How Safe Is The Manufacturing Of The Vaccine?

On Sunday (updated Monday), The Epoch Times posted an article about manufacturing violations in the production of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.

The article reports:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors uncovered problems at a Moderna plant used to manufacture a substance that is part of the company’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a newly released document.

Moderna failed to meet multiple requirements, including rules aimed at minimizing the potential for contamination, according to the document.

FDA inspectors performed inspections at the plant in Norwood, Massachusetts from, Sept. 11 to Sept. 21, visiting nine times in total.

They found that equipment used to manufacture the substance was not cleaned properly before usage, that a mock cleaning done for manufacturing did not adequately simulate the actual process, that written alarm procedures were not followed, and that neither the equipment nor the plant were designed in a way that would make contamination less likely.

Inspectors also learned that Moderna used materials beyond their expiration date.

“There are more than two thousand expired items stored in your … warehouse and cold storage at time of inspection,” Unnee Ranjan, the FDA’s lead investigator, wrote in a summary of the inspections.

The article concludes:

Another part of the FDA report, dated Sept. 21, described how the Norwood facility did not have adequately designed air handling systems to “assure appropriate air quality in the … cleanroom in which the mRNA drug substance is manufactured.”

Inspectors also said they found positive air pressure was not “consistently maintained” between cleanrooms and airlocks and that monitoring data showed the cleanroom pressure turned negative between January and September. That development was “not assessed for potential impact,” they said.

“At face value, it appears multiple controls designed to prevent contamination were deficient,” Mr. Lynn said.

Another recently released document, produced by the nonprofit Informed Consent Action Network on orders from a federal judge, showed the FDA detected in Andover, Massachusetts, issues with the manufacture of a substance used in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Pfizer said in response it had taken actions to correct the issues.

The government is still putting ads up on television encouraging Americans to take the vaccine, even after there have been numerous reports of serious side effects. Now we find out there are manufacturing problems also? It’s time for the Covid vaccine to go away.



Things The Media Forgot To Share

On Sunday, The Vigilant Fox at Substack posted a list of ten stories the media forgot to tell us this week.

This is the list:

10 – 97% of scientists don’t agree on ‘climate crisis.’

#9 – EU politician makes bold statements about Donald Trump.

#8 – Tucker Carlson declares, “The whole George Floyd story was a lie.”

#7 – Man gets dragged out of Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill Clinton’s trips to Epstein Island.

#6 – Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that statin drugs are impairing brain function.

#5 – New research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot.

#4 – Florida Surgeon General drops eye-opening revelations on Biden admin’s booster push.

#3 – Swiss banker calls for arrest of Bill Gates and those responsible for “democide.”

#2 – Whistleblower reveals startling data linking tens of thousands of New Zealand deaths to the COVID jabs.

#1 – Pfizer hid nearly 80% of COVID-19 vaccine trial deaths from regulators in order to qualify for Emergency Use Authorization.

If you are still relying on the mainstream media for your news, some of this may be new to you.


Taking Action, Then Being Stalled

In May, I posted an article about Yulia Hicks, a child who was denied a kidney transplant at Duke University Hospital because she had not received a Covid-19 vaccine. Yulia had had Covid-19, recovered from the disease, and had natural immunity. Thankfully, East Carolina University agreed to do the surgery, and Yulia is well on her way to recovery. However, the story doesn’t end there.

In their week of August 3rd edition, The County Compass updated the story of Yulia. In the article, The County Compass reported that Celeste Cairns, a representative to the North Carolina legislature from Carteret County, introduced a bill in the North Carolina House of Representatives on April 6 that would prohibit North Carolina transplant centers from discriminating (House Bill 586) against individuals seeking to donate or receive an anatomical gift or organ transplant solely on the bases is their Covid-19 vaccination status. The bill was also introduced in the North Carolina Senate on April 5. The main sponsor of the Senate bill is Senator Jim Perry. The main sponsors of the House bill are Representatives Celeste Cairns, Sarah Stevens, Kristin Baker, and Donna McDowell White. The bill was referred to the Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate on 5/3/2023 and hasn’t been heard from since. This is the link to the page showing the members of this committee. It would be really nice if they heard from the citizens of North Carolina that discriminating against people who were not vaccinated is not acceptable. If you click on the names of the people on the committee, the site will provide you with their email addresses. If you would like to see this bill passed, please let the committee members know.



More Questions Than Answers

On Thursday, The Epoch Times posted an article about the increasing occurrence of myocarditis in our military personnel.

The article reports:

Cases of myocarditis soared among U.S. service members in 2021 after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, a top Pentagon official has confirmed.

There were 275 cases of myocarditis in 2021—a 151 percent spike from the annual average from 2016 to 2020, according to Gilbert Cisneros Jr., undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, who confirmed data revealed by a whistleblower earlier this year.

The COVID-19 vaccines can cause myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation that can lead to mortality, including sudden death. COVID-19 also can cause myocarditis.

The diagnosis data comes from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database.

Mr. Cisneros provided the rate of cases per 100,000 person-years, a way to measure risk across a certain period of time. In 2021, the rate was 69.8 among those with prior infection, compared to 21.7 among members who had been vaccinated.

“This suggests that it was more likely to be [COVID-19] infection and not COVID-19 vaccination that was the cause,” Mr. Cisneros said.

No figures were given for members who had been vaccinated but were also infected. The total rate, 20.6, also indicates that some members weren’t included in the subgroup analysis.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who has been investigating problems with the database, questioned how the military came up with the figures.

“It is unclear whether or how it accounted for service members who had a prior COVID-19 infection and received a COVID-19 vaccination,” Mr. Johnson wrote to Mr. Cisneros.

There are some unique aspects of the use of the Covid-19 vaccine. It has been reported that the vaccine could not be approved for emergency use unless there was no known cure for the disease. Oddly enough, despite information that ivermectin had been used successfully to treat Covid-19, the FDA would not approve that treatment. Thus, the vaccine was able to be used. Since we are no longer in a state of emergency, I wonder what has happened to vaccine mandates.

