Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Resigned

On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he is resigning. He plans to remain as a caretaker Prime Minister until the Liberal Party selects its new leader.

On Monday, Breitbart reported:

Trudeau said that if he is “having to fight internal battles,” he would not be the “best option” for the upcoming Canadian election, where Conservatives and their leader Pierre Poilievre are currently favored to win.

Trudeau said he has asked Canadian Governor General Mary Simon to “prorogue” Parliament until March 24. Prorogation means terminating the current session and effectively suspending Parliament until the designated date. Unlike dissolution of Parliament, when the prorogation period ends, the same representatives will reconvene for a new session.

“Parliament has been paralyzed for months after what has been the longest session of a minority parliament in Canadian history,” Trudeau said.

Trudeau has been leader of the Liberal Party since 2013 and became prime minister in 2015. He been under growing pressure to resign after a string of Liberal election defeats, party scandals, and plummeting approval ratings.

The article concludes:

Trudeau’s administration thus became the second Western government to collapse as a result of Trump’s election, the first being the leftist “Traffic Light Coalition” government in Germany. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said within hours of the U.S. election results that Trump’s return was a factor in splintering Germany’s ruling coalition.

President Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet, and he is making a difference!

Could This Happen Here?

On Tuesday, BizPacReview posted an article about the gun ban in Canada proposed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The article reports:

The leftist Canadian leader made the announcement during a press conference and adamantly stated that the country’s citizens have no business carrying guns without the explicit intent to hunt with them or use them for sport.

“Two years ago, our government banned 1,500 models of assault-style weapons,” he intoned. Then Trudeau listed weapons that are now banned in Canada.

“We also expanded background checks to keep firearms out of the wrong hands. We did it because it is what responsible leadership required us to do. And now, as we see gun violence continue to rise, it is our duty to keep taking action,” the prime minister proclaimed.

So if the laws you already passed are not working, why are you adding more similar laws?

The article continues:

“Today, we’re moving forward. We’re introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership. What this means is it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada,” Trudeau declared.

“In other words, we’re capping the market on handguns,” he stated, indicating that Canada would go the way of Australia on guns with confiscation becoming a potential threat to armed citizens there.

“We recognize that the vast majority of gun owners use them safely and in accordance with the law, but other than using firearms for sport shooting and hunting, there is no reason anyone in Canada should need guns in their everyday lives,” Trudeau said, according to the CBC.

“We need only look south of the border to know that if we do not take action firmly and rapidly it gets worse and worse and gets more difficult to counter,” he charged.

His wording eerily echoes that of President Joe Biden, who commented on Monday that 9 mm handguns are a threat in America that has to be addressed. He posited that there is no “rational basis” for such high-caliber weapons for self-protection, bluntly calling for a ban on them.

The article concludes:

Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) warned on Twitter, “The dystopian future Trudeau is manifesting in Canada is coming to America if U.S. citizens don’t get involved.”

“The U.S. Constitution is a gift from God. A bulwark against despotism. A unique advantage for Americans. The basis of American exceptionalism. Will it hold?” Representative Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) tweeted.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) wrote, “The True North strong and (less) free…” mocking the Canadian national anthem in regards to the stripping of gun rights.

Robby Starbuck, who is running for the House of Representatives in Tennessee, wrote. “Don’t let any leftist tell you that they’ll stop at AR-15’s. They won’t. Just look at Canada. In 2020 they banned AR-15’s. Two years and three weeks later they’re banning handguns too. This is the Dem’s plan. Don’t let them gaslight you. Our 2nd Amendment rights shall not be infringed!”

Chris Palombi (R-Md.) tweeted, “O Canada… Trudeau is turning our neighbors to the north into a totalitarian dictatorship. Just wait until the slippery slope continues and they begin seizing guns… Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

Does anyone actually believe that when legal gun owners surrender their guns, criminals will surrender theirs? If legal gun owners surrender their guns, criminals with guns will have a country full of unarmed victims. That’s not really a good thing.

My How Times Have Changed

On Sunday, Diamond and Silk posted an article contrasting Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaction to the Black Lives Matter protests to his reaction to the truckers’ protest.

The article includes the following image:

The article reports:

Just days ago, the Canadian government announced there will be “a police operation” carried out against the remaining peaceful protesters who support the Freedom Truckers.

