On Sunday, Breitbart posted an article about a decision made by President Trump about American dollars flowing to South Africa.
The article reports:
President Donald Trump announced Sunday that he is suspending all U.S. aid to South Africa after the latter passed a law on land expropriation, which many fear could lead to Zimbabwe-style seizures of land owned by white citizens.
The president made the surprise announcement on Truth Social, his own social media platform, on Sunday evening:
There have been reports of white South African farmers being murdered for their land with no consequences for the murderers. America cannot support this.
The article notes:
The issue of expropriation has been simmering for decades in South Africa, given the unequal distribution of land, most of which is owned by the white minority as a result of colonialism and apartheid. But until now, South Africa has been reluctant to follow the example of Zimbabwe, which seized land from white farmers in 2000 and plunged the country into starvation, as few black farmers were successful and many farms were stolen by the ruling party.
South Africa, like the United States, already allows the government to seize land under an authority similar to eminent domain, though the preference is for a “willing buyer, willing seller” transaction at fair market prices.
However, radical black nationalist and communist politicians continue to demand that the government seize the property of white farmers. Though few black South Africans want to farm, the issue remains an emotive one.
The article concludes:
Many white South Africans also believe that the high level of rural crime, including the murders of white farmers, is politically motivated. Trump spoke out against the phenomenon in 2018, and highlighted the expropriation issue.
In addition, South Africa also acts contrary to U.S. interests and alliances on the world stage, notably by cozying up to rival powers such as China and Russia, and also by backing Palestinian terror against Israel in international forums.
We need to end a lot of foreign aid–people can hate us for free!