A View From The Lair

Lucky This Time

There is a similarity between the two disasters that no one I’ve seen has picked up on. Both vehicles were electric. The Tesla Cybertruck was likely chosen as a social comment about both Musk and Trump. Pretty obvious. What isn’t as obvious is that the Tesla vehicle is constructed MUCH stronger than the terrorist expected. While the contents of the truck blew up, it didn’t result in the typical electric vehicle fire.
The New Orleans truck was a Ford, loaded with incendiaries with a remote detonator. Fortunately the NO cops , while too slow to stop him from running over 15 people, were quick enough to unlife him before he had a chance to detonate the contents.

Electric vehicles use lithium batteries. A LOT of them. Lithium is very light but also very volatile. The battery packs used for vehicles have other materials as well. Cobalt and graphite are just two of them. An electric vehicle fire is incredibly intense and toxic. Water makes the fire worse. The special materials required to fight a lithium fire CO2 foams, insulating smothering blankets, truck loads of sand make the process very difficult, time consuming and expensive.

Did the two drivers choose electric vehicles for the greater fire and devastation potential? Or because they are more environmentally friendly? I can’t imagine any other reason for driving an electric truck from Houston to New Orleans except to be horribly more dangerous. That part of Bourbon street is crowded and both sides have old two-and three-story buildings on both sides. Set off the incendiaries AND light off the truck and a major conflagration could result. A major portion of the French Quarter could have been incinerated. Do you think that this will be only time that an electric vehicle will be the explosive delivery vehicle of choice? I don’t. Think about using one to ignite several rows of cars in an underground garage. Severely limited access, multiple cars full of gasoline worse yet other electric vehicles and you have a disaster not unlike what happened on 9/11.

Resident Brandon has invited the barbarians into our home.

The war that was declared against us in the 7th century is now here. Thank God that DJT will be our next president. Hopefully he will be in time.


The Snark

What Was In The Truck?

On January 1st, a Tesla Cybertruck caught fire and exploded in front of Trump Tower in Las Vegas. Las Vegas police investigated and discovered that the fire and the explosion were not accidental.

On Wednesday, The Daily Wire reported:

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) said during a press conference on Wednesday night that the Tesla Cybertruck that exploded in front of Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas earlier in the day was carrying a variety of explosive materials.

Police said that the vehicle pulled up in front of the hotel moments before it detonated, killing the driver, who police are not identifying until they are 100% certain of their identity.

Investigators found that “the truck’s bed contained gasoline tanks, camping fuel, and large firework mortars” when the vehicle exploded.

Police said that the truck was rented in Colorado through Turo and that Tesla was able to trace the route it took through its charging stations.

“No suspect information will be released until confirmed,” police said. “This is a joint investigation with federal, state, and local authorities.”

Investigators were working to determine if the intentional detonation was “an act of terrorism,” but they believed that it was an isolated incident and not part of a larger plan.

The article includes the following video:


You can hear the explosions as the explosive material inside the Tesla catches fire, but because of the strength of the side panels in the Tesla, the explosion is directed upward and the doors on the hotel are not impacted despite the closeness of the vehicle. I personally think the cybertrucks are ugly, but there is something to be said for driving around with that kind of safety protection on the sides of your vehicle. It is interesting that the suspected person who blew up the cybertruck is an explosives expert. Obviously, he was not familiar with the structure of the cybertruck (assuming he wanted to do maximum damage to the area around it).

What Happens When Government Interference Skews The Free Market

America has been on a search for green energy for a long time. Historically man has been  on a quest for a perpetual motion machine. I am not sure the two searches are unrelated.

Yesterday John Hinderaker at Power Line posted an article about the environmental impact of solar energy. Solar energy is not as environmentally friendly as one might assume.

The article cites the example of a 60-acre solar farm at the Minnesota National Guard’s facility at Camp Ripley, Minnesota.

The article reports:

If we devoted a fraction of that space to a natural gas, coal or nuclear facility we could produce 100 times the energy–even at night time, when people need to turn lights on.

