Florida Gets It Right

A friend of mine posted the following chart on Facebook:

So let’s look at some of the policies of Governor DeSantis and the Florida legislature that resulted in this success:

Florida has outlawed vaccine mandates

Allowing parents to make decisions about masking their children

Florida was also one of the first states to open after the ‘two-week’ shutdown

Florida prioritized vaccinating the vulnerable

Florida set up mobile locations to treat people in the early stages of the coronavirus

Florida made an effort to balance public health and economic needs. Obviously, they did a good job.

The Real Numbers On The Vaccines

Yesterday The Blaze posted an article with the following title, “Horowitz: The data is in, and we are now worse off than before the experimental shots.”

The article reports:

In October 2018, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published a report that, if one didn’t know better, might make readers think the authors were involved in the gain-of-function research that likely created this virus. The report, titled “Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks,” offers novel social control and mRNA vaccination ideas to deal with emerging pandemics “whether naturally emerging or reemerging, deliberately created and released, or laboratory engineered and escaped—that could lead to sudden, extraordinary, widespread disaster beyond the collective capability of national and international organizations and the private sector to control.”

One of the many bone-chilling sections in this publication (pp. 45-47) provides a blueprint for “self-spreading vaccines,” described as vaccines “genetically engineered to move through populations in the same way as communicable diseases, but rather than causing disease, they confer protection.”

…Whether this vaccine actually sheds the spike protein onto other people is still not yet proven (although Pfizer seems to indicate it can spread through skin-to-skin contact in “inhalation“), but the principle of mass vaccination with a faulty vaccine making a virus both more transmissible and more virulent is something that is hard to deny at this point. The reality is that more people have died from COVID-19 in 2021, with most adults vaccinated (and nearly all seniors), than in 2020 when nobody was vaccinated. Something is not adding up, and perhaps those who have been dabbling in gain-of-function research in recent years have the answer.

The article includes the following chart:

I’m not a doctor, and I don’t claim to understand this, but what is will say is that we need more information before the government demands that everyone take the vaccine.

The article concludes:

  • A study prepared by Humetrix for the Department of Defense called “Project Salus” monitored 20 million Medicare beneficiaries from January to Aug. 21 and found that the vaccinated share of the COVID hospitalizations rose steadily with both vaccines after three to four months and sharply after six months (as the Israelis found). By late July, 71% of all cases and 61% of all hospitalizations were among the vaccinated individuals. While over 80% of seniors are vaccinated, the percentage of hospitalized COVID patients over 65 today who are vaccinated is likely a lot closer to their share of the population, given the accelerated waning every week. Also, like any other study, these data include those who have one shot or are within two weeks of the second shot to be “unvaccinated,” even though that is the most vulnerable period to catch the virus.
  • In an email to the Vermont Daily Chronicle, the Vermont Department of Health conceded that 76% of deaths in the state during September were among the vaccinated. They tried to excuse the number by noting that this is a very old population that was nearly universally vaccinated, but this is still a huge failure, for it was these people who needed the protection more than anyone else.
  • A new large study in the New England Journal of Medicine by Weil Cornell Medicine-Qatar found that the Pfizer vaccine waned very quickly after four months. By seven months, when adjusted for those in Qatar who already had prior infection, the Pfizer shot was -4% effective against transmission and just 44.1% effective against severe illness. Also, effectiveness against asymptomatic infection was -33% after seven months, which suggests that it is the vaccinated who have become the superspreaders. By now, many people have been vaccinated nine to ten months ago.

If we are going to lose our freedoms and suspend democracy over a shot made by a greedy private company, can we at least do so for one that works?