

As Americans we have two choices–go broke as the tax man takes more and more of our hard-earned dollars or elect people to government who have some respect for the money the taxpayers work hard to earn. Ultimately, it is up to us.

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Why The Government Is Broke

Yesterday posted an article about the Pigford Settlement. I have written about the Pigford Settlement before, you can use the search engine on this site to find the history of the program. Briefly, the Pigford Settlement was a $4.55 billion program signed into law in 2010 that provided $3.4 billion to American Indian tribes for past royalties from oil, gas, and timber extraction from their lands and $1.15 billion for AfricanAmerican farmers who said they have been unfairly denied federal loans and other assistance. reports:

On December 7, 2012, the United States Government Accountability Office released report number GAO-13-69R, also known as “Civil Rights: Additional Actions in Pigford II Claims Process Could Reduce Risk of Improper Determinations.”

In English that means that a lot of people receiving money in the Pigford Settlement may not actually be legally entitled to it.

The GAO report states:

For example, by the terms of the settlement agreement, most claims must be evaluated based solely on the information submitted by the claimants and, as a result, the adjudicator of these claims has no way of independently verifying that information.

Wow! Free money. Just like your Obama phone.

The article concludes:

Let’s go slowly through that paragraph. There are three main points it makes:

  1. “By terms of the settlement agreement” shows the fraud is baked right in. This is a feature, not a bug.
  2. “most claims must be evaluated based solely on the information submitted by the claimants” means that a majority of claims are judged based only on statements by the person who stands to collect a $50,000 check.
  3. “adjudicator of these claims has no way of independently verifying that information” means that there’s no way for the person judging the claim to check for fraud.

In other words, the lawyers and politicians who designed Pigford gave people judging a claim’s validity no objective way to determine whether it is actually fraudulent or not; they have to accept the claimant’s statement as truth. In a government payout program whose architects anticipated some level of fraudulent or duplicate claims, no one included oversight against such a contingency.

These are American taxpayer dollars that are being spent. I don’t want to see anyone’s taxes raised until the government is held accountable for the money it is already spending. I suspect we could come very close to balancing the budget just by taking out the waste and fraud. Let’s do that before we take more money away from the people who actually legally earned it.


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Once You Begin To Pay Blackmail It Never Ends

This photo is of the Gibbs family farm house c...

Image via Wikipedia

Yesterday in Memphis, Tennessee, The Commercial Appeal posted a story on the latest developments in the Pigford Settlement. I have posted a number of articles on the Pigford Settlement in the past, so if you are not familiar with it, use the search feature on this blog.

The article reports:

U.S. Dist. Judge Paul L. Friedman certified a class of plaintiffs aggregated in 23 separate complaints, including one made by the Memphis-based Black Farmers and Agriculturalists Inc., and its president, Thomas Burrell.

Burrell testified against the proposed settlement in a “fairness” hearing on Sept. 1, arguing that potential claimants should be able to access the much more liberal benefits of the earlier, 1999 settlement known as Pigford I. More than $1 billion has been paid out to more than 22,000 claimants in the first settlement.

Bottom line–there are some people in our society who have figured out a way to get money for nothing, and they want more!

Please take the time to read the article, but the part of the article that caught my eye was the comments.

One of the comments:


The folks who are getting free stuff don’t like the folks who are paying for the free stuff
because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.
And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even MORE free stuff on top of the free stuff they’re getting already!

The people who are forcing people to PAY for the free stuff have told the
people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced and racist.

So ….
The people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to HATE
the people who are PAYING for the free stuff because they are selfish.
And they are promised more free stuff if they will vote for the people who force the people who pay for the free stuff to give them even more free stuff

And – – – – – that’s the Straight stuff!

This comment was posted by someone who calls himself tn_rebel. I think he pretty much sums it up. I am sorry that black farmers were discriminated against–that was wrong–but it does not give the people who were discriminated against an unlimited right to the wallets of people who had nothing to do with the discrimination.



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Why The Federal Government Is Going Broke



This photo is of the Gibbs family farm house c...

Image via Wikipedia

Big Government reported yesterday that Federal judge Paul Friedman has given final approval to a $1.2 billion government settlement with black farmers who claim they were unfairly denied loans and other assistance from the Agriculture Department over many years.

This is the second round of settlements in the 1999 Pigford case. As previously reported at

When some black farmers sued, claiming discrimination, the USDA agreed to pay $50,000 to every black person who was discriminated against.

According to the census, there were 18,000 black farmers in the country when the lawsuit was filed.  But 97,000 black ‘farmers” have applied for the money.

Black farmer Jimmy Dismuke says its fraud.  He said lawyers went to black churches and told people who had never farmed to file for the money.

”People say well, how do I qualify?” Dismuke told us.  “And then [the lawyers] started talking about potted plants.  They said if you had a potted plant, you can be a farmer.  And if you have a yard and you fertilize it, you’re a farmer.”

Just about anyone can say that they “attempted to farm.”  And the USDA–which did not keep all its loan records–has no way to refute that.  So the taxpayers pay, and pay.

If you follow the articles on the Pigford settlement previously posted at, you learn that there is no standard of proof required for the payments. It is unfortunate that our government discriminated against black farmers, but I don’t believe that taxpayers should be required to pay reparations at a time when the country is spending itself into bankruptcy.


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