On Monday, Breitbart posted an article about the ongoing grooming scandal in Britain.
The article reports:
A whistleblower has claimed that an inquiry into the Rotherham child rape grooming gang scandal intentionally avoided implicating senior police officers in a report on local failures to protect young girls in the English town.
The left-wing Labour government of Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has claimed that previous local investigations into Muslim grooming gangs have been sufficient and that a fresh national inquiry into the widespread child abuse and the politically correct failures to safeguard primarily young white girls is not needed.
In an interview with the Times of London, an unnamed whistleblower involved in Operation Linden by the Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) said that the investigation was underfunded, unnecessarily limited to Rotherham, and was told where not to look too closely, and thus “barely scratched the surface” of the scale of the scandal.
“We were actively told not to pursue senior officers… It was just largely incompetent. There was just no passion or desire within the IOPC to understand what went wrong in Rotherham and find out why those girls were let down,” the whistleblower said.
The article notes the delicacy of the situation:
Contrary to longstanding denials of politically correct failures from police and local officials, the IOPC had previously found that police in Rotherham had been aware that child rape grooming “had been going on for 30 years and the police could do nothing because of racial tensions,” given that most of the victims were young white girls while most of the perpetrators were of South Asian heritage, a British euphemism typically referring to Pakistanis, or others from the subcontinent such as Bangladeshis and Indians.
The watchdog cited one unnamed Rotherham Police chief inspector as saying: “With it being Asians, we can’t afford for this to be coming out as Rotherham would erupt.”
Frankly, I hope all of the people who covered this up face serious consequences.
The article notes that the majority of the public wants a full investigation:
The latest revelations come amid increasing pressure on the left-wing Labour government of Prime Minister Starmer to launch a national inquiry. Starmer, who has dismissed demands for a national investigation as coming from the “far-right“, ordered members of his party to reject a motion in the House of Commons to open an inquiry.
Contrary to Starmer’s claims that the demand for a full investigation as being a product of the “far-right”, a YouGov survey last week found that 76 per cent of the public back an inquiry. Additionally, a poll from More in Common found that 41 per cent believe that the grooming gang scandal was intentionally covered up.