Author: R. Alan Harrop, Ph.D
Members of the Coastal Carolina Taxpayers Association (CCTA) generally believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and individual freedom. Unfortunately, to the disappointment of many, elected officials are frequently unwilling to take truly conservative positions on key issues. While the art of negotiation sometimes require compromise; clear, conservative positions should always be the starting point. Starting negotiations with half-way measures is unacceptable. To do so leads to voter frustration and apathy.
For example, the integrity of the election process is of deep concern to all clear-thinking patriotic Americans. For over 200 years, the election process in our country was reliable and trustworthy to voters. This is no longer the case. Early voting, machine counting, and excessive use of mail-in absentee ballots have undermined confidence in the election process. The Democrat party’s refusal to support citizenship requirements and photo IDs that will allow illegals to sway the result of our elections is also part of the problem. The question is, “What should our elected officials be doing about this?” Simple, we should return to paper, hand-counted ballots, cast on Election Day with minimal absentee ballots (e.g. for military and physically infirm). Instead, we hear talk about reducing the number of early voting days. Not good enough–a halfway measure at best which in no way solves the potential for fraud.
Another issue is climate change legislation. Do our conservative leaders actually believe in the unproven hoax that climate change is being caused by CO2 levels in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels? Do they not realize that the green energy agenda will destroy our economy and make us vulnerable to our adversaries like China and Russia? They should be introducing legislation to stop all subsidies for wind and solar, as well as requirements on energy producers to reach unrealistic, and costly carbon emission standards. Off-shore wind farms in North Carolina should be prohibited, and all restrictions on new nuclear energy plants removed. These measures would reduce the cost of energy, which is hurting the average citizen, and make our state competitive in a free economy.
The public education system in the state continues to promote critical race theory (or misnamed “social learning”); Diversity/Equity/Inclusion; as well as transgender ideas in our schools. Some efforts have been made to reign in this indoctrination, but the prohibition against these destruction ideas should be absolute. No society can exist and prosper that does not recognize and reward the effort and skill of their citizens regardless of race, gender, or other factors. Recognition and promotion should be based solely on competence and merit.
The socialist left has been undermining our country and having considerable success. Standing up to them will require determination and the courage to take strong positions and fight the good fight. Compromising and half measures will not return us to the country that we once were. Let’s hope our elected officials are up to the challenge to save our country from socialism.