Will there ever come a time when the government feels that it has enough money to run the country, the state, or your town? I am beginning to wonder.
Holly Robichaud at the Boston Herald posted an article today about the tax bill passed by the Massachusetts House yesterday. While reading the details of this bill, please keep in mind that state revenue is presently $575 million above predictions. So what did the House do? They raised taxes!
The article reports:
How much are taxes going up? Bacon Hill says $500 million. Do you trust them? $500 million is just the first year. This is a tax package on steroids. It gets bigger every year with no end in sight.
Bacon Hill indexed the gas tax to inflation which means it will increase every year. This year it is an additional 3 cents. Next year it will increase again and the following year and the following year and the following year….. It is the gas tax increase to infinity and beyond.
Bacon Hill also tied the tax on underground storage tanks to inflation.
The cigarette tax is going up $1 per pack. This is a direct attack on poor people.
Unless the voters of Massachusetts change the way they vote, we can expect to see more of the same.