The article concludes:

Military officials hadn’t previously mentioned any data lag previously while communicating with Mr. Johnson or the public, and they didn’t incorporate the available data when they sent him another missive in mid-2022.

“Without the whistleblower’s disclosure, I doubt DOD would have ever acknowledged that it provided incomplete information to my office in February 2022 and again in July 2022,” Mr. Johnson said.

He said the DOD had demonstrated “a complete disregard for transparency” and urged officials to make clear whether it has investigated whether any of the medical conditions for which diagnoses spiked are associated with the vaccines.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Merit-based Promotions?

On Tuesday, Breitbart posted an article about the Republican-controlled House’s version of 2024 National Defense Authorization Act. The bill has a number of provisions that the Biden administration opposes.

The article reports:

“The Administration strongly opposes the House’s sweeping attempts…to eliminate the Department’s longstanding [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access] efforts and related initiatives to promote a cohesive and inclusive force,” the Biden administration said in a Statement of Administration Policy.

It seems to me that promotions based on merit promote a more cohesive and inclusive force. If people understand that they will be rewarded for their hard work, they are inclined to work harder. If someone knows that they will not get a promotion because they are the wrong color or the wrong sexual orientation, their attitude will reflect that knowledge.

The article continues:

The Biden administration specifically said it opposed Section 364, which would prohibit the defense secretary from appointing or employing a military or civilian employee whose duties include diversity, equity, and inclusion with a rank or grade above O-2 (military) or GS-10 (civilian).

It also said it opposed Section 523, which required the Department of Defense to issue policy that all military accessions, assignments, selections, or promotions must adhere to merit-based principles and that quotas are prohibited.

Those particular provisions were authored by Navy veteran and Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee Chairman Jim Banks (R-IN), who told Breitbart News in a statement:

It’s incredibly dangerous that the Biden administration is opposed to merit based promotions. When our service members are in life or death situations, we need the best leaders, period.

The Biden administration also said in its statement that it opposed two other of Banks’ provisions, Sections 525 and 526.

Section 525 would prohibit punishment of service members based solely on refusal to receive COVID-19 vaccines and authorizes the reinstatement of individuals discharged for vaccine refusal.

Section 526 directs the military services’ Boards of Correction to prioritize requests to review the narrative reasons of discharge and re-entry codes of veterans for service members discharged for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Please follow the link and read the rest of the article. Actually, I think the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act sounds pretty good.

Someone Stepped Forward To Solve The Problem

On Monday, The Daily Wire reported that the child who had been denied a kidney transplant at Duke University Hospital because she was not vaccinated for Covid-19 will now be receiving a kidney transplant at another hospital.

The article reports:

The teen has a genetic kidney disorder that requires a transplant, but her family said last year that Duke was refusing to put Yulia on the kidney wait list because she is unvaccinated against COVID. Notably, the family says Yulia has already recovered from the virus.

…The Daily Wire reported last year that a phone call, the recording of which was obtained by journalist Alex Berenson, revealed a Duke health official telling the Hicks family that Yulia must get vaccinated against COVID before she could become a candidate for the kidney transplant.

“I can’t require you to do anything. I can recommend these things, but if you don’t follow our recommendations, then Yulia can’t be a transplant candidate here,” the Duke Health kidney specialist reportedly said.

“Being unvaccinated to the CDC recommended vaccinations based on her age is part of that,” the kidney specialist allegedly added.

Her family said Yulia has already contracted COVID and recovered, but doctors told them Yulia’s natural immunity was not enough, according to the recorded call.

“The virus has continued to mutate and so the natural immunity is not as good as if you had natural immunity plus vaccination,” one doctor said on the call.

Chrissy Hicks told The Daily Wire that Yulia was headed to the hospital on Monday morning for a pre-operational consultation. The surgery is scheduled for Thursday.

I don’t know about you, but I know a lot of vaccinated people who have been sick with Covid-19. Right now most of the cases I am aware of are people who are vaccinated–not the unvaccinated. Unfortunately, many of the people who have been vaccinated and many of the people who have recovered from Covid-19 have had the disease multiple times. The good news is that people who are currently getting the disease don’t seem to be as sick as people who caught the original virus. At some point, doctors might have to admit that the vaccine has not proven effective in preventing the disease.

Our Children As Guinea Pigs

On Friday, The Gateway Pundit reported that the COVID-19 vaccine was formally added to the routine immunization schedule for both children and adolescents by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday.

There are a lot of problems with this. First of all, generally speaking, children are not at risk for serious cases of Covid-19. Secondly, the current mutations of Covid-19 bear more of a resemblance to the common cold than they do to the serious disease that arrived here two years ago. Third, this vaccine has not been around long enough for us to know the long-term effects of the vaccine. Even the short term effects can be serious. If you search for ‘sudden deaths from Covid vaccine’ on the ‘’ search engine, you can find numerous articles about the phenomenon. If you search on ‘duckduckgo’, you may find a few. The fact remains that there are more questions than answers regarding the vaccine.

The article reports:

Back in October 2022,  the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which provides advice and guidance to the Director of the CDC regarding the use of vaccines for the control of vaccine-preventable diseases, voted to recommend COVID-19 to be included in the 2023 childhood immunization schedule in 15 unanimous votes.

ACIP recommended the use of COVID-19 vaccines for everyone as young as 6 months and older. The COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines may be administered on the same day.

Once CDC approves it, our Department of Health can exercise its rule-making authority to add it to the healthcare and school schedule at any time. And now it’s official.

The recommendation to include the experimental COVID vaccine was approved by the CDC together with doctors, nurses, and pharmacists on Thursday as they are bringing the COVID emergency declaration to an end.

The article cites the CDC claim that adding the vaccine to the list of recommended vaccines does not necessarily make it mandated.

The article notes:

The CDC claimed that adding the COVID vaccine to the list of immunization schedules does not mean it will be mandatory for school entry.

