Be Careful Of The Spin

I don’t claim to be able to predict the future, but I am reasonably good at observing trends in the media. The next step by the collective voice of the mainstream media will be to attempt to paint the Taliban of today as different from the Taliban that we have known historically. They will be portrayed as the kinder, gentler Taliban. Please note the video in the previous article. The reporter notes that the Taliban soldiers are shouting “death to America,” but they seem friendly at the same time. That is a foretaste of the mainstream media reporting to come. Expect to see an attempt to portray the Taliban as simply patriotic Afghani people in the near future.

Today, One America News posted an article with the headline, “Taliban tries to appear inclusive in first press conference since taking control.” The Taliban knows how to play the American media.

There are a few things that are noteworthy in the article:

Of the various networks that attended the conference, many conveyed the same message. That message was that the Taliban is trying to come off as more moderate and less violent than before.

Mujahid attempted to paint a picture of a simple bureaucratic shift as if the last several weeks of bloodshed was merely a political procedure used in place of democratic elections. “A new government is about to be founded,” said Mujahid. “After completing a series of political procedures, we will hold a meeting with the leaders of various political factions and witness the birth of a political agreement. Then a strong Islamic government acceptable to everyone shall be established.”

…He went on to claim that things would be different this time around and that the people of Afghanistan had nothing to fear. However, the people of Afghanistan and the rest of the nation have begged to differ.

Mujahid also claimed the treatment of women in the Afghan society would be different, stating they would not be subjected to violence and would be given the opportunity to even participate in the Taliban’s new government. Although, a former family court judge who fled the Taliban, Marzia Babakarkhail, said those are empty promises.

The Taliban leaders have also stated that women would be given rights within the scope of Sharia Law. Essentially that means that women will have no rights.

This is not a kinder, gentler Taliban. There is no such thing. Prepare yourself for horror stories about the atrocities committed by the Taliban as they take over Afghanistan.