Who Are We Funding ?

The source for this article is an article by Scott Johnson at Power Line posted today.  His source is a much longer article at Big Peace by Christine Brim.  The article by Christine Brim is much more detailed and well worth reading. 

The White House is presenting a workshop tomorrow put on by a number of government agencies.  The workshop is for leaders of about 20 Muslim groups.  The purpose of the workshop is to provide “funding, government assistance and resources” for these groups.

According to Power Line:

“Working from an Islamic Society of North America email newsletter, Ms. Brim notes that the workshop will apparently afford special access for the organizations in attendance. The organizers pledge to provide “direct access” and “cut through red tape.” Readers with long memories may recall that the ISNA is perhaps best known as one of the unindicted co-conspirators in the Hold Land Foundation prosecution. More good news: an iftar dinner will be held after the workshop.”

According to the article at Big Peace, the groups attending are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.  The article points out:

“The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, is a global Islamist political movement dedicated to imposing Shariah law on all nations and institutions.  Their credo is “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.””

This does not seem to be a wise use of taxpayer dollars.  Somehow I don’t believe that the attendees at this meeting are working toward becoming more assimilated into American culture.  (Although the fact that they are looking for ways to get government money might be an indication that I am wrong on that!)  American culture is not perfect, but I prefer our Constitution to Shariah Law.