Protecting The Rights Of Dead Voters

Cover of "Stealing Elections: How Voter F...

Cover via Amazon

As I mentioned on March 14th at, James O’Keefe was in Vermont filming people getting ballots to vote after claiming to be people who were dead. No member of his crew who asked for a ballot actually voted, but they could have–that is the point.

So what is the Vermont Secretary of State James Condos going to do about this problem? Investigate James O’Keefe of course!

The article at Big Government reports:

“Same day voter registration is a major incentive to commit fraud. It allows you to register and vote on election day,” explains journalist John Fund, author of Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy, which is something of a Bible for election fraud analysts. “Once your ballot is put in with all the others, detecting the fraud is almost impossible. In Vermont, the possibilities of voter fraud are so real that it almost sends the invitations in the mail.”

Condos is threatening O’Keefe for doing his job. “My next phone call is to [Attorney General] Bill Sorrell’s office,” Condos told the Burlington Free Press after learning about O’Keefe’s video. 

Still, in the event that O’Keefe were to be arrested, prosecuted, and jailed in Vermont, he need not worry about casting a ballot to replace Condos. In Vermont and Maine, you can even vote from a jail cell.

It should not be news (based on the name of this website) that I am hoping for a new President to be sworn in next year. However, more than that, I am hoping for an honest election where each person’s vote is a legal vote and has equal value. I think voter identification laws are a part of that package.


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