No. Just No.

PJ Media reported yesterday that the Biden administration is trying once again to settle the legal situation for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) and the other plotters of the September 11th attack and has opened negotiations that would give the terrorists life sentences. Is there any indication that the attitude of these prisoners has changed? Is a life sentence an intermediate step toward releasing them to their home countries where they will miraculously escape jail?

The article reports:

Even the suggestion of a deal during the Trump administration enraged then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who complained to Defense Secretary James N. Mattis about the convening authority, Harvey Rishikof. Shortly after that, Rishikof was fired.

There have also been suggestions of transferring some prisoners charged with lesser crimes to third countries and reducing the sentences of others who were unaware of the 9/11 plot. The goal — as stated first by Barack Obama and then Joe Biden — is to close the prison camp at Guantanamo and try the remaining inmates in civil court. When Obama tried this in 2010, the backlash was so severe he had to drop it.

President George Bush made a mistake in building the prison camp at Guantanamo. But if we’re not going to execute the terrorists who plotted to murder nearly 3,000 American citizens — and the fact that we haven’t is a blot on American justice — they should be locked away and forgotten.

I don’t necessarily agree with everything stated in the article, but the fact remains that plotting to kill Americans only gets you locked up in a tropical paradise where people cater to your culinary requests. If an American plotted a mass murder, in most American states he would face the death penalty. We don’t even have the will to execute terrorists anymore? Have we forgotten?