Who Is Leaking Lies?

Recently the press reported that President Trump had ordered the deletion of security tapes at Mar-a-Lago. Evidently this report was based on a reported charge by the Special Counsel’s Office. Understand that there is nothing neutral about this Special Counsel. He is the man who oversaw the corruption case against Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell. He got a conviction in that case, but the verdict was later overturned by the Supreme Court in a 9 to 0 ruling. He was appointed by the Biden administration to prevent President Trump from running for President and possibly winning the election.

On Sunday, The Epoch Times reported:

Former President Donald Trump categorically denied that he ordered the deletion of security footage at his Mar-a-Lago resort, coming after special counsel Jack Smith made that allegation as he added three new charges against the former commander-in-chief.

Last week, the special counsel charged Mr. Trump with willful retention of national defense information and two charges in connection to the claims that he allegedly told a Mar-a-Lago worker to delete security tapes to prevent a grand jury from seeing them. In that filing, the Department of Justice (DOJ) named Mar-a-Lago staffer Carlos De Oliveira as a third defendant in the complaint.

But on July 30, the former president denied those new charges. What the DOJ is doing now, he claimed, is tantamount to election interference ahead of the 2024 contest.

“Mar-a-Lago security tapes were not deleted,” Mr. Trump wrote on Truth Social. “They were voluntarily handed over to the thugs, headed up by deranged Jack Smith. We did not even go to court to stop them from getting these tapes. I never told anybody to delete them. Prosecutorial fiction & misconduct! Election interference!”

I wonder what threats the DOJ has made against the employee involved.

The article notes:

His attorney and spokeswoman, Alina Habba, told Fox News in a July 30 interview that Mr. Trump never directed an employee to delete tapes.

“When he has his turn in court, and when we get to file our papers, you will see that every single video, every single surveillance tape that was requested was turned over,” Ms. Habba said. “If President Trump didn’t want something turned over, I assure you, that is something that could have been done. But he never would act like that. He is the most ethical American I know.

“The new superseding indictment that came out, which they tried to get another headline for President Trump, was facts that said that President Trump did what? What was the obstruction of justice because no tapes were deleted. He turned them over; he cooperated as he always does. But they would like the American public to believe in these bogus indictments that there are some facts that say that President Trump was obstructing justice.”

Meanwhile, secret servers, bleachbit, destroyed cell phones, illegal wire taps, influence peddling and various other nefarious deeds by Democrat politicians have been swept under the rug and gone unpunished.

How It Was Done

On Saturday, The Gateway Pundit posted an article about a movie by Dinesh D’Souza which will be released on May 2nd. The movie is called  2000 Mules and documents the drop-box ballot-stuffing that took place in the 2020 election.

This is the link to the official trailer:

Official Trailer for 2000 Mules

The article at The Gateway Pundit reports:

2000 Mules is a documentary film created by Dinesh D’Souza. The film exposes the True the Vote’s video evidence of a coordinated, funded, illegal ballot trafficking network across critical swing states during the 2020 election.

…“They thought we’d never find out. They were wrong.”

Dinesh D’Sousa released the second trailer on Saturday night at the Trump Ohio Rally for the upcoming movie “2000 Mules.”

…In late January film producer Dinesh D’Souza released the first trailer for his upcoming movie “2000 Mules.”

True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create this bombshell movie that uses footage and tracking data they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America used to steal the election in 2020.

In early January The Gateway Pundit reported to our readers that our organization signed a legal agreement to hand over exclusive video from a major battleground state to True the Vote for their ballot trafficking investigation in the 2020 election.

True the Vote used cell phone towers to locate the people who entered the area where the ballot boxes were located and used footage from surveillance cameras to document what happened.

If nothing else, this illustrates the fact that drop boxes are a really bad idea if you want an honest election.