Why They Fear Him

American right now is not working the way the Founding Fathers intended. The elite group currently running our government has been doing things their way for a long time. We are living in a country where Middle Class Americans enter Congress as ‘public servants’ and become millionaires in a few years.

The problem of political corruption is not new. Here are a few examples from the past fifty years or so:

Abscam–Eight politicians were convicted–1980

Post Office Scandal–1996

Keating Five Scandal–1989

There are many more examples–insider trading, Agenda 21, lobbyists writing laws, various sex scandals, etc. Washington has not been an example of morality and ethics for quite some time. It has been a long time since Congressmen were ‘public servants.’ There are some exceptions, but not enough to wield any real power. There is also the question of whether or not the phones of Congress have been bugged for years by the ‘deep state’ for persuasion purposes.

Along comes a second generation American with a strong work ethic who is wealthy enough not to be for sale and loud enough to break through the media narrative. President Trump, oddly enough, gave voice to many average Americans. If average Americans wake up to the corruption in our government and vote out the corrupt politicians, some of those politicians may lose their wealth, influence, and power. For many of those politicians, that is a scary thought.

So the elite politicians need to destroy President Trump and demoralize his supporters. Why his supporters? Because many of his supporters no longer believe what the media is telling them. If they begin to run for office and speak out, they are as much of a threat as President Trump. With the rise of the alternative media, many voters are doing their own research and thinking for themselves. Many voters are beginning to flight back against the assaults on traditional values.

President Trump is still a major threat to the status quo in Washington, D.C., but the real threat is Americans who are awake and aware of the fact that Washington as it currently operates does not represent them. That is the reason the establishment fears President Trump.