I Guess The Truth Is Relative

On Monday The Conservative Treehouse posted an article about a recent statement made by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

The article reports:

On Friday the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said: “Median weekly earnings of the nation’s 113.6 million full-time wage and salary workers were $990 in the second quarter of 2021 (not seasonally adjusted), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This was 1.2 percent lower than a year earlier.” (Data)

On Monday the White House says: “Wages are up.”

The article includes a video of Jen Psaki making that statement.

The article notes:

The reality is when you combine 1.2% decrease in earned wages with a 5.4% inflation rate, real wages are down 7.6% from last year. {Go Deep}

Does the Biden administration really believe that Americans will not notice that their spending power is down considerably from last year? I know that politicians tend to exaggerate, but this is unbelievable. How many times was President Trump accused of lying with no examples given? Here you have a blatant lie, and I doubt that the media will report it. Hopefully American voters are paying attention to what the Biden administration is doing to their economic well being.