This Is Not Good News

On Monday, Breitbart reported  that Britain’s former Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) Rishi Sunak will be the new Prime Minister of Britain.

The article reports:

While the Conservative Party’s governing elite will be relieved to finally have their man cemented in power, having had Sunak as their favoured pick upended by ordinary party members last time, this development can hardly be good news for Britain. During his last stint at the top, having been Britain’s Chancellor during the coronavirus era, Sunak already oversaw a huge surge in government spending on Covid projects and a concomitant rise in taxation.

Tragically for hardworking Britons already having their earnings hollowed out by rampant inflation, it looks likely more tax rises will come under Sunak.

But as a Prime Minister now, not just a finance minister, there are other cultural and wider political concerns. Sunak is an acolyte of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and even gained the tacit endorsement of the Chinese Communist Party as a leadership candidate.

It had looked like years of bullish pro-China politics from the Conservative Party were finally waning with the arrival of Prime Minister Liz Truss, but with her brutally quick ouster and the coronation of Sunak it appears the Conservatives may be returning to form on China.

This is not good news for Britain or for the rest of the world.