On September 23rd, The Center for Security Policy posted an article about the alliance between The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and Black Lives Matter (BLM). The ISM is a leader in the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. At the conclusion of an event in San Diego in 2014, ISM lead organizer Anna Piller, alias Anna Baltzer, send out an email blast urging her followers to descend on Ferguson, Missouri in 2015 and demonstrate with black American radicals there about the shooting of Michael Brown, a black 17 year-old robber who was killed by a Ferguson police officer when the youth tried to steal the officer’s gun after attacking him. Brown had just robbed a liquor store. That email also broadsided a cry for action “From Ferguson to Palestine,” bringing the BDS movement and Palestinian groups, both domestic and abroad, to ally with U.S. black “liberation” groups and radicals, and tying the goals of Hamas to domestic complaints by American blacks over alleged unfair treatment by US law enforcement. This is not news to Americans who have watched demonstrations turning violent in the past year. It has become increasingly obvious that much of the violence in these protests is being done by outside agitators rather than those in the areas of the protest.
The article reminds us of the plans of Hamas for America:
At another planning conference of the ISM at Duke University, Abe Greenhouse, a self-avowed anarchist and ISM leader told one seminar that similar riots occurring weekly in the “West Bank” against Israel’s security barrier provided training for American and European anarchists to bring similar “direct actions” to the U.S. border with Mexico one day. When we hear a presidential candidate discussing how he plans a wall along the U.S./Mexican border, it isn’t a long stretch to see what is coming, when busloads of anarchists will be brought to the U.S. southern border to riot and attack border patrol officers near the fence.
The BDS movement and BLM came out with new videos. circulating on the Web to bolster the connection between current goals of Hamas and BLM. One cries out a central theme of “When I see them I see us”, implying a connection between Hamas goals and black revolutionaries. Mainstream media continues to largely ignore this connection. Viewers of the video will only see a suite of black and white faces seemingly fighting alleged injustice and will not know is that some of those holding this statement up are convicted terrorists like Rasmeah Odeh who murdered two college boys with a bomb and is fighting deportation from the USA or Angela Davis, convicted of smuggling guns for a prison break during trial that resulted in a judge being killed . To the BLM and BDS activists, the idea of increased numbers and noise the film will generate through publicity and propaganda are all that matter.
The article concludes:
Israeli intelligence must take heed next time a BLM delegation tries to enter their country. All Americans should be better informed about plans to trick them into supporting the goals of the very terrorists who pose the greatest threat to the United States and do not really serve the US and worldwide black community at home or abroad. As this united front goes on, Americans can expect to see terrorism on a daily scale as experienced by the Israelis, with shootings targeting police, riots in the streets and at our border, and general mayhem against “occupation” as blacks and minorities will be pitched the notion they are “occupied” like the Palestinian Arabs claim to be. This is something Middle East Studies need to delve into as well, as this situation increases its presence on the world stage, because what goes on there is now being brought home to America.
(Readers should note: The same day this article broke, three Phoenix, Arizona police officers were run over by a black driver who intentionally targeted them. Israel has been having these hit and run attacks by automobiles driven by Arabs as part of the “Intifada” for a long time. The Phoenix attack is a major news story in the USA, but the plethora of car attacks by Arabs against Israeli civilians and police get almost no mention in the mainstream Media. It is this writer’s opinion that the Phoenix attack is a harbinger for the same tactics being shared by Black Lives Matter and Hamas as mentioned in this article. Hatem Bazian’s call for an Intifada in America is just starting. The driver who struck the police officers, Marc Laquon Payne, is an acolyte of the Black Panther Party which is part of the BLM/Black Liberation movement /Hamas connection.
Note that the group causing trouble in America includes not only Middle Eastern terrorist groups, but also anarchists with various backgrounds. Unfortunately the ISM movement and the BDS movement are widely accepted on American college campuses. I think it is time to look at what American colleges are teaching their students. These college students represent the future leaders of America, and if they are being indoctrinated into false principles, they will not preserve our republic. When America loses its freedom, where can we go?