On Friday, I posted an article about some of the things the new austerity programs will be eliminating. I quoted an article posted in The U.K. Daily Mail on Wednesday. One of the spending cuts cited in The U.K. Daily Mail article was $50 million dollars worth of condoms for Gaza. Hamas filled those condoms with helium and used them to send incendiary devices into Israel. This was not a good use of our tax dollars; however, some of Congress is defending the spending.
On Friday, Front Page Magazine reported the following:
Sen. Chris Murphy (D – Tehran) doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that the famine hoax has fallen apart and Hamas tossed it aside after the Biden – Witkoff deal allows it to claim victory.
But after the Trump administration froze the gravy train of aid, including $50 million in condoms for Gaza, Sen. Murphy tweeted that “It’s a lie. Made up. There was no U.S. funding for condoms in Gaza. What he stopped is programs to keep malnourished babies alive in Gaza. Aid groups say infants will start to die next week.”
Everyone knows the perpetually malnourished infants in Gaza can’t live without condoms. That then get turned into bombs.
…In fact the government’s own website shows $45 million being sent to the UNFPA to “SUPPORT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (SRH) CARE CLOSE TO THE DISPLACED POPULATIONS” under the State Department’s BUREAU OF POPULATION, REFUGEES AND MIGRATION. The UNFPA is the United Nations Population Fund which acts as the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency.
None of this has anything to do with ‘malnourished babies’.
Not only are we actually arming an enemy of one of our allies, we are wasting money on something the recipients really don’t care about. One of the things that Muslim men do is marry more than one woman to have multiple children by multiple wives. They plan on conquering the world by sheer numbers if nothing else. Sending them condoms is just dumb.