Violence is our schools is a problem. There is as much debate on the reasons for it as there is on the possible solutions. One solution that has been discussed is that of using military veterans as an armed presence in our schools, thus making them hard targets rather than soft targets. As with any solution, there are pros and cons to that idea. However, David Hogg (a former student at the Parkland School in Florida who was not in the building the day of the shooting in that school) has voiced an objection to placing armed men in our schools that makes no sense to me.
On Saturday, Breitbart reported the following:
While speaking at the June 11 March for Our Lives rally, gun control proponent David Hogg suggested that putting more cops in schools may actually endanger students do not have white skin.
Hogg suggested that a common response to school shootings is to put more police in schools.
He then claimed, “Putting more cops in schools hasn’t worked.” He cited two examples to bolster his viewpoint: First he pointed to the armed officer who stood outside Parkland instead of entering, even as the attack was carried out. Then he made claims about the police response to Uvalde.
Hogg did not mention the numerous times armed resource officers have saved lives on campus.
For example, on December 13, 2013, an 18-year-old with a shotgun entered Denver-area Arapahoe High School and had to face the fact that an armed resource officer was coming for him. The Denver Post noted that the resource officer was a deputy sheriff who, hearing a gunshot, ran toward the gunman. As the resource officer closed in, the attacker took his own life, ending the attack.
The Arapahoe attack lasted 80 seconds. The Sandy Hook Elementary attack, where there was no armed resource officer, lasted over nine minutes.
If there is someone in a school shooting children, I don’t think anyone cares what color that person is–he just needs to be stopped. There will never be a perfect solution to gun violence (because the problem lies in men–not guns). Until all people respect life and do not resort to violence, violence will be part of our society. Cain killed Abel with a rock. The problem was not the rock.