A View From The Lair

Lucky This Time

There is a similarity between the two disasters that no one I’ve seen has picked up on. Both vehicles were electric. The Tesla Cybertruck was likely chosen as a social comment about both Musk and Trump. Pretty obvious. What isn’t as obvious is that the Tesla vehicle is constructed MUCH stronger than the terrorist expected. While the contents of the truck blew up, it didn’t result in the typical electric vehicle fire.
The New Orleans truck was a Ford, loaded with incendiaries with a remote detonator. Fortunately the NO cops , while too slow to stop him from running over 15 people, were quick enough to unlife him before he had a chance to detonate the contents.

Electric vehicles use lithium batteries. A LOT of them. Lithium is very light but also very volatile. The battery packs used for vehicles have other materials as well. Cobalt and graphite are just two of them. An electric vehicle fire is incredibly intense and toxic. Water makes the fire worse. The special materials required to fight a lithium fire CO2 foams, insulating smothering blankets, truck loads of sand make the process very difficult, time consuming and expensive.

Did the two drivers choose electric vehicles for the greater fire and devastation potential? Or because they are more environmentally friendly? I can’t imagine any other reason for driving an electric truck from Houston to New Orleans except to be horribly more dangerous. That part of Bourbon street is crowded and both sides have old two-and three-story buildings on both sides. Set off the incendiaries AND light off the truck and a major conflagration could result. A major portion of the French Quarter could have been incinerated. Do you think that this will be only time that an electric vehicle will be the explosive delivery vehicle of choice? I don’t. Think about using one to ignite several rows of cars in an underground garage. Severely limited access, multiple cars full of gasoline worse yet other electric vehicles and you have a disaster not unlike what happened on 9/11.

Resident Brandon has invited the barbarians into our home.

The war that was declared against us in the 7th century is now here. Thank God that DJT will be our next president. Hopefully he will be in time.


The Snark