Back To The Drawing Board?

On Tuesday, The Blue State Conservative posted a sad tale on its website. It was the tale of an environmentally conscientious consumer and his Ford F-150 Lightning electric pickup.

The article reports:

Yet another electric vehicle disaster is making the rounds on the internet, this time as a YouTuber with over 1.4 million followers tried towing an ancient 1930s Ford Model A truck with a contemporary Ford F-150 Lightning electric pickup. Despite setting the bar ridiculously low – he just wanted to tow it just over 100 miles round trip – the entire experiment failed in a spectacularly “complete and total disaster.”

Youtuber Tyler Hoover says in the video, seen below, that “[i]f a truck towing 3,500 pounds can’t even go 100 miles — that is ridiculously stupid. He then highlights the basic argument against EVs. “This truck can’t do normal truck things. You would be stopping every hour to recharge, which would take about 45 minutes a pop, and that is absolutely not practical.”

He says of the exercise: “My plan was to make two trips up today,” he said. “About 32 miles each way, so that’s about 64 times two: 128 miles round trip.”

This is the video:

I think we have a little more work to do before we commit entirely to electric vehicles. If you want a truck to do truck things, obviously at this time an electric truck is not your answer.