On Sunday, American Greatness posted an article about the consequences of America’s open southern border.
The article reports:
The Biden administration has opened the United States’ border, and this has fundamentally threatened America’s national security in ways not felt since the early days of WWII. The implications of this open border are numerous and multifaceted. As should be expected, when a state does not enforce its sovereignty at its border, anyone can enter and do so anonymously. In this population of the many, many millions of people who have illegally crossed the border, there are—with certainty—criminals, agents of foreign powers, which undoubtedly include intelligence agents, potential saboteurs, soldiers, special operators, terrorists, and terrorist sympathizers. Also entering the U.S. are human traffickers and narcotics of every type, including fentanyl and other even more potent synthetic opioids and other drugs. In an era of COVID-19, the mass migration of people inevitably includes diseases, parasites, and potentially the next pandemic that will further stress the hospitals and health systems of the country.
America’s enemies must be thanking their lucky stars that Biden has essentially invited and welcomed into the U.S. anyone who can make it. The Biden administration has given America’s enemies the very tools they need to undermine the U.S. from within. Throughout history, America has fought its major wars with a secure homefront. Even with a population of immigrants, it was difficult for our enemies in Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union to infiltrate American society for two reasons: first, because America policed its borders and protected its citizens; and second, because of the inherent patriotism that Americans, even from these very same nations, felt towards their new adopted home. The same cannot be said for today, as we do not know who is in the U.S., nor do we have the same sense of patriotic responsibility as we did a half a century ago. Now, it is reasonable to believe that some of these unvetted aliens may be here to serve as a fifth column.
I don’t like the conclusions drawn in this article, but I really can’t refute them.
The article concludes:
Biden’s open border policy is an existential national security threat because now tyranny knows that the door is open. Tyranny, even if it has an American face, will follow a sadly familiar trajectory. What will happen in the United States is what has occurred on the path to every tyranny: once the tyrant knows that there is no effective opposition, he will keep pushing until he has absolute control. Today’s open border will segue soon into other issues, compelling the American people to yield. Permanent one-party control will be the result, which will soon elide into tyrannical rule. The American Republic will be lost. What the Biden administration has done is appalling and in hostile opposition to America’s history and American political ideology, culture, values, principles, and traditions. The new Republican leadership in the House of Representatives and state officials, as in Texas, have to employ every measure they can to stop this lawlessness—everything is at stake.
How many military-aged men have crossed our border in recent years? How many of those men had addresses in their pockets telling them where to report? Are militias being formed right under our noses? Thank God for the Second Amendment. It may be our only hope.