The agency stated that school-entry vaccination requirements are determined by state or local jurisdictions.

“Moving Covid-19 to the recommended immunization schedule does not impact what vaccines are required for school entrance, if any,” said Nirav Shah, M.D., director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, during the 2022 ACIP meeting. “Local control matters. And we honor that the decision around school entrance for vaccines rests where it did before, which is with the state level, the county level, and at the municipal level if it exists at all.”

Please follow the link to read the entire article. Our children are not guinea pigs and should not be treated as such.

Why Track?

On Thursday, The Conservative Review posted an article about the federal government’s plan to track your Covid vaccination status across a spectrum of health care and governmental databases.

The article reports:

Recently, the National File uncovered audio from a September 2021 CMS meeting in which medical officer David Berglund expressed an interest in the feds using new ICD-10 codes to track those who are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated. “We have had interest in coding people who are not immunized for COVID-19,” said Berglund in his presentation. Well, it turns out that in April 2022, CMS implemented the following codes in the subcategory of “underimmunization status”:

    • Z28.310 Unvaccinated for COVID-19
    • Z28.311 Partially vaccinated for COVID-19
    • Z28.39 Other under-immunization status

But the most jarring point is the note placed at the bottom of these new codes on page 1915 of the new ICD catalogue. “Note: These codes should not be used for individuals who are not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccines, as determined by the healthcare provider.”

The article also observes:

But what this note reveals is that they are only using the codes for those who refused to get the shots, not for those who were somehow ineligible. But why? If they believe that someone remaining unvaccinated is tantamount to having a vulnerable condition, then the important fact is just that they are not vaccinated, not why they are unvaccinated.

What this clearly demonstrates is that they want to track those who refused to get the shots. What do you think they will do with that information? It’s quite evident that they want the ability to identify the critical thinkers in this country and retaliate against them by engaging in medical apartheid. We need not imagine that. We already have the warning of the nightmare from the past two years of denying travel rights, entry into stores, and even organ transplants based on this personal decision.

What is also peculiar is that they rushed to get codes for the mythical disease of “unvaccinated,” but despite 1.5 million VAERS reports of COVID jab injuries, there is still no special ICD for COVID-19 vaccine injury. As Dr. Jessica Rose points out, there are now injuries associated with 14,000 of the 24,289 Preferred Term (PT) MedDRA codes reported to VAERS, yet they still refuse to code one generically for the shot itself.

The problem with politicians (or in this case government medical people) is that they are constantly seeking more control. If we do not put a stop to vaccine tyranny, it will continue. This is one issue the Republicans need to deal with quickly before it advances any further.

Is Anyone Really Looking Out For Our Military?

On Friday, The Daily Caller posted an article listing the four Republican Senators who voted against the amendment to the defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

These are the four Republican Senators:

Republican Senators Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill re-enlisting thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.

That is a disgrace.

The article reports:

The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have separated at least 8,400 active duty and reserve troops for spurning the Department of Defense’s (DOD) August 2021 requirement that all servicemembers receive the COVID-19 vaccine, according to information the DOD provided to the DCNF. While the bicameral defense bill released late Tuesday directs the Pentagon to rescind the mandate, it stopped short of requiring the military to restore discharged troops to their prior positions or provide reparations.

…Defense leaders continue to maintain that ensuring the overall health of individual servicemembers, including by receiving complete doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, is a “readiness issue.” The White House reiterated support for the vaccination mandate on Dec. 5, Fox News reported.

Republican Sens. Cruz, Thom Tillis and Richard Burr of North Carolina, John Barrasso of Wyoming, Roy Blunt of Missouri and Bill Hagerty of Tennessee did not vote in Thursday evening’s session.

There is evidence that the vaccine is not entirely safe on young males. Much of our military is in the category where there have been heart problems as a result of the vaccine. It seems to me that until the vaccine can be proven entirely safe for young adult males, our military should not be giving or requiring the vaccine. Stay tuned for lawsuits in coming years from young men who developed heart conditions after receiving the vaccine.

Heart Problems And Covid Vaccines

On November 20th, The Epoch Times posted an article about the link between the Covid mRNA vaccine and heart problems.

The article reports:

Until the British cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, expressed grave concern about the safety of Covid mRNA vaccines, he was one of the most celebrated doctors in Britain. In 2016 he was named in the Sunday Times Debrett’s list as one of the most influential people in science and medicine in the UK in a list that included Professor Stephen Hawking. His total Altmetric score (measure of impact and reach) of his medical journal publications since 2013 is over 10,000 making it one of the highest in the World for a clinical doctor during this period.

In the early days of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Britain, he advocated the injections for the general public. However, in July of 2021, he experienced a terrible personal loss that caused him to reevaluate the shots—namely, the sudden and unexpected death of his 73-year-old father. His father’s death made no sense to him because he knew from his own examination that his father’s general and cardiac health were excellent. As he put it in a recent interview:

His postmortem findings really shocked me. There were two severe blockages in his coronary arteries, which didn’t really make any sense with everything I know, both as a cardiologist—someone who has expertise in this particular area—but also intimately knowing my dad’s lifestyle and his health. Not long after that, data started to emerge that suggested a possible link between the mRNA vaccine and increased risk of heart attacks from a mechanism of increasing inflammation around the coronary arteries. But on top of that, I was contacted by a whistleblower at a very prestigious university in the UK, a cardiologist himself, who explained to me that there was a similar research finding in his department, and that those researchers had decided to essentially cover that up because they were worried about losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry. But it doesn’t stop there. I then started looking at data in the UK to see if there had been any increase in cardiac arrest. My dad suffered a cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death at home. Had there been any change in the UK since the vaccine rollout? And again those findings were very clear. There’s been an extra 14,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests in 2021 vs 2020.

