When It Hits The Fan, Who Do You Throw Under The Bus?

The investigation into the unlawful surveillance on the Trump campaign and transition team is beginning to uncover the things the deep state did to keep Donald Trump from becoming President and to hinder his presidency after he was elected. Other Clinton scandals have also surfaced—Uranium One, relief to Haiti, the Clinton Foundation and pay-to-play, etc. So what is the logical conclusion to all of this investigating?

Tuesday night I had the chance to hear a conservative speaker who belongs to a watchdog group speak about the deep state. At the end of his presentation, a person in the audience asked him if he thought anyone involved in the deep state efforts against Donald Trump would ever go to jail. He said he didn’t think so. The person then asked if there are no consequences for illegal deep state activity, how do we end such activity. The speaker then reminded us that the purpose of the deep state was to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President and to remove him from office if he did become President. The speaker stated that he felt that if those efforts failed, it would discourage those in the deep state from trying this again. I really did not like that answer. Frankly, I would like to see some people go to jail, but I am not sure I am being realistic.

The history of Special Prosecutors is that someone goes to jail. The person who goes to jail does not have to be someone directly involved in whatever initial crime was involved, but can be someone tangentially related to whatever is being investigated.

In Watergate, this is the tally:

  • H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman (White House staff), resigned 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
  • John Dean (White House legal counsel), sacked 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
  • John Mitchell, Attorney-General and Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), jailed
  • Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy (ex-White House staff), planned the Watergate break-in, both jailed
  • Charles Colson, special counsel to the President, jailed
  • James McCord (Security Director of CREEP), jailed


In Whitewater, these are the convictions:

The Clintons were never charged with any crime. Fifteen other persons were convicted of more than 40 crimes, including Jim Guy Tucker, who was removed from office.

As you can see, Special Prosecutors tend to send people to jail. It will be interesting to see if things have changed.

So, if someone is to be thrown under the bus for spy gate, Uranium One gate, or the other scandals involving the Obama Administration and the Clintons, who will it be? It needs to be someone considered unlikely to turn state’s evidence—someone who will limit the damage to President Obama and Hillary Clinton. If the Clinton’s follow their past pattern, it will be someone who will be appreciative of financial support for their family magically appearing while they are in jail.

Stay tuned.