The Difference Between The Two Parties

The Republicans have taken control of the Senate. They have announced some of their plans. Generally speaking, their goal is to govern America in a way consistent with the Constitution and in a way that works for most Americans. The Democrats should be very grateful for that.

On January 3rd, Townhall reported:

The 119th Congress has just begun, and Republicans have a new leader in the Senate with Sen. John Thune (R-SD). As Thune has been saying ever since he was selected as majority leader in November, he plans to protect the filibuster, the very institution Senate Democrats fought so ferociously to destroy when they were in the majority. They would have ramped up those efforts even further, had they kept control of the chamber. For Friday’s speech, Thune plans to again reference his commitment to the filibuster. 

…Under Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Democrats tried multiple times to nuke the filibuster, including when it comes to attempts to pass legislation that would lead to a federal takeover of our election laws and attempts to pass legislation that would expand Roe v. Wade by allowing for abortion up until birth without legal limit in all 50 states. Such efforts failed, though, thanks to Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. Both ultimately left the Democratic Party and became Independents, and neither ran for reelection in 2024. 

…Leading up to the 2024 election, far-left groups made it clear that they prioritized nuking the filibuster and packing the U.S. Supreme Court. In the final weeks of the campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris expressed her support for such a plan in order to make it easier for legislation to do with her her pet issue of abortion to get passed. Sen. Bob Casey Jr (D-PA) and Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX), who was running against Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate race, expressed the same views. Harris, Casey, and Allred all ended up losing their races. 

Oddly enough, now that they are no longer in control of the Senate, the Democrats are less interested in getting rid of the filibuster. Wow! How things change.

What To Look Forward To In 2022

The Conservative Treehouse is one of my favorite blogs. The writers have an ability to spot trends and see what is being planned. They are very good a predicting the moves made by the deep state. Yesterday they posted an article detailing what to expect in the 2022 mid-term elections. The deep state recently got their marching orders.

The article reports:

David Plouffe is the former campaign manager for Barack Obama, a senior advisor to all current politicians who are connected to that Obama network, and a senior strategist of influence in the entire network of people pulling the strings of puppet and avatar for Obama’s third-term, Joe Biden.

Plouffe is paid and funded by the corporate system, private companies and allies within the multinational sector, for his leverage and influence within the entire political apparatus. Today Plouffe is signaling his political allies [Tweet Here], those actual foot-soldiers who corrupted the 2020 election, they will have to re-double their efforts in 2022 if they are going to pull-off another election construct similar to the fraud they executed in 2020.

This is a screenshot of a Tweet from the article:

The article notes that this is not a casual statement.

The article reports:

Plouffe is the kind of person who would select the 7 key urban areas that needed the specific targeting for local election fraud: Atlanta (GA), Phoenix (AZ), Detroit (MI), Clark County (NV), Philadelphia (PA), Madison (Wisc), etc. Plouffe plots the map and turns it over to folks like Bob Creamer (see project Veritas expose’).

As a consequence of the transparent voter fraud, some states have taken defensive action against the mail-in ballot scheme; others are still trying. The DOJ (Garland) is attempting to block those voter integrity measures. The institutional network (government and media) is pushing the Delta Variant (mid-term variant) to keep the 2020 deployed gateway open for 2022. David Plouffe is signaling the crew to be prepared to go even one-step further in 2022.

The article notes the role the deep-state Republicans will play in this effort:

However, there’s another angle from the other wing of the UniParty (legislative multinationals and globalists) on the Republican side. Given the scale of the 2020 MAGA turnout, the GOPe now have a reference for the MAGA supervote. Republicans have to start positioning themselves to defend against the possibility that Trump’s army might just win, with a big wave, in the 2022 election.

Republicans need an insurance policy to protect their power if MAGA moves into their castle.

Watch Senator John Thune. For several years Mitch McConnell has been helping Thune position to take his power position within the senate chamber of the DC system. If the MAGA monster vote leads to Republicans taking control of the senate, the Decepticons need insurance. The GOPe move to tamp-down and control MAGA outrage against McConnell will be for Mitch to give up his position as Senate Majority leader, and that’s where Thune will step in.

Stay tuned. The establishment Republicans will do just about anything to keep the American people from actually electing people who represent them and will work for them.

In Case You Were Wondering Where The Holdup Was…

Breitbart posted an article today about Congress’ attempt to deal with the coronavirus epidemic. As usual, Washington is playing politics and not getting things done.

The article reports:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Sunday that she has decided to move forward with her own emergency coronavirus relief package.

Pelosi spokes just hours before the Senate was scheduled to take a procedural vote that would lead towards a final vote on a bipartisan economic relief package. The bill would provide economic relief after the coronavirus epidemic ravaged the country’s economy.

“From my standpoint, we’re apart,” she said.

Subsequently, Senate leaders decided to delay a planned vote to 6 p.m. Sunday.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on the Senate floor on Sunday that he intended for the legislation to be bipartisan and aimed at helping the American people.

“What we have is a compromise product which contains ideas, contributions, and priorities on both sides and which could become law as soon as tomorrow,” he said. “In other words, it’s just about time to take yes for an answer.”

…Pelosi said that Republicans and Democrats are still “talking” but that there is no need to meet McConnell’s Monday deadline for a Senate vote on the coronavirus package.
Senate Republicans and the White House have insisted that they will continue to push for the $1.6 trillion economic relief package, which would include $350 billion in support for small businesses and $250 billion for unemployment insurance. The package would also include direct cash payments to individuals around $1,200 per individual, with additional funds going to families with children.
Politico reported Sunday that “it’s not clear how Pelosi’s plan would work — committee chairs have been frenetically compiling ideas for a legislative package, but are not yet ready for legislative text.”
Senate Majority Whip John Thune (R-SD) said this weekend, “The Democrats are getting some of the things they’ve asked for. They’re getting what they wanted on unemployment insurance.”
It seems as if Washington is functioning as usual. Congress will continue to work and get paid while many Americans lose their source of income because of the coronavirus. They are playing politics rather than doing what they can to help Americans in a crisis.

The Government Does Not Need More Money–It Needs To Spend Less is reporting today that Senator John Thune, the incoming chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, is considering all options to replenish the shrinking Highway Trust Fund–he would not rule out a gasoline tax increase.

This is the kind of thinking that makes me go ballistic. Gas prices have finally come down to the point where Americans don’t cry when they fill up their gas tanks, and this person wants to increase to tax to raise the price. The recent decrease in gasoline prices is the equivalent of a tax break for Americans who use their cars to commute to work or use their cars as part of their businesses. An increase in gasoline prices due to a tax hike would not be good for the American economy in general. I can’t believe a Republican senator would even consider it.

This sort of thinking does not represent the American people. If raising the gasoline tax seems like a good idea to Senator Thune, he needs to be voted out of office.