The more Dr. Malhotra looked into it, the more he felt the same concern about the safety of the mRNA vaccines that Dr. Peter McCullough had felt since the spring of 2021. The alarming incidence of sudden, unexpected deaths during the latter half of 2021 and the first eight months of 2022—especially among the young and fit—strengthened his grave concern and suspicion.

The Covid mRNA vaccine is an experimental vaccine. I believe that it should be taken off the market until it can be proven to be safe. There have been too many athletes and people who were in seemingly good health that have died shortly after receiving the vaccine. It’s time we tested more before giving the shot to anyone.

Shouldn’t They Have Done This First?

On Sunday, The Conservative Review reported:

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 11, 2020. A week later, the FDA issued an EUA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. Now, nearly two years later, Pfizer and Moderna will launch clinical trials to track adverse health issues stemming from the COVID-19 vaccines, such as myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle.

Pfizer is in the infancy of beginning clinical trials to determine if there are any health risks associated with their own vaccine. In a partnership with the Pediatric Heart Network, the trial will focus on vaccine recipients who have suffered heart issues following being jabbed with the COVID-19 vaccine. The clinical trials will monitor patients for five years.

Enrollment for the study in the U.S. and Canada has not started yet. However, the research team has already identified more than 250 patients with myocarditis, according to Dr. Dongngan Truong – a pediatrician at the University of Utah Health and a co-lead on the Pfizer study.

NBC News reported on Friday, “The team will also compare the patients to a subset of patients with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, also known as MIS-C, which is associated with a COVID infection.”

The article concludes:

In July 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report that stated: “An elevated risk for myocarditis among mRNA COVID-19 vaccinees has been observed, particularly in males aged 12–29 years.”

The report found, “Myocarditis reporting rates were 40.6 cases per million second doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines administered to males aged 12−29 years.”

The CDC added, “Myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported. When reported, the cases have especially been in adolescents and young adult males within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna).”

In April, an Israeli large-population study of 196,992 unvaccinated adults who were post-COVID-19 infection were “not associated with either myocarditis or pericarditis.”

“We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection,” the authors wrote.

I believe that the federal government wants to include the Covid vaccine in its list of vaccines required for children to attend school. Until this study is completed, that is not a good idea.

Rejecting Covid-19 Vaccinations For Children

On Friday, The Daily Signal posted an article about the states that are refusing to mandate Covid-19 vaccinations for children.

The article reports:

At least 11 states have rejected or are expected to reject a recommendation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that pediatricians give COVID-19 shots to children along with other vaccines.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices unanimously decided Thursday to add COVID-19 shots to the children’s immunization schedule, which some schools and states use to create vaccination requirements. Many states, however, have laws in place that prohibit schools from requiring a COVID-19 vaccination for students.

Some of the states who are not including Covid-19 vaccines in their vaccine requirements for children are Wyoming, Iowa, Oklahoma, Montana, South Carolina, Florida, Arkansas, and Arizona.

On October 14th, a website called NewsTarget posted the following:

Kaiser Permanente (KP), a well-known insurance company and healthcare provider, has commissioned a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine against the dominant omicron subvariants.

The KP study revealed that those who are triple-vaccinated are more likely to be infected with COVID-19. Shockingly, or maybe not, they were also more likely to suffer severe illness and die from coronavirus.

According to a report by investigative journalist Daniel Horowitz, one chart on page 30 of the KP preprint study found that vaccine efficacy against the omicron subvariants dropped significantly 14 to 30 days after vaccination.

The efficacy continues to fall in the following months until it reaches negative territory after five months. This suggests that the recipients are more likely to get coronavirus than the unvaccinated.

Additionally, the study results indicate that triple-vaccinated individuals are at greater risk of getting COVID-19 after five months than those who only received two vaccine doses. (Related: Study finds 84% increase in incidence of cardiac-related DEATH among men under 40 following mRNA vaccination.)

Horowitz, who has reported on the negative efficacy of the coronavirus vaccine for the past year, added that it’s possible that the vaccines “prime the body to respond with a version of the virus that has long since changed, thereby making the natural immune response misfire.”

The article at NewsTarget also notes:

Meanwhile, British government data found that adults aged 40 to 74 who have received mRNA booster shots are twice as likely to be hospitalized as those who haven’t been boosted.

In June, an analysis of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trials by British Medical Journal Editor Dr. Peter Doshi and other medical experts revealed that people who received the mRNA vaccines were more likely to be in the hospital than get protection “from a severe adverse event.”

It’s time to recall the Covid vaccine and go back to the drawing board!


Taking Advantage

On Friday, The Gateway Pundit posted the following headline:

Pfizer Plans 400% Price Increase for mRNA COVID Jab After CDC Panels Recommend to Include COVID Shots for Children and Adolescents Annual Immunization Schedule

The article reports:

Pfizer announced during an investor call that the company is considering charging between $110 and $130 per dosage for the private market for the COVID shot Comirnaty as government contracts come to an end.

The call was conducted on Thursday to review data on RSV and provide a commercial update on the company’s COVID vaccine. The investor call was uploaded on Thursday at 3:31 PM, hours after CDC panels voted to add the COVID vaccine to the annual immunization schedule for children and adolescents.

The new pricing will go into effect in 2023, most likely during the first quarter.

The article concludes:

The price is not out of line with other vaccines that are provided to adults. It is more than what CVS, for example, charges for a flu shot ($50 or $95), but is less than many other vaccines including Pneumovax 23 ($141), hepatitis ($145), meningitis ($179), shingles ($205) and HPV ($261).

Moderna did not respond immediately to a question about how much it plans to charge for its COVID-19 vaccine Spikevax.

In justifying the price, Pfizer mentioned its “50/50 gross profit split” with BioNTech and the reinvestment cost as the company continues to beef up manufacturing and develop the vaccine as the virus evolves.