It is sad to see military personnel who should know better, and probably do, mouthing the inane pieties of global warming:

“Camp Ripley is now capable of producing as much energy as it consumes,” said Maj. Gen. Richard C. Nash, adjutant general of the Minnesota National Guard. “We can make a better Minnesota and a better world by joining the worldwide initiative to address the serious challenge of climate change.”

Right. We’d prefer you address the serious military challenge of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and so on. Tom Steward (Tom Steward in a story at the American Experiment) points out the costly reality:

The project’s astonishing $25 million price tag has led to the utility taking fire from state regulators for overpaying for solar panels and long-term lease with the National Guard. The collateral damage includes the northern Minnesota utility’s residential ratepayers, whose bills will rise as a result of the costly solar farm.

The solar facility can provide electricity for only 1,700 homes, a ridiculously small number, at “full capacity.” But solar installations never reach full capacity, and if it is dark or cloudy, they are irrelevant. No one would argue for ugly 60-acre scars on the landscape based on a cost/benefit analysis.

In Duluth, the best proxy for Camp Ripley, there are an average of 77 sunny days per year. Hey, that is better than one in five! Of course, they don’t have any sunny nights in Duluth, so there’s that.

Solar energy is not perfect. In 2014 I wrote an article about the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System in the Mojave Desert. The solar energy complex has the potential to kill as many as 28,000 birds annually. Last month I wrote an article about Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), a key chemical agent used to manufacture photovoltaic cells for solar panels. There has been a 1,057 percent in NF3 over the last 25 years. In comparison, U.S. carbon dioxide emissions only rose by about 5 percent during the same time period. There are also problems with wind energy. Spain attempted to move to green energy a few years ago and nearly wrecked its economy (article here).

If the free market is allowed to work, we may actually approach something like green energy at some point in the future. However, as long as the government subsidizes and encourages things that are not actually working, the progress will be delayed.


The Situation In Nevada Is Getting Uglier

The Obama Administration is noted for runaway government. Harry Reid is right in there with them. However, the latest news on the Nevada ranch standoff is stunning.

A website called Infowars has posted a story about the government action on the Bundy ranch that really raises some questions about what this is really about.

The article reports:

Back in 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada.

And journalist Marcus Stern with Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved in the deal as well.

“[Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert,” he wrote. “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada.”

“His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”

The article at Infowars has pictures of Bureau of Land Management documents that have been pulled off of the internet that give credence to this story.

When Harry Reid entered Congress he was a middle-class American. He is now a millionaire. There is a least one questionable land deal in his past. It looks as if he working on another one–only this one may involve loss of life.

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The REAL Answer To Race Relations

On November 20, the Las Vegas Guardian Express posted an amazing article. It was about Daryl Davis, author of Klan-Destine Relationships: A Black Man‘s Odyssey in the Ku Klux Klan, published in 1997.

The article tells the story of how Davis, a black man, came to write the book. Daryl Davis, a gifted boogie woogie piano player,  is currently an integral member of The Legendary Blues Band (formerly known as the Muddy Waters Band). His odyssey with the Ku Klux Klan began in 1983 with a discussion with a Klan member about the piano playing of Jerry Lee Lewis and how Jerry Lee Lewis developed his piano style.

Please follow the link to the article and read the entire story. It is an amazing story for many reasons. First of all Daryl Davis had to courage to meet with leaders of the Klan and have honest discussions with the about what they believed. He formed close friendships with people who previously would have hated him simply on the basis of his race. In the article he talks about some of the tense moments in meeting with Klansmen and talking with them about their beliefs.

I believe that in recent years America has taken multiple steps backwards in the area of race relations. We have forgotten the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., that all men should be judged on their character–not their race. Instead we have evolved into a game of one-upmanship where races are trying to exhort payback for crimes and injustices that happened centuries ago. Until we realize that the past is the past and we cannot change it, we will never be able to move forward.

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