A Necessary Move

Last summer, many of us watched as Mark and Patricia McCloskey brandished weapons to protect their home from rioters who had broken down the gate into their neighborhood. Although I would not recommend the McCloskey’s gun safety techniques, after watching the video of the incident, I suspect what they did may have saved their lives. They were responding to threats by a mob. The overzealous St. Louis judicial system charged them with various violations of the law, and the case proceeded.

Today, MRC TV reported the following:

The St. Louis, Missouri couple who became famous for defending their home against an aggressive Black Lives Matter mob have been pardoned by their Governor after picking up misdemeanor charges and some convictions for brandishing guns at the rioters.

Fox News reported on August 3 that Missouri Governor Mike Parson pardoned both Mark and Patricia McCloskey of their misdemeanor convictions after they had pled guilty for “threatening the passersby with an AR-15 rifle and was fined $750.” 

The infamous incident for which they were fined was, of course, was when the couple – feeling threatened by a Black Lives Matter mob which had broken down the gate to their private road – brandished a semi-auto rifle and pistol to keep the mob off of their property. 

The dramatic self-defense situation occurred at the peak of the George Floyd riots in June 2020. 

The article concludes:

Several of the BLM protesters received citations for their actions on that day, but prosecutors deemed that their actions were more peaceful than threatening and didn’t pursue charges. Though that treatment seems a bit lenient, at least compared to how the McCloskeys described the event.

Thankfully Governor Parsons disagreed with the charges and convictions and issued the couple a pardon on July 30. Mr. McCloskey expressed satisfaction at the pardon and slammed his charges and misdemeanor convictions. “It’s a correction of something that should have never happened in the first place,” he told Fox News.

Well thank goodness for the pardon. At the very least we are not at a point in our country’s history where we can’t defend our own private property. Still the left is testing those waters.

Notice that charges were pursued on the McCloskeys, but not on the BLM protesters (who did actually break down a gate — trespassing and destruction of property — to get into the McCloskey’s neighborhood). That tells you all you need to know about the St. Louis judicial system.

Rules For Thee, But Not For Me

There has been an awful lot of discussion lately about racism. In some areas of our society, people are actually moving back to segregation. Some of our colleges now have exclusive dormitories for minority students. Back in the twentieth century that was illegal. It should also be noted that Country Clubs and certain exclusive clubs have generally ended exclusive policies prohibiting blacks and Jews from joining. President Trump literally fought City Hall to make Mar-a-Lago open to membership for blacks and Jews (article here). However not all clubs have embraced the idea of membership for everyone.

Yesterday MRC TV posted an article about Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and a club he belongs to. The club is an ‘all-white’ exclusive club.

The article reports:

Nearly four years ago Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) claimed “it would be nice if they changed a little bit,” when asked about the all-white Bailey’s Beach Club of which he’s a member.

This past weekend, GoLocal asked if any new minority members had been admitted over the last few years.

“I think the people who are running the place are still working on that and I’m sorry it hasn’t happened yet,” Whitehouse replied.

…Whitehouse has been outspoken on the issue of systemic racism, claiming that America must “root out systemic racism in its many forms and meet America’s full promise of justice for all.” 

GoLocal notes that Bailey’s Beach Club is not considered an average private club, it has been described as the most exclusive club in America.

I would have more faith in his statements that America is racist if he began to change his own behavior to be more inclusive. Discrimination based on race is against the law. Where is the Rhode Island Attorney General?

Please follow the link to the article to see the video of Senator Whitehouse successfully avoiding a reporter’s very good question on why Bailey’s Beach Club still has no minority members.

I’d Love To Hear An Explanation Of The ‘Science’ Behind This

On Friday, MRC TV posted an article about the Covid rules put in place by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.

The article reports:

In the midst of scratching their heads over Governor Mike DeWine’s (R) Dec. 7 extension of his bizarre, unconstitutional “curfew” to guard against a virus that, evidently, becomes more deadly after 10 pm and before 5 am, Ohio residents might have missed the bizarre “high school sports” edict issued on Dec. 4…

That’s the command that high school wrestlers are “permitted” to wrestle, but before and after the match, participants are… 

…forbidden from shaking hands.

…Thank goodness. Or is it, “thank government?” After all, who knows where those HANDS might have been? Heck, they might have been attached to wrestlers who were breathing, sweating, and drooling on each other in their struggle for dominance on the mat. So… er… Yeah.

Please follow the link above to read the rest of the restrictions. They are ridiculous. If you are allowing the high school kids to wrestle, you may as well admit that masks and social distancing after they have wrestled do not make a lot of sense.

The article concludes:

It’s very important in today’s America that no individual ever be allowed to make his or her own risk assessment and that all decisions be collectivized and homogenized. In fact, let’s just be done with that idea of individuality and individual responsibility altogether. We can change “INdependence Day” to “Dependence Day”, have a central authority take our cash to, in turn, tell us how to live, and never bother thinking about the logical dead-end that achieves.

It’s pretzel logic, but, as we can see in Ohio, logic is just as twisted and bound-up as the wrestlers in the ring.

Just a note–in North Carolina, evidently you can only catch Covid in a bar after 10 pm or before 5 am. That makes a lot of sense somewhere I am sure.