I am not convinced that the risk of the vaccine for children outweighs the risk of getting COVID-19. This is an experimental vaccine, and I question the wisdom of making it mandatory. Parents and their doctors should have the right to decide whether or not to give their children this vaccine. There is no evidence that the vaccine prevents the disease or that it lessens the severity of the disease. The vaccine has only been approved for emergency use, so how does the CDC have the authority to include it in children’s vaccine schedules? I am sure we will  hear more about this. Meanwhile, think carefully before you give your child the vaccine. There is a lot of evidence that it may do more harm than good.

Sometimes The Insurance Companies Have The Actual Information We Need

On August 15th, Daniel Horowitz posted an article at The Conservative Review about some interesting numbers from a German insurance company about claims for injuries from the Covid-19 vaccine.

The article reports:

According to data from Techniker Krankenkasse, the largest German medical insurance company, there were a total of 437,593 insurance claims billed under the four diagnostic codes for vaccine injury in 2021. To put those numbers in perspective, the total numbers billed for a vaccine injury code in the two preceding years was 13,777 and 15,044, respectively. As the Daily Skeptic notes, given that TK insures 11 million people, that means 1 in 23, or 4.3%, had a medical treatment billed for vaccine injury. And that assumes all 11 million were vaccinated. The background vaccination rate in Germany is 78%, although most of the unvaccinated are children, so the rate of injury per vaccinated person is likely even higher (5.1%).

Putting aside confounding factors, but just to provide a rough estimate to open your mind to the scope of this problem, a 4.3% clinical level injury rate, if extrapolated for the 223 million vaccinated in the United Sates, would equal approximately 9.6 million injured Americans. While that number sounds unconscionable, remember that this data harmonizes almost perfectly with the Israeli health ministry survey that found a 4.5% rate of neurological side effects just from those who received booster shots (not total doses, which is likely more).

The article also notes that the VAERS data is also in line with these numbers (although the Biden administration has downplayed the accuracy of the VAERS data).

The article concludes:

Neil (the incoming president of the Australian Medical Professionals Society, Christopher Neil) observes the obvious – that the degree of adverse event reporting is sky-high. “To be clear, the TGA has received more Adverse Event reports in 2021 through June 2022 for the COVID-19 vaccines, than they have been seen for all other vaccines in the preceding 50-year period.”

If you just take the data from VAERS and the EudraVigilance system of the European Medicines Agency, there were a total of 76,253 dead and 6,033,218 injured, as of mid-July. That in itself is mind-blowing, but if you adjust for an underreporting factor of 41, that would total nearly 1.9 million deaths and 247 million injuries! Amazingly, yet sickeningly, 247 million injuries would equal 4.6% of all the people jabbed on this third rock from the sun – nearly exactly the extrapolated rate of injury from the German medical billing data!

Some are asking whether Steve Deace and I were overly dramatic in calling this the Fourth Reich and demanding a Nuremberg trial. But as the days pass and the sheer horror of this becomes apparent, the public will want to know why there was no demand to abide by the Nuremberg Code from day one.

I do believe that at some point the lawsuits in America will begin. At that point Pfizer may find itself in a position similar to that of Purdue Pharma in the Oxycontin trial.

Searching For The Truth

On Saturday, Townhall posted an article about Americans and the Covid vaccine.

The article reports:

In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, UCLA Geffen School of Medicine Doctor Joseph Lapado and Yale School of Public Health Doctor Harvey Risch are sounding the alarm that there may be serious underestimated risks involved with the side effects of the Wuhan Coronavirus vaccine.

This comes as an independent pollster found that a significant number of Americans regret receiving the vaccine in the first place. 

10 percent of those vaccinated said they wish they hadn’t done so, while 15 percent of adults said they have been diagnosed with a new condition by a medical practitioner weeks or months after the first dose. 

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) authorized the poll two years after the first vaccine was rolled out. 

“The fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 232 million Americans ages 18–65 have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 15 percent of those surveyed report a newly diagnosed condition is concerning and needs further study,” Laura Bono, CHD’s executive director said. 

The article lists some of the medical problems encountered by those who received the vaccine– blood clots, disrupted menstrual cycles, heart attacks, strokes, lung clots and liver damage. About 10 percent of the people who experienced these problems said that the problems were severe.

The article concludes:

The Epoch Times reported that in May, hospitals saw an increase in cases of heart inflammation among patients. They also noted that the media has given more attention to cases of blood clots despite myocarditis being more common. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci also admitted that vaccine caused menstrual irregularities, saying that the issue is “temporary” and that they “need to study it more.”

I wish they had studied it more before they demanded that everyone take the shot or lose their job.

Lied To Again

On Wednesday, The Epoch Times posted an article about the connection between the Covid-19 vaccines and heart inflammation.

The article reports:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has claimed that there was no known association between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines as late as October 2021.

CDC officials made the claim, which is false, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request for reports from a CDC team that is focused on analyzing the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis and pericarditis, two forms of heart inflammation. Both began to be detected at higher-than-expected rates after COVID-19 vaccination in the spring of 2021.

The team focuses on studying data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a passive surveillance system co-run by the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The date range for the search was April 2, 2021, to Oct. 2, 2021.

“The National Center for Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases performed a search of our records that failed to reveal any documents pertaining to your request,” Roger Andoh, a CDC records officer, told The Epoch Times. The center is part of the CDC.

No abstractions or reports were available because “an association between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was not known at that time,” Andoh added.

Reports of heart inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination were first made public in April 2021 by the U.S. military, which detected the issue along with Israeli authorities well before the CDC.

While Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC’s director, said that month that the agency had looked for a safety signal in its data and found none, by the end of June CDC researchers were saying that the available data “suggest an association with immunization,” and in August described (pdf) the issue as a “harm” from vaccination.

The claim that the link wasn’t known “is provably false,” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email. “Either the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing at CDC, or federal health officials are disseminating misinformation about what they knew about myocarditis following mRNA COVID vaccines and when they knew it.”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said that the FOIA response “raises even more questions about the agency’s honesty, transparency, and use, or lack thereof, of its safety surveillance systems, such as VAERS, to detect COVID-19 vaccine adverse events.”