“A police operation is expected to take place on Wellington Street and other locations in the downtown core of Ottawa,” according to Speaker Anthony Rota of the Parliamentary Protective Services (PPS).

Keep their promise, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau demonstrated an incredible show of police brutality and systemic discrimination. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police charged the line of remaining mandate freedom protesters, which injured multiple people.

“During the charge, two protesters were trampled by the police horses,” according to reports.

The article includes a clip of the police horses trampling a woman. Initially the police claimed that she had thrown a bicycle at one of the horses. That charge was proven false, but as far as I know, there has been no apology or retraction of that charge.

Public opinion is not on the side of the police, and the recent actions of the police are not helping their cause. It’s time for the police to refuse to remove the protesters and stand up for their own rights in the process.

Standing Up To Tyranny

On Friday, Red State posted an article about how two bitcoin companies responded to Trudeau’s deputy prime minister, Chrystia Freeland, talking about freezing financial accounts of people involved in the truck protest and the people who are supporting them financially. Many of the major banks instantly cooperated, but two bitcoin companies had a different response.

The article reports:

Bitcoin wallet company Nunchuk announced that they’d gotten a request to freeze accounts from the government, “Yesterday, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice sent us a Mareva Injunction, ordering us to freeze and disclose information about the assets involved in the #FreedomConvoy2022 movement.” But Nunchuk explained to the clueless government that they don’t hold any money like a custodial financial institution, they don’t collect user information apart from emails, and they don’t hold the keys to any of the wallets — that it’s all private to the user, by design.

…“Please look up how self custody and private keys work,” the company chided the government. “When the Canadian dollar becomes worthless, we will be here to serve you too.” Now, that’s gold. They even learned a lesson from this experience with the government, and now will be making it even more private by not even holding the email information in future updates.

The article also reports the response of Edge Wallet, another bitcoin company:

In the wake of ongoing turmoil taking place in the Canadian capital of Ottawa, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland has requested, via the Emergencies Act, that various financial services companies freeze accounts of those linked to protesters occupying the region, as well as those providing funding to the protests, but not present physically.

Regardless of whether the protests resonate with individuals or not, financial seizure is an unprecedented action that must be taken seriously. It’s with great consideration that we would like to share our official response to the request that Canadian users’ Edge accounts be frozen:

They finished with this meme.

I wish the major banks had that kind of courage.

It’s Never Really Been About The Virus

The coronavirus is real. I know. My husband and I are currently working through it. However, it is one more virus that shows up at various times in various places that we have to learn how to prevent and treat. It should not be an excuse for removing all of our God-given rights protected by the Constitution. It should also not be an excuse for claiming that the only solution to everything is one-world government. However, there is as much of that going around as there is the virus.

Last night on Fox News, Tucker Carlson showed a video of a speech given in September by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In the speech, Trudeau praised COVID-19 fears as an “opportunity for a reset” to “accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.” I guess Trudeau is part of the ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ school of politics. Notice that he does not seem overly concerned with actually dealing with the virus.

We are already seeing this philosophy in action in some states in America. Churches have been shut down in California while strip clubs remain open. When you consider that one of the goals of those who seek to destroy America is to destroy the foundations of America (part of that foundation is the nuclear family), closing churches and opening strip clubs makes sense. Another foundation of America is law and order and respect for those who enforce the law. The undermining of that began during the Obama administration and continues in many of our blue cities and states. The fact that the police did not take action ahead of time to protect those who participated in the recent march in Washington to support President Trump tells us that the Mayor did not think the marchers were worth protecting. The fact that the leftists attacked old people and families tell us about their level of courage. The fact that the marchers that supported President Trump did not destroy property or loot is in contrast to other ‘protests’ in blue cities around the country. It is also in contrast to the march that took place in Washington to protest the 2016 election.

We need to remember the ‘broken windows’ theory. If you don’t deal with small infractions of the law, bigger infractions will follow. If you don’t  deal with small infractions on your civil liberty and freedom, bigger ones will follow. The coronavirus is real, and it can be dangerous, but hiding in your house and ignoring the threats to our liberty will have greater long-term consequences than any virus.