They Are Already Putting Out The Roadblocks

On August 27th, The Daily Caller posted an article about the roadblocks the Biden-Harris is putting up in case President Trump is elected this year. The deep state wants to make sure that he cannot fully enact his policies and agenda.

The article reports:

The Biden-Harris administration has deployed a little-known hiring mechanism to staff key divisions of the Department of Justice (DOJ) ahead of the 2024 election, according to documents provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation by Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT).

Hundreds of people, primarily lawyers and judges, have been appointed to the Environmental and Natural Resources (ENRD) and Antitrust and Immigration Review divisions of the DOJ using its “Schedule A” hiring authority since President Joe Biden took office, documents shared with the DCNF by PPT show. Schedule A hiring does not require appointments to be made on the basis of merit and appointments do not expire at the end of the current president’s term, meaning these bureaucrats will stick around even if former President Donald Trump takes office in 2025, according to the Office of Budget and Management.

The hiring process is intended to benefit people with “intellectual disabilities, severe physical disabilities or psychiatric disabilities” but it can also be used to staff specialist positions as chaplains, scientists, and attorneys or to fill critical hiring needs, according to federal regulations.

“The Biden-Harris administration and its allies have already signaled their intent to hamstring their successor and prevent a future president from reversing their agenda,” PPT director Michael Chamberlain said in an advance copy of a press release shared with the DCNF. “Exploiting non-competitive hiring authorities to fill career civil service positions could be just another component of this scheme. It’s no wonder that the public’s trust in its government has all but disappeared.”

The DOJ used Schedule A to hire well over 100 immigration judges for its Immigration Review division, per the documents. Immigration judges are responsible for deciding “whether a noncitizen may remain in the United States or must leave the country,” according to the DOJ.

If you want a country you recognize in four years, your only choice is to vote for President Trump.

The Only Green In Green Energy Is Taxpayers’ Money

On Friday, Just the News posted article about the government’s effort to help the wavering wind industry by recusing wind energy companies from liability when they damage the environment. Would the same waiver be given to any struggling energy industry that involved fossil fuel?

The article reports:

The offshore wind industry has been struggling financially for much of the past year, with companies’ stocks falling in part over uncertainty in the outcome of the U.S. presidential election. Inflation, supply chains and interest rates have also been blamed for the industry’s troubles.

Despite the financial uncertainty of the offshore wind industry, the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM) is issuing waivers for financial assurances on offshore wind projects, saying they present an unnecessary burden for the industry. The financial assurance requirement protects the public from decommissioning liabilities. If companies can’t afford to remove the wind towers they’re building after their useful life, the public has an assurance that those liabilities will be covered. 

Covered by U.S. taxpayers. What government insanity is this?

The article notes:

In the wake of the Vineyard Wind blade incident, Meghan Lapp, fisheries liaison and general manager at Seafreeze, Ltd., a fishing company based in Rhode Island, spoke at a hearing on offshore wind, organized by Reps. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J., and Scott Perry, R-Pa. 

“The truth is that BOEM habitually grants waivers or departure requests for these financial assurances. In fact, every project constructed or under construction in federal waters off New England have received these waivers: Vineyard wind, South Fork Wind farm. Revolution Wind and New England Wind off Massachusetts have also received a waiver,” Lapp testified. 

Lapp was a plaintiff in the recent Supreme Court case that overturned the so-called “Chevron deference.” 

These waivers, Lapp pointed out, stand in stark contrast to the way BOEM treats oil and gas projects. Offshore oil and gas drilling is a much older industry, she said, and so many of the risks are known. But that’s not the case with offshore wind. 

Lapp pointed to the impacts of the Vineyard Wind blade disaster and how it shut down beaches and impacted economies that depend on summer tourism. Despite BOEM claiming that offshore wind technology is proven, she said, the potential for blades to break off and cause such extensive environmental damages was unforeseen.

The crisis, she said, “underscores this lack of foresight and BOEM’s political push for offshore wind, regardless of cost to American taxpayers. If a decommissioning bond is a financial hardship for developers, what of the cost of cleanup liability and damages to local economies, businesses and citizens?”

If a corporation cannot be held liable for the damages it does to the environment and to other industries, why should they be allowed to do business?

Before We Continue With Offshore Wind Farms…

On Friday, The Maine Wire posted an article about an environmental disaster currently happening off of the New England coast. It’s summertime when New Englanders head for the beaches of Maine, the Cape (Cod), or the islands of Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard to cool off and enjoy the water. This year, that isn’t going to work well.

The article reports:

An offshore wind turbine project operated by Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners broke apart this week, scattering debris throughout Massachusetts’ coastal waters, with much of the flotsam washing up on Nantucket beaches.

Since the turbine experienced a catastrophic malfunction — for reasons that are not yet clear — social media has been inundated with pictures and videos of beachgoers and government employees picking up trash bags and dumpsters full of debris.

The turbine in question is owned by Vineyard Wind US, a joint project of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners of Denmark and Avangrid, the parent company of Central Maine Power (CMP). The turbine itself was manufactured by GE Vernova, which has experienced similar failures in the past with their offshore wind projects.

The article includes the following Tweet:

The article concludes:

The recent incident has led Leeman to renew NEFSA’s calls for New England governments to slow down the push for industrial-scale offshore wind development due to their possibly disastrous consequences and potential to harm commercial fisheries.

Offshore wind turbines have long concerned fishermen and lobstermen, and not only for their effect on the environment and commercially important fish populations.

The turbines are potentially dangerous for fishermen sailing in low-visibility conditions, and the chemicals they release into the ocean can contaminate their catches, significantly devaluing their products.

Most recently, Vineyard Wind has claimed that the blade of the damaged turbine is sitting on the ocean floor, and company has promised to recover it “in due course,” without indicating a timeline for that recovery. It’s unclear whether environmental remediation plans were put in place at the time the Commonwealth of Massachusetts created legal and financial incentives for the company to install the turbine.

We have seen the dead whales washing up on the shore. The article also notes a recent U.K. study that discovered that oysters and mussels were contaminated by hazardous fiberglass particles that can cause harm to humans. It truly is time to re-evaluate offshore wind farms and the rest of so-called ‘green’ energy.