I do not claim to understand the technical aspect of this article. However, I do believe that the CDC and vaccine manufacturers have not been honest about the long-term effects of the Covid vaccines. I am not sure that they understand the long-term effects of the vaccines. I do think the time has come to do away with vaccine mandates (the vaccine is still supposedly experimental and only to be authorized in a state of emergency) and get on with our lives.

This Isn’t Working The Way It’s Supposed To Work

This is one of those articles I don’t claim to understand, but I am posting it because I think it is important.

On Wednesday, The Epoch Times posted an article based on information about the Covid-19 vaccine. The information was provided by Dr. Harvey Risch.

The article reports:

The antibodies triggered by COVID-19 vaccines are interfering with people’s immune systems as newer virus variants emerge, Dr. Harvey Risch said.

The two most widely-used vaccines in the United States, produced by Pfizer and Moderna, both work by sending messenger RNA into muscle cells, where they produce a piece of the spike protein from the virus that causes COVID-19. The spike protein triggers the production of antibodies, which are believed to help prevent infection by SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, and fight illness if one still gets infected.

But the vaccines are based on the spike protein from the original virus variant, which was displaced early in the pandemic. Since then, a series of newer strains have become dominant around the world, with the latest being BA.5.

“The vaccines only make a very narrow range of antibodies to the spike protein,” compared to the broader exposure experienced when one gets infected, Risch, an epidemiology professor at the Yale School of Public Health, told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders.”

“The problem with that is, of course, that when the spike protein changes because of new strains of the virus, that the ability of the immune system to make antibodies that correlate to the new strains becomes reduced to the point where it may be almost ineffective over longer periods of time,” he added.

That leads to the antibodies being triggered by the vaccines not binding strongly enough to neutralize.

“What that means is they become interfering antibodies, instead of neutralizing antibodies,” Risch said. “And that’s the reason I believe that we’ve seen what’s called negative benefit—negative vaccine efficacy over longer time—over four to six to eight months after the last vaccine dose, that one sees the benefit of the vaccines turn negative.”

A number of recent studies have indicated that people who were vaccinated are more likely to get infected with COVID-19 after a period of time, including Pfizer’s clinical trial in young children (pdf). Some real-world data also show higher rates of infection among the vaccinated. Other research indicates vaccines still provide some protection as time wears on after getting a shot, but the protection does wane considerably. The research all deals with the Omicron variant, which became dominant in late 2021, and its subvariants.

Please follow the link to read the entire article. The bottom line is fairly simple–the vaccine over time creates more problems than it solves. Studies in other countries are now finding that because the Covid virus has mutated, vaccinated people are more likely to get the virus than those with natural immunity. We don’t seem to know as much as we think we do.

Somehow The Mainstream Didn’t Report This

On July 11th, The Epoch Times posted the following headline, “New Study: Unvaccinated Wrongly Maligned.” Some of us have suspected this for quite some time, but it is nice to see someone reporting it.

The article reports:

A large-scale international study of those unvaccinated against COVID-19 finds a pattern of discrimination—and a relatively low hospitalization rate.

While the study’s findings are limited by the nature of the selection process, in which unvaccinated people opted in to participate, the new study suggests that those who declined the vaccine may not be the burden to the health care system many have claimed them to be. The study is now available as a preprint (which means it hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed). It was uploaded to ResearchGate earlier this month.

The findings hold significant importance to policymakers. According to Our World in Data, 60 percent of the world is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The 40 percent who aren’t vaccinated against the virus have been frequently blamed for the duration and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, even as vaccination rates reached up to 90 percent in many jurisdictions.

The COVID-19 virus became political because it was useful to pave the way for voter fraud. I suspect we are about to see a ‘serious outbreak’ of the virus some time before the mid-term election so that ballot drop boxes can be reinstated. If you have seen the movie “2000 Mules,” you know why that is important.

The article continues:

In many places in the United States, those who declined the COVID-19 vaccines have been discriminated against, stigmatized, and marginalized from society. Nurses and health care workers were fired, Air Force cadets were denied commissions, and family members found themselves ostracized within some of their most intimate and important relationships.

The vilification of the unvaccinated has come with the censorship of both science and personal experience. Many doctors, nurses, scientists, and other health care professionals who speak out about the safety and necessity of these vaccines have been threatened with the loss of their medical licenses, deleted from social media, canceled from events with their peers, and fired from their jobs.

The article includes information on the study that was conducted to help people who chose not to get the vaccine:

The study was conducted by Robert Verkerk, founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International, an affiliate of the CGC. A team of international scientists contributed to the research. The study analyzes the data from the CGC survey from the first five months of its operation—from September 2021 through February.

The article concludes:

For Verkerk, it’s about choice. We shouldn’t vilify those who rely on natural immunity or refuse the vaccines for religious, medical, or ethical reasons, he said.

“We have seen a dramatic erosion of the principles of medical ethics,” he wrote.

We need to respect autonomy (the right of competent adults to make individualized and informed decisions about their own medical care) and adhere to the principle of first doing no harm, as well as to the principles of beneficence and justice, according to Verkerk.

Please follow the link to read the entire article. There is a lot of good information about the vaccine and about the treatments for COVID-19.

What Is The Real Result Of The Covid Vaccine?

On May 3 (updated May 22), The Epoch Times posted an article about the COVID-19 vaccine.

The article reports:

  • According to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, more than 1 million excess deaths — that is, deaths in excess of the historical average — have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago, and this cannot be explained by COVID-19. Deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and many other illnesses rose during that time
  • Across the world, death rates have also risen in tandem with COVID shot administration, with the most-jabbed areas surpassing the least-jabbed in terms of excess mortality and COVID-related deaths
  • According to Walgreens data, during the week of April 19 through 25, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated persons tested positive for COVID. Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 23.1% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 26.3%. So, after the first booster shot (the third dose), people are at greatest risk of testing positive for COVID
  • U.K. government data show the all-cause mortality rate is between 100% and 300% greater among people who got their first COVID shot 21 days or more ago. The risk for all-cause death is also significantly elevated among those who got their second dose at least six months ago, and mildly elevated among those who got their third dose less than 21 days ago. As of January 2022, all who got one or more doses at least 21 days ago were dying at significantly elevated rates
  • Other data also show that COVID mortality rates are far higher in areas with high vaccination rates, and risk-benefit analyses reveal the jabs do more harm than good in most age groups

This is frightening. These statistics should be enough to stop the administering of the COVID-19 vaccine immediately.

The article notes:

Ever since the announcement that the COVID “vaccines” would be using novel mRNA gene transfer technology, I and many others have warned that this appears to be a very bad idea.

Numerous potential mechanisms for harm have been identified and detailed in previous articles, and we’re now seeing some of our worst fears come to bear. “Fully vaccinated” individuals are both more likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 and more likely to die, whether from COVID or some other cause.

As reported by investigative journalist Jeffrey Jaxen in the April 22, 2022, Highwire video above, data from Walgreens’ COVID-19 tracker[6] reveal that COVID-jabbed individuals are testing positive for COVID at higher rates than the unjabbed. What’s more, people who got their last shot five months or more ago have the highest risk.

As you can see in the screenshot below, during the week of April 19 through 25, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated tested positive for COVID (with Omicron being the predominant variant). (The data reviewed by Jaxen are from the week of April 10 through 16.)

Of those who received two doses five months or more ago, 23.1% tested positive, and of those who received a third dose five months or more ago, the positive rate was 26.3%. So, after the first booster shot (the third dose), people are at greatest risk of testing positive for COVID.

The article concludes:

While we may indeed need better pharmacovigilance, there’s really no doubt at this point that the COVID jabs are ill-advised for most people. I believe that in the years to come, people will look back at this time and vow to never repeat it. In the meantime, all we can do is look at and assess the data we do have, and make decisions accordingly.

If you have not already gotten your COVID shot, please don’t.

Does The Vaccine Actually Work?

On Monday, The Epoch Times posted an article about a recent study of the effectiveness of the Pfizer–BioNtech’s COVID-19 vaccine against the Omicron coronavirus variant.

The article reports:

The protection afforded against the Omicron coronavirus variant fades quickly after a second and third dose of Pfizer–BioNtech’s COVID-19 vaccine, according to a peer-reviewed study published in the JAMA Network.

A Danish study published in the JAMA Network on May 13 found that there was a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibodies only a few weeks after the administration of the second and third doses of the vaccine.

The study evaluated 128 adults who were vaccinated, and of that number, 73 people received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and 55 people received three doses between January 2021 and October 2021 or were previously infected before February 2021, and then vaccinated.

“Our study found a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses,” an abstract of the study reads. “The observed decrease in population neutralizing antibody titers corresponds to the decrease in vaccine efficacy against polymerase chain reaction–confirmed Omicron infection in Denmark and symptomatic Omicron infection in the United Kingdom.”

The antibody levels, which are associated with protection against future infections, dropped within a few weeks of getting the vaccine doses. They were also much lower than the antibodies specific to the Delta and original COVID-19 strains, according to the study.

The article concludes:

Those antibodies (Omicron-specific antibodies) increased with a third dose, increasing 21-fold three weeks after the dose before dropping to eightfold at week four. But with the third dose, antibody levels dropped as early as three weeks, falling 5.4-fold between the third and eighth week, the researchers said.

They concluded that it may be needed to provide additional booster doses to combat the Omicron variant, which emerged last fall, primarily among older individuals.

However, a study from Israeli researchers published in early April in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a fourth dose, or a second booster, of the Pfizer vaccine, doesn’t offer strong protection.

“Overall, these analyses provided evidence for the effectiveness of a fourth vaccine dose against severe illness caused by the omicron variant, as compared with a third dose administered more than 4 months earlier,” the study’s authors wrote at the time, after analyzing data from the Israeli Ministry of Health. “For confirmed infection, a fourth dose appeared to provide only short-term protection and a modest absolute benefit.”

I really think that the only real protection against Covid is actually getting Covid. I realize that the disease can be dangerous for some people, but what good does continually giving shots to people only to receive a short-term benefit do? We have reached the point where most Covid cases are similar to the common cold. Finding a vaccine that will work against all of the variations of Covid is about as likely as finding a vaccine for the common cold. I think it’s time to accept the fact that Covid is now with us forever and simply learn to deal with it without creating a population of pin cushions.


A Step In The Right Direction

On Saturday, The Gateway Pundit reported that the South Carolina Senate has passed a bill prohibiting businesses from refusing to serve unvaccinated people. The should prevent vaccine mandates from being instituted in the State.

The article reports:

The Senate approved the bill 29-12 on Wednesday. Senators made changes to a House bill which that chamber passed in December, meaning the proposal returns to the House to see if it accepts those changes.

Senators initially put in a large unemployment tax penalty for private businesses that fired unvaccinated workers. But instead they compromised to allow fired workers to collect unemployment benefits, retroactive to the last nine months.

Opponents of the Republican-backed bill questioned why a group that typically says government shouldn’t tell businesses what to do is taking up this fight.

Supporters of the bill said they were trying to protect the choice of people who don’t want to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The proposal bans state and local governments and public schools from requiring vaccines for their employers, contractors or students and also says first responders can’t be fired for refusing a COVID-19 shot.

The House can either agree to the Senate’s changes, sending the bill to Gov. Henry McMaster’s desk, or insist on its version of the bill, meaning a small group of House members and senators will have to work on a compromise between the two versions.

I agree that the area of government telling businesses what they can and cannot do is difficult. However, the civil rights laws passed in the 1960’s told businesses that they had to serve people regardless of race. I believe that principle applies in the area of vaccine status also. It is, however, a very tricky area–the amount of power that the government has over private businesses needs to be kept as small as possible.

Information The Public Needs

Evidently my posts on Facebook have been restricted as far as their distribution because I am accused of posting fake news. For anyone who is interested, there is a Right Wing Granny group on Facebook that anyone can join where I park articles that I may put on this blog later in the day. The following article is related to the articles and topic that have caused Facebook to label the Right Wing Granny group as posting false information.

Yesterday The Conservative Treehouse posted the following:

During testimony last week, attorney Thomas Renz gave testimony {Direct Rumble Link} on behalf of whistleblowers inside the military medical system who have access to vaccination data that is withheld from the general public.

The data on adverse medical conditions that surface after vaccination within the military is contained on a system called the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).  The documents that were released to Thomas Renz are now being reviewed {Direct Rumble Link}.  The resulting information is very disturbing.

…The research took five-year averages of medical conditions and then compared the track record to the results after the mandatory military vaccination program was initiated.  The results are alarming:

Heart Attacks +269%
Pericarditis +175%
Myocarditis +285%
Pulmonary Embolisms +467%
Cerebral Infarction +393%
Bell’s Palsy +319%
Guillain-Barre +250%
Immunodeficiencies +275%
Menstrual Irregularity +476%
Multiple Sclerosis +487%
Miscarriage +306%
HIV +590%
Chest Pain +1,529%
Labored Breathing +905%

[Article on the data Here]

Please follow the link above to read the entire article and watch the video included. It is disturbing.

Good News From Texas

On January 5th, One America News posted an article about a new COVID-19 vaccine.

The article reports:

Texas scientists rolled out a new COVID-19 vaccine, saying it’s patent-free and can be produced by any manufacturer in any country. The vaccine, called Corbevax, was developed by the Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine.

It has successfully passed human trials as safe and effective. The new treatment is based off protein-based technology that has been used in other vaccines for decades and it does not use MRNA.

India has already authorized production of 100 million doses per month of the new vaccine. Meanwhile, Texas scientists say not-for-profit vaccines will help defeat COVID-19 quicker.

…The Corbevax vaccine was found to be at least 80 percent efficient against the Delta strain and it’s said to be as effective as other vaccines against Omicron.

This is great news. There are some questions about the risk involved in MRNA vaccines. It is also evident that the money from big pharma has been involved in some of the decisions regarding vaccines and treatments for Covid-19. Since there is no patent on this vaccine, it will be interesting to see what happens. The first thing to watch for is how widely the discovery is reported in the mainstream media.

Bowing To Public Pressure

On Friday, The Epoch Times reported that even as an appeals court upheld vaccine mandates, private companies are dropping employee vaccine mandates.

The article reports:

More and more businesses in recent days have walked back previous rules mandating COVID-19 vaccine sas a condition for employment in a bid to keep workers.

Earlier this week, Amtrak—a quasi-public corporation—became the latest to rescind its vaccine requirement amid concerns about staff shortages and cut service in January. In a memo sent to staff that was obtained by The Epoch Times, Amtrak CEO William Flynn said the company would do away with the mandate that would have given employees until Jan. 4 to get fully vaccinated or go on unpaid leave.

About 500 out of more than 17,000 Amtrak workers remain unvaccinated, according to the memo. Still, the sudden loss of that many workers would have caused service disruptions, Flynn suggested, while noting that Amtrak was acting in accordance with recent court orders handed down against President Joe Biden’s sweeping vaccine mandates.

Several hospitals and healthcare systems have similarly rescinded vaccine mandates for employees and cited labor issues that were triggered by the new requirements. In early December, Florida’s AdventHealth announced the end of its vaccine requirement for some 83,000 workers, also citing the several recent court injunctions against federal mandates.

“Due to recent decisions by the federal courts to block the [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] vaccine mandate, we are suspending all vaccination requirements of our COVID-19 vaccination policy,” AdventHealth Chief Clinical Officer Neil Finkler said in a letter to staff. The move came after the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services confirmed to The Epoch Times that the agency suspended enforcement following two court orders several weeks ago.

Public pressure works. Any medical procedure has risks. It is up to individuals to weigh risk and benefit. Somehow those in our government seem to have overlooked the risk part. They have also chosen to overlook natural immunity. It’s time Americans began retaking control of their lives.

Concerning Numbers

On Wednesday WND posted an article about a study of the number of deaths caused by the Covid vaccine.

The article reports:

The CDC’s latest count of deaths attributed to COVID-19 vaccines is nearly 20,000, but a study by researchers at Columbia University estimates the actual number is 20 times higher.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, or VAERS, reports 19,886 deaths, 102,857 hospitalizations and a total of 946,461 adverse events due to COVID-19 vaccines through Dec. 3.

The article notes:

The Columbia researchers method of estimating underreporting was to use the regional variation in vaccination rates to predict all-cause mortality and non-COVID deaths in subsequent time periods, based on two independent, publicly available datasets from the U.S. and Europe.

They found that more than six weeks after injection, vaccination had a negative correlation with mortality. But within five weeks of injection, vaccination predicted all-cause mortality in nearly every age group, with an “age-related temporal pattern consistent with the U.S. vaccine rollout.”

Comparing the study’s estimated vaccine fatality rate with the CDC-reported rate, the researchers concluded VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, which is “consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias.”

The article notes the impact of some of the research and the reluctance of Pfizer to release all of the information about the vaccine and some of the problems caused by it:

Files obtained from the Food and Drug Administration in November through a Freedom of Information lawsuit recorded 158,893 adverse events from the Pfizer vaccine in the first two and a half months of distribution, including 25,957 incidents of “nervous system disorders.”

The lawsuit was filed by a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, comprised of more than 30 professors and scientists from universities including Yale, Harvard, UCLA and Brown. As WND reported, in court papers filed in December, the FDA proposed that it be given 55 years to release all 329,000 pages of documents related to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine requested by the group. The FDA has now modified that request, asking a judge for a delay of 75 years.

I am beginning to wonder how many of our government health officials own stock in the companies that are manufacturing the